Safari NY: Emily's Corruption


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"Can't what?"

"I can't stop myself."

Phil pulled the car over and parked for a moment before turning toward his girlfriend. "What exactly happened last night?"

"This woman, Sasha, she seduced me, said she could hear it inside me, begging for release."

"What, what was inside you?"

"I don't know, but she started to touch me, and I began to feel strange like I was in a trance like I wanted her to do what she was doing, then she put this strange black sludge on my lips, and now I...... what's happening to me, Phil?"

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out okay?"

"And that lizard, I had a dream that she sent him to find me and bring me back to her, and in exchange, she'll cure him."

"Wait, if there's a cure, maybe we can....."

"She doesn't want to cure me, she wants to finish what she started. She wants to change me into one of her breasts," she said as a low growl escaped her lips.

"Then what do we do?" He asked.

"I don't know, just, just drive," she said as he started driving again while she sat there silent for a long time.


A low growling moan could be heard coming from the living room, followed by a wet slurping sound as Sasha sits on the couch. Reaching down between her legs to lovingly run her fingers through Ez's beautiful emerald hair, savoring the lustful attentions of her lover. Biting her lower lip with her sharp fangs, trying to hold her human form before hearing the phone ring. With one hand caressing the beautiful elven goddess, the other reaches over to answer the call. "This had better be important...." Sasha growls into the phone, looking down to see Ezranox lifting her head. Sasha's cock slips free of her lips, still connected by a few thick strands of precum and saliva as she looks up at her lover.

"I found her... but she wasn't alone" Rex explains as both Sasha and Ezranox could hear his beastly voice.

Sasha shakes her head a little, smiling back at Ezranox before gently pressing her hand to the back of her head. Feeling this the elf slowly took the head of the beast's shaft into her mouth once more, sucking and slurping loudly on its length and pulling a lustful snarl from Sasha's lips. "Good... bring her back to the club and I'll keep my part of the deal. You want to stupidly reject the gift I have given you, I-"

"...She escaped" Rex growls, wiping the blood from his face as the scratches had already begun to heal but would likely leave scars.

Hearing this Sasha gently pushes Ezranox back from her lap and gets up off the couch, walking across the living room of her apartment as she begins pacing back and forth. Her dress still pulled up around her stomach with her throbbing erection in full view as it glistened with Ez's warm saliva and her slimy precum.

"She escaped.... you stupid fucking reptile, what the fuck happened!?" Sasha growls, suddenly feeling as if her dress was too tight as she reaches up and grabs the shoulder of it. ripping it to free her breasts and let out a brief roar. Ezranox could hear the anger and frustration but also see the lust of her lover as she began taking off her clothes, watching as the fur began to grow out from Sasha's smooth skin.

"The human has already started to change, she scratched me with her claws" Rex explains, looking at the blood on his hand while walking around inside the young woman's apartment. Looking through a few things, seeing a picture of her with her boyfriend and a few with her friends that went to the club with her.

"Where is she now?" Sasha asks, looking down at her high heels as they split apart to reveal her paw-like feet. Snarling angrily and kicking off the ruined shoes while waiting for Rex to answer her, looking over at Ezranox to see the beautiful elf slowly taking off the beautiful blue dress Sasha loves to see her wearing.

"I don't know... but I'll find her" He answers, looking at the picture of the girl with her friends as he begins to get an idea as he remembered her from the club last night, and more importantly the scent of her perfume.

"I suggest you not waste any more time, the longer your like this... the harder it will be for you to change back." Sasha purrs, tearing off the rest of her clothes as she slowly assumes her true feline form. Seeing that wild and feral look in Ezranox's eyes, the same look she had when possessed by Drenyss as Sasha walks up to her lover. The two of them briefly sniffed at one another before actually hearing the elf growl back at her a little.

"Right, I'll bring her back to th... wait, what? You mean if I'll be stuck like this... forever?"

She could hear the fear in the reptile's voice, knowing it would help motivate him to bring the young woman back to her sooner. "later, Rex... I'm gonna miss that big lizard dick" She actually moans into the phone, even licking it as she knew he could remember the last time they were together.

Straddling his powerful frame and slowly lowering herself onto that thick scaly cock, feeling its girth stretching her tight hole as they would take turns riding each other. Hearing Rex hangs up on her as she tosses the phone onto the couch nearby, staring into that strange and beautiful glow in her lover's eyes.

Her dark lips peel back to flash her fangs as Ezranox does the same, showing off the upper and lower fangs she had developed as a side effect of what happened with Drenyss. Sasha leans in and sniffs at her lover's neck, even giving it a tender lick before hearing Ezranox almost purr and nuzzle back against her before almost biting at Sasha's throat.

Turning a little and watching Ezranox walk past, heading back towards the bedroom and letting that beautiful dress slip down to the floor as she steps out of it. Crawling onto the bed on all fours and arching her back sensually, looking over at Sasha and actually snarling lustfully. A low growl rumbles within Sasha's chest as she flexes her claws, her muscles begin to tense as she gracefully lowers down onto all fours. Moving with the grace of a jungle cat as she pads towards the bedroom doorway, letting herself revert back to her primal feline form while her cock drools a constant strand of precum onto the floor.


Erica was sitting in front of the TV watching a murder drama and eating Chinese takeout wondering when Phil was going to pop the question to Emily. They knew he was going to do it on her birthday and had spent all day expecting to get a call or text from Emily once it happened, as long as Emily said yes but nobody could think of a reason why she wouldn't.

"Knock knock!" She suddenly heard at her front door wondering who it could be.

"Who the Hell?" She said getting up and heading to the door and looking through the hole only to see a large man with lizard-like features. She suddenly felt nervous wondering why he was there as she backed away from the door. "Oh my God," she said under her breath as she backed away from the door before she watched the handle wiggle.

"Open the door!" He growled. "I need your help. Suddenly the door handle snapped and he came walking in. She scream as she ran to the living room looking for her phone but he had grabbed her by the waist. "Calm down, I don't want to hurt you!" He growled looking at the terrified woman in front of him which only just reminded him of the monster he had become and why his girlfriend had left him. "Please, I need you to call your friend," he said before pulling a picture out of his pocket. "I need her."

"Wha........ what do you want with her?" Erica asked still shaking at the site of this creature.

"The owner of the club needs to speak to her, I went to her place but she ran away from me."

I mean, could you blame her?" She said. "I tried to run too."

"I........." he said before letting her go. "You're right, I'm sorry."

"You won't....... hurt her, right?"

"Look, I know how this all looks but this isn't a costume, and the only way I can be cured is by finding this friend of yours and bringing her to my boss."

"Okay, Do you know how crazy this all sounds?" Erica said looking him up and down.

"Crazy? look at me!" He roared ripping off his clothes and standing there naked in front of her. "Look at my body, look at what Sasha did to me, my girlfriend couldn't even look at me, I mean what girl would want this inside her? So she left me."

Erica stared at him for a moment almost getting a little turned on by what she was seeing before wondering what was wrong with her. She looked at his cock that he had just referenced and began to imagine what it would feel like inside her as she bit her lip a little.

"Wow, I mean, what..... how did this happen?" She asked still distracted by his member.

"Sasha, she's not human, she seduced me and transformed me, and that's what she did to your friend."

"Wait, what?"

"She started to change her, but she escaped before she could finish."

"Wait, because of you?" She said looking up at him.

"Yes, it wasn't my intention per se, but when I arrived there, I guess I interrupted it, which is part of the reason I'm in this mess."

"So Sasha promised you a cure?"

"Yes," he said turning away.

"Even for, um, that?" She said pointing at his member.

"Look, I just want my life back, so please call your friend and convince her to go back to the Safari, please," he said with sadness in his eyes.

"Wow, maybe you are not the scary monster you look like."

"I am a monster," he said looking over at her.

"Still, if your girlfriend dumped you just because of this, then maybe she wasn't the one for you anyway, did you threaten her?"

"No, no, I..... was gentle, and asked her for help, but she screamed and ran away."

"What a bitch, I mean, you did break my door," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry about that."

"And you could have easily grabbed me by the throat, lifted me in the air, and threatened me, maybe even....... try to......" she said looking back down between his legs.

"No, I would never do that, I'm not that kind of monster."

"Well, still, you could have....." she said getting distracted by him.

He suddenly lunged at her causing her to fall back against the couch getting very close to her face. "Would you want me to?" He said with a grin as she found herself getting turned on by him for some reason and seeing he was too as his cock twitched a little.

"I'll uh....... I'll call Emily," she said blushing a little as she picked up her phone and dialed her number. It rang for a moment before she heard Emily's voice. "Hey, Emily, um......"

Rex took the phone from her and said: "look, Emily is it? This is very simple, Sasha wants to see you at the Safari."

Emily was sitting in Phil's car as he filled it with gas as they were now a few miles outside the city. "Why, what does she want from me?"

"She wants to finish what she started, and if you don't go there, then," he said as he looked over at Erica almost ashamed of what he was about to say. "You'll never see Erica again."

"You monster, why are you doing this?"

"Because I want my life back and you're my ticket to that, so please, just meet us there, and I will let your friend go."

"What guarantee do I have you won't hurt her?"

"Because I don't want to, I don't want to hurt anyone, you'll just have to trust me," he said before hanging up the phone and tossing it on the table

"So, uh, I'm coming with you?" Erica asked.

"I'm afraid you have to, but I promise I won't hurt you, I just said what I had to say, I hope you can believe me," he said looking back at her.

"I...... believe you."


"Dammit!" Emily yelled as Phil got back in the car.

"What is it?"

"That lizard thing, he has Erica," she said with tears in her eyes. "I have to go back to the Safari, to Sasha."

"No, you can't!"

"I have to, just......... just get out of town, I have to do this alone."

"No fucking way, if you go back there, then I'm going with you, and we'll get Erica out of there, and......... I'll get the fucking cure from that Sasha bitch too."

"You don't actually believe there's a cure do you?"

"There has to be, this has to work, it just has to, okay!" He said before he started his car and headed back into town towards the Safari.

The ride was rather quiet for miles as Emily said nothing and Phil was trying to find a way to save Erica, and cure Emily but he didn't know what he was getting himself into or exactly what Was happening to Emily either but he knew he wasn't going to let her face Sasha or that lizard creature alone.

"Phil," Emily finally said breaking the silence once they were off the highway and back in the city. "I love you," she said before she revealed her claws again and grabbed the steering wheel causing the car to spin out and hit a fire hydrant.

Phil was a little rattled not sure what had happened as he looked over and saw that Emily was gone. He jumped out of the car as water rained down on his head but she was nowhere to be seen and she had slashed his tires so he couldn't pursue.

"Dammit, EMILY!" he called out into the empty city streets not knowing exactly how fast she was because of her transformation. "Fuck, I can't let you do this Em," he said using his phone to figure out how far away from the club he was before he began to run.

He was about 5 miles away but he knew he had to get there no matter what. He wasn't sure how far he had gotten before he had to stop and catch his breath knowing he probably hadn't even gone half a mile yet.

He felt a little off but wasn't sure why. He had felt a little strange since he had sex with Emily, almost like he could hear strange things and his vision was a but off. He hadn't thought much of it at first but since Emily is changing he began to wonder what was happening to him.

"Fuck, I can't stop," he said as he started moving again before he noticed a car with blacked-out windows starting to slow down and pull up next to him.

He went to keep walking as the window rolled down and he heard a woman's voice. "Hey, need a lift handsome?" She said as he looked inside and saw this woman with blonde hair smiling at him.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"No, but I'm the woman you're looking for," she said with a smile that revealed sharpened fangs.

He went to back away when he felt someone grab him from behind. He tried to struggle and even defend himself but when he looked he saw he was being held by this very beautiful woman with green hair and a smile on her face.

"You wouldn't hurt a lady, would you?" She said before she waved her hand over his eyes causing him to pass out before she put him in the back seat. "He's cute," she said before climbing into the passenger seat with Sasha. "What now?"

"Emily will be at the club soon, Rex is already there with his little hostage, so this should be fun."

"What are you going to do to them?"

"I'm not going to do anything, Emily needs one more orgasm to complete her transformation, and her lover here is going to provide it," Sasha said as they headed back to the club.

There was a silence for a few moments before Ezrnox finally said: "can I ask you something?" As Sasha glanced over at her.

"Anything, my love."

"Why do you do this to people?"

"What do you mean, I thought you liked watching me work?"

"I do, but I have always been curious, I mean, Rex is not happy, so it makes me wonder if you had to do that to him, and Emily."

Sasha got a very serious look on her face before she said: "it depends on your point of view I guess, when I was human, I felt weak, like I couldn't defend myself, or my people, but when Baphomet changed me, I felt better than I ever had before, I felt free."

"So, you feel like you're freeing these people?"

"In a sense, I can feel their inner beast begging to come out, and it pains me to see them trapped like that, but it still comes down to a choice."

"What do you mean? I've never seen anyone turn you down."

"There is one man who has, but my point is, it's on an unconscious level, but there is always a choice, like my Daughter, Ne'Kara."

"You speak of her often, I would love to meet her."

"You will, she is very special. You see, she died centuries ago, but her soul endured, much like Patrick being Nessira's former lover Sebastian, but Ne'Kara was in love with another creature named Rava, who also died, but they were reincarnated into mortals, Mary and Alex, and despite their human issues, their love endured, even before I freed them."

Ezranox took Sasha's hand in hers, hearing her tell this story. "Well, I hope you'll be there waiting for me in the next life as well," she said with a smile.


Emily ran with great speed through the city streets. She felt powerful as she was almost able to anticipate obstructions and even eventually found herself running on all fours like a wolf. She couldn't help but smile as she felt the wind in her face and being able to move at such speed. She felt free, strong, and even more horny than before.

Emily arrived at the Safari unaware of what had just happened to Phil. She suddenly remembered what was at stake here as she returned to normal. The guard opened the door as she approached and she went straight inside seeing nobody was there as they seemed to be closed this evening. She decided to bring her claws back out as she looked around wanting to use her power to kill Sasha and rescue her friend but also afraid of what she was turning into.

"Sasha!" She yelled out with a growl.

"Ah, there you are," Sasha said standing out by the railing on the floor above her. "What a beautiful creature you are becoming."

"I'm a monster, because of you!"

"A monster?" Sasha said as she descended the stairs towards her. "I see the true you, ready to burst forth, a predator ready to become the leader of the pack!"

"I don't want any of that, I just want a normal life, with......"

"Phil?" Sasha said with a smile.

"How do you know his name, And where is Erica?"

"Erica is safe, she's right over there with Rex," Sasha said as the curtain opened on the stage and she saw Eric standing there with that large lizard beast Holding her by her shoulder. "If you ask me, I think something is going on between them," Sasha whispered. "Now on to Phil, who is here as well, waiting for you."

"What, how, what have you done to him?"

"Nothing, I take good care of my guests, as you well know," Sasha said with a mischievous smile. "He is right through that door over there," she said pointing down the hallway where the private rooms are. "The one at the very end."

Emily ran down the hallway and pushed the door open seeing Phil unconscious on the large bed in there. "Phil, Phil, are you alright?" She said trying to wake him up before the door slammed shut and locked. "What the, what are you doing?" Emily asked trying to open the door back up.

Suddenly a speaker came on and she heard Sasha's voice say: "it's simple my dear, one more orgasm."


"That's all it will take, one more orgasm, and your transformation will be complete, can't you feel it, that lust, that aggression? Pretty soon you won't be able to fight it anymore.'

"No, I will not become another one of you beasts!"

"You can resist as long as you want, but I wouldn't recommend it, you're starting to feel the pain aren't you?"

"Shut up!"

"That burning between your legs."

"I won't hurt him!"

"Hurt him, I think he will enjoy helping you fulfill your destiny very much, whether or not it hurts is up to you, so if I were you, I'd get comfortable," Sasha said before turning off the microphone.

She looked over at Rex who was still holding Erica as he said: "So, I did what you asked, cure me!"

"Ha, you fool, there is no cure," she said turning towards him.

"What?" He said with shock in his voice. "But I..... you can't leave me like this!"