Remote Control


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"Oh yes. I did orgasm, and I like it. It felt so good," I moaned.

"Diane, you shouldn't orgasm, over a phone call. Who was it?" she asked.

"I don't know, it sounded like a woman's voice," I told her.

"That is very weird. Are you all right now?" she asked me.

"I'm terrific! I feel so wonderful," I stroked my lithe figure up and down my sides and purred.

"I have to finish up, I'll see you in a few minutes. You just lie there and bask in the afterglow," she giggled and left, shaking her head.

When Maggie returned, I was napping lightly, so when I finally roused, I felt her gently holding my hand and reading a romance novel, "Hi Maggie, have I been asleep long?"

"Not very. You needed your sleep, so I didn't wake you. It was nice just relaxing here and watching you sleep. Nevertheless, it's getting late now, and I should go home. I just didn't want you to wake up, alone. I'll be back tomorrow and see you, okay?" she asked.

"Thanks, Maggie momma. I'll see you tomorrow," I agreed sleepily, "Drive safe and please come back to me. Remember, little Diane needs you." (Yawn)

When she left, I realized that the wet spot I had been sitting in when I fell asleep was gone. I later learned that Maggie had changed the bed after her shift was over, not wanting me to have to endure the humiliation of having a stranger do it.


The next morning Maggie visited me and brought several books on fashion, makeup, and feminine hygiene, which I gratefully accepted and read with more interest, than I would have ever believed a week ago, but of course now these things were about me.

Over the next week, Maggie helped me through many of the basics, in femininity. I had used the bathroom by myself, and now, I know how to do it properly (I didn't realize it was that complicated for girls). I could dress myself somewhat and even apply some basic makeup. Maggie even taught me how not to walk like, (as she put it) a clumsy elephant.

It was painfully obvious to the both of us that I still had, one hell of a long way, to go. Who knew that there was so much more to swapping genders, than just anatomical differences? Even simple stuff like, what kind of socks to wear for what kind of shoes. (Never, never wear socks with high heels. It makes Maggie crazy!)

Maggie had also discovered by this time that I live in a condo a few miles away, at least that's what the information in my purse indicates, as well as a set of keys that claim they will open the door.

"Maggie, I hate to ask this, but could you go by 'my condo' and check it out for me? One of the other nurses said that when I was found on the hospital doorstep, I was only wearing a plain white hospital gown with, 'my butt hanging out.' Maybe there are some clothes there you could bring back for me to go 'home' in? I might cause a commotion trying to walk out of here, naked," I hesitantly asked her after she had been quizzing me on deportment for about an hour.

"Sure honey, I'd be happy to. I am so proud of you, and I hear you are healing up so well, the doctor told me that you could go home tomorrow. Therefore, I'll have to swing by your condo tonight, and see what I can scare up. Why don't you get some sleep honey? I'll see you early tomorrow. It sounds like I'm going to have a busy evening. I'll need your purse. Do you mind if I take it with me?"

"Sure, you'll probably need it," I readily handed it over.

Maggie accepted it, but instructed, "One thing to remember after tonight for you though. A lady would never hand her purse over so readily. She keeps all of her most personal things there. Of course, I've been into this purse more than you have and you haven't had a chance to personalize it yet," she smiled really big. "Whoever planted this purse on you was definitely a woman though, there's a spare pair of panties, tampons, and Maxi Pads in it. A man might have thought about the last two, but the panties are certainly a woman's touch."

Maggie continued after a pause, "You know dear, after I have spent so much time with you, first when I cared for you while you were unconscious for two weeks, and then all of this week, and I have to tell you that I'm starting to feel very maternal toward you, like you really are my daughter."

She, swallowed hard and kept going, "There's something you should know about me. I found out years ago that I would never have any children of my own, so this last week has been rewarding in a way for me, that's hard to explain. I guess what I'm saying is, if you don't mind, I'd like to keep helping you after you go home," she was looking into her hands very intently, and seemed afraid I might turn her down.

"I'd like that mother, if you want to. I have grown so close to you too, in some ways, even closer than with, my... ah... Howard's real mother," I blushingly told her, after picking up her hands in mine and getting her to look me in the eyes.

She started crying and hugged me saying, "I guess I never knew how much I wanted to have my own child until I met you. You seemed to need me so much!"

"I'm so scared about what has happened to me, I needed you before and still need you more than you can know," I blubbered back, embracing her.

"It's settled then, at least for the near future. Anything you might expect from any other girl's mom, I'll be there to support and give to you. Now, you get some sleep young lady. Tomorrow I'll help you dress and take you home," she stroked my face and kissed me good night on the forehead.


The next day Maggie came walking into my room lugging a small suitcase, "Girl, you are not going to believe that condo of yours! I picked up some clothes for you, but there doesn't seem to be very may outfits in the dressers or closets, maybe a week's worth of changes. It is all very strange. However, the furnishings and the view are unbelievable. Your condo is on the waterfront, of Lake Washington!" she squealed.

That news made my eyes pop open wide. That's some of the most expensive real estate around here.

"Have you had your shower and did you shave your legs and underarms like I showed you?" she queried setting the luggage down, and folding her arms under her bosom, like all moms do.

"Yes mom, I shaved just like you showed me," I said, in my most exasperated teenage girl's tones.

Maggie hugged me and giggled, "I just love it when you call me mom." She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Let me show you what I brought for you to wear home, and then I'll help you get them on, okay?" she tossed the bag onto the end of the bed and popped the suitcase open.

"Are you going to have enough time before your shift?" I asked her concerned that she was spending so much time with me that she might be late for work.

"Don't worry your pretty head hon.. I took the week off so I could help you settle in and to try and help you to figure out what happened, and who did this to you," she started pulling clothes out of the suitcase and laying them out for me.

I picked up a pair of black lacy panties that looked like they were out of the 'Victoria's Secret Catalog,' and slipped them up my legs and over the big woman's butt I seemed to have acquired. (It feels even bigger than it looks when it's your butt.) Seeing those sexy panties up flat against my crotch made me shudder all over. No boy ever expects to see that, at least not from this angle.

Maggie came up to me and grabbed my arm saying, "Steady girl, I realize that you are not used to these kinds of sexy clothes, just try to enjoy all of the thrilling sensations you are going to feel," she said steadying me and misunderstanding my reason for shuddering.

"Whew, I'm kind of getting wet watching you in those. Damn girl, you look hot," she told me, with a genuinely admiring look on her face.

I blushed, but she had bolstered my confidence, so I put on the bra next, or that is to say, I tried to put on the bra, next. I was so lucky to have Maggie there to help me. I'm still a bit clumsy at it and she had to show me how to adjust the straps so that it fit properly. (How would I know how to adjust one? I never had anything to feed one with, before!) Once she had the lacy, soft, garment, gently caressing my breasts, I couldn't help but notice my nipples were incredibly clenched and poking out quite obviously through the lacy cups.

"Oh my, I do believe that you like your new bra," she tittered, staring at my protuberances.

I blushed, but still couldn't keep myself from cupping my boobs with my little hands and then moaning quietly, "Mmmmm."

Smiling broadly, Maggie walked up to me, cupped my breasts as well, and then gave my nipples a little tweak.

"Oh God!" my knees started to give out and Maggie had to catch me.

"Shhh, you'll have half of the nursing staff in here like that. I think you are going to like being a girl, whether you think so right now, or not," she grinned and steadied me.

"Thanks for catching me and you can do that again any time," I was still trying to catch my breath. "But if you do, I just hope you brought more than one pair of panties! Shit, I'm wearing panties, talking about them, and referring to me as the one wearing them, it's just so weird. But they feel so silky and sexy, Ooh," I was smoothing my hands on them, across my flat little tummy, still so very confused.

"Well, on that erotically enticing notion, let's move on to your pantyhose now, before the other nurses have to come in here and hose us both down," she had taken a hankie from her purse and was dabbing at her 'glowing' face with it lightly.

"Okay now, see you have to roll them up like this..." she went on like that, until I was fully dressed, wearing a mid-calf, plain looking, black skirt (Inherently sexy.), and a pastel pink, lacy silk blouse, walking around on, one inch high, black pumps. It was a very new and sensually arousing experience for me that I just loved.

She allowed me to do my own makeup. We had been practicing all week and she told me I did a really good job and only needed minor help from her.

"The doctor should be in to give you, your final exam any..." she started to say, while she was inspecting her handy work. (Namely me.)

"Ready to go home Diane?" Dr. Burnheart asked as she swept into the room, as she usually did. "Wow! Look at you! With that Strawberry Blonde hair and the knock out figure topped off by the waif looking face... I guess maybe we should send you home with a bodyguard," she was holding one of her hands against her upper chest, her eyes bugging out, ogling me.

"Dr. Burnheart, that is not a very professional attitude!" Maggie admonished moving closer toward me, protectively.

"I know... but... she is so beautiful... a real hottie! Every man in the hospital who sees her will either trip over his own tongue or drown in his own saliva," the Doctor exclaimed breathlessly. "I better notify the emergency room to expect casualties."

I started crying. The last thing I felt like being was beautiful.

"Examination over, Doctor! Diane is checking out, now," Maggie grabbed my hand, the suitcase, and stormed out of the hospital room and the hospital.

Dr. Burnheart followed at our heals, apologizing the whole way to Maggie's car, where Maggie stuffed me into the passenger seat and drove off, leaving Dr. Burnheart standing at the curb.

"I don't think she meant to be distasteful dear, but when she gets like that everything from there is a downhill spiral," Maggie confided as she carefully guided her car along the roads. "I'll see to the checkout paperwork later."

"Do I really look like a waif?" I asked, with my lower lip and chin trembling.

"Honey, you have so damn much waif that you could melt Scrooge's heart!" she told me. Squeezing my knee with her right hand, "And if you don't stop that chin tremble," she scolded, shaking her finger at me, though not taking her eyes from the road, "I'm going to have to stop this car, hold you, and rock you until you do stop."

I had to stop and giggle, "I can see I'm going to need lots of tissues for quite a while."

"Okay then sit back, relax, and we should be at your place in five minutes," she promised. "I hate to say this, but your place is so much nicer than mine I'm tempted to ask you to stay over for the week, so I won't have to spend the time driving to and fro. We can maximize our time getting you up to speed, woman skills wise that is," she admitted, with just the hint of a sly smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Would you? Please? I'm kind of afraid to be there alone, just yet," I asked her, feeling so tiny, feminine, and vulnerable sitting in her car, wearing panties, a bra, a full slip, pantyhose, skirt and a silk blouse, not one damn thing I was wearing could even be confused as masculine.

"It's settled then. Now, it's confession time. I already kind of, planned on this, so I have a suitcase in the trunk with a weeks worth of clothes in it already," she smiled at me reassuringly.

She turned off the road and entered a private garage, taking a code key from my purse, (Damn, that feels so unnatural to say, even now) to open the security barrier.

After parking in a spot, labeled 'Toyavich,' right next to the elevator, she grabbed our bags, (I tried to take mine, but she told me she didn't want me to open any incisions) and we entered the elevator.

She pressed the 'Penthouse' button and slipped the code key into a slot, which closed the door and brought us up to the penthouse.

"I, live in the penthouse?" I asked wide-eyed.

"I told you that it was nice. Wait until you see it," she was like a kid, on Christmas morning.

The elevator opened right into the condo, no hallway, and no corridor. (There was of course, a video camera and a monitor, which allowed us to see who was in the elevator before letting it come up.) It opened into the living room, a huge, elaborately decorated room with sofas, love seat, recliners, coffee tables, and the works. The whole East wall of the room was picture windows looking out over the lake and the buildings own docks. There was a flat panel, high resolution, TV hung on the wall and a nice looking desktop computer sitting on a roll top desk, off to one side.

The kitchen was huge with a butcher block in the middle, gas stove, built-in microwave, professional conveyor style dishwasher, copper pots, and pans hanging from the overhead railing. There was a walk-in refrigerator and freezers, built-into the space with a full size walk-in pantry.

The bathroom had the conventional fixtures as well as, a bidet, a Jacuzzi bathtub, and a double shower stall. (It hadn't even occurred to me that there was no urinal.)

A deck ran the full length of the east side, with a hot tub at one end surrounded with a glass gazebo that could be screened off. (Hot tubing in the buff all year round.)

There were three bedrooms and each one with a huge bed in the center, all of them with pink, lacy coverings and full skirts, nightstands, dressers, a vanity, and a hope chest. Each bedroom, has it's own attached 3/4 bathroom. (Good thing the bathtub in the main bath was big enough for three.)

"You say all of this is, mine? How the hell will I be able to make the payments?" I asked worriedly.

"No dear, I told you that you own it, the whole building free and clear. The tenants pay rent to you. That's how you make a living, as a landlord," she was shaking her head as if she could hardly believe it either.

The pink, princess phone, on the magazine stand rang and we jumped.

"Hello?" I asked.

"How do you like your new home? You're such a sissy that I bet you are about to cum in your panties. (Insane giggling)," and the phone went dead.

"Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhh...!" I screamed as I fell to the carpet and had a huge, gushing, twitching orgasm right there on the living room rug.

"Diane! What happened? Did she make you orgasm again?" Maggie asked excitedly.

"Do you have a cigarette?" I asked her, even though I didn't smoke.

Maggie leaned down and hugged me tightly, "You don't smoke, silly. However, that sure answered my question and judging by the wet spot on the carpet, you just had a hell of an incredible orgasm."

"Oh God Maggie, she told me that I liked my new home so much that I was going to cum in my panties and I sure did!" I admitted. "It was the best thing I ever felt in my life!"

Maggie helped me to my feet and walked me into one of the bedrooms, (I assume it is the master bedroom, because it is maybe a foot or two larger than the other two) and right through it to the bathroom. She stripped and took a washcloth to me quickly to clean off the intense smell of pussy. After placing me into the big pink bed, Maggie pulled a Baby Doll from the dresser and slipped it onto my, semi-limp body and tucked me in. "You lay there and recover, I'm going to go and star 69 the phone to see if I can get the number of the person who just 'rang you up', (tee he), as the Brits would say! And sister, were you ever 'rung up'!" she left giggling.

Moments later she returned, "It didn't work. She must have a blocker."

"I hope she calls again. I like it. I like it a lot," I admitted half dreamily.

"I would think that it should worry you. Some woman has the ability to make you fall to your knees, orgasming, at any time. I'd be scared to death," Maggie made my vulnerability clear to me.

"Oh my God, that's right, I could be walking down the street and wham," I shuddered, "I'm a quivering puddle of feminine pussy juice, completely vulnerable to anything," my eyes were wide and I was holding my tiny hand over my mouth.

"If she can make you have an orgasm, what else might she be able to do?" Maggie suggested. "Remember, we found those devices all over your body."

"What can I do? I don't know why this is happening to me, or how," I was tearing up again after Maggie scared the holy shit out of me. (Damn hormones.)

"I know hon.. Don't you fret, I'll be here 24/7, at least for a while. Maybe I can protect you from what she's doing to you," Maggie held me tenderly and confidently reassured me.

The phone rang again and Maggie answered it this time, "Hello?"

"Well, if it isn't Howard's protector. I have news for you lady, who will protect him from you? He should be starting to puddle any second and the pheromone level in that room will go off the charts. Enjoy your lesbian interlude. Ha, ha, ha!" and the voice rang off.

Howar... Um... Diane... that was, you know... her. Do you feel strange or anything odd? She said that..." 'Sniff, sniff,' "Does it feel warm in here to you, all of a sudden, Diane?"

"Maggie! Oh no...! She's making me wet the bed. I'm sitting in a warm puddle and it's getting bigger and I can't squeeze it off," I screeched, pulling the covers off, from on top of me.

Maggie was sniffing the air and fanning her face with her hand, trying to cool off her flushed face, "Slip your panties off and let me have a look," she unbuttoned the top buttons, on her blouse and was stroking her flushed, and moist with perspiration, cleavage, gently and sensuously.

I slipped off the Baby Doll's panties while I could still feel myself flowing heavily, the puddle ever expanding, and handed the sopping wet things to Maggie.

I couldn't believe it when she took them and started rubbing those wet, slimy things all over her pretty face, sniffing them and moaning all the while. She reached up and ripped open her blouse, buttons popping off everywhere, and scooped her breasts out of her brassiere, pinching her nipples and moaning, while crawling on her knees up from the bottom of the bed toward my naked and defenseless, pussy juice spewing, little body.

"Oh Diane, you have the most beautiful pussy..." she said, and then dove her face between my legs, lapping up the syrupy fluids spewing forth from my vulva.

"Maggie! What in the hell are you...? Ah, ooh, oh. Oh God, oh god," my back arched so hard, I thought my spine would snap. My head was flopping from side to side and my hands where pounding on the bed. The more she licked my cunt, the more I orgasmed, over and over.