Remote Control


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"Mmmph, ooh, mmm," Maggie said, as the room was filled with the sounds of slurping, and shrieking. She started tearing all of her clothes off and when it was free, she stuffed three fingers from her hand way into her own steaming pussy and began working it furiously.

I came so hard that I lost consciousness, but when I came around the first time, Maggie was still licking wildly at my sopping wet cunt. I kept orgasming, and the more I orgasmed, the more cunt juice spewed forth, the more pheromones were released, and the crazier Maggie went for my hot little honey hole.

I must have passed out again, for when I came to, Maggie was lying unconscious, and slime covered between my legs, apparently she fainted from orgasming, a goofy grin, still pasted on her pretty face. She also had a slightly distended looking tummy, which worried me a bit until I noticed that I was thirstier than I have ever been before in my whole life.

I put Maggie's tummy out of my mind and I urgently got out of bed and shakily went into the bathroom, where I sucked down Dixie cup after Dixie cup of water. I glanced into the mirror and notice that my new petit feminine body looked a bit gaunt after last night's two-woman lesbian orgy.

God, I was hungry too. I raided the kitchen and scarfed down a box of cereal, four waffles, and a breakfast burrito. I sat back in the kitchen chair, hands clasping my distended stomach, finally sated.

When I had recovered some, I decided to fix some eggs and bacon for Maggie and brought them to her in the bedroom with juice, toast, and coffee. I even placed a bud vase with an artificial flower in it on the tray, and to this day, I still have no idea why I thought to do that.

"Maggie? Wake up. It's breakfast time," I called to her, sitting the tray down on the Hope chest, and crawling into bed with her, kissing her alabaster cheek.

"Breakfast?" she mumbled, "What happened? Where am I?"

"Yes, breakfast. We had lesbian sex and you are lying in the middle of my cum-soaked bed and covered head to toe in vaginal lubrication. Does that answer your questions?" I asked nuzzling her neck playfully.

"Oh my GOD!" she was wide-awake instantly. "I ate out another woman's cunt! I have never done anything remotely like that ever before, never even fantasized about it. Am I gay now?"

"Actually, you sound kind of upset to me," I told her.

"I better go and have an MRI myself, to see if I have any of those implants in me," Maggie said, sounding very frightened. "I knew she could control you, but I never thought that she could control me too."

"What did she say last night? I didn't hear and when you hung up, I ah... was kind of busy and you were doing the breast stroke," I asked her, looking into her eyes, so she knew that I was being playful.

She strained to remember, but was only able to recall the high points, "She said, 'if it isn't Howard's protector,' and asked me who would protect you from me. Then she said you were going to puddle and give off massive amounts of pheromones."

"What are pheromones?" I asked.

"Sexual attractant scents, given off by the opposite sex to attract a mate, drive them into a sexual frenzy," she replied, almost in a lecturer's fashion.

"If that is the case, I don't think you have to worry about implants. Do you?" I reasoned.

"Answered my own question, didn't I? I guess those pheromones left my head a little fuzzy," she admitted. "I'm sorry that I raped you. I really couldn't control myself."

"Stop that! You didn't rape me, and I'm not sorry one bit. Remember, I'm still a man inside here so, what we did doesn't seem like homosexual sex to me. Anyway, I liked it and I love you. So you can forget about it, or just cherish it like I will," I told her, and kissed her surprised looking mouth. "Now do you want breakfast or would you just like to cuddle for a while, instead?"

She reached over and hugged me tight, "Honey, I'm so confused and you are still turning me on with that tight body and smooth, hairless pussy. For some reason I feel kind of full right now so I'm not very hungry and I don't really know why. It looks beautiful though and I thank you for making it."

"I saw your tummy this morning, and it took me a minute, but I remembered how much pussy juice you were lapping up and how dehydrated I was this morning. Your stomach is full of... my... juices, I'm afraid..." I confessed. "You will probably slosh when you walk."

"I remember now. You tasted so good, I just couldn't get enough," she reached down between my legs and penetrated my cunt with her finger, and brought it back up to her mouth, licking it off most seductively. "Mmmm! Maybe I do, have latent lesbian tendencies? You're still delicious."

"Whatever, thank you for being there for me. Do you want to get wet and slippery in the shower or the bathtub?"

"Shower. Then I think we are going to have to strip that bed and throw the mattress away," she released me from our mutually slimy and crusty embrace, and stood up, pulling me to my feet.

We had a sudsy, slippery, quite fun filled, shower and then started stripping the bed, only to discover that someone had thought ahead, and the mattress was covered with a plasticized sheet.

I nearly had to use a hose on Maggie when I saw her sniffing the sheets and rubbing them on her face.

When the bed was finally re-clothed and Maggie was settled down, I asked, "What next? Did you have any plans for the day?"

The phone ringing interrupted us. We looked at each other and Maggie finally picked up after the fourth ring, "Hello?"

"Afraid of what you might hear if you answer the phone? You should know that if you don't answer what will happen is much worse than if you do answer. Nevertheless, you did answer, so no punishment this time. By the way, I just love little girls with big boobs, don't you? No answer? No matter! Enjoy! Ha, ha, ha, ha," and she rang off.

"Diane, get your blouse and bra off, now," Maggie ordered urgently, and then started to help me.

It looked so strange, like someone blowing up water balloons, my boobs swelling bigger and bigger until they finally stopped at a 'DD' cup.

I just stared at them with my mouth hanging open.

Maggie came up to me and asked, "Do they hurt? Are they sore, or painful?" as she reached out and cupped them from below.

"Ooh, that feels so..." I moaned.

"Wow, they feel so real," Maggie started to manipulate my nipples.

My knees gave way and I fell to the carpet, moaning.

"My word girl, you must have the most sensitive boobs in the world," Maggie was down on her knees, grinning at me. "I think that you are going to need a little bit bigger bra, let's see if we can find one in this place?"

"Do we have to? I'm so hungry, I could eat a water buffalo," I whined while feeling as if my tummy was touching my spine.

"Oh my God! Those must be real. You stuffed yourself, just a couple of hours ago, your body must have burned it all up growing boobs," she reasoned.

"So why is that so scary?" I asked puzzled.

"If it had been some kind of implant that was filled by a chemical reaction, then there would be a maximum size, they could be made to grow. However, if it causes your body to accelerate growth, she can make anything grow as big as she wants, or continue to cause you to orgasm time and again indefinitely. If the implants run on bio-energy, she could torment you for life," Maggie looked scared, and was definitely scaring me.

After she had calmed me down, Maggie made a huge hoagie sandwich for me and I wolfed it down.

"Did you get Dr. Burnheart to see what she could come up with? Maybe she can give us some leads as to who might be able to do something as sophisticated as this," I asked around a mouthful. I was reaching for anything that might be a life ring for me in my strange predicament.

"I'll call her and see if she has come up with anything. Would you mind if I invited her over? She really is a nice person at heart," Maggie asked hopefully.

"I'm not angry with her. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine. Especially with you here to ride herd on her," I giggled, and then, yawned. "Excuse me. All of a sudden I'm so sleepy."

"I can imagine. Why don't you go take a nap and I'll try to hunt you up a bra and call the doctor. Now scoot and let Maggie take care of everything," she pushed me toward the bedroom.

"Okay, (yawn) see you later," I stumbled into the bedroom and did a face plant, onto the bed. Out before my head hit the pillows.


"I told you she was sweet. She looks like an angel sleeping there," then a whisper, "and her pussy tastes incredible," I heard Maggie saying. I kept my eyes closed, because I didn't want to embarrass her. "Did you bring it?"

"Yes," I heard another feminine voice answer, "come on, I'll show you," and I heard the bedroom door close.

I opened my eyes and noticed that Maggie had placed a glass of water on my nightstand, which I took immediate advantage of.

When I sat up, my new large rack jiggled about wildly underneath the nightie, which I didn't remember donning. I guess when Maggie says she is going to take care of everything she really means it.

I drained the water glass and went into my bathroom to pee, and yes, that is way different too. Peeing from your butt, can you imagine?

After finishing, I stood in front of the mirror and lifted the nightie. There 'they' were. I leaned forward and grasped the right one, bringing it closer to my face. It has a much bigger nipple than before and my areola is easily twice as big and really puffy looking.

As I was inspecting it, I watched my nipple clenching even more, the goose bumps around it began standing up, and looking whiter. It felt like my boob was swelling up as I held it.

I discovered that not only did the nipple itself feel good, but also it made my cunt feel like someone was whispering to my clit so I experimentally, gently stroked my nipple.

"Ooh, that feels good," I moaned to myself.

'They're just so big,' I thought, 'but they feel so damn good. I think I like having big boobs.' I squeezed both of them together, 'God that looks so hot. I'd have shot my wad when I was a man, just watching a babe with tits like these, playing like this... whew very hot.'

I reached my left hand down between my legs, sliding it down my smooth hairless tummy over my mons veneris and then slipped my middle finger between my vulva's lips. My god I was sopping wet. In fact, I could feel my pussy juice start drooling down my legs.

'Holy shit, I'm just fondling my breasts. This keeps up, and I'll leave a trail like a slug everywhere I go,' I thought to myself, making a conscious effort to stop fondling myself while I still could.

I grabbed a towel and dried off my hairless, slimy pussy, and damned if that didn't feel strange too.

I jiggled my way back into the bedroom and slipped on a pink silk robe with pink feathers around the collar and cuffs. I paused listening at the door, but didn't hear anything except a low murmuring, so I opened the door and headed toward the kitchen.

"Ah, I see you're awake, beautiful. Would you like some dinner?" Maggie asked me, giving me a big hug.

Damn, it feels weird having my big boobs squeezed up against hers. Weird but damn good.

"Hi Diane, I want to apologize again for what I said. I honestly thought I was complimenting you. I didn't stop to think how it would affect you in your circumstance. I hope you will forgive me," Dr. Burnheart said, while Maggie hugged me.

"I know. I figured all of that out after I had time to think it over. There's really nothing to forgive. If anything, I should apologize to you for being over sensitive. I'm sorry. It's just really tough on a person having their life and their gender stolen. Can you forgive me?" I asked, trying hard to make nice with her.

When Maggie released me a much taller, Dr. Burnheart took her place hugging me.

"I suppose I should tell you why I know Dr. Burnheart so well Diane, she's my little sister," Maggie informed me abruptly. "That is why I pulled some strings and got her assigned to your case. Between the two of us, we were able to protect you at least a little bit. Your first doctor was talking commitment and psychoactive drugs for Pete's sake. He kept claiming you were a loon."

I started while I hugged the Doctor, she held me tighter, and reassured me saying, "It's okay. She didn't mean to frighten you. I'm not the wicked witch of the west. But I think Maggie might be Glenda, the good fairy," Dr. Burnheart said and then started giggling.

"I'll Glenda you, Betty! Just because she finished school to become a Doctor, she thinks that she's better than I am," Maggie told me while she was rubbing my butt through the robe, trying to get my engine started. It was working too.

"No, I don't big sister. If you hadn't supported me all those years, I never would have made it. You know, I love you Mags. Come here and let's make this a three way hug," she suggested. "Wow, Diane you sure have grown since I saw you last."

"Should I keep calling you Dr. Burnheart?"

"Call me Betty, we're family now, sort of," she kissed me on the cheek.

Maggie jumped in, "Betty brought a lovely fuchsia '30' DD bra with her for you."

Betty held it up for me to see, "What do you think?"

"I think it looks kind of like some woman engineer's concept of an ICBM launching device. No, I'm just kidding. It's beautiful and it appears that now I need it so very badly," I admitted, my eyes still trying to take in the necessary enormity of the lacy thing.

"Hold it up to her and let's at least get an idea if it'll fit and how it'll look on her," Maggie told her anxiously wanting to see my lovely boobs covered in lace.

As Betty was holding it to me and they were both staring hungrily at how my jutting jigglers will look once properly supported, I inquired, "You weren't making fun of Maggie with the fairy comment just because we had lesbian sex, were you?"

"Oh my God Mags, are you a lesbian?" Betty let go of both of us, backing away one step, allowing my nightie to fall back into place, my new bra still clutched in her hands.

"I don't know, maybe. Is it lesbian sex when you do it with a woman, who was a man?" she looked perplexed, "All I know is, it was soooo goooood!" and she slipped her hand under the nightie and started caressing my soft derrière.

"Ewww that's disgusting. You mean you actually... with your tongue? In her... Ewww," Betty was looking totally grossed out, as she shuddered. "That's what you meant in the bedroom when you said that, 'her pussy tasted good'? I thought you were pulling my leg."

"So, are you going to disown me, now?" Maggie asked with little or no inflexion to intimate she was joking.

"I'm so sorry Maggie. I thought she knew. I heard you tell her... I shouldn't have shot off my mouth," I started to blubber hiding my face in my hands.

They both dove back into our group hug and comforted me.

"It's okay, Diane. It was just sister banter. I was just taken by surprise. We used to discuss things like this when we were little girls. What was it like Maggie? You know, compared to sex with a man, I mean?" Betty was trying to get us all sitting down at the kitchen table and making nice.

"You know how we used to think it would taste gross, and be so disgusting? Well, it isn't. I mean she tastes really good and the sensuous feeling of another woman in the throes of passion it unbelievable. Her soft, sensitive body, responding to every touch, every caress, and the taste of her just drove me nuts. Maybe it's just Diane, or how Diane is to me. All I can say is, maybe you should try it and I warn you, if you hang around here that nut ball woman may call back and trigger Diane's pheromones again and I don't think you will have any choice," Maggie informed her.

Just as if on queue, the phone rang. Everyone's face showed how startled we were as Maggie answered, "Hello?"

"So, you must have liked it, or should I say licked it. Do you think your sister is ready for a three way? Ha, ha, ha," and the voice hung up.

"Not again!" I screamed as my pussy began to flood once more.

I could see Maggie, who was already sensitized, quickly become flushed and start sniffing the air and the incredibly shocked look appearing on Betty's face as her nipples came to full attention, attempting to explode the 'C' cup bra cradling them from her petite chest, and then she started sniffing at the air just like Maggie.

My lower half wouldn't perform to the actions my brain was trying to send, so all I could do was sit there and gush. I became just an aphrodisiac pussy juice fountain.

"Do you smell that, Mags?" Betty asked, not seeming to notice that she was actually drooling. She had a little stream running halfway down her neck and a wild feral look in her eyes.

"Oh yes, Ambrosia! Come on, help me get her to the bedroom," Maggie encouraged Betty, picking me up with Betty's help as though I were no heavier than a Barbie Doll and rushing me into the bedroom.

"If this keeps happening I'm going to have to wear a diaper," I exclaimed as my fountainous gash dribbled a line from the kitchen into the bedroom.

I couldn't believe it when I saw Betty slip her hand into my robe and grab a sample from what was running down my leg to put into her mouth, "Maggie, you didn't tell me girls tasted this good, the hell with men! I'm turning lesbian tonight."

They plopped me onto the bed and literally tore the robe from my naked body. My lower half was completely slick with my juices when Maggie scooped up a handful and smeared it all over my big boobs, "You clean that one off, this one's mine!"

They both latched on and my cunt was immediately twitching and on fire as I involuntarily thrust my hips into an imaginary lover.

"Please, I want to eat one of you or both of you. I need a vulva to lick. Please, I have to. I really do," I begged.

Maggie stripped off all of Betty's clothes and positioned her pussy over my face, while she continued to work my boob over. She never broke suction once.

Maggie, when my breast was spotlessly clean then dove between my legs and started happily slurping away.

I attacked Betty's womanhood like a starving man, licking and sucking her clit, shoving my tongue as far inside her love canal as it would go, using my nose on her throbbing knob as a clitoral stimulator.

Maggie's ministrations were pushing me quickly over the edge and I started screaming with orgasmic pleasure, into Betty's delicious cunt, and she must have liked it because she came so very hard, gushing her warm inviting lubrication all over my pretty little face.

"Oh, dear God! Oh my! I never... What did you...? Oh, my lord," Betty panted, "Maggie, swap places, I want a turn at her pussy, you just have to experience her wonderful tongue!"

I was insane with sexual desire and Maggie's shaved slit was beckoning to me to pleasure it.

All the while she was kneeling overtop of my face twiddling her nipples and moaning softly.

'Moaning softly?' That I can cure. I licked, I nibbled, I swirled my tongue all around her clit. I fucked her as hard as I could with my face and tongue and then opened my mouth as wide as I could, made a seal around her scrumptious cunt, and tried to suck all of her insides out.

She didn't even make a sound, she simply fainted dead away, her unconscious body spewing pussy juice all over me as she did a face plant into the pillows, her helpless body spasming and twitching.

"Maggie, are you all right?" I shouted, muffled by her body still lying on top of my face. "Betty... Oh God, oh God, I'm cumming again. Ah, ah, ah, oh, aaahhh, oh my, oh baby. Oh baby... ah, ah, oh, Betty... Betty stop, you have to check Maggie. She has stopped moving. I hope she just fainted. I've never seen anyone go out the way she did."