Sadie Outlaw Ep. 004: Plumb Loco


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"Well now." Sadie releases her held breath and turns to Millie behind her with her arms folded.

"You owe us for that post."

"Put it on my tab."

"You do not have a tab." Millie sneers.

Dooley steps up astonished by Sadie's feat and examines the beam before twisting in step, "I can fix this Madame Millicent."

"Mad Millie. I like that." Sadie winks at her, "Thanks Drooley. Care to arm wrestle me for a bath?"

"What do I get if ye lose?" He laughs then eyes the beam with a blink of worry.

"You can wash me... and Edward up."

"Ye maybe. Not no Laddie."

"Well, Eddie's gonna bathe with me soooo..."

"DON'T SERVE NO WOMEN." Alfred slams a fist on his bar jarring bottles and small glasses.

"Might I buy her a bath at least?" Edward speaks up.

Millie pauses Alfred with a palm to quiet his temperament. "A bath cannot hurt." She eyed Sadie from head to toe. Sadie immediately knew her thoughts were on making Sadie a working girl. As if. Well, maybe temporarily if need be.

"Might as well work up a sweat before that bath. You duelin' dukes with me Dooley?" The room suddenly encourages the Irishman to accept Sadie's offer. The saloon girls move in beside Dooley caressing his arms to get him to consider it, just how Millie trained them. The winner did get an hour with a girl of his choice.

"I win you can have the girl. All I want is a hot bath, a meal, and a bottle for me and Eddie."

"NO WOMEN..." Alfred begins to snap when Millie points at him. He immediately bites his tongue.

"I believe we can honor that just this once." Millie turns with a sly smile, "After all, she did bring in the Dillsby's. Perhaps, she is deserving."

"Love the blue petticoat Mad Millie." Sadie looks her over before stepping to Brutus and handing him back his knife. As he examines the wood it was still holding captive Sadie swings around him and grabs his glass of whiskey. Downing it in one gulp she shivers with a smirk. "Damn! Was that water?"

"Best whiskey this side of the Rio Grande."

"Course it is. Tequila south of the river makes that horse piss look bad. I'll settle for a bottle though." She watches Brutus bending over to step on the wood in order to remove his blade. Succeeding finally, he kicks the chunk aside and sheaths his knife. "We good Brutus?"

"That was my drink." He narrows his eyes, almost spooked. "What I owed ya I reckon."

"That's the spirit. Thank ya Brutus." A pat on his back she moves toward the tables and takes a seat next to where Dooley had been sitting. Propping her elbow up on the table she exhales, "You comin' Dooley? That's what she said." She points at the girl on his right arm. The girl brightened her eyes up. Without understanding the jest she knew in her heart what Sadie meant. For once the girl smiled.

"Go on Dooley. Win me." The girl giggles.

After a leery stare into the girl's eyes he nods, "For ye Vera... I would chase the Devil back to 'Ell." Cracking his knuckles, he steps to the table and glares down at Sadie. Hearing the folks in the bar mumbling he sits his chair upright and takes a seat. Before he plants an elbow on the table, he hears the swinging doors squeak wide. In steps Dooley's brother Shaunesy. Shocked to see Sadie admitted to the bar the shorter brother takes his derby off politely toward Millie and shuffles to his brother's side.

"Howdy Shaun. Here to see me whupp yer brother's ass?"

"Ye not be bestin' me, Lass." Dooley snaps back.

"Don't be embarrassin' ye'rself Lassie." Shaunesy leans into whisper in her ear.

"Let's clarify Drooley... if I win you still get what's her name over there."

"That be Vera."

"It's a pleasure Vera. Why don't you go fluff up the pillows and change into somethin' a lil' more comfortable. Dooley's gonna be up as soon as I beat him." She sighs, "After he buys me that bottle of whiskey and pays for my bath. That a deal... even if I AM lucky enough to beat ya Drooley?"

Shaunesy places a hand on his brothers shoulder out of respect. "I be wagin' on ye Brother."

"In that case..." Sadie sighs louder this time, "Any money I win from you boys pays for the horses in yer stable... and Edward over there for three days room and board. We can even go two outta three if ya want."

"Ye be awful confident." Shaunesy steps back, holding his derby out to the local gentlemen, "Place ye'er bets." A second longer to grab his brother's hat as a secondary for Sadie's wagers.

Without a thought everyone placed their money on Dooley to win, filling Shaunesy's derby. Only Edward steps forth to place a wager on Sadie. She smiled up at him for his faith in her. Sadie noted that he still had a mighty large erection.

"Whene'er ye be ready." Shaunesy holds the money to his chest.

Manning up, Dooley rested his elbow on the table and reached for Sadie's hand. Following his lead, she positions herself and accepts his sweaty palm. Fingers curling tightly, she could feel his strength. To his surprise he could also feel hers. He had never felt a woman's grip be so strong. For the first time ever, Dooley Finn knew a hint of fear. There was something about this woman. Even if she did share in their fiery red hair.

"We countin' to three or just goin' for it?" Sadie squinted.

As if out of the woodwork the bartender/ owner of the saloon Alfred stepped out and held both of their fists as if giving his blessing. With a gruff command he bellowed, "DUEL."

Both Dooley and Sadie struggled to remain in charge. Once Dooley saw her struggle he grinned and proceeded to grow confident in his win. Three minutes later they were still battling. Sadie didn't even express weariness. Whistling as they tilted back and forth made Dooley snap, "Will ye stop yer siren song."

"Just lettin' you tire some Big Boy."

"As am I Lass. Do ye give?"

"Oh, I give with the best of the gals." She uses her free hand as if giving a blowjob, her tongue inside her cheek pushing out. The men all laugh at her realizing what she meant. Even Millie admired the woman's abilities.

"One of three Dooley." She teeters him into a downward strain. Everyone in the saloon held their breath knowing they could lose their money over a woman. Shaunesy paced from side to side before circling the table. Verbal encouragement toward his brother seemed fleeting. In a blur Sadie drops Dooley's knuckles to the table. "THERE'S ONE!"

As everyone hissed out of displeasure Sadie felt their loyalty toward Dooley. Seeing his expression of shock and anger she put up her palms to calm him.

"Easy Tiger. It's just a game. You still got two chances. Win both you owe me nothin'. You still get to bed down Vera."

"Ye won't be so lucky this time Lass."

"No four-leaf clovers in my cereal box. Let's go."

Fingers entwining yet again, she battles him for four minutes, before feigning her loss of energy. Losing to him Dooley stands up to honor the cheers. Once the hoopla fades Sadie pats the tabletop. "Final round. Winner takes all. We still good on what the stakes are Dooley?"

"Aye. Ye be goin' down Lassie."

"Not on you. That's Vera's job." She riled a round of laughter.

Prepping further, Sadie notices Edward grinning up a storm. He was enjoying himself. Seeing her looking his way he made a two-handed boxing gesture to spark his loyalty in her favor. She had to snicker at his crude behavior, closest thing to a thumbs up in this era she suspected. As Alfred begins their final battle the two warriors resist the urge to give up. Sadie knew she was going to win, but her heart discovered sad faces on Shaunesy and some of the men. She hated to see them lose, yet she really needed the benefits they had agreed upon. Sorry Dooley.

"WINNAH!" Alfred growled with distaste. Dooley dropped his head into his arms out of defeat. No sooner than Sadie won she rose to her feet and snatched up Vera's wrist. Taking her over to Dooley she kicked his boot to force his attention.

"Take Vera up there and have a good time Drooley." She points directly at Vera's nose, "I better hear you moanin' up a storm."

"Yes'm." Vera nodded with a shy grin.

Releasing her into Dooley's lap, Sadie turned to face Shaunesy, "Gimme half that loot. Rest pays for the horses, bath, and whiskey. My half pays Eddie there for my head rest." Shaunesy sets his derby on the table and divides it up. Shirking on a dollar Edward leans over his shoulder.

"I do believe you miscounted Mister Finn."

"Did I now?" Shaunesy grimaces as Sadie snaps his suspender.

"Don't make me regret splittin' that fifty fifty."

Recounting he adds a dollar to her half and coughs up, "Forgive me Lass. It twas the heat of the moment as they say."

"I'll heat your backside Irish." She snatches up her earnings and looks toward Millie and Alfred, "One bottle. One bath for two. I'll be on my way."

Millie motions for two of her girls to go out back and draw a trough of hot water. "Give the ladies a bit to fetch the water and heat it up. Alfred dearest? Bring the lady a bottle."

"WE DON'T..."

"SHUT UP ALFRED." Millie shows her authority. Grumbling in as many curse words as he could muster Alfred brought back a bottle of whiskey with two glasses. Biting the cork off Sadie sat down at the wrestling table and poured shots for she and Edward. Noticing Shaunesy licking his lips she shakes her head.

"Grab a glass, Shaun. Belly up."

Eager, the Irishman steps around his brother as he and Vera make their way up a staircase along the furthest wall. Raising her glass at Dooley he nodded his thanks and disappeared. Shaun returns with a glass allowing Sadie to divvy up the booze. Once settled Sadie toasts Edward, "To the man that's gonna tear this pussy up." They swig the shots back, Edward choking on his, trying not to laugh. Pouring another shot she toasts Shaunesy, "To the man who's gonna get me on the back of Inferno."

"Ye be loco Lass. 'Tis yer death wish if ye try."

"Well, the Dillsby's did call me the Devil's Daughter. Reckon I might as well go down in flames or fan them higher. Tomorrow?"

"Ye did best me Brother. I think I might wager on ye stayin' on the devil's hooves."

"I stay on... that horse is mine. Deal?"

"I canae jus' give ye the horse. He belongs to Mister O'Malley, the stable owner."

"This O'Malley by chance live in one of those big houses next street over?"

"Aye." She pours them a third drink. Edward passing on his until she points at him fiercely. Grimacing he takes the glass like a man.

"He the fella that has the black woman workin' for him?"

"Aye. That be his maid Plumb. Her white name given to her. Donae know her African name."

"Plumb in a town called Sugar Plum?"

"Mister O'Malley did build the town Lass."

"Ahhh! So, he named the town after his maid?"

"Story, is he rescued the Lass through the underground railroad when she was a baby. Raised her as his own. Ole' Cyrus lost his wife when the girl was five. She be like his daughter."

"Yet his maid."

"Lass has nowhere else to go."

"I wanna know more, but it looks like our bath waters bubblin'. I'll look ya up tomorrow, Shaun. You tell O'Malley I want Inferno. If he's a bettin' man, I'll take his stud. Right now? One stud at a time. I'm gonna drink and relax with Eddie here. Let's go scrub ourselves Edward."

Trying to speak after a lingering frog in his throat, Ed just follows along, after retrieving her belongings. He made for a worthy pack mule. Following Millie's girls out back Millie herself merely watched with a devious smile. That woman would certainly make a worthy addition to her brothel. Pipe dream Millie. Pipe dream.

Ten minutes later, Sadie and a more relaxed Edward soaked in a hot trough of water, crunched up together made it rather cozy. After washing each other Sadie lay back in his arms and sighed. "Speakin' of horses. That's a mighty fine Clydesdale you got back there Edward."

"It is rather large. I do hope I don't hurt you later."

"Hurt me? Eddie you better take out every frustration you got on this filly. Never know when you'll get this lucky again."

"You could always stay here in Sugar Plum."

"Not in my destiny Eddie. Week or two tops. After that I have a few places to be."

"Where might that be?"

"Ever hear of a town called Next of Kin?"

"Comanche territory. You truly must be loco to want to go there. I hear most of the town has been scalped if not for the cavalry's protection."

"Loco as they come." She reaches between her legs and grips Edward's nine-inch wonder. Stroking him he sighs and kisses her shoulder. For the first time he looks over her eagle and discovers the chain locketwatch tattooed into the eagle's talons.

"Why does the eagle hold the necklace?"

"Keeps it safe. Keeps me safe too I hear."

"From what?"

"From whatever gets in my way I guess." She enjoys his chest hair on her back as she hides herself by laying against him. Her hand never once stopping its rhythm over his girth.

"That feels lovely."

"What say we go back to yer place, and I let ya feel somethin' even lovelier?"

"A moment longer. This water is perfect."

"It does seem perfect, doesn't it? I like the peace and quiet."

As if on cue loud moans circulate the bathing room, overpowering the piano playing out front. Looking toward the ceiling Sadie grins.

"I reckon Vera's doin' what I told her too."


Raising her fingers from the water, poised out in front of her massive breasts, Sadie eyes her wrinkled fingertips. He too shows off his own.

"Welcome to Sugar Prune." She chuckles.

"Jealous?" He repeats himself.

"Damn straight Eddie." She crawls forward and leans over the trough allowing him to see her luscious clam eying his greed. "Get up here and put that horse to use."

Rising awkwardly behind her Edward Pike penetrates Sadie from behind. Splashing bathwater everywhere he does indeed test the waters. Finding talent in the Barber, Sadie Outlaw rallies to Vera's calls. Between the two wailing women the saloon outside had a good laugh. Even the piano player stopped to enjoy the women.

Alfred and Millie DuPont share whispers. For once Alfred grinned. Of course, her hand was masturbating him from behind the bar. No evil plans would be hatched at the moment. Millie was content to see what the future brought. Alfred's cum on her knuckles the furthest in her future as the evening allowed.

Sadie Outlaw rode one horse, tomorrow she would break another. That or it would break her. The night would give her practice. Eddie rode like the wind a happy man. No sleep until the roosters crowed. One chicken less, thanks to a nice dinner amongst newfound friends, before retiring to his home. At least for now. Eddie would open his Barbershop a few hours late. Sadie?

Slept 'til high noon.

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SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 2 years agoAuthor

I'm happy you're liking SADIE so much Boby Boy. I just now finished Chapter 9: SIDEWINDER for a future release.

Chapter: 6: GRINGO STAR, 7: IN CAHOOTS, 8: DOC'S HOLIDAY, and then 9: SIDEWINDER as I've said. I plan to write one more this week after I edit the five weekly releases for this round. Chapter 10 is called HIGH CHAPERONE... a tribute to the old western HIGH CHAPPARAL. I've decided to release these monthly until I run out again so, everyone should be happy until at least the end of the year. There really is no reason to make people wait for them every three months like I originally planned. It's bad enough that there will unfortunately be a long gap between Chapter 10 and 11. Unless I decide to write 11 and 12 this month. I have a lot of other stories to sink my teeth into, so I'll have to stop eventually. We will see.

Thanks for giving Sadie a chance Boby.


DevilbobyDevilbobyalmost 2 years ago

I don't know if I said when I wrote before that I have only just found Sadie these last few days. But its good fun that I e read so far so I shall Cary on and see if she won the devils hooves. I reckon her pointy spurs must keep him at the gallop.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor
I apologize

I've set aside some time in February to finish up Ch. 5 : CRAZY HORSE. I've been writing way ahead on my STARTING FROM SCRATCH series and a few others so I can go monthly on a number of them for at least a year.

In writing Sadie it takes longer due to researching certain things involved with the time period. While I'll never be perfect I do like being as authentic in the way people speak, what they might do in certain circumstances, etc.

My hope is to get CRAZY HORSE done in February for a March release. After that I'm aiming for August or September in releasing Ch. 6 : GRINGO STAR. With as many series as I write it's impossible to do more than 2 a year on the more complex series. Unless of course when I write I can often do 5 or 6 chapters in a row if the muse keeps me. I've been known to write 20 chapters of SCRATCH a month. LOL!

So...all I can offer is...I'm doing my best to give everyone something they've been missing. Hang in there!

Same goes for GNARLY'S ANGELS. I'm going to finish GOT YOUR SIX and BEAUTIFUL TRAGEDY at least in 2021. Possibly DEAF LEOPARD if I get that itch.

Stay tuned my friend.

Best I have to offer I'm afraid.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
still waiting

Please add some more chapters, we need to know how Sadie is doing

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 4 years agoAuthor
I hate not

I'll be heading back in time around late August, early September. I have a long list of stories I'm attempting to write in order. Sadie's next arrives in that time table. Trust me I miss the OUTLAW as much as you do but I'll admit things in life arise that slows me down, for instance I binge wrote like 70 chapters of STARTING FROM SCRATCH which possessed me. I decided while the iron was hot on that series to get a huge jump on it so I can produce 1 new chapter each week for a year of that series. I finished Chapter 80 a few days ago so it's a nice place to slow down for a bit and only write maybe 2 chapters a month going forward. In doing this I need to get caught up on a number of other series so I can deliver 1 new chapter for essentially every series I have between now and the end of 2020. Sadie WILL be one of those. I PROMISE!

If you yourself write then you must know nothing comes easily. I have too many series running at once and unfortunately it's impossible to please everyone on a monthly or even quarterly output. Some have gone a year but again a lot in my personal life has gotten me behind.

All I can ask AMIGO is to bear with me I'm trying.

Thank you for caring I OWE YOU.


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