Second Chances Pt. 03


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Marci held out the piece of paper she'd salvaged from the roadside. Peta snatched it, scrunched it up in her fist and tossed it onto the grass.

"Oh come on mum. Just because he told you some cock and bull story on the way to the hospital. The guy admitted to having kiddy porn on his computer and he slept with his daughter. He must have got some smart lawyer who got him off on a technicality." Peta dismissed Marci's argument then remembered she was angry. "Why did that make you late anyway?"

"Richard's daughter was hysterical. I stayed and tried to calm her down."

"So you care about a pedo and his daughter but not your own." Peta spat with vicious intent.

Numerous retorts came quickly to Marci but she knew it was futile to argue so she changed the subject.

"Where are the boys?"

"Inside finishing their dinner." Peta said as she stood up. "I'm off, don't wait up mummy dearest."

Marci watched as her daughter walked towards the back gate. There was no mistaking her unsteady gait.

"Are you sure you should be driving?" Marci asked but she only received a raised middle finger in reply.

Inside Marci found the boys finishing off bowls of ice cream. On the sink were two more bowls with the remains of breakfast cereal in them. Outside the kitchen window Peta drove away.

Chapter 17.

Peta was awake but trying to pretend she wasn't. Behind her in the bed was a man. His hand was on her hip while he'd recently shifted closer so the beginnings of an erection pressed against her bum. Thankfully she still had her pants on so she was fairly sure nothing had happened earlier. There'd been some kissing and fondling, maybe she'd given him a hand job? She wasn't sure but she was certain she didn't want anything to happen this morning. Her head ached and she just wanted to get home.

The party had been pretty much over when she had arrived. Lucy was having a verbal fight out the front of the house with her latest partner. He'd been caught canoodling with a younger girl and fierce words ensued. Not that the girl in question was much younger than Lucy's partner, just a lot younger than Lucy. He'd fled and Peta had consoled the distraught Lucy. Most of the party goers left after the fight. Only a few hardy souls stayed for the remaining booze and the prospect of replacing the absent lover.

By two in the morning there was only Lucy, Peta and three guys left. The alcohol had run out an hour before. Peta got up from her seat and headed for the bathroom. She had felt suitably smashed, her troubles forgotten for the moment. When she returned Lucy and two of the guys were gone. When she'd enquired where, guy number three had nodded towards the bedrooms. Peta has decided to do the same so she went to the spare room. Guy number three followed, there was some kissing and he'd mauled her tits but she'd passed out before anything else happened.

Peta internal review of the nights action was interrupted as the man behind her tried to slid his hand up under her shirt. With a sigh she pushed it away and sat up. Her head spun momentarily and bile filled the back of her throat.

"I've got to go to the bathroom." She said and she stood up looking for her shoes.

"You're coming back aren't you?" Guy number three said.

She turned and looked at him through the red film of her hungover eyes. God he was young, just the way Lucy liked them. Sort of good looking, except for the moth eaten stubble he was trying to cultivate on his face. Then he pushed the covers down exposing his naked body. It was obviously supposed to be alluring but Peta let out a snort as she stifled a laugh.

"Just a tip for you. Best to keep that little fellow under wraps until you're sure the girls is committed."

It was cruel but it had the desired effect. Laughter can be one hell of a contraceptive when applied judiciously. He covered up and went beet red. As she left the room she couldn't suppress the giggle any longer.

"Fucking cockteaser!" Her bedmate yelled after her.

In the bathroom Peta looked in the mirror. Fucking cockteaser. Yeah, that was probably a fair call. She hadn't had full on sex since the afternoon at Richard's house the previous year. The odd hand job, one blowjob and the night she'd spent with a woman. Giving up on men was one thing but getting it on with a woman had proved a bridge too far. Her thoughts returned to Richard, the night in the shed, the next day. Stop it, Peta admonished herself.

Turning on the tap she splashed water onto her face. The coolness was soothing and it made her feel thirsty. Bending over further she drank greedily from the flowing water. Looking up into the mirror Peta realises her mistake. Her tender stomach revolted and she just made it to the toilet before she vomited up the water and what ever else was left from the previous night. Gingerly she rinsed her mouth at the sink being careful not to swallow more than a sip. Peta glanced at her reflection again on her way out. She wasn't happy with what she saw.

Her shoes were near the lounge so Peta put them on then went to say goodbye to Lucy. The door to her bedroom was ajar but Peta didn't enter. One guy was between her spread legs thrusting for all he was worth while the other held her head as he did the same to her mouth. Her bedmate was standing close by, watching, stroking himself and waiting for a turn. I hope her mother's not going to bring the kids back early Peta thought as she let herself out.

The drive home was uneventful although she was surprised to see it was almost ten o'clock. The shame burned bright within her as she opened the back door. Peta tried to appear carefree as Marci appeared in the hallway. She was dressed in her Sunday best.

"I'm taking the boys to church and then we will go for a hamburger." She said with a neutral voice. "Come on boys."

"Thanks," Peta mumbled as she ducked into her bedroom.

Sitting on the bed she waited till she heard the scurrying of feet and the back door slam. Alone in the house she quickly disrobed. Her clothes stunk of spilt alcohol, marijuana, smoke and sweat. Looking down she could see the prick last night had left a hickie on her left breast. The shower felt great and then she climbed into bed. With church and a hamburger she should get two hours sleep before the boys were home. In the end it was nearly three hours before the back door opened and two excited boys entered.

"Mummy," Angus yelled as he ran up the hallway.

Peta came out of the kitchen and scooped him up in her arms.

"Where have you been mister?" Peta asked as she took in the face paint covering her son.

"At the high school. They had a jumping castle and a merry-go-round and lollies and... and."

Peta looked up to query Marci who had just come in.

"The high school was having a fete so we stopped in. I thought you wouldn't mind some extra time."

Once again there was no judgment which pleasantly surprised Peta.

"I'm a bit pooped so is it okay if I clock off for a bit?" Marci asked.

"Sure mum... thanks for... you know."

Marci nodded and went past them further up the hall to her room.

Peta spent the rest of the afternoon with Angus and Murray. They drove around the sheep and cows. It was getting closer to D-day. Tony wanted to crop more of the property next year so she was going to have to sell half the sheep and all the cattle. Another decision she regretted. There was no option to purchase in the lease this time. Instead it ran for five years. Once again her naivety led her to not read all the terms. Tony had been so good to her again after Richard. Then just a month ago he'd come over and laid out his plans for the next year. He was going on spray out her best pasture paddocks so he could crop them. She'd objected vigorously but he'd just said its all in the lease agreement.

"Mum can we go home I've got to poo." Angus piped up breaking her somber mood.

"Sure thing little man."

That night after dinner she put the boys to bed then returned to the kitchen to help her mother clean up.

"Are you okay dear?" Marci asked. Peta felt the genuine concern in her mother's inquiry and it affected her in a way she didn't expect.

"Yeah, yeah of course. Just a bit tired." Peta turned away briefly. Tears threatened to break free but she stifled them with a yawn.

"I'm going to my room to read for a bit." Marc said and she patted Peta affectionately on the arm.

"Okay. I might watch some telly." Peta replied as she dried the last of the things on the sink.

Marci took her time leaving the room and Peta sensed she had something else to say. Then she came back in and picked an envelope off the top of the fridge.

"I don't want to fight with you but I think you should read this and maybe you should pay his bill as well. Just don't put it off because he's only going to be around for a few days."

Marci passed the envelope over. It was the one Richard had given Peta the last night he was at the house.

"Jesus mum!" Peta exclaimed throwing the envelope on the floor. "The whole time he was here you doubted his motives. It turns out you were right but he takes you to hospital and you're converted to the head of his fan club."

"I told you I'm not going to fight. All I will say is the reason I 'doubted his motives' as you put it was I was scared." Marci took Peta by the shoulders and looked her straight in the face. "I could see you were getting close to him. If something had happened between you two then... then maybe you wouldn't need me around any more."

Marci let her shoulders go and Peta could see the tears in her eyes.

"I don't like you hanging around Lucy and her friends. I don't like seeing you come home hungover and looking like you've been dragged backwards through the scrub. The truth is I'm even more scared of where you are heading now."

Marci turned and left the room.

Shit, Peta thought. She'd never seen her mother let her guard down like that. Marci had always seemed indomitable. A rock that would stand firm through the tempest ready to save her when she fell. True, she annoyed the hell out of Peta but if Marci was scared then... Peta didn't want to think about it.

"I need a drink," Peta muttered.

Going to the cupboard she opened it up and retrieved the bottle of Bundaberg Rum. On the next shelf was her favourite glass. Placing it on the bench she poured a generous portion. The familiar smell rose to her nostrils. Normally this generated an even greater thirst. Tonight the bile rose in her throat again and she had to turn away. After pondering whether to try and put it back in the bottle for a moment Peta tipped the contents down the sink. Refilling the glass instead with water.

Sitting at the table Peta stared at the discarded envelope on the floor. The forces within her that wanted desperately to read what was inside were balanced by the desire to rip it up and burn it. Reaching out with her foot she dragged it closer and picked the envelope up. Opening it she pulled out the two pieces of paper. The bill was the first Peta opened up and she set it aside. It seemed to be ancient history after all that had happened in the previous nine months.

She opened the other one more slowly and pressed it flat against the table. Despite Marci's best efforts it was still wrinkled from when Peta had scrunched it up and tossed it aside. Only one side had text printed on it. There were two seperate pieces that looked to have been scanned then reprinted.

The first was a section from the judgement of the appeal court.

'After reviewing the evidence given in the first hearing and the new information that has come to light it is obvious that in the balance of probabilities the charges have no basis in fact. Therefore I have no option but to set aside the original decision. Richard John Douglas this court dismisses all charges bought against you. It also orders that both your arrest and criminal record be expunged. There may have been a grave miscarriage of justice in this case and questions should be asked of both the police and the prosecutor in charge of this case. Further I suggest the DPP look into possible perjury and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice charges against Renee Lee Douglas and John Fyfe Dugald.'

Below that was a copy of a newspaper article with the headline Conviction Overturned- Local Man Walks Free. It was a rehash of the Judge's comments plus the fact that the two others mentioned had been detained and were presently helping police with their enquires.

Peta reread both pieces of text a couple of times before folding it up and putting it back in the envelope with the bill. So some of what he'd said was true. It didn't change the fact he hadn't been completely truthful with her. If she had have known the whole story she wouldn't have said the things she said. She wouldn't have watched his possessions burn...

"Fuck," Peta muttered.

Guilt sat heavily in the pit of her stomach. She'd turned her back when all he'd ever done was help her. But he hadn't told her. How could she have known? A policeman said...

Peta looked at the envelope again. She still wanted to burn it, to forget it like Fred's notes. Now everything was complicated again. The feeling's she had for Richard back then. The thoughts that still intruded into her quiet moments of the passion they had shared. The desolate emptiness she'd felt in the hospital. Peta eyed the rum bottle again. No, not tonight she thought, workday tomorrow. Instead Peta checked the sleeping boys then had a shower and went to bed.

Chapter 18.

Richard was outside when he saw the police car turn into his driveway.

"Grab the pup Julia and head inside," he said to his daughter then he went to the front steps to wait.

It wasn't a patrol car. It was one of the dual cab utes they have with an hutch on the back for transporting prisoners. Slowly it crept part way around the parking loop in front of the house then stopped. A young female officer got out, placed her cap on her head before walking towards him.

"Mr Douglas?" She asked when she got closer.

"Yes," Richard said without enthusiasm.

"Great. First time I've been out on this road and the Superintendent's directions were sketchy at best." She said with a smile.

Richard relaxed she seemed harmless although he would have preferred that she removed her sunglasses. He found he could get a better read of a persons intentions if he could see their eyes. As if she was reading his mind the young lady in front of him removed her glasses and offered her hand.

"Probationary Constable White, I've been sent out by the Super to arrange a meeting with you tomorrow. He's been called away for the rest of the week so it's tomorrow or not at all."

"I'd actually prefer not at all. My plan was not to go into Airlie."

"The boss reckoned you'd say that so he said that I could come out tomorrow and pick you up."

Richard laughed but it wasn't because the suggestion was hilarious.

"That's would be just what I need. Suspect pedophile being driven through town to the police station in a police car."

"Ohhh yeah, you've got a point there." The young lady dropped her head and thought for a moment. "I'll be right back." She finally said as she turned and went back to the police car.

Probationary Constable White sat in the front seat and spoke to someone on the police radio for a few minutes. When she came back she had the same disarming smile on her face.

"Change of plan. He's got something he thinks is yours. They found it at the suspended officer's house. Wants to have a talk about it as well as the incident. Would it be alright if he came out here?" She could see the skepticism etched on Richard's face so she added something else. "Sort of like if the man won't go to the mountain bring the mountain to the man."

"Okay I suppose. It seems I haven't got a lot of choice." Richard replied but he was curious as to what they had found.

"Lunchtime okay? Around twelve thirty?" Richard nodded.

The young policewoman flashed a brilliant mission accomplished smile, replaced her sunglasses and was gone.

Peta stood at the ironing board in a skirt and bra. She was running an iron over her work shirt while eating some toast and drinking a cup of coffee. She had been late out of bed after a restless night's sleep. Richard had dominated her thoughts as she wrestled with what she was going to do. Her mum was right, she did owe him money. If it was just a case of posting a cheque it wouldn't be an issue. The trouble was apart from the Mason place she didn't know where to send it and if he was only going to be around for a few days... it left her little choice but to go and see him.

"Oh shit!" Peta exclaimed as she managed to knock the coffee cup with the iron and spill the liquid onto her piece of toast.

"I'll finish it off," Marci offered. "You finish getting ready."

Peta deposited the soggy toast into the scrap bucket and poured the coffee down the sink. In the bathroom she brushed her wet hair then started the hair dryer. Richard was forgotten as Peta made herself presentable for work.

That had never been a issue on the farm. The sheep and cows didn't care about your appearance. Once it was leased out to Tony, Peta had a lot more free time on her hands. She saw an advertisement for the assistant managers job at the local IGA grocery store in Airlie. It had flexible hours so she applied not really thinking she had a chance. She got an interview and it turned out an old school friend, Lucy, was the manager. Mr Paktani, the owner, had four stores in different towns and he floated between each one and lived in Forbes. The interview had gone well and on the way out Lucy told her she was sure she would get the job.

So now she was the assistant manager, which in a country town grocery store meant she was a glorified checkout chick and shelf stacker. Peta and Lucy were the only permanent employees. The rest were casuals, either other local mums or school kids who came down after school and on the weekend. So far it had been great. It wasn't taxing mentally, it got her out of the house and she'd reengaged with the local community for the first time since Fred's death.

With her hair done Peta applied a bit of makeup in the mirror. Murray and Angus came in and watched her intently until she dobbed some lipstick on Angus's nose.

"Ewww mum," he complained as he stepped back to the doorway trying to remove the offensive mark

Murray saw him and started laughing. Angus wheeled on him and a scuffle was a real possibility but Peta got to Murray first and planted a loud lipstick kiss on his cheek.

"There you go. Now you've both got makeup on." She said with a laugh. "Now you be good for Marci today okay?"

"Yes mum." They replied in unison.

She left them to work on removing the offensive marks and went to get her shirt. It was school holidays for another week. This was the time of year they used to go away as a family when Fred was alive. Maybe they go away for a few days at the end of the week Peta thought. Marci had done the shirt and started working her way through an overflowing basket on the laundry bench.

"Thanks mum." Peta said putting an affectionate arm around her shoulders to show her appreciation.

The shirt felt warm against her skin as she put it on. Peta went out into the hallway, grabbed her hand bag and started for the back door. She remembered Richard's bill and backtracked to the kitchen and the office to get her cheque book. Marci appeared at the doorway.

"Did you forget something?"

"No," Peta replied stuffing the bill in her bag. "Bye boys."

"Peta?" Marci called.


"I thought I might take the boys to that temporary ice skating rink they've set up in Forbes. Is that okay?"

"Ummm sure. Do you want some money?"

"No, no. You'd better go or you'll be late."