Remote Control


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"Mmmm, she'll be okay. Oh hell, I better check anyway," she helped me move Maggie off me and lay her on her back. She held her cheek close to Maggie's mouth, "She's breathing fine, sort of panting. Okay, where was I? Oh, yes."

I felt her creative ministrations going back to spreading my vulva as she tongue danced around and inside of me.

"Oh, so that's how you want to be," I snagged her bottom and she willingly scooted over until her slit met with my probing, wet mouth muscle. God, I'm horny.

My own pheromones were making me crazy.

I heard Maggie moan and the next thing I knew, she had pushed Betty's bottom off my face and was sticking her tongue down my throat.

When she came up for air she said, "God I love you girl. I've never orgasmed so hard that I fainted before in my life. Thank You."

"Hey, she was eating me quite happily when you so rudely interrupted," Betty complained, but she immediately jammed her head back between my thighs.

"Oh, shit! I'm cumming again," I screamed, as I watched Maggie attach herself to Betty's quivering vulva while I continued to scream out my orgasmic pleasure.

"Oh, Maggie! Big sister, oh you sure know how to please a lady," Betty mumbled out from between my soaking thighs.

"Oh my lord, oh God Betty, it's not stopping. I'm still... Uhghn, ahhhh, ha, ha, Ooh," I screeched, spasming and twitching.

"Ugh, ahhhhhhh, oooooh," Betty proclaimed, to my gushing gash, as Maggie sent her to Nirvana.

I was thrashing about uncontrollably, completely uncontainable.

I heard Maggie say, "I didn't mean to interrupt your meal," as she replaced Betty's bottom, which I instinctively clutched to for dear life, latching on, driven by intuition only, like a newborn on a nipple, unconscious of the way I was frantically working her pussy.

Betty must have thought it was like riding a bucking bronco. I was clamped onto her so desperately and still thrashing about wildly.

"Mind if I, share?" Maggie asked Betty as she stuck her tongue into Betty's ear.

"Mm, Mm," I could feel her response, more than hear it as tightly affixed to my cunt as her mouth was. So I knew I could expect a second diner at my buffet.

I felt them spread my legs so wide, I thought I was a wishbone. Then Maggie started pleasuring me with her tongue as well. The last thing I remember, she jammed two of her fingers, one into my cunt, and one into my tight little ass and everything went black for me.


"Hey, ow! What's this sticking into my arm?" I complained.

"Betty! She's awake," Maggie yelled.

I could feel her holding my other hand and when I looked at my surroundings, I realized this was not the bedroom in, which we had been making love.

Just then, Betty burst into the room, "Damn girl. You are seriously dangerous. After you passed out, Maggie and I were still so frenzied we couldn't stop eating your sweet pussy. Did you know that you, my sweet honey pot, can orgasm even while unconscious? I didn't think it was possible, but we were so out of our heads that we had you orgasming for over half an hour after you passed out. Oh damn, just talking about it has my mouth watering. Anyway, when we were finally able to tear our exhausted bodies away from your delicious creased crotch, I realized that you were very severely dehydrated and dashed to my car for my doctor bag and put you on some Ringer's, to replace some of the fluid you lost. Maggie here, has been giving you sips of water as often as you would take it."

"Oh," I said, "Damn good thing Diane's pussy palace has it's own house Doctor, isn't it?" I forced a small smile.

"Actually, while you were unconscious I jetted back to the hospital and now your refrigerator is stocked with a few more, just in case," Betty assured me. "We have to keep your strength up, wouldn't want you to die during sex. You wouldn't know if you were cumming or going," she giggled and kissed me.

"I'm feeling pretty good now, actually. Um, did we ruin the bed or were there rubber sheets to protect it too?" I sheepishly asked.

"Shit, we were so covered in cum we squished every time we moved. We had to use a 'Hefty Garden Sack', just to get the sheets to the bathtub so that we could wring them out enough to put in the laundry. I'd like to think that a lot of that pussy juice was Maggie's and mine, but it just ain't so girl. You gush like a tidal wave when you're orgasming, honey," she started fanning her face with her hand.

"Just thinking about it is making me hornier than a thirty five year old nymphomaniac, locked in a cell full of men who have an endless supply of Viagra. God, that turns me on," Betty was talking fast, as she removed the tube attached to the IV in my arm.

"I'm glad you like it. I don't know what I would do without you and Maggie. When I think of what all of this would be like without friends like you two..." I started balling and sniffling again.

They both jumped up and held me.

"Shhh, it's all right sweetheart. We're your friends and we promise we'll stick by you no matter what that crazy broad tries to do to you," Maggie promised.

"I was so scared when you fainted. I thought I hurt you," I sniffled against her bosom.

"Darling, you can do that to me anytime you want. I've been with men and I've masturbated many times, but I have never felt like more of a complete woman than I did yesterday. So please don't be sorry, it was the greatest ecstasy I have experienced in my whole life, dear one," she smiled and kissed me on the mouth, quite passionately too.

"Me too, Princess. I moved out of my ex-boyfriend's apartment yesterday and broke it off with him. He's not one quarter of the lover, you are," Betty hugged me tightly.

"I never thought anybody would ever call me, 'Princess.' But at least, you told me I'm a better lover than the man you had been living with," I said, giving her a chin quiver and a pouty lip.

"Shit! Damn, damn, damn! I keep forgetting that you're a man in there. But god girl, you are the most feminine creature, I've ever loved," Betty had jumped up and was pacing back and forth, slapping her forehead, as if to straiten out her brain.

I let go of Maggie and stood up into Betty's path, grabbing her much bigger arms with my tiny hands, and looking up into her pretty Hazel eyes, "Did... (Gulp) did you say... say, you love me?"

She clutched me close, picking me up so that my little legs could straddle her womanly hips and she could look me in the eyes, face to face, "Yes, little one. I've only known you a short while, but I do love you, the person in front of me. I didn't know Howard, and if it's him in there I'm sorry that I can't think of you as him, but I do love the person I know as Diane. Even with the troubles, you have trying to be a girl. In fact I'm sure that's part of why I love you, I think," and then she kissed me desperately.

When she let me breathe again, I told her, "I love you too Betty, but is it okay with you if I love your sister just as much?"

Maggie jumped up, and even though she wasn't quite as tall as Betty, she hugged both of us hard, "Yah, I saw her first. But I don't mind sharing you with my womb mate, Betty."

"Womb mate huh? I saw all of those filthy messages you carved on the wall and left behind for a young, impressionable, fetus to view," Betty giggled, chiding Maggie.

"Yes, I thought the 'Bart was here,' was especially witty," Maggie laughed, "Probably scared the penis, right off of you."

Betty pulled Maggie close and kissed her on the mouth, "Ooh, I love it when you talk dirty to me Maggie. I'm puddling right now. I think I'm going to have to buy stock in Maxi Pads, if you two lovelies don't quit igniting my pilot light. God, listen to me. I must have been a latent lesbian my whole life. The thoughts of a lovely soft breast and a big, tightly clenched nipple, or a lovely shaved smooth girl's vulva, turns me on more than any ten inch cock ever did."

Maggie countered with, "When did you ever have a ten inch cock?"

Before Betty could reply, I answered, "I used to have a ten inch cock."

"Oh, no shit! My word, maybe I would have loved you even when you were Howard, with a cock like that," Betty told me.

I giggled.

It only occurred to me right then, "Can either of you tell me why I giggle so much now? I wouldn't even think of giggling as a man. Now, I can't help it. It sort of just burbles up from somewhere."

"Damn, I sort of wish we could prove you were once a man, now. If I could do a research project on that one thing alone, that would make me world famous," Betty declared.

Of course, you guessed it she made me giggle again.

"I wouldn't let her do that to you, precious. You would end up living out your life in a glass bottle full of formaldehyde. It would be best if we inquire about this very quietly, unless we are certain that it won't get out that somehow, someone, was able to make a fully functional man, Howard Samuels, into this sweet, loving, fully functional lady named Diane. We might just put her into an untenable position, unable to have any semblance of a normal life, even if that life is one spent having to remain a girl, don't you think?" Maggie reasoned, always thinking ahead and doing what was best for us.

"A week ago I would have rather died than have to live out my life as a girl, but since I have two of the best lovers in the world, I think it wouldn't be so bad, now," I admitted, nuzzling them.

"Isn't she starting to get heavy, Betty? I realize you are a big, strong woman, all five foot nine inches of you, but as I recall you still shop the petite sizes," Maggie said, still hugging us, but having to look up to do it.

"You might be right shrimp, she is just starting to get heavy and so why don't you get your five foot five inch tall body and petite butt around behind Diane and help her get down?" Betty rubbed the head of her cute, but shorter, sister.

"Careful, little sister," Maggie said, as she slid her hand into Betty's panties and began playing, "I still know ways to handle you. I may be shorter, but I make up for it in deviousness."

"Ooh, don't. She's slipp..." Betty complained, as she lost her grip on me.

Of course, Maggie expected just that to happen and caught me easily.

The phone rang.

"Shoot! That darned thing has not rung once since you lost consciousness. Hello?" Betty said.

"I just love a woman who can admit she's a lesbian. Do you like girls with nice wide hips, the kind of girl that you can see daylight easily between their slim, soft thighs, even when she holds her knees tightly together? I sure hope so," and again the line went dead.

"Shit! Get her on the bed," Betty commanded Maggie.

"Mags, go get my bag and bring in those calcium supplements I have packed in the box marked 'medicine cabinet' in the living room, stat," Betty reverted to Doctor mode, while I still didn't have any idea what in hell was happening.

Maggie disappeared out the door in a flash.

"Sweetie, I hope this isn't going to hurt you, but if it does, tell me right away! That's why I sent Mags to get my Doctor bag. The voice on the phone said that your hips are going to widen. I have no idea how she plans to do that, but so far, she has been able to do everything that she has told us. Therefore, you lie there and relax. I'm going to hook up your IV again," she told me as she busied herself with the task.

"Oooh!" I exclaimed. "Ouch...! Ouchie ouch!"

"What is it hon.?" Betty inquired as she inserted the tube.

"I'm feeling a... stabbing pain, like you can get from your butt, when you hold 'it' too long? Only this is coming, OOOH WEE, from underneath my mons veneris. WOO HOO! That smarts," I told her.

She pulled up my nightie, slipped off my panties, and placed her warm hand on my mons.

"Shit! I can feel the bones growing wider. MAGGIE, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE WITH MY BAG," Betty screamed.

Maggie popped in on the run, dropped the bag saying, "Getting calcium, be right back."

"Okay, I've got this now," Betty pulled a syringe from the bag, a little bottle with liquid in it, and then shoved the needle into it, drawing the fluid down into the syringe.

"Oh, WHOA... OUCHIE OUCH!" I continued my dissertation, on pain.

"Coming, sweetheart! Okay, this is morphine. You will be out of pain in just two shakes," and she jabbed it into a little plastic thing, hooked to my IV line, pushing the plunger in slowly.

Quite suddenly, I felt kind of floaty... Just, damn good. Pain? What's that?

So I said, "Did you ever just like to feel your nose? It's somewhat oily sometimes, but it's firm, warm, and kind of silky feeling, you know? Hey, you're one, dynamite looking chick! If I told you that you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? You know this is a really nice condo. Hey, why don't you and I move in and make mad, passionate love, huh? Hey, you know, I had this really soft, fuzzy bunny rabbit when I was little, but I had to give her away. She kept leaving Raisinettes on the living room carpet. Wow! You look as soft as she was. Will you be my bunny?" I was babbling about everything that oozed across my fuzzy little brain.

Betty started crying big alligator tears, while she hugged me and said, "Sure, I'd like nothing better than to be your bunny. Especially, if you, will be mine."

"Ish a deal! Okay, let's seal the deal. Leshs bunny kiss," I blathered.

"God you're sweet. I haven't done this since I was in grade school," she leaned over and stuck her nose to mine and we twitched our noses together.

"Oh gay, bunnies together, forever. OH Wow! Look at the hips on that broad. Woo hoo! I like wide hips. Hey bunny, you think we can get her to go out with us?" boy I was shit- faced.

"I can guarantee it. Why don't you close your eyes and take a really sweet nap, filled with beautiful dreams. I'll stay right here and guard the broad with the nice hips till you wake up, okay?" Betty was stroking my hair and kissed my cheek, good night...


"This is getting to be a habit with you," Maggie accused, "now open wide and eat your oatmeal."

"Maggie, I can feed myself," I protested.

"Sweetheart, you are so weak from your hips widening, you can hardly lift your arms, so sit back and enjoy being pampered. That's an order. And you know I can get that in writing from your Doctor, don't you," Maggie was grinning ear to ear.

"Okay, okay, just stop it with the airplane noises. It's my mouth, not a hanger," I told her grumpily.

"Boy, you're no fun," she said spooning another mouthful into me.

"Yah, and not a boy anymore, either. So nya," as soon as the nya and my tongue came out she poked in another spoonful.

"Gotcha! I don't know what you said while I was getting your calcium last night, but Betty was all teared up, when I got back. She kept saying you were her sweet bunny or something like that?" she had a really puzzled look on her face.

"Ho boy! I know what it was, but I was babbling and stoned out of my gourd," I protested.

"So? Give, all ready," she ordered.

I related the bunny kiss stuff, at least all that I could recall from my fuzzy memory.

"Are you sure you were a man?" Maggie asked all of a sudden, leaving me with my mouth open and expecting the spoon to go in, but with her putting it down and waiting for an answer.

"What kind of question is that? You know very well, I was. You saw the missing person's report, my old apartment, and I gave you scads of other stuff that you checked out. Yes, I'm a man," I'd had to say it, so many times that it was easy to piss me off about it now.

"Okay, all ready," she shoved the spoon in for me, "it was just so sweet a thing to say, and do. I wouldn't expect it from a man."

Now that really pissed me off, "Men can be sweet too. They aren't very often, because it's hard for them with all of that testosterone coursing through their veins. Don't believe me? Go and talk with one of those body builder girls, the one's shooting up all of the steroids? How many of them do you think you will find that you could call sweet? Women are always talking about their hormones and what it makes them do. I have those same hormones now too, and yes, they can really affect you. Men don't have all of the different flavors, but a hell of a lot of the one. Testosterone, can affect you plenty. Big muscles, hairy body, baldness, aggressiveness, rage, lashing out physically. I've often thought that it might be good for some women to see the other side of the coin, as I have had to see theirs. Think about it, men have to live in a hard, tough, unemotional world and if they don't? He's a sissy, or if he likes soft, pretty things? Ooh, shudder to think how that guy is treated. Ooh, you must be the new hairdresser, Phillie, haw, haw, haw!"

"Damn! I'm sorry I didn't mean to get on a soapbox. It must be all of this estrogen. Can I get a hug?" I asked sweetly, quivering my lower lip.

"Sure, sweetheart," she said and then she hugged me right away.

While she held me, I made sure I kept a good grip on her and said quietly, right near her ear, "Even though I did really need this, what would you have thought of me had I been a man and did this exact same thing, four or five times a week, every week? Don't answer that. You don't have to. We both know. Even if you say it wouldn't matter or not, you wouldn't even think about bedding a guy like that, but if you did you know yourself how rare a person you would be."

"Were you that kind of man, sweetheart?" she asked tentatively, relaxing her grip on me.

"No, I wasn't. My best friend in high school was though. And no, we weren't lovers, I was like a big brother to him," I admitted.

"Can we call him and tell him that you are all right, so he won't worry?" she asked, almost whispering in my ear.

"Not unless you have a line to God. He was beaten to death when I was a junior," I clutched her harder.

"I'm sorry hon.. Now I can see why you feel so strongly about it," she stroked my hair, and did all of the soft and gentle things that a girl could expect, and given the situation, I needed so much.

"That's only half of it," I said, barely above a whisper, swallowing hard, "his sister has always blamed me for not being with him that day, to protect him. I always had been before, and I would have again, but that day I cut school with my girl friend," I started sobbing, "I should have been there!"

She rocked me, back and forth until I clamed down.

"Diane, you can't blame yourself, and that guy's sister is nuts if she blames you. How can you be responsible for another person? Maybe she should have tried to save him herself?" she suggested.

"She couldn't, she skipped school that day with her boyfriend..."

"Oh God! So she blames you for not being there and for her not being there too, doesn't she?" Maggie deduced.

I only nodded.

"Well, whatever she says or thinks it's not your fault. You didn't beat him to death and you didn't make anybody else beat him to death. You did have a right to your own life. So did she. Young people do the kinds of things that you two did every day, there's nothing totally wrong with it," Maggie assured me, though I had heard that same thing many times before. (*Skipping school is wrong, but usually harmless.)

"Thanks Maggie, I'm glad that I can be a soft sissy. At least at this moment in time, with you," I pulled back and kissed her passionately on the lips.

"Are you feeling better now? Sometimes it's good to let out that kind of pain and share your burden with a friend. I don't think that you let yourself grieve for the loss of your friend before and I'm glad you can show it now. I think you will be a happier person when this is all over. Being a girl might be one of the best things that ever happened to you," she let me go and with her hands on my shoulders looked into my eyes. Then she grabbed a tissue and told me, "Now, dry those eyes before they get any puffier and blow your nose. When I get back I'm going to dress you up in really sissy clothes and we can both just be pretty girls together today."