Scent Marked


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All there was left to do was collect our remote cameras the next day then we could begin the long haul back down to Namche the next day. It had been 8 days since my fall. I could put a little pressure on my foot and walk around a bit, but Sonam still called for a rescue team to meet us halfway.

"You might think you're feeling good enough to make it down but trust me, after a day it will start to really throb with pain, and you'll be glad for the help." What could I say?

It took Greg and Taz forever to fall asleep that night, as if they knew Elias and I had plans to fool around. We all laid there talking and laughing in the dark while Elias gently played with my nipples under the sleeping bag and pushed his erection into my hip at a slow grind.

"Enough already," Elias groaned once it was almost midnight, feigning exhaustion. "You guys need to let me get some sleep!"

"I guess we should go to sleep," Greg yawned. "We don't have to wake up as early tomorrow because we are just collecting the cameras, but we should take advantage of the extra hours and get a good night's sleep."

"Yeah, listen to Poop," Elias chimed in, faking a yawn of his own as he rolled my left nipple between his thumb and forefinger. If they didn't get to sleep soon, they'd smell the bouquet of excitement drooling out of me.

"I'm too excited to sleep. You got some urgent dreams you need to get to, Elias?" Taz teased. I elbowed her in the ribs.

"Hey!" she yelped.

"Oops, muscle spasm," I giggled.

"Yeah, right!"

"We can hear you guys all the way over here!" we heard a voice call out from outside.

"Who was that, Vihaan?" Elias pondered while still twisting my nipples. I grabbed hold of his shaft and began a slow tug back and forth. It was hot against my skin and as hard as stone. With my other hand I began to run two fingers through my leaking slit, trying to soothe my aching need.

"Yes, it was," Taz answered dreamily, and I could feel the smile creeping across her face as she spoke.

"Should I tell him you're inviting him to come join us?" I asked. She elbowed me that time.

"Oh! You and Vihaan, huh?" Elias queried with a chuckle.

"Now look what you've started," Taz sighed, sucking her teeth. "You just need to concentrate on making sure you have enough money to buy us all drinks in Kathmandu," she directed at Elias.

Before he could respond I took the two fingers from the puddle between my thighs and wiped them across my neck just under my ear. As soon as Elias picked up the scent he was kissing and licking me there, no longer interested in sparring with Taz.

"Uh, rethinking how sleepy you are?" I asked her.

"Since you want to play hardball," she sighed again.

While Taz and Greg drifted off to sleep, Elias and I kissed quietly while he explored my labia and vaginal canal with his fingers. We were listening for the tell-tell signs in their breathing signaling that they were sleeping, trying to contain our excitement from bubbling over. As soon as we heard Greg's snoring and Taz's heavier breathing, our clothes began to melt away until we were skin to skin.

With strong confident hands Elias pushed me to face away from him then pulled me into his chest. For the next ten minutes or so we spooned, with both of his hands then pulling and twisting my nipples as he sawed his tumescent manhood between my cheeks. His lips were still attached to my neck, where I constantly reapplied the natural musk for which he hungered. The bulbous head of his insistent shaft leaked a steady dribble of precum but it was unnecessary - my oozing sex had already lubricated the entire crevice for a smooth glide.

When he could take it no longer, Elias pulled his hips back and released one of my nipples to reach down and realign himself. I took hold of his arm and stopped him.

"I want you too but we can't."

"Come on, we can be silent and not wake anyone," he whispered insistently.

"It's not that," I countered, "it's that I'm not on any birth control, we don't have any condoms, and no way to get some up here."

"I'll pull out... I swear."

"Don't be daft," I scolded him. "You most certainly will not. You will release your seed deep inside me, screaming my name and thanking my creator; especially once you feel my wet heat clenching so tightly around you. "

"Fuuuuccckkkkkkkk!" he growled in frustration, urgently humping his tumescent cock against my backside. I could feel its need to spear me and explode inside me and I must admit, I loved having Elias in such a state of total need.

"Besides, we really should both get tested and be on a more reliable form of birth control, so you can be naked inside me," I whispered in his ear, teasing him further. He held me tighter and dry humped me harder, uttering indecipherable gibberish.

"There's no fucking way I can hold off that long," he told me, biting my neck then licking away the sting. I'd be covered in hickeys by the morning.

"I'm sure we can find condoms in Kathmandu, but until then -"

I couldn't finish the thought. It's hard to speak with a mouth full of cock, which is the situation I suddenly found myself in as Elias abruptly flipped me over and thrust his shaft between my lips without warning. Both his knees were on either side of my head, his shins pinning my arms as he made me take it. With my tongue I felt the pronounced swollen blood vessels along his length as it invaded my mouth, thrumming with all the blood flowing through and conveying the urgent state of his arousal. He didn't stop until his abs pressed firmly into my forehead and his thick patch of hair tickled my lips and pressed rudely into my nose.

He stayed rooted in me like that for a moment, relishing the feel of finally being inside me and the tight squeeze of my throat spasming around him in panic. Once that initial euphoria began to wane Elias settled into a measured yet relentless rhythm taking full strokes in and out of my mouth. He was using my mouth to take his pleasure yet still, I didn't want to just lie there passively. As he thrust back and forth I felt the hard flange at the base of the head pulling against my lips and when he almost withdrew, I seized the opportunity to explore his tiny slit with the tip of my tongue. I was rewarded with a slick, saline emission dribbled across my taste buds and I went back for more on the next pass, trying in vain to invade his little pee hole like he was invading my throat. Every thrust served to swish the precious appetizer around in my mouth, preparing me for the meal he was about to serve.

During our previous tryst, Elias let the action unfold at my pace, deferring to my wishes and putting my pleasure before his own. Apparently, I had teased him to the point where his gentlemanly ways went out the window. He'd spent the entire day wearing a ski mask saturated with my feminine essence, diverting all blood flow to his lower extremities, only to be told that he couldn't fuck me for another four days. I guessed that pushed him past his breaking point, and so he just took me and used my mouth for his orgasm without any regard to my own comfort or my wishes.

I have to admit, I loved pushing him to that point. Wetness sloshed out of my sex with every forceful thrust down my throat. However, I knew I was playing with fire. With many of my past lovers I often had to tell them that they wouldn't break me and that they could be a little more forceful. Elias was so much bigger and stronger than me that he really could break me if he ever fully lost control. There is an emotional need in me that I can't quite explain and that I try to keep hidden, that wanted Elias to fuck me to just within an inch of that breaking point. That part of my psyche scared me. It didn't stop me, though. When we got to Kathmandu I wanted Elias to fuck me harder and better and stronger than he had ever fucked anyone else in his life.

For the moment, I had to allow him to release some of that passion and energy in my mouth. All one could hear is his heavy breathing and my saliva being churned and forced out the corners of my mouth with every deep thrust into my throat. Greg was snoring but I had a feeling that Taz was listening to us again. It didn't matter, there was nothing I could do about it at that point. Elias wouldn't stop until he filled my tummy with his warm cream, which was just fine with me. I rubbed my clit furiously while he fucked my face, struggling to remain quiet and not moan out loud.

I felt the head swell even larger and suddenly it pulsed violently and he came in a torrent that overwhelmed my oral abilities. Throb after throb filled my mouth at a volume for which I wasn't prepared. I couldn't swallow fast enough to outpace his explosion and I struggled not to cough as his seed began spurting out of my nose and leaking from the corners of my mouth. Finally he made it easier for me and came all the way down with one final lunge with buried my nose in his thick bush of hair and clapped his balls around my chin. Lodged in my throat so deeply, he was able to bypass my struggling esophagus shoot the next few spurts directly into my tummy.

When he finally pulled his spent shaft out of my mouth I was gasping for air and coughing with tears running down the side of my face, but I had never felt more euphoric from giving a blowjob in my life. His nectar of life filling my mouth had been like a balm for my soul. The fact that I'd not been allowed to visually enjoy his manhood was frustrating but being denied the visual component I was able to experience the taste, scent, and tactile qualities much more intensely.

Elias collapsed on the side of me, dead to the world and began to drift off to sleep. I was disappointed, frustrated, and about to become angry when I felt him reach for me. I thought he was about to pull me in to snuggle with him and pull the sleeping bags over us, but feeling hurt by his selfishness I instead pulled away. He grabbed me again and for the first time I got a sense of his full strength as he lifted me on top of him with one hand like I weighed no more than a linen sheet.

He kissed me. It was a long, slow, and thorough kiss, not caring that my face was a mess with his seed. His fingers laced through my pixie curls and held my face to his tongue explored my mouth, making sure that I wouldn't break the kiss before he was sated. He kissed me until he felt all the tense anxiety drain from my body, then he turned me over and positioned me on my back with my legs spread before him. I felt bad for doubting him.

My pussy was a dripping, swampy, steamy mess by that point. My bush was all sticky and tangled, plastered with my leaky fluids. More was oozing out of me, trailing down my thigh.

What Elias did next completely shocked me. Instead of going for my sex he pushed his face directly into my very thick and very fragrant bush. He didn't seek out my labia or the entrance to my pussy, but instead seemed to relish having his nose buried directly in my smelly not-so-short and curlies. As if on instinct, my thighs closed around his head to seal him in. I sat in rapt fascination feeling his torso expand as he filled his lungs with my heavy scent. From deep in his chest emerged the faintest "mmmm" as the urgency of his breathing increased. Our tiny tent reverberated with the sounds of the distinctive hiss of large volumes of air speeding through his nostrils, filtered by my dense bush.

I was terribly self-conscious about what he must be experiencing given that I hadn't bathed or showered in three weeks. I don't care how many baby wipes one uses, especially when you have a lot of hair down there, the smell grows more pungent day by day. I could smell myself every time I changed clothes or pulled my pants down to relieve my bladder. It wasn't a gross smell, but an extremely concentrated muskiness unmistakable in its origin. I was shocked to feel Elias take such pleasure in smelling me given how thoroughly we've been socialized to forever cleanse our bodies of such scents.

From a bio-evolutionary standpoint, I understood intellectually why we should enjoy such smells, but it's hard to undo the generations of conditioning us women have gone through regarding "proper" feminine hygiene. I was filled with nervous insecurity, worried that Elias couldn't possibly be enjoying what he was doing as much as he seemed to be. I found it hard to let go and fully immerse myself in the moment. That worry began to fade, however, when Elias began drawing small clumps of my pubes between his lips then began licking and sucking them while in his mouth. He was tasting my concentrated pheromones, making sure he sampled every single hair across my unruly nest of curls. The realization made my head swoon.

I pulled my knees up even higher, my thighs wider, signaling him to push his face lower for a better taste. I felt my warm lips slide wetly together before parting, adding the humid moisture oozing out of my sex to the pheromonal cocktail assaulting his olfactory senses.

Elias used his lips to gather in my labia then eased backwards to stretch them out as he licked them off. I couldn't tell which was most to his liking - the flavor, the smell or the texture - but after each pass he faithfully went back for more. He was taking his time to enjoy and explore, unlike the greedy urgency he displayed two nights prior. I relaxed and left him enjoy me. He dragged his lower lip up and through my labia to scoop up my moisture, paused as he savoured it, then dragged his upper lip down and did the same.

Showing more nimble dexterity than I thought him capable, he used his thumbs to softly spread my labia open wide, exposing my inner pussy to the cold air. He then chased the chill with gentle kisses from his plush lips followed by long, lazy swipes with his tongue. Eventually he found a rhythm, raining feather-light kisses my clitoris then lapping up the resulting ooze dripping from my pussy. At one point he pursed his lips as if for a kiss but instead pushed his pucker into me and sucked, slurping up my leakage. Making way too much noise.

"Is he doing what I think he's doing?" Taz whispered in my ear, making me nearly jump out of my skin.

"You're supposed to be asleep!" I whispered harshly between gritted teeth, clamping my thighs around Elias's ears so that he wouldn't hear.

"Who can sleep with all the noise you two are making?" she said sarcastically.

"Girlfriend's code of honor means you are supposed to pretend you hear nothing," I hissed as Elias moved his tongue around inside of me, becoming more aggressive in his need. He ran his hands up my body to caress my breasts and twist my nipples, causing my hips to begin grinding my pussy into his mouth.

"No way. I haven't had any in over a month and I'm close to cumming," she said shamelessly. I could hear her breathing becoming more erratic and I knew that she must be masturbating while listening to us. "I just need you to tell me what he's doing to push me over the top."

"Oh bloody hell," I let out, though it wasn't from frustration. I never thought of myself as an exhibitionist, but for some reason the knowledge that Taz was playing with her pussy while listening to Elias eat mine released a flood of extra dopamine into my neural synapses. To make matters worse, Elias's tongue was just a tiny fraction above my anus, licking up the messy ooze being pulled down by gravity. I sank my teeth into my forearm to stop from screaming out.

"Tell me," Taz implored breathlessly. "Tell me what he's doing, Priya, please!"

"He's tonguing out my pussy," I whispered, "sucking out all my juices. But he keeps teasing me."

"How?!" she asked desperately.

"He keeps dipping lower, like he wants to -" I couldn't say it out loud, couldn't get it out.

"Like he wants to what?"

"Like he wants to taste my other..."

"Tell me!" she demanded, and I could feel her right arm shaking at a furious pace right next to me. I knew her fingers were a blur between her legs.

"Oh shit he's doing it!" I gasped, as Elias began to take slow, deliberate swipes across my anus with his tongue.

"TELL ME, you kinky slut!" she commanded.

"His tongue's in my butthole, Tazzy. He's tongue-fucking my arse!"

"Oh fuck!" she gurgled, and I knew she was gone.

My confession was accompanied by the squishy sounds of Elias feasting on my anus, and it drove us both over the edge. I broke out in convulsions as Taz shuddered next to me. Knowing that she was coming only intensified my own orgasm, and wave after wave rolled over me. Along the way a damn burst inside of me, baptizing Elias face, but he didn't seem to mind. His lips stayed faithfully sealed around my anus with his tongue thrust fully inside, held tight by the fierce grip of my sphincter.

"Whew!" I heard Taz sigh. "Thanks, Pree. I needed that."

"You and me both," I giggled. "Now stay quiet, I'm gonna let him up for air," I admonished once the last of the waves rolled through me and I eased my thighs open to release Elias. He crawled up my body and I pulled him in for a deep kiss. His whole face was dripping and I thought it might be sweat but after licking some off I realized that no, it was all me. I licked him clean as he tucked us in and zipped us up. We fell asleep immediately, all tangled in each other's limbs.

Chapter 9

Even with my bum ankle, it took us three days to hike back down to the Yeti Mountain Lodge in Namche. Two rescue climbers met us after we'd descended one-third of the way down and they were right on time - my ankle was killing me after the first full day back on it. Once the rescuers reached us, I was able to shed the weight on my back so that was helpful. Rather than let them carry me on a stretcher, I hobbled along holding onto their shoulders. When we finally reached the lodge, I almost cried tears of joy. I was never so happy to see a bed and proper toilet in my life.

It was just one more night before we'd be in Kathmandu but Elias seemed strained to wait any longer - he wanted to take full advantage of our renewed privacy.

"Let me help you in the shower," he suggested after walking me to my room, fully expecting to join me for the night. Reluctantly, I turned him down.

"No, I don't think you should come in," I said softly, rubbing his chest.

"Oh no! You two better no keep me up all night," cried Taz as she walked by to get to her room. Apparently, we were neighbors.

"Don't worry, I'm sending him back to his room for the night," I assured her.

"She's being cruel to me, Taz," Elias groaned in frustration. I told him that Taz knew about us, but I never told him how.

"Good! You two need to give it a rest. Good night, Elias, good night Pree," she yawned.

"G'night Taz," I called back. As soon as she shut her door, Elias was pleading his case.

"Ok, now come on, let me in."

"No, I'm serious," I told him.

"Why not?" he chuckled, disbelieving my resolve.

"For one, my ankle's in a lot of pain. I'm gonna take a long hot shower and then just sleep. Tomorrow we'll be better rested, and in Kathmandu we'll find protection," I insisted.

"But we can just cuddle tonight, and kiss and snuggle like we did on the mountain."

"Don't be daft," I insisted, "if I let you in this room I'll be pregnant within the next ten minutes."

"Agh! You hurt me, Priyanka," he exclaimed, clutching at his heart as if I had stabbed him in it. "Give me more credit than that! It would be at least an hour."

"Ha! Not once you felt how hot it is in here," I whispered, running a finger down my belly, stopping just a fraction below my waistline.

A low groan reverberated from his chest as he closed his eyes and shuddered at the image I drew for him. "But-" he protested before I shushed him with a kiss.