Roberta Radcliffe


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When she was asked about the commentator, her reply was that she had kept her mouth shut in the hope that the general public noticed that he was spouting rubbish, but that didn't stop him. Her personal opinion on the matter was that she hoped he rotted in hell. They used that comment to end the interview and his career.

The ball brought for seven thousand dollars at auction. I used my boss to buy it for me. He agreed as long as he didn't get stuck with paying for it. When I got it back, I gave the ball to Terry Hanrahan as a personal thank you from me. His wife had to thank me, Terry was too choked-up to do it.

When Bobbie was discharged from the hospital and on the insistence of both her folks, she spent time convalescing at her folks Mansion. I also sat her down and showed her the You Tube segment of the little girl at the eighteenth hole and what she had said to her mother that camera six had picked up. The segment had gone viral, most of the comments were kind, but a few were damn nasty and aimed at the little girl.

I handed her my phone and she called her dad first, then Scarlett.

Two weeks later...

I watched him walk back from the shop, a newspaper under his arm and a carton of milk in his hand. His fumbling with his keys meant he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, when his door opened I followed him in. My badge held his attention; my gun superseded that, due to the fear in his eyes.

"Hello Camera six."


I ignored him and continued on my own little speech. "My wife thanks you for almost destroying a child's life for her and has even decided to give you a chance to make things right. I think she is being exceedingly charitable, but that's my wife for you."

By now my gun and badge were put away as I explained myself. Camera six felt comfortable enough now to make us both a coffee as I continued talking and also explained the reason I was in his apartment.

He mulled over what I had said for a moment and then said. "Count me in. I can't undo that piece on You Tube, but from what your telling me, I'd be more comfortable putting your idea on there, providing we can get the television station on board."

He watched me smile.

"Already done, as of nine o'clock last night, it was me who asked them to let me come and get you."

"Bit dramatic don't you think?"

I shrugged. "Not when you think of what that little girl is going through at the moment."

He paused, I could tell by his eyes that he was thinking hard on my comment. I heard "Good point," leave his lips before he lifted himself off his seat and walked into his office to grab a camera and bag.


Thursday morning Jackie Pritchard woke with a strange feeling, like something was off about her day. She added her golf bag to the trunk of her car and went about making breakfast for her little girl. It had been just over two weeks now since the treat for her little girl: two hard-to-come-by tickets to the final day of the women's final, and the drama at the eighteenth hole that was shared with the world. It left her daughter screaming herself awake for a week, and the venom of people on You Tube over the comment her own daughter had made to her personally, left her devastated.

Her school had been very supportive, but the comments from some people within the community weren't so welcome. Jackie just wanted to forget the whole day now, bury it in the past with the hope that her own daughter would come out of all this unscathed. Her own faith in human nature was being tested on a daily basis and it shouldn't have to be. She was even thinking about giving up her love of golf because of it.

With Stacy now fed and both on the way to school, the reluctance to go there was becoming an almost daily ritual. Stacy loved her school, her friends and the teachers, yet the comments she made to her mother that day lived on via You Tube and the snickers and sarcasm shone through the private comment made from a ten-year-old about a scene that had played out before their very eyes.

Her car came to a stop at the school. The duty teacher waved and Stacy left the car after wishing her mom a good day. Jackie wondered if her little girl was going to have a good day. They seemed to be fewer and fewer since that damn You Tube clip aired.

Jackie pulled away and almost made it to the gates when Mrs. Mires stood in the road, causing Jackie to slam on the breaks missing her friend by inches.

With the window down Jackie vented. "Dammit Carol, you're the Principle here, some example you are about crossing a road and not getting run over."

Carol Mires walked to the passenger side of the car and climbed in, her smile confused Jackie since she came oh so close to running her over.

"Oh shut up and drive over to the staff car park. I have a surprise for you that I'm just busting to tell you."


When the bell finally stopped and roll call was over, only Peter Hibbertson was missing from class, but everyone knew Pete was ill. He told the teacher yesterday that he didn't feel well, that was ten seconds before he was sick all over his desk. The whole class had to go outside for half an hour while staff and the janitor cleared up the mess.

Miss Powel announced to her class that now roll call was over they were going to the gym for a special treat. The noise from the corridor meant that other classes were heading to the gym as well.

It took ten minutes to get the whole school in and settled and all facing the stage, where six empty chairs sat in the middle of the stage. Principle Carol Mires walked onto the stage from behind the dark curtains at the back of the stage and the school children slowly stopped talking amongst themselves and waited for the school principle to say something.

"Today is a special day; today we thank one special person for doing what her feelings told her to do. But to do that, she is going to be escorted to the stage by a very special guest."

The doors at the back of the hall opened and Terry Hanrahan along with Jackie Pritchard walked in. Stacy's mouth fell open when her mother along with a man she had only seen a few weeks ago on a golf course walked up to her.

Terry knelt down and held out his hand. "Miss Stacy, please allow me to escort you to the stage."

Out of instinct and a little shock, young Stacy Pritchard looked towards her mother, who nodded her head that Jackie could hold the hand of a stranger. The whole school watched in silence as her mother came round the other side and held hands with her daughter as well. With a nod, all three walked towards the stage and up the steps. All three then sat on the chairs that the school principle pointed to.

Carol Mires then looked out at the entire school once again. "We have all seen the video clip of this young lady. She told her mother that she was going to pray for a woman she had never met, because that woman was in pain that few of us will understand in our lifetime."

Carol pointed to Terry Hanrahan and said. "That man there carried his friend to the medical centre for treatment, because it was the right thing to do. This man is a hero."

The school children clapped and Terry stood and took a bow.

The clapping subsided and Terry again sat down. The whole school once again looked at Principle Carol Mires.

"When some of us got together to do this, another person asked to be involved. He had watched from home with his wife, as his own daughter fought back the pain from her damaged leg to win something that meant so much to her."

Once again Carol Mires pointed towards the doors at the back of the hall as Senator Radcliffe escorted his wife down the hall and onto the stage. Some knew who he was and clapped but the children just clapped because their teaches did. Carol Mires yielded the microphone to the Senator.

"Since most of you are too young to vote, you won't know who I am."

The teachers laughed and the Senator smiled.

"My wife and I watched Terry lift my daughter into his arms and run to the medical centre rather than wait for them to come onto the course. He saw the pain my daughter was in and acted on instinct. His act was one of bravery, but bravery takes many names. One of those names that day was young Stacy Pritchard, she never knew my daughter and yet she told her own mother that she was going to pray for my daughter in her prayers that night, because to her, that was the right thing to do. In my wife and my eyes, that makes her a hero, just like the man who carried my daughter to the medical centre."

This time the whole room erupted in applause. The Senator bowed once to the audience and then knelt in front of Stacy and shook her hand before joining his wife on one of the seats.

Carol Mires let the applause finish before once again taking a stand behind the podium.

"I have one more guest I need to bring out, but first I want to show you something." She reached into the podium and pulled out a trophy. Every teacher in the hall recognized it instantly. "Now I want to bring out the owner of this."

This time Carol turned to look behind her as Bobbie came on stage. The crutches were holding her up, while her leg once again in a cast. The enthusiasm of the clapping from the teachers didn't go unnoticed by the children and soon the name of the woman on crutches spread amongst them all.

Carol offered Bobbie a chair; she smiled but declined, not to be outdone, she then offered Bobbie a kitchen stool, Bobbie smiled and accepted. The janitor was already hovering with a stool in his hands when Carol waved him over. Bobbie kissed his cheek and thanked him, she was on the stool for a good minute, still waiting for the applause to die down. Bobbie looked over at the little girl desperately hanging onto her mother's hand and mouthed a thank you to both of them, before she lost focus due to the tears in her own eyes.

That same tear stained face looked out at the crowd of children.

"My husband showed me the You Tube clip three days after it was aired. I thank all those who were kind enough to make positive comments to my little friend here. Now I stand with my friends beside her because of the snide and petty comments she has also received. My ten-year-old friend told her mother that she was going to pray for me, a woman she never knew personally and yet she saw me in pain and decided to pray for the pain to go away."

Bobbie touched the trophy and said. "The LPGA have given their blessing for me to hand this to this school for the rest of the year. I've been assured by your Principle that it will sit in the trophy cabinet. This is what you can achieve if you have the quality of friends that I have. I'm proud to say that I've added another friend today; her name is Miss Stacy Pritchard.

In the darkest part of the hall sat Charlie Becket, to me he will always be Camera Six. The camera was strategically aimed at the stage. Other than Stacy, all had given their permission to be on camera, he was going to distort Little Stacy's face. She was going to live her life in peace now. Camera Six aired the original film because the studio wanted to save it for another day. He had wanted to show the world the true power of a ten-year-old, instead she was ridiculed on You Tube and, like me, he couldn't allow that.


The Sanchez case was close to coming to court, and the only stand up row I had with my wife was when I asked her to move back in with her folks at the mansion. The added security there would keep her safe. My sister got involved and stood not a foot away from Bobbie when she told her she was driving her there.

I had to remind my wife that a cornered rat will strike out at anything in a desperate attempt to stay alive. Sanchez's people had seen the evidence against him and his people. He was going to jail, the only thing that was talked about was for how long.

Bobbie needed to be out of the way and kept safe for the sake of our baby. Love may be blind, but it wasn't stupid. She understood that she needed to be out of the way. I could take care of myself, not to mention the six ATF agents assigned to look after me for the duration of the trial.

The stare down at the courthouse also brought it home to Sanchez and his people. The case was solid, and when the judge passed sentence I walked out the back door while my boss stood in front of the camera's. I stayed at the mansion with my wife and in-laws for a few days, more to unwind than anything else.

Bobbie rested her head against my shoulder as we looked at the grounds slowly losing its light as dusk came upon us.

"Are you done now?"

I hugged her a little tighter right about then.

"Yes all done, no longer an undercover agent."

"So you have a proper day job now?"

I smiled. "Hell no, don't ever give me one of those."


Some very eventful months later...

The day after Bobbie gave birth to our daughter, she let the media know that she had now officially retired. That same day our local golf club released the news of Bobbie's record round on the course.

I have two girls in my life now. I also have a baby sitter on tap, in the shape of my number one niece, who seems to spend a heck of a lot of time here now. My sister says I can keep her, she's loving the peace and quiet. Yeah right.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Ravey19Ravey1922 days ago

Loved the humour and the love shown in this story. Just another read

oldpantythiefoldpantythief7 months ago

I enjoy reading a good story and can over look a few typos or misspellings. Unless it gets so bad that it makes a story impossible to read, I'm okay. Heck, I came here to read, hopefully a good story, not grade a paper. This story has a lot of feel good in it and that makes me feel good reading it. Funny how that works... Loved the story and enjoyed all the banter between the MC and the others, especially his sister. Thanks for writing and publishing another five star story.

Ravey19Ravey199 months ago

Loved the way Bobbie got into......

Ravey19Ravey199 months ago

A few little glitches but nowhere near enough to spoil this great romantic story. Loved the Wat Bobbies got into his life and fell in love with him.

LwcbyLwcby11 months ago
I could give a rat's fuck about some missed editing!!!!

It's still an awesome story!!!!!!!! You keep writing, I'll keep reading!!!!

Thank You!!!!!!!!

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