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She rode him for years.
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I got this idea from the time my father that I wrote about previously Carpool with a newlywed girl to his office. She was hot. About 22-years-old. I was 17 that year. If the wind blew I got a hard on. I tried to think of an excuse to ride to school but couldn't.

We had moved into an apartment complex while our new house was finished being built. It was only 200 yards to the high school, so I had to walk

I remember riding in my dads car after he drove her. She wore Jungle Gardenia perfume. Every time I smell that now I get a hard on. I fanaticized about what I would do to her if given a chance. Hell thinking back on it I would have probably shit in my pants if she offered.

Remember this is fiction don't take serous too many other problems in life to worry about.

Ride Share

She rode him for years.

Here I sit, looking at my soon-to-be ex-wife, Laura, and my shithead best friend. We have been married for twenty-five years. We have been friends with Robert for twenty-three. Nix that. My ex-best friend for the last---shit that ended as soon as he first started fucking my wife.

"Listen, Steve, you don't need that gun," said Bob. Whatever this is about, we can discuss this rationally. You have nothing to fear from me. Please, take your finger off that trigger.

I had my Glock 45 laying flat on the armrest of my recliner, with my finger on the trigger. "I don't think it would be good for my health. After all, you have me by 60 pounds. And 6 inches in height. I've seen those pictures in your house of you and your Navy Seal Team buddies. You could snap my neck in about 20 seconds. No thanks, I think we should sit here till Carol gets here. She dropped off your youngest at softball practice and will be here shortly.

"Listen," Steve," said my cheating slut wife, Laura. I don't know what you think is going on. I demand you stop this right now of so help me, I'll."

"Do what, Laura? As I waved the gun in the air. If you get up, I'll shoot your kneecap out. And you Bob, I'll shoot your dick off. Why don't we just sit here in silence? And while we are doing this, I bet if you two think real hard and, maybe you can find filed way down in the recesses the pea-size brains of yours, what this is all about.

Now, why don't we sit here and play the quiet game? The first one that talks losses, and I'll shoot him, or her."

The two sat there stunned. I just stared at them as they started to sweat and shift back and forth on the couch.

I started to think back to better days when Laura and I first met. Fuck that. Who cares. What matters now is one little comment several months ago that got me thinking. Carol and Bob were over during a Saturday afternoon BBQ when Laura walked up with a couple of cold beers. She handed them to us and said, "for my Husbands.

I spit my beer out of my nose when she said that. Bob just chuckled. "What was that?" I asked.

"Steve, I have three husbands. With a fast recovery, she giggled and said, "I have a work husband, a carpool husband, and the husband I truly love. That's you, Steve. I laughed, and she kissed me driving her tongue down my throat. She had never done that before. My stomach knotted.

I started paying attention to the two of them and nothing. I mean, I saw nothing out of the ordinary. I started checking the security systems and went back to the cloud. I pulled years of archive stored footage and nothing. Could they have it done years before we had security cameras? But she said husbands as if she was referring to the present.

Over the next several months, I pulled telephone logs and all the emails that I searched her computer and phone going back years ago nothing. I knew they worked at a government facility that had security cameras everywhere. They couldn't do anything without being caught. I went through years of credit cards receipts that I saved. Again nothing.

It seemed the only time they were together was in the car. They never left early or in separate cars to go to work. The only time they drove by themselves was when one of them was out sick or for family events or vacations. They always were home within the allotted time. The only time they were late getting home at night was, if they were stuck, in severe traffic, because of a wreck. An hour and fifteen minutes, give or take every day. They never went to conferences or seminars.

I guess my gut was wrong. I just need to fart. That was until six weeks ago when Bob came over, and my oldest son Eric had stopped by to chat. They both started to leave at the same time. That's when I noticed they both had the same build from behind. I went online, and ordered home DNA tests kits for my kids, Eric, Todd, and my youngest, Ann. I asked them to take one and not to say anything to their mother. I wanted to surprise her for her birthday.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday, Laura," I yelled. As I Carol walked in and threw three plain vanilla envelopes onto the coffee table in front of them.

"What is this?" asked Laura.

"Carol and I want you two to open them and read them. Then I will tell you. Oh hell, I think they are self-explanatory." I snorted.

They slowly reached and opened each one. Laura turned pale at the first one. Robert threw up in the basket by the couch. She grabbed the other two and read over them and started crying,

"I am so sorry, Steve. I never meant to do that to you. I thought they were yours. I guess I got the time I was fertile wrong.

Robert had recovered and started begging, "She promised me she was safe. I would have never made a cuckold out of my best friend.

"We weren't best friends. I bet you both got a kick out of making fools out of Carol and me. I am not going to shoot you or try to get you two fired. We are going to divorce the both of you. If I got you fired, Laura, I would have to pay you alimony. I'll keep my retirement, and you keep yours. We'll split everything else down the middle.

I took all our investments and put them into a trust for Ann for her college. I canceled all joint credit accounts after I paid them off. I took half cash that was left and placed it in a separate bank account.

We'll put the house up for sale. All the loving memories I have in this place were nothing more than a façade. I have already rented myself a condo as far on the other side of town as I can get from you two. I told the kids this morning that I am not their father, but just a stupid man that was used by you two.

I don't think they are very happy with you two. Ann says she will be moving in with me until she graduates in 2 months. She doesn't want to talk to you, Laura. I haven't said a disparaging word against you two. So you will have to give her time."

"Please, Steve," begged Laura, "I love you I always have and always will. I just made a mistake in my cycle."

I chuckled and shook my head, "Laura, I think you really believe that crap you are trying to sell me. You know there is an old saying in the Bronx, 'Bullshit has a sound of its own.'

"I do love you. I do. I want to grow old with and watch our grandchildren being born." she cried.

Trying to not shoot her, I replied, "Laura, the only one problem with that. I will not have children with you to watch. As it turns out, I will never have grandchildren to watch. You can watch them with Bob there."

She broke down crying again and said, "I was so sorry I never meant to do it to you." I looked at Bob, and tears were running down his cheeks. He was trying to wipe them off before they fell to his lap.

Carol stepped up and started saying her peace, "Bob, I have talked to all your former seal team members and told them how you betrayed your Marine code of conduct. Not the military law, but one between Marines themselves.

I told them how you cucked your best friend and betrayed him and me for the last twenty-five years. You will find an email that has been sent to you telling them you are persona non grata to them. I am sure they will call you personally.

As far as you and me, we are through. Since I have never worked out the home. I will be getting alimony for the rest of my life or until I remarry. Guess what? I am never remarrying. I will just bring men into my home and fuck them in the bed you are paying for.

I have already had my lawyer lock up our financial accounts. We will be getting an allowance until after the divorce. I am going after everything we own. I am sure my lawyer will crucify both of you for what you two did to us. And I will make sure I play my part as the wronged wife that wasted twenty-three years of my life with you in front of the jury.

The got good news is I sent the DNA information to both your parents Bob. They are ecstatic over having three more grandchildren. But Laura, I can't say the same for Steve's folks. They were absolutely heartbroken over the fact they will never have grandchildren."

Laura slid off the couch, crying in despair.

I waved my gun at Bob, "Help her up, Bob, Put her back on the couch." He picked her and sat down beside her holding her to keep her from sliding back off onto the floor.

Another man walked into the room and asked, "Are you, Mr. Robert Watkins?"

"Yes," Bob replied.

"You have been served."

He turns to Laura, "Mrs. Steve Foster?"

She shook her head no. He laid the envelope in her lap and took a picture. "You have been served."

He turned and walked away.

"Bob," said Carol. "There is a restraining order against you in that packet. You have 2 hours to pack and to get you out of the house. I do not fear you per se. But I do not want to deal with you at this time. I'll have it removed so you can see the kids. I guess you can move in with Laura."

"Laura, I want you out for the weekend. I will finish packing and move out Sunday morning, and you can come home." I explained to her. " Hell, just think, you can let Bob move in, and you to can share everything. Not just a ride to work." Laura was bawling again.

"Ok, Bob, we give up." Bob looked confused at the statement. I went on to explain what I wanted. Carol and I have racked our brains on how you two got away with it for so long. Well, at least up to the day she referred to you as one of her husbands. By the way, her office husband is a woman and has been for years. I know because she despises her and bitches about her all the time. So that leaves just you.

Since it doesn't matter anymore, tell me how you two pulled off cuckolding me all these years.

Bob sighing and slowly shaking his head, said, " In the car, while we did it going back and forth to work. Carol and I looked at each other in disbelief. "That right," he said, "in the car, never anywhere else."

"When did it start," I asked.

"About a year after we started carpooling," he replied.

"Go on. No since lying to us now," said Carol.

One day we were stuck in traffic. I was developing a tension headache that started in my neck. Laura saw the discomfort I was in and reached over and started rubbing my neck. My headache slowly dissipated. That's when she noticed I had a raging hardon. She giggled and told me that my neck wasn't the only thing that had developed tension looking at my hardon. And as Carol can attest to its size. It is extremely hard to conceal.

I came home that day, and fuck shit out of you. I was so horny. Well a month later, I was driving that day, and Laura developed a cramp in her calf and was screaming in pain. I told her to put her leg on my lap while I drove. She wore Pantyhose that day and a pencil skirt. I started rubbing her calf, and she relaxed.

Then tension developed again. But this time, it was underneath her foot, in my pants. I again got a raging hardon. She started rubbing it with her foot until I came. By the time I recovered, she had pulled up her skirt and pulled her pantyhose down and was fingering herself. The care reeked of her sex. She was soaked when I reached up her thigh and stuck two fingers in her, and she exploded with orgasms.

We were racked with guilt and swore we would never do it again. But we did.

"When did you start fucking?" I asked.

We couldn't do it with all the traffic, and we were driving in daylight. Then daylight savings ended. It was dark both ways. If traffic was smooth or start and stop, we just fingered each other. If I drove, she gave me head.

If there were accidents and we came to a dead stop. I always made sure there were no trucks to see us doing it when she straddled me. That is why we both insisted on having our windows tinted. We wanted no prying eyes.

I looked at Laura, "Laura, Laura please look at me." she looked up with her swollen eyes. Please tell me I didn't get his cream pies."

Bob snarled and spoke through his gritted teeth, "That is the vilest thing a woman could do to a man I told her never to do it to you. And if she did they wouldn't find her body. She swore she wouldn't do it.

Laura piped up, "I swear I didn't do it, Steve, I swear. This was just sex. I love you with all my heart I never denied you. I always made sure you got everything you can handle at least t 4 to 5 times a week if not more.

Bob begged Carol, "You just don't understand the pressure of the job and the day after day of being stuck in traffic."

"Ah, poor baby," replied Carol. "You needed your tension relieved after a tough day at the office and fighting traffic. Do you remember the week I left to take care of my sick sister? You were begging me to come home because you were going crazy. And that was only after a week."

Laura, What about poor Steve he fixed dinner and made sure the house and kids had homework done by the time you got home. You know Steve, maybe we should had an affair since we had the pressure of always taking care of everything by the time they go home."

Laura, I was thinking you're telling the truth about when it must have started it seemed I got it every day during daylight savings. And in the off-season, except weekends and holidays, I got cut off every other week.

"What changed? Now thinking back before the youngest one was born I got it every other week.

Laura grimaced," I got the van. "He would drive, and I would straddle him."

Let me guess, about nine months before each kid was born, there was a major, accident. You two were stuck in traffic for up to 8 hours. I guess you kept yourselves busy at that time. Both looked down in shame.

Carol asked Bob, "You are the only man I know that insisted on buying himself a van. Is this why you wanted it? So you could make this slut a cum bucket for your relief. Laura started wailing again."

I turned to Laura, "You said you loved me and didn't deny me what I paid full price for by marrying you?"

"That's true, my dear," she replied. "I love you with all my heart.

"What about the nights you two fucked. You swore you never gave me his cream pies. Is that right?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Laura, your wrong," I said. "You denied me over a thousand nights over the many years you carpooled together. She looked at me in shock as the gears turned in her head. Then she burst out in tears again."

Well, Bob, I guess this is where you two get up and leave. As for me, I never want to see you again. You have kids with Carol, so I imagine you two still have kids to raise. I will not be attending any more family get-togethers since you and Carol have kids together. And you and Laura have kids together. It will make for an interesting party without me.

Bob looked at me and said, " Steve, I am sorry I might be the biological sperm donor, but you are their dad and Father."

"You know Bob. That just somehow doesn't make me feel better. Now, if you two will leave. Laura, you can come back Sunday. Carol helped me put together an overnight bag for you and your parents are expecting you."

I was sitting in my recliner drinking my Jack and Coke when I felt soft hands rubbing my shoulders, "You have so many tensions in your shoulder," she said. Leaning over me and whispering in my ears," I want to relieve all that pressure. How about a little revenge sex. I know you love my tits. You stare at them enough."


The divorces went through Bob moved with Laura. It didn't last. Curious, they quit carpooling also. I kept seeing Carol. My daughter Ann headed off to State. Ann decided since I had gotten the money from Bob in back child support, she could afford to go to the best college now.

One night Carol and I were eating dinner at my place. It was Bob's weekend to keep the kids. I received a call from Ann. Upon hanging up, I felt like I was going to pass out.

Carol looked up at me with concern asked, "What's the matter, dear?

I replied, " All the kids just did an Ancestry test. They wanted to see how much each had in the same DNA. I have to start packing and run. I figure I have four weeks before Bob and Laura find out his and your four kids are mine. He will hunt me down and break me into a million pieces.

Fuck, fuck," Carol replied, "I am going with you."

"Why?" I asked, "He wouldn't hurt you. He is not the type of man that would hit a woman."

Carol replied, "That's easy for you to say. You weren't the one feeding him your cream pies for the last 23 years."

Bon what would you do if you found out that Carol cheated on you for any reason and cucked him whether by accident or not?"

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AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 2 months ago

Bizarre (and odds on incredibly unlikely) that neither husband managed to get his own wife pregnant in twenty plus years when clearly both are fertile.

servant111servant1117 months ago


5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Funny ending. But be real. Why wait 23 years to confront? Is author saying that MC and Carol cheated without knowing about the affair between their spouses?

RuttweilerRuttweiler11 months ago
You are barely literate.

The state of public education these days is deplorable. If you weren’t so undereducated you would know that “Omega” is the last letter in the Greek alphabet and has come to mean “the bottom” or “the last”. Which I suppose is appropriate.

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