Robert & Alexis Pt. 02


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But I swallowed my anguish, took a deep breath, and walked back to the dining room.

Alexis was still on her phone typing away. I got close enough to see she had a worried look on her before noticing my return. She quickly put her phone away and replaced her look with a smile.

"Hey, what took you so long?" She asked.

"Sorry. Thought I had to go see a man about a horse. Then I thought buying one wasn't the right time," I joked.

"Funny," she mocked.

As I sat down, I tried to figure out how I wanted to say the next words carefully. I was either going to upset her or, worse, excite her.

I didn't get a chance to say anything. Instead, Alexis brought it up first.

"Babe. We need to talk about something. About last night."

I guess Alan was busy convincing her too to have this conversation, covering all bases.

"Right. Um...Do you want to go back to the room to talk?"

Alexis looked outside through the nearest window. It's another bright and sunny day.

"Let's go for a walk. On the beach." Alexis suggested. I nodded and proceeded to follow her towards the direction of the beach.

The temperature was in the high 90s but walking along the shore made it cooler thanks to the waves. Alexis took off her sandals and held onto them as she and I walked close enough to where we can feel the water reach our feet.

Making sure there was no one else around, we had our personal conversation.

"I've been thinking about last night." Alexis started.


She didn't say anything.

"It's okay, Alexis. You can tell me anything. You know that, right?" I reassured her.

"What if I said I don't?"

"No regrets?"

She nodded, looking down at the sand. I wish I could really tell her how I was genuinely feeling. It killed me every time I convinced her to sleep with Alan. I didn't have the guts to do so. I was still very much afraid of Alan and his threats.

"I told you before, Alexis. It's what I wanted. It's what I've always wanted. My only regret is that I didn't tell you sooner. I am sorry for that."

"It's just that...I never thought in a thousand years I could ever do that to someone I love."

"You say that like you meant to hurt someone. You haven't hurt me. Just the opposite."

"You know what I mean, Robert. I've never cheated on any of the men I've been with before you."

"This is not cheating. Cheating on me would mean you see other men behind my back. That's not what happened last night."

"So you can honestly say, without any doubt, that last night did not bother you whatsoever?"

Of course, it did, Alexis, I thought.

"Of course not, Alexis," I said. "I wouldn't have mentioned it if it did. Imagine my surprise when you actually did it."

"So you don't hate me?"

"Of course not!"

"Or think I'm a slut?"

"Oh, well, yeah."

"What?!" She said in disbelief.

I gave her a sly smile, indicating I was joking. She punched me on the shoulder.

"Pendejo!" Alexis yelled.

"Sorry, babe, I couldn't resist."I may have been in turmoil about the situation, but that didn't mean Alexis had to be too. At the very least, I wanted her to be happy and enjoy herself. "But seriously, though, I don't think you're a slut."

"My God. What would my family and friends think if they found out what happened here?"

"Why would they know? How would they even find out?"

"I don't know. Just thinking the worst case scenario."

You mean like now? I thought.

"They will never find out. This is just between us. The only way they'll ever find out about what happened here is if we tell them. Which we won't, of course."

"I know..."

"What else is bothering you?"

"It makes me think what else I don't know about myself. I'm just surprised at myself. I'm hoping I don't regret this later."

"Maybe you will, maybe you won't. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Together."

Alexis looked at me, returning the fake smile I had on.

"So we're really doing this?" She asked.

"I think so. As long as you want to." It was still my hope that Alexis will want to stop the whole thing.

"How often do you think you want to do this?" Alexis asked.

"I don't know. I guess we could play it by ear."

"Are you going to want to watch all the time?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I'm not sure if Alan wanted me to be there all the time to watch them, even though he said he got a kick out of it.

"Not all the time. I guess you could tell me all about it afterward. Did it bother you at all when I watched you last night?"

"Honestly? I forgot you were there. Alan...just has a way where I'm, like, under his spell."

"Wow. You must really like him." It hurt to say those words. Alexis doesn't know what kind of person Alan really is. I hope she never does.

"I do. He's a good guy. He's handsome, charming, and smart...," Alexis trailed off. It looked like she was thinking about him, trying to hide a smile. She changed her expression when she noticed me looking at her. "But I don't love him. I never will. You're the only man I love."

"I know, babe".

"With him, it's just...lust. I never felt lust that powerful. It's overwhelming. I don't know why I feel that way about him. Last night, I couldn't resist him. In the back of my mind, I thought you would step in to stop him. But you didn't. It's when I knew, you were being serious. About your fantasy."

So she did wanted me to stop her. And I wanted her to resist him and walk away. My masculinity was becoming more absent by the second.

"Now you know," was all I could say. I didn't want to lie and confirm it.

"I have to tell you something," she said.

"What is it?"

"I've been texting Alan since this morning. He was asking about us. He was surprised when he came back from the bathroom and didn't see us in his suite. He also said he tried calling me and the room. Did you hear the phone ring this morning?"

Another lie Alan wanted me to confirm. I really hated how I helped portray him as a good and thoughtful person.

"Must've been asleep," I said.

"Anyway, he and I have been texting quite a bit today. I didn't want to keep that from you. No lies or secrets between us anymore, okay?"

I nodded. We remained silent as we saw an older couple walking towards us. We both exchanged pleasantries as they walked past us. I waited until there was considerable distance between us and the couple.

"What else did he say?"

"He said he really had a great time last night. He's never done anything like that before. And...," Alexis had trouble completing the sentence.


"...And was asking if there's a chance it could happen again." She looked at me, waiting to see my reaction.

"What did you say," I responded calmly.

"I told him I didn't know. That I wouldn't if you had a problem with it. But I mean...," again Alexis had trouble saying the next words.

"What is it?"

"Do we really want to go down this road, Robert? Can you honestly say this will not change you or us in the future? Once was okay, but I'm just scared what's going to happen to us if we keep doing this?"

I thought about her concerns for a moment before answering.

"Sounds like you're more worried about me than you. How does it make you feel? Do you think you can handle it?"

"I asked you first," she retorted.

I felt that urge again to tell her the truth. Not only everything that Alan made me do but tell her how this will really affect me in the long run. But I didn't want to get in trouble with Alan. I haven't forgotten his threats and what will happen to me if I don't do what he says.

"I will still love you if that's what you're worried about. Last night, I didn't get upset or jealous when I saw you with Alan. It was...everything I had hoped. If you do this with me, my love for you will never change. I want you to be happy. Like I am." I gave her a big smile. Some of that was the truth. No matter what she does with Alan, I will still love her.

She gave me a sympathetic look. Alexis had her mind on another matter before speaking again.

"Do you want to be with another girl?"

I laughed at her question.

Alexis is the only girl I've been in a serious relationship with. I can count with how many girls I've been with, before her, with one hand. But even if I am able to attract another girl, I wouldn't do anything with her. Alexis is the only girl for me. I know I'm the only man for her. But thanks to that drug, her thoughts and emotions have been altered.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked me.

"I'm not exactly a ladies man in case you didn't notice yet! And even if a girl did find me attractive, I wouldn't do anything with her."

"But it's okay with you if I'm with another man?" she questioned me again.

"That's what being in a cuckold relationship is all about. It's weird, I know. But it's how I feel. And I am so happy that you turned my dream into reality."

Fear is a powerful motivator. And right now it's motivating me to keep sounding convincing.

We walked some more along the shore in silence. I wasn't keeping track of how long we've been walking. I knew it was far judging by how small the resort looked from where we are.

"I never thought I would do this with the man I love. If anything, I was afraid of being cheated on. You know about some of the guys I've dated, right?"

I nodded. "The assholes."

She smiled. "Right. I've never cheated on anyone before. I guess, according to you, I still haven't."

"Right," I agreed.

Suddenly Alexis stepped in front of me to stop me from walking.

"If we're going to do this Robert, you have to promise me a few things," Alexis commanded.

"Okay. What is it?"

"First," she held up her index finger, "you are going to be honest with me about everything. What you're feeling, what you're thinking, and what you're doing. Okay?"

I had to hold back my tears because I knew I was already breaking that promise. If I told her the truth now, everything would be for nothing. I had to think what the lesser of two evils was.

"Of course, babe. What else?"

"Second, I can end this whenever I want. No matter what the reason is. And you can never argue with me about it." Alexis waited for my answer.

"Yes, that's fair." I hope I will never be in a situation where I'll have to convince Alexis to keep going with this bizarre arrangement. "Anything else?"

She embraced me, her face closer to mine.

"Don't ever stop loving me. Okay? Because I will always love you. You're the only man I will ever love."

"And you're the only woman I will ever love." We both kissed for a long time until we just stood there holding each other for comfort. Her love did help relieve some of the stress and pain I was feeling. With her in my arms, it felt like everything was going to be alright.

On our way back to the resort we next spoke about where we go from here.

"Remember when I said I've been texting Alan since this morning?" Alexis reminded me.


"Well, he invited us back to his suite tonight."

This was something else I should've seen coming. Our time here was going to be over soon. Alan was not going to waste any time getting more intimate with my wife.

"Really? Do you want to go?"

Alexis looked at me confused.

"Don't you?" She asked me.

"I mean, yeah, but I just want to make sure you're ready for this again."

"It's weird. I feel like I'm fighting with myself. I do but I don't. It's how I felt last night. It wasn't until Alan made the first move that I completely gave in. Maybe tonight will be the same."

"I guess we'll see," I took Alexis' and held it tight as we walked back the rest of the way to the resort.

It was still early, so we decided to go back to the room and change for the beach. We haven't been there yet so we thought we make a whole day of it.

Alexis brought two pairs of bathing suits with her. The one she was wearing now was a white one-piece bathing suit that reveals her stomach and back, as well as her shapely legs. She did her hair into a bun.

I was wearing my simple green trunks I've had since high school. It was evident I haven't been outside much since I look like I could pass off as a vampire. While Alexis, who has already been blessed with a tan complexion, was looking darker thanks to her outdoor adventures with Alan.

The beach had long rows of wooden beach chairs for the guests to use. We manage to find two empty ones together. Alexis walked ahead of me towards the chairs. It was hard not to notice several men eyeing her as she walked passed them. Alexis was looking even sexier in a swimsuit. She could be a Sports Illustrated model.

We had a great time at the beach without any incident. We swam, we tanned, we talked some more. We even socialized with another couple while we were there. It was a moment I wished lasted forever. We were genuinely a happily married couple enjoying our honeymoon.

We were there for almost two hours before we decided to head back to our room. We showered and dressed to go to another one of the restaurants the resort had to offer. We decided to go to one that was located outside. By the time we arrived at the restaurant it was 6:14 pm.

Alexis was looking amazing as usual dressed to kill. It was a red dress that hugged her body tightly, showing all the curves of her body. She also applied some makeup which only enhanced her beauty. Alexis was the type of woman who had natural beauty and certainly did not need the help of makeup. But, like most women, Alexis felt it was necessary to make herself more "pretty".

Dinner was also pleasant as we ate our delicious meal with a live band playing and a beautiful view of the beach to go with it. Even being with her for so long, it was hard to take my eyes off her. She just looked so beautiful and way out of my league. I couldn't have asked for a better woman to spend the rest of my life with as my wife.

As we talked and held hands, I completely forgot about my predicament. My thoughts were only on her. On us. It was how this honeymoon should have been. But reality came crashing back to me when Alexis received a text from Alan.

"It's Alan," she said.

Every time I hear his name, I feel like I get punched in the stomach.

"What does he want?" I asked, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

On cue, Alexis received another text.

"He's wondering if he could talk to the both of us. Right now."

Another lure, I'm sure.

"Did he say what about?" I took a huge gulp from my wine glass.

"No. I'm guessing about what happened last night."

Alexis looked back at her phone after the text notification sound went off.

"I'm right. He does want to talk about last night."

Yeah, I'm sure he does. Right before taking advantage of my wife.

I didn't say anything. I left it up to her to decide what to do next.

"What are you thinking?"

I guess Alexis was thinking the same thing.

"Uh, not sure. I guess I'm okay if you're okay with it."

"No, you promised. You promised you would be honest with me about everything. Tell me what you're thinking now," Alexis said seriously.

"I'm just thinking about you. I always am. I don't want you to feel like you are forced to do something. Even if it's for my...ya know, benefit."

Alexis' expression relaxed. She reached out for my hand again, which I gladly accepted.

"You know me, babe. I can take care of myself. I may be small, but I can still kick some ass. The only way I can get hurt now is if you get hurt. I just hope you're not lying about how you really feel. So if you don't like this at all, or if you get jealous all of a sudden, you can stop this too."

Her words finally struck my heartstrings. I couldn't help but let out a single tear. How could she love me so much? Especially if she ever finds out what I did? The guilt was quickly eating me from the inside out.

Alexis noticed my single tear so I spoke quickly.

"I'm the luckiest man in the world. To have a woman who loves me this much. I don't deserve you."

"I feel the same way about you."

We both shared a long kiss.

"Well, I am curious what he has to say. If you or I don't like anything he has to say, then we'll leave. Okay?"

I nodded. If only Alan could show his true colors to Alexis, I'm sure she'll never want to see him again.

I paid for the meal, left a big tip, and took Alexis' hand as we made our way back to the hotel, towards Alan's suite.

Alexis still had the card key Alan had given her yesterday. As we got nearer to his suite, my dread grew.

Who knows what's in store for tonight. I'm sure Alan will want to try to sleep with her again, but judging by her mood, I'm gambling she will not comply as easily as last time.

When the elevator reaches the floor, the doors opened once again, revealing Alan's luxurious suite. Everything looked the same from last night. We took a few steps in until Alan, once again, came out of nowhere.

"Hey, guys, glad you could make it."

Alan didn't seem overly excited to see us. He had on more comfortable summer wear, wearing a white v-neck shirt with matching white pants and sandals to go with it. He was holding two drinks of wine, I assumed, and one drink with the other.

"Please, have a seat," he motioned towards the couch in the living room. Alexis and I sat down together on one of the couches while Alan sat down on another. He placed the two glasses of wine in front of us, on the coffee table.

"Help yourself, please," he offered. I had a sinking feeling he had drugged Alexis' glass.

Before Alexis could make any kind of response, I intervened.

"Thanks, but I think we're good."

For a moment, I thought I saw a look of anger on Alan's face, but he went back to his charismatic smile and words.

"That's fine. It's probably best if we do have clear minds for what I want to talk about"

Not heeding his own suggestion, Alan downed his entire glass of wine before setting down on the coffee table.

"Listen, Alexis. Robert. I've been doing a lot of thinking about last night. I'm conflicted you see?"

Alexis and even I were puzzled.

"I'm going to be honest with you. I enjoyed last night very much. I've never done anything like that before. I mean, sleeping with a woman who not only is married but in her honeymoon, with her husband watching the whole time!"

Alan looked genuinely excited. He never talked much about his sexual experiences. He would briefly talk about one or two "sluts" from his past.

"Yet, I am afraid that I may have ruined a marriage. When I didn't see you two in the room when I came back, I thought I would never see any of you again. As if maybe you two thought you made a mistake. Which is why I tried to reach you both."

It amazed me how much of a bullshitter he was. He puts me to shame!"

"Anyway, if you two do regret it and came here to tell me it will never happen again, then I'll completely understand. Just let me say one thing: Alexis, you are by far the best woman I've ever been with. I've never felt that way with another woman. Err...sexually, I mean."

I noticed Alexis looked bashful from what he was saying. Was he really getting to her again?!

"If last night never happens again, I just want you to know, I'll never regret it and I'll always cherish that memory. And Robert."

Hear him saying my name made me jump a little. I did not expect him to speak to me directly.

"Thank you so much for an opportunity of a lifetime. I don't know any man who would share a woman like your wife. You're one of a kind."

Reading between the lines, I could tell he was insulting me, right in front of Alexis. It was degrading, to say the least.

Neither, Alexis, nor I said anything. I think we were at a loss for words.

"Well, that's all I had to say. If you wanted to say something to me. Anything. I'll be happy to listen. If not, thanks for dropping by and I hope you two enjoy the rest of your honeymoon."