Rebound Man


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"Mary and I were just reviewing some calculations for molecular weights while we were waiting for you. Now we can go on with some other things that you may be having some difficulties with. Oh, by the way, did Sammy remind you that I need to leave a little early tonight? I have a, an appointment tonight that I need to go to. So if we don't get quite finished, maybe you two can talk over whatever is still to be covered, Okay?"

"Uh, yes, Sam did say you needed to leave early. Maybe we can finish whatever in my room when you need to leave."

With that, we started into the course work that Mary and I were taking in the regular class. I have to admit, going over this with Mary and Beth was indeed helping me to understand this much better than I was getting from just the regular class time. After we had covered almost everything that had been in today's class, Beth looked at her clock and said she needed to get ready for her appointment.

So Mary and I picked up the papers we would need to continue and I dragged my chair back over to my room. I had a small refrigerator in my room, so I pulled out soft drinks while we were studying. We started right where we had left off with Beth and before too much time had passed, we finished up everything for today.

I had let Mary sit on my desk chair and I had sat up against my headboard when we started, but during the study time, Mary had picked up a paper and had wanted to look at it together and had nudged me over so she could sit beside me. She had also been touching my arm and let her hand fall onto my leg while we talked. I didn't have to work at getting a semi hard-on going.

She picked up the books and papers and set them on my desk chair and sat back against my pillows against my headboard and held my arm. Then she leaned over and kissed me, and I kissed back.

"Bob, I hope you won't think badly of me, but I asked Beth if you were dating anyone right now. You know that I had a not-too-nice experience recently, and I didn't want to risk getting a flat-out rejection again. She told me that you are interested in someone else, but that you aren't dating her yet, but I can see that you find me attractive. Would you feel too weird if I asked you to pretend that I was the girl you are interested in and hold me for a while? I don't expect you to make any long term commitment, maybe just an hour or two; I just want a good experience to help me get over that former experience. I promise I would make it worth your time."

'Don't overplay this, Bob. This girl wants a good experience and says no commitment. Just go along without getting too over the top. You can always stay friendly and maybe even be intimate some more at some later date.'

"Mary, I can't make a long term commitment; Beth is right about that; but I do find you so attractive. I guess, I guess I haven't been as good at hiding my response to you as I thought."

"Well, I kind of thought that this is a pretty good indicator of your feelings. I have noticed it growing as we talked and every time I touched you, it seemed to grow a little more. Please, touch me now. Show me what I can do to help you feel better for a while."

I stood up and reached out my hand to help her stand beside my bed. I caressed her back and kissed her again. We stood and hugged a while and then she started unbuttoning my shirt. I pulled it out of my waistband when she got down as far as she could and she pushed it off of my shoulders. Then she started unbuttoning her blouse. When she got down as far as she could go, I pulled her blouse out of her waistband and pushed it off of her shoulders.

She reached out and started unbuckling my belt and I reached out and undid her belt. I hugged her again and ran my hands up to her bra strap and unclipped it. She leaned back and grabbed it between her breasts and flipped it up over her head and down on the floor. I leaned down and kissed her right breast. She hugged my head tightly to her and tried to reach out to push my pants down with her other hand.

I took a half step back, knelt down and grabbed her pants and panties and started to slide them down off her hips. She waited until I had them down to her ankles and she stepped one foot out, and then the other. I couldn't resist kissing her right above her slit and placing my hands on her ass and giving a little squeeze while she ran her fingers through my hair.

She reached down under my chin and pulled my head up and made me stand, then grabbed my pants and boxers, and shoved them down to my ankles where she pulled off my shoes, my pants, my boxers and my socks. She tilted her head up and then put both hands on my prick before she took a lick from the very bottom, all the way to the tip. I have to admit that it jumped around when she did that and if she hadn't been holding it; she wouldn't have been able to catch it in her mouth.

My hands naturally went to the sides of her face and I held her hair back so I could see her swallow my prick to the back of her throat. I have never been one to put my hands behind the girl's head and push in, I feel that she is doing me a favor and she shouldn't be forced.

"Mary, Mary... You have to stop for a minute. I'm too close to let you do that for a few minutes unless you want me to come in your mouth. And besides, I want to get my licks in, too."

"Oh, Bob. You are such a gentleman, my old boyfriend wouldn't have warned me and he would have been pushing in so hard that I'd gag before he'd stop. I knew that you would be a much more pleasant experience than..."

"Shh! No former boyfriend exists. No one should ever treat you like that. You deserve to be treated properly and I will do nothing if I cannot do it properly."

I helped her to her feet, and then picked her up and lay her in the middle of my bed. Then I crawled up between her legs until I could kiss the inside of her thighs and I proceeded slowly kissing up inch by inch and from one thigh to the other until I planted a kiss on, and made a lick right up through, her slit. She grabbed my hair and with her fingers under my ears tried to pull me up further for another kiss.

But I wanted her to come before I got back up there, so I held out and proceeded to give her a real tongue lashing. When I felt her tense up and spasm and relax, then I went ahead and moved on up. But I stopped at her tits and licked around both nipples a short while before going all the way to her lips. After I gave her a kiss, I pushed up to look in her eyes while on my hands and knees.

"Are you sure?"

"God yes! If you don't put that in me now, you'll be picking yourself up off the floor."

As I slid in, I tried to go slow but she swung her legs up over my butt and yanked me down hard. My prick went in to the hilt, and she moaned and started having more spasms. She was chanting 'Yes, yes, yes' as I slid in and out. Suddenly, her head went back down against the pillows, her tits jammed up against my chest, and her legs were pulling down mashing her pussy tight against my groin with my dick buried clear into her cervix.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! I can't hold out, I'm coming, I'm coming; I'm coming. So hard, I'm coming so hard."

I blasted away, once, twice, a third time, and a fourth. She was still holding up tight against me, she hadn't started to relax. Her eyes were rolled back into her head and I started to worry if she was okay when all of the sudden, she just collapsed back onto the bed and started gasping for air. I held myself up on my hands and knees so I wouldn't crush her and so she could breathe easier. Her hips fell back last and she mumbled what sounded like the words 'no, not yet'. But she was finished, I could tell.

I wondered if she had screamed out as she came, but I had come so hard that I just wasn't sure. I kind of listened to see if I heard feet running to find out if I was killing her. And I swung myself over to the side so I could lie down next to her on the bed before I fell down on top of her.

Neither of us could speak, we just lay there panting for something like 10 minutes. When I felt a little strength returning, I rolled up and went into the bathroom, and got a wet washcloth to wipe her face. She smiled at me and after I finished she took the cloth and wiped my face. Then she smiled again.

"Wow, I would love to feel that again, but not for a day or two or more, ha, ha, ha. I'm not sure I could survive that until tomorrow or the next day, or next week some time. Oops, I think I need to use this cloth for something other than our faces. Otherwise, you'll need to change your whole bed before you can sleep tonight."

She said the last as she jammed the cloth down over her pussy trying to catch our juices. I suddenly realized that I hadn't used a condom and I hadn't asked if she was protected. She must have recognized the look on my face or at least suspected what had flashed through my mind, because she said she was safe. She said it was the wrong time of the month if I was trying to trap her into marrying me, and she was on the pill and she had her diaphragm in, too. Although she admitted that she wasn't too sure about the diaphragm any more, I may have punched right through it because she had never felt anyone go into her cervix before.

"Thank goodness. It might have ruined your life if you got pregnant during the school year and felt that you had to leave. Of course, it would have required me to make some major changes also, if my Dad let me live after he found out; and if your Dad didn't get to me first!"

She laughed and said that it was so sweet that I had thought first about what would happen to her and then what would happen to me.

"That other guy that I used to know would have asked who else I was doing so he could try to weasel out of any responsibility. But I am not going to think of him, anymore. He is no longer an issue and he is even disappearing from my memory. You have helped me more than you can know, Bob. Now I know that you feel committed to that other girl, and I wouldn't even feel bad if you were thinking some about her while you loved me, because it did feel like love not just a fuck.

"Maybe this isn't the time or place to be saying this, but, you have made me feel whole again and I think to avoid any weirdness; and since I feel that I actually am capable of going on without it; I'm going to stop coming to Beth for tutoring at least until I feel lost in chemistry again and if I can't find anyone else to tutor me at that time.

"I hope that things will work out for you with that girl, but if you ever need me, you just call and I'll do whatever I can to help. I definitely wouldn't mind a repeat of what happened tonight if; I'm not, and you're not, in a relationship with someone else. Now I better get myself presentable again and get out of here. I have an 8:00 class in the morning and I'm sure you have things to take care of too."

We picked up her clothes and she slipped into the bathroom to put them on while I put on my clothes again. We sorted out our books and papers and she took her stuff and I walked her down to her car at the front curb. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her to drive safely back to her apartment. We waved as she turned the corner at the end of the block and I walked back into the house.

I noticed Sam's car and Beth's car in their usual spots in the parking area, so both should be here unless Beth actually did go out somewhere, But I thought that she had just said that to allow Mary and I time to follow the plan. So when I didn't find either of them anywhere downstairs, I went looking for them upstairs.

Sam's room is closest to the top of the stairs so I knocked there first. When I didn't get an answer, I went to Beth's door. They must have been watching out the window when Mary left, because with the first rap, the door flew open and they yanked me in.


"Well, what? Okay, okay. Beth, Mary will probably tell you herself in the next day or two, but she said she felt confident that she wouldn't be needing any tutoring for a while since she no longer was concerned about 'what's his name'. And Sam, I feel that the plan has to be considered a total success."

"That's not what I was asking about. I wanted to know if she gave it up, we knew that the plan would work to fix her self-confidence, but I didn't know if you would get a piece of tail out of it or not. But I guess that calling it a total success does sort of indicate a roll in the hay for you as well."

"Sammy, that isn't a very nice way to put the situation. But I agree that it does seem to mean that Bob got a little loving out of the plan as well. How did it go, Bob? Is there anything that we should plan as a follow up or do you feel that she'll be okay now?"

"Well I really do mean I think it is a total success. She seemed very at ease with everything when she left and she even joked about a return performance at some later date, if I ever needed it, but that she hoped things worked out for me and my girl. I'm sure that you can judge better when you talk with her, Beth, but I'd say no further work is needed."

"Great! That means the way is open for me and Beth to take advantage of your time without having to allow any for anyone else, at least for a while... Maybe with your help, I will make it through this last year in school and be able to get on with the rest of my life, without any further delay. Of course, with what Beth told me, and what we could hear through the door of your room, we may not want to stop fucking with you even after I graduate."

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ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 1 year ago

It's a cute little story but up until Beth sucked her brother's dick, I was beginning to wonder why you put this into the incest category at all. The focus of the story was more about Bob and Mary than it was about Bob and his sisters. This was a decent place to end it but I could see you adding a chapter or two more if the mood strikes you. The other readers are all for it so knock yourself out.

I can't bring myself to give you a five because there were a few paragraphs scattered throughout that made me feel like I was reading something written by a Middle School student. There were also times when you presented explanations that were totally unnecessary. But overall I enjoyed it. 4/5

HardsoftailHardsoftailover 1 year ago

Just finished the story, and I liked it very much. It lead to me wondering if you were going to continue with the story line with all the characters introduced.

dropshot67dropshot67over 7 years ago
Needs a sequel

Liked the story but it leaves me wanting to read the next chapter

Turtle1952Turtle1952over 7 years ago
I liked it

but the story is not finished yet. We have had no incest to read about and I would love to read about what they get up to especially with Sammy.

kelprimekelprimeabout 8 years ago
good and bad

The idea was great and kept me reading.

The dialogue was like bad actors doing monologues at each other.

Much of the information was completely useless. No one cars about the block of text explaining his schedule details... I suspect not even you really cared. Why even do it?

I recommend using more short dialogue exchanges and bring up small information points as it relates to it. Like so: "Ya, I can see you around 7," I said. This was the only time I could make it due to getting off work around 6.

It makes a difference. =]

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