Robert & Alexis Pt. 02


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Alexis looked at me to say something. My mouth was open but I still had no idea what to say. Alexis took the opportunity to speak up.

"Robert and I did talk about it. And...we also don't regret what happened last night." She looked at me for reassurance, to which I just smiled.

"Really? Wow. That's such a relief! I'm glad you both feel that way." Alan responded.

"Us too," Alexis chuckled.

"Well, hey, listen, like I said," Alan continued. "I'll cherish last night for as long as I live. Thank you both for stopping by listening what I had to say."

Alan stood up, preparing for us to leave.

Thick cocky, evil bastard. I knew he knew we were not going to leave. His personality was winning Alexis more and more.

Alexis and I remained seated. She looked at me to study my expression before turning her attention back to Alan.

"Would some company?" Alexis asked him, hesitantly.

I knew she felt awkward for saying something like that. This is a whole new situation for her. For us. She had no idea how to go about it.

"Really? Are you sure?" Alan asked, looking like a kid on Christmas morning.

"I mean, we can see where this goes. We both don't have any objections. We just have some ground rules if we do-"

"Let me stop you right there, Alexis," Alan interrupted, extending his hand out.

Alexis was taken aback. So was I.

"I know exactly what you're going to say. I know that you have the final say in all of this. That goes without saying. Robert and I are obviously more than okay with this. But in the end, your say is just as important, if not more."

"You're right," Alexis was surprised.

"I also know you two are in love with each other. Hence why you two decided to get married. I will not do anything without your permission that could jeopardize your marriage and relationship while we're here. You have my word."

Alexis looked more surprised. But I was skeptical. What's he trying to pull?

"And I think the last thing you want to say is that we must all be honest with each other. I couldn't agree more. I'll be honest with you until we part ways from the resort."

Alexis was speechless. He literally took the words out of her mouth. How did he know all of that?

"Wow, Alan, everything you said is right."

I notice Alexis starting staring at Alan like a teenage girl looking at her crush. It was a weird feeling for me.

"Excellent! I'm not sure if you had anything planned for tonight, but I was going to relax in my hot tub. Care to join me?"

While Alexis may have blushed at his offer, I was looking sickly.

Oh, God. What could he possibly want to do in his hot tub?

"We didn't bring any bathing suits though," Alexis mentioned.

Alan laughed.

"I guess our underwear will have to do." He suggested.

My heart was beating just as fast as it did last night. Alan walked over to us. Well, over to Alexis, sticking his hand out, inviting her to take his hand.

"Do you mind?" Alan asked me, without taking his eyes off Alexis' eyes.

"N-no...," I said. I think Alexis was already under his spell, she didn't notice the hesitance in my voice.

She took his hand, Alan helping her up, taking her by his side as they walked to, I assume, where the hot tub was.

We were led to the balcony outside. It was big enough to fit a hot tub and a small pool. It may have been summer but the night time here on the island was cool and windy.

"It should be ready by now," Alan said, dipping his hand into the hot tub. After which, he started taking off his shirt and pants, leaving only his briefs on. With his briefs, the outline of his cock was visible. And it wasn't even hard. Add that with a masculine body and good looks, I can see why he had no trouble attracting women. So why did he have to go after mine?

Alan hopped into the hot tub, making himself comfortable on one side.

"You guys coming in?" Alan said, spreading his arms on the edge of the tub.

I was very reluctant to go in, of course. Alexis looked more nervous. I think Alan noticed this, prompting him to say his next words.

"Hey, Rob? Why don't you help your wife out?"

It surprised me a little to hear him sounding dominant with Alexis around. I thought it would offend her. Instead, she looked at me to see how I would react.

If only she knew how much I wanted to take her away from here and never see him again. That I don't want to disrobe my wife in front of an evil asshole on our honeymoon.

When Alexis was looking at me, I glanced back at Alan looking at me with the smug look I've gotten used to. His face read, "You know you have to because you have no choice."

I grabbed her by the shoulders for comfort.

"Are you okay with this?" I asked her one last time.

She took a deep breath and nodded. Alexis looked nervously excited.

Slowly, I reached for the knot around her neck that helped hold her top. Alexis had to move her long raven hair to the side for me to get access to the knot.

It took only seconds to undo. The flaps fell down, revealing the bra she had on. I was thankful she had that on at least, covering her most intimate parts. Not like that won't be going too, soon.

Alexis slowly brought her dress down, passing through her big hips, until it fell down to her ankles. She stepped over her dress, wearing nothing but matching bra and underwear along with her sandals.

"Mmm, you are breath-taking. You have an amazing body. Doesn't she, Robert?"

"Yes, she does."

It's true. She looked incredible. Even more so with just a bra and underwear. Every time I see her like this, it's like I'm seeing it for the first time. It used to make me especially happy to know I would be the only man in her life to see her like this. That is until Alan came into my life.

"Do you plan on coming in too, Robert?" Alan asked.

I guess it was a little weird to be the only one now more clothed. Without answering, I took off my shirt and my sandals. I didn't want to take off my pants but I knew it would be awkward for me if I went in with them. So I took them off as well, wearing only my plaid Hanes Boxers.

"You two look cute together." I could tell Alan was mocking me. "Well, come on in. The water is great."

Alexis held onto my hand as she slowly entered in the hot tub one foot at a time. When she got in, she sat down on the opposite of where Alan was sitting. I followed her close behind, trying to get used to the hot temperature of the water. I sat down next to her, trying to be comfortable. They say the hot tub is supposed to make you relax. For me it was almost impossible, knowing what was about to happen soon.

"How does that feel?" Alan asked. I knew the question was towards her and not me.

"It feels really good," Alexis admitted. She swayed her legs and arms, letting the hot water relax her body.

"You know what'll make it better?" Alan said, before reaching for a bottle and glasses, set on a flat surface of the hot tub near him. I hadn't noticed the bottle there.

"Expensive bourbon. Courtesy of Kentucky's finest!" Alan poured the drink in all three glasses before handing them to us, before we could reject or accept the offer. Neither of us said anything. I think we were hoping the other would say something.

Alan raised his glass of bourbon.

"To meeting new friends and going on new adventures!" Alan toasted.

We both did the same, then drank. Alexis only took a few sips. I chugged all of mine hoping to dull the stress I was feeling. The drink was strong and had a sharp taste to it. It burned my throat and chest as it went down. But it soon felt warm as the drink went through my system. The warmth felt like it was going through my entire body. It finally did the trick to loosen me up a bit, with the help of the hot tub.

Alexis made a face from the sips but, like me, she was probably feeling the same warmth going through her system.

"That's delicious! What is this?" She asked him. She likes to call herself an aficionado of liquor, but I'd say she's just a drunk.

"One of the oldest bourbon to be made from Kentucky. A good friend of mine gave it to me. I usually bring a bottle like this with me on vacation."

Alexis kept sipping her drink until it was empty. Alan offered her, and me, more bourbon, to which she and I accepted. The more I drank, the more edge it took off.

We each drank the same amount after emptying our glasses. By the 4th drink, Alexis and I were pretty tipsy. The potency of the bourbon was strong. If it hadn't tasted so damn good and relieved my tension, I would've stopped at one drink.

But after my 4th glass, I was feeling even more relaxed and worry-free. I couldn't help but smile and giggle as I saw Alexis drunker than I was. She had a hard time keeping her head straight up. A big smile was plastered on her face. For someone who enjoys drinking, she sure is a lightweight.

I looked over at Alan to see he looked just as he did before we started drinking. He didn't look remotely buzzed. He's just sat there drinking his drink while watching us act stupidly.

Alan peered over to his pool.

"Hey, why don't we hop on over to the pool and cool ourselves down. Shall we?"

It was hard enough for me to coordinate myself getting out of the tub, but Alexis was in a worse state than I was that I had to help her get out too!

I managed to get out fine but the second I put one foot on the ground, I felt Alexis stumbling and falling on top of me.

Miraculously, I was able to catch her just fine. For a second, I was upset that she almost hurt herself and me, but hearing her laugh from it made me laugh too.

Afterwards, we made our way to the pool. Stepping into the cool water sobered me up just a little. I think the same happened to Alexis.

We both got in slowly in the shallow end, resting our back and arms on the edge of the pool. Alan followed us, sitting on the opposite side of the pool. The pool wasn't big so the distance between him and us was like 10 feet.

Alexis returned to feeling comfortable in my arms. The cold water did feel better after spending some time in the hot tub. It was quiet for a little bit until the evening took an interesting turn.

"You know, I just had an idea," Alan said. We both brought our attention to him. I still didn't like him, yet I was too relaxed to feel any kind of hostility. "Since Robert saw us together last night, perhaps you two can put on a performance for me? What do you say?"

"Here? In your pool?" Alexis asked.

Alexis looked over at me. Thanks to the expensive booze, I was looking calm instead of freaking out.

"I think that's fair. What do you say, babe?" Alexis asked.

I looked at her, trying to concentrate. The last thing I wanted was to oblige anything Alan suggested. But the thought of having sex with my own wife in front of him. In my drunken state, that sounded like a good idea for revenge.

"I'm game if you are," I told her.

Without further ado, Alexis planted a kiss on my lips. I embraced her as I returned her kiss. I was looking forward to giving Alan a taste of his own medicine. And it won't be just sex. It'll be making love.

As we continued kissing, adding more passion, Alexis reached behind her to undo her bra. When I felt her bra had become undone and tossed it, I grabbed her breasts with both hands. She moaned in my mouth when she felt me touch her. As I played with them, giving them light squeezes, Alexis kissed me harder, trying to bury her tongue deep in my mouth.

I moved my hands on her back. I love the way her back feels when it's completely bare. I love how her back looks, showing just the right amount of muscles with that spinal dent to go with it.

My hands made its way to her ass. Her ass felt amazing as always as I gave it a firm squeeze. I pulled down her panties down so that her ass was showing, knowing full well Alan was getting a perfect view. I wonder what was on his mind now?

Her own hands roamed from my hair to my shoulders as I explored her body with mines. I tried pulling on her panties some more so I could get them off but with her legs wrapped around my waist, it was impossible.

Alexis got the hint and straightened herself out, stepping back from me for room. She kept her eyes on me as she reached down to slip off her panties.

She looked back at Alan before tossing it to him. He caught it with ease and held onto it. Alan looked like he was having a good time. Not sure if I should be relieved or worried.

Alexis' face popped into my view again, reminding me I was about to have sex with my beautiful wife in front of my evil boss. She planted a few more kisses before pulling down my boxers. Thanks to the expensive liquor I was relaxed, not feeling scared or even ashamed to get naked in his pool with my now equally naked wife, and my half-naked boss, Alan.

When it was completely off, Alexis brought it up from the water and tossed it outside of the pool. Alexis and I were now naked together, about to have sex for a second time in front my boss who's been tormenting me ever since he found out about Alexis. I don't know why, but I started getting excited. I started to see why Alan could get excited by this.

Then, it all came crashing down.

I was so drunk and in the heat of the moment, I didn't even realize what had happened until Alexis went to grab my dick.

It was completely soft.

Normally, I would be freaking out had I been sober. But thanks to a few drinks from the old bourbon, I thought it was funny. So did Alexis.

"C'mon, babe. You have to work with me here." She teased.

Alexis kept stroking me, trying to get it hard, but it was no use. I even grabbed her some more, trying to explore every inch of her body with my hands. That didn't help either.

Next, I closed my eyes and replayed last night when Alan and Alexis had sex. Again, I was so drunk, it was even difficult to concentrate on imagining anything.

Alexis kissed me some more, working harder to get me hard.

"What the fuck, Robert?" Alexis said, after tiring from her attempts to arouse me.

"What's wrong?" Alan asked from behind.

"Nothing...I don't...know...what...I can't...get...," I stammered.

"Oh, I see," Alan said. "Sounds like you are the victim of one of man's greatest ailments after having one too many spirits: whiskey dick," Alan said smugly, taking another sip of the bourbon. "Sorry, Robert. Had I known, I would not have given you so much.

Alexis looked like a kid who was told she couldn't get the toy she wanted at the toy store. I felt horrible. I had the perfect opportunity to have sex with my wife again. I thought I was feeling more than ready. I just wish my body felt the same way. Then I started feeling a different kind of horrible.

I had no choice but to shove Alexis off of me in order to lean over the edge of the pool to throw up.

"Ugh! Really, babe!? You have to be fucking kidding me!" I heard Alexis yell in disgust.

"Damn. Hey Robert, there's a bathroom to your left as soon as you go back inside. You can wash up there. Don't worry about the mess, I'll have room service clean it up later." Alan informed me.

Without looking at either of them, I put my hand to my mouth, to stop myself from vomiting anymore, and headed towards the direction of the bathroom.

I managed to hold my puke until I reached the bathroom. I dropped to my knees, hugging the toilet as I threw up some more in the toilet. It felt a little relief as the bile left my body. I was planning to get myself comfortable, not sure if I had any more to throw up. As I rested my head on the rim of the toilet, my eyes shot wide open, remembering I had just left Alexis alone with Alan in the pool.

I picked myself up, holding onto anything within arms reach, and made my way back to the pool.

Even after vomiting, I was still drunk. I thought I was lost when I couldn't find the way back. Eventually, I found my way back, only to stop when I was about to go outside.

I stopped right before I was about to open the glass door. Through the glass door, I can see Alexis and Alan sitting close to each inside the pool. Very close.

I rubbed and squinted my eyes to make sure if I was seeing correctly. But even in my drunken state, it was clear to me what they were doing. Alexis' back was to Alan. From my view, I saw them from their left side. It looked as if Alan was giving her a massage. He might've been whispering sweet nothings to her. I wasn't able to see her face, but she looked very relaxed as Alan worked on her shoulders. Her head would go from side to side as he worked on her. Even from this distance, his hands were big compared to her small shoulders.

I just stood there, watching. I braced myself with one hand to help me stand still in my inebriated state.

He leaned his head in, planting one small kiss on her neck. Alexis didn't flinch. When Alan noticed she didn't resist, he planted more kisses on her neck. His hands continued massaging her shoulders and arms.

It felt like a dream. I kept having to adjust my eyes to make sure what I was seeing was real. I know I've seen this before, but it feels different this time. I found myself hiding while I spied on my wife and Alan having fun in his pool.

It was wrong on so many levels. On the one hand, I knew I shouldn't be watching this. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to watch this time around. But yet I couldn't look away. I knew it couldn't stop it either. Really, what were my options?

Try to be a "hero" and rescue my wife from Alan's clutches? Any person could see she was not in any kind of trouble or duress. Plus Alan would most likely kick my ass for interrupting his intimate moment with Alexis.

What am I talking about? That's my wife! I have to stop this!

No, you're not. You know you're not going to do a damn thing.

I have to.

Then do it. Stop them.

I didn't move. I wanted to. But I just couldn't. Instead, I kept watching them. Alan's kisses on her neck were longer. He moved his hands from her shoulders to her chest. He squeezed her magnificent breasts hard. It looked like it should've hurt her, but that wasn't her reaction. I could hear her moaning all the way from my position.

She leaned her head back, resting on his left shoulder. Alan planted more kisses on her neck and shoulder, never easing up his treatment on her boobs.

You can't, can you?

No. I can't.

Why not?

I don't know.

Yes, you do.

Alan's right hand let go of Alexis and disappeared into the water between her legs. The second he did that, Alexis moaned even louder. She quickly grabbed the back of his head with her left hand, while letting her other hand go to where Alan's hand was underwater. It took me longer than usual, in my drunken stupor, to realize he was playing with her pussy.

I've played with her like that with my own hands, so I knew what was coming next. Alexis turned her head to face Alan, which made him stop his kisses on her neck, and kissed him fully on the lips.

It looked exactly like what I saw last night. Instead of the king-size bed, they were in a pool. I mean, the passion I was looking at now was the same passion I saw last night. It's incredible. I never thought I would have an interest in voyeurism. I don't know if it was the booze, but I was getting more turned on than I did last night.

I looked down to see my erection. It brought shame and excitement to me at the same time. I looked back to see Alexis turn around so that she was facing Alan. They both continued kissing passionately, with her arms around his neck, mashing her chest onto his. Alan held her by her small waist. Without stopping her, Alan moved their bodies so that now his muscular back was to me, sitting down on one of the seats embedded in the pool.

Alan dunk both his arms underwater picking her body up quite a bit. I could see she brought her legs ups, using the seat Alan was sitting on, to rest her feet. Alan waited for her to get situated before slowly bringing her back down. On the way down, I saw Alexis instantly stop kissing Alan. She had her eyes shut tightly, with her mouth wide open, moaning loudly.