Second Chances Pt. 03


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"It's a contract. A signed legal document. Tony not going to let that go. Not in a million years." Peta's exasperation was obvious.

"But if it could. If Tony agreed to tear it up.. Is that something you want?"

"Why would he do that?"

"I'm reluctant to go into that with you. The less you know the better." Richard said cautiously.

"Fuck off. Don't treat me like a child. Just tell me why would he rip up the lease he worked so hard to get?"

Richard thought about trying to explain but instead pulled out his phone. He went to the downloads section and pulled up the menu. First he showed Peta and picture of his burning caravan. Peta felt a chill as she was reminded of being on top of the hill watching the flames. Then he showed her a short clip of Ben Darby and Tony at the back door of his house on the same night. Peta looked up at Richard wide eyed.

"You had cameras there?"

"Yeah, three. I couldn't do anything about them because they backed up to my laptop. I thought it burnt in the fire but the superintendent said they found it at Ben Darby's place and he bought it back to me at lunchtime."

"Were those cameras all outside?" Peta seemed anxious and Richard couldn't understand the relevance of the question till he remembered the afternoon they'd spent together.

"Yes, there are none inside the house. There are no pictures of us, or you on here."

Peta looked down for a moment then back up.

"So are you taking it to the police? He'll go to jail."

"No, I doubt it. Upstanding citizen, suspicious child molester, he'd probably get a suspended sentence or community service."

"So what are you going to do with it?"

"That's up to you. I could go and see him. Make him an offer, if he refuses then I'd go to the police. I just wanted to ask you, do you want your farm back?"

Peta was dumbfounded. She didn't know what to do. Was this a generous offer? Or was it just going to put her back eating the same shit sandwich she was now.

"Fuck!" Peta grunted. "Come in."

Richard entered the office and Peta closed the door.

"I've only just got off the phone to my stock and station agent organising the sale of all my animals. The plan was to sell the farm to if they could find someone to bid against Tony." Peta explained.

She sat down heavily in the office chair.

"I can't do it Richard. I'm not a farmer." Richard stayed silent unsure whether Peta was finished. "I tried to be. Sometimes I want to be. But it's fucking hard. Fred loved it. The boys love it here. Sometimes I love it here. But sometimes I fucking hate it."

Peta was waiting for Richard's calm reassurance. His way of explaining things so they made sense. To share the inner certainty and calmness he had. He stayed mute. Peta could feel the tears forming in her eyes. She looked up at Richard.

"What should I do?"

"I can't tell you that Peta. Maybe being forced into selling will work out for the best, I don't know." Richard stopped and Peta looked back down at the floor. "But don't let me hear you say you can't do it. You can do it and you did. You harvested the crops last year. You run the livestock by yourself."

"But I had help. You at harvest, my agent and various contractors with the sheep and cattle."

"Doesn't everybody get help. Those contractors don't sit on their arses the rest of the year waiting for your call. I bet half the time you struggle to get them because they are so busy working for other farmers."

Peta kept looking down but her spirits lifted. He was right. He had an annoying knack of focusing her attention past her perceived shortcomings.

"The problem for you is I need an answer straight up."

Peta stood up and faced Richard.

"First I've got a question for you. It's a tough one too and I need an answer straight up."

"Sure." Richard said pretty sure it wouldn't be a problem.

"Do you still have feelings for me?"

This time Richard was struck dumb. Peta didn't let him off the hook and kept staring into his face.

"It doesn't matter what I feel."

"Answer the, question." Peta said quietly.

"Well, I think it's pretty obvious from what happened the other day." Richard tried.

"What? You mean when you kicked me out of your house?"

"No, you know what I mean. Before that when we... you know."


"Yeah." Richard agreed hoping he'd escaped exploring deeper.

"Nearly fucked?" Peta voice raised a level

"Er, yeah I suppose."

"Then you threw me out. Can you see why a girl might get confused?"

"You're making it sound bad. I didn't throw you out. I just... I didn't..."

Peta moved closer, placed a hand on Richard's chest and spoke softly.

"You didn't what?"

Richard looked up at the ceiling, he swallowed hard then returned Peta gaze again..

"I didn't want to go through it again. Think something is going to work out only to have it blow up in my face." Richard's bottom lip trembled. "I lost you once. The easiest way to not have it happen again was to not start anything."

Peta let him compose himself then asked again.

"So do you have feelings for me?"

"Yes," Richard's reply was barely a whisper.

"Then I've got an answer to your question." Peta put her hands up either side of Richard's face so he couldn't look away. "I was wrong that night in the hospital. I shouldn't have let Ben sway me. I should have listened to your side of the story. I want the chance to make it up you."

Peta stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his.

"Take those pictures and scare the shit out of Tony fucking Smith. Get me my farm back, then come back here and help me run it." Peta hissed.

"You want me?"

"Yes. A thousand times yes. Seems to me the only people standing between you and me getting together is you and me. We are both so scared of losing something we won't take the steps to actually get it. How about we give us a second chance?"

Richard still looked worried.

"I can't promise it will be perfect. We both know life doesn't work like that. But do you think we can try?"

Richard nodded, not trusting his his voice. He lent in closer as if he was going to kiss her.

Peta pulled back. "Is that a yes?"


"Well, now you can kiss me."

Their lips met. No tongues or tearing at clothes. They just stayed close their lips and foreheads touching. Richard pulled back first, then his big arms wrapped around Peta and he pulled her close. She rested her head on his shoulder and he spoke quietly.

"What if Tony doesn't scare easy? The police might not even act if they find out I tried to blackmail him first."

"Then I sell up, you sell up and we find somewhere else, together."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but I'm sick of being sad and angry. I want the happy feelings back again. Like the one I got that stormy night when we finished just as the rain came."

Peta broke the clinch and stepped back. She could see the silly smirk on Richard's face.

"Not that you jerk." She slapped him playfully on the arm.

Richard's grin only got bigger. "You've got to admit you were pretty happy then too."

"Fucking men. That's all you ever think about."

They both laughed until there was a knock on the door.

"Is everything okay in there?" Marci's muffled voice came from the hallway.

"Yeah mum. We'll be out in a minute." Peta took Richard's hand in hers. "Come on, best go and let Marci know she was right."

Marci was in the kitchen when Peta and Richard walked in.

"So have you two sorted your shit out?" She asked.

Hearing Marci say shit made them both smile.

"Yeah, we"re good." Peta replied squeezing Richard's hand.

"Do you want a cup of tea?"

"Umm I've got something to do first so I'd better head off." Richard said.

"Do you want me to come?" Peta put her hand on his shoulder.

"No, best if I do this myself. He'd never cave in front of you."

"What's he talking about?"

"I'll fill you in Mum." Peta said then she turned and kissed Richard. "Be careful, okay? It doesn't matter if it doesn't work out."

Richard kissed her lightly on the cheek then left.

Chapter 24.

Richard pulled into the entrance of Tony Smith's main property. He stopped at the house first but there was no one home so he continued down to the sheds. He pulled up outside the biggest one. There was a young guy working on a baler in the workshop area. Richard went up to him to ask where Tony might be. The young guy pointed inside the baling chamber.

"Boss, there's someone here to see you."

There was a few expletives then he saw Tony's feet emerged followed by the rest of his body. He looked at his worker who nodded in Richard's direction. Tony looked at Richard. At first he didn't recognised him then his face darkened.

"What the fuck do you want you sick cunt?"

"We need to talk."

"Be fucked we do." Tony got right out of the baler so he could stand tall. "Get the fuck off my property or I'll call the police."

"You can do that, I want to talk to them as well but you might want hear what I've got to say first." Richard was trying to stay calm to prevent this from escalating.

"I don't want you breathing the air within a 100km radius of me."

Tony took a couple of steps towards Richard. Richard didn't back off and Tony stopped.

"Hey Mohammad? Get out here." Tony yelled.

A big guy of middle eastern appearance came out of a workshop and walked towards the baler.

"Now you've got one minute to get in your vehicle and get out of here or the three of us are going to beat you to a pulp." Tony had his fist clenched but the other two didn't seem to have their hearts in it.

The three of them moved towards Richard. He backed of a couple of steps to where there was a an old drum with the top cut out of it. Inside there were bits of scrap steel rod and pipe. He pulled out a length of pipe and swished it in front of him halting the advance of his three attackers.

"Now guys I don't want this to get out of hand." Richard spoke addressing the two workers." I came here to talk to Tony. Not get in a scrap with you two. In the end you will probably get me but I reckon at least one of you will be in hospital with a broken leg or arm before you do. Do you think dickhead here is going to look after you?"

The two workmen looked at each other and shrugged.

"Don't listen to him Mohammad. Five hundred bucks to the first guy who knocks him down."

The offer seemed to get them interested again.

"And you'll also get a couple of months in the big house on assault charges. Are you even Muslim?" Richard asked the big guy.

"Lebanese Orthodox." The big guy turned to Tony. "This is your fight. I'm not getting involved."

"Your fired then. Get the fuck off my farm too."

"Yeah? Fuck you." He turned and walked away. When he got to his car he called out to the young guy. "You coming Dan?"

"I'll give you a lift Dan. Let's teach this pedo cunt a lesson."

Richard swung the piece of pipe in Dan's direction.

"I'm out too." Dan said and he almost jogged to the car. The big guy had it running and he left in a hurry.

"Looks like it's just you and me now Tony. What do you reckon? You let me say me my bit then I'll be gone."

"You can talk all you want. I won't be listening." Tony wheeled around and started walking away.

Richard dropped the pipe back in the drum then called out to the retreating man.

"Did you know that I had cameras set up around my caravan last year."

Tony slowed down but didn't stop.

"Got a really great picture of you and Ben Darby at the back door of my house."

Tony did stop.

"And another one of you pouring accelerant around and inside the caravan. How long do you think the jail sentence for arson is?"

Tony spun around and charged at Richard with his arms out roaring like a wild animal. Richard waited until the last moment and moved to on side while catching Tony's ankle with his foot. The big man went down hard, his face ploughing into the gravel. He rolled over slowly as Richard approached. A trickle of blood ran down his forehead from a gash.

"What do you want? Money?" Tony spat some dirt out of his mouth near Richard's foot.

"No. I want you to go to your solicitor and draw up a consent form to break the lease agreement on the Watter's farm at the end of this year. You get this year's crop but that's it."

"Be fucked I will."

"Well, we will just have to see what the police think about my evidence. You do know Ben Darby's been suspended. The Superintendent is looking for a reason to kick him off the force. I'm sure he'd be very interested in it."

"You're bluffing."

Richard pulled his phone out and opened the picture of Ben and Tony at the back door. He turned the screen towards Tony

"Here you go. It was a bit like Candid Camera." Tony made a grab for Richard's hand but he pulled it away. "You've got till close of business Friday. Have your solicitor's office ring Peta when you've signed."

Richard walked away, not bothering to look back. He half expected to hear him charging at him again but when he got to his ute and turned around Tony was gone.

Chapter 25.

Richard pulled up at the back of the Watter's house. The cricket game was over so the backyard was deserted. As he made his way up to the back door he wondered whether he still had to knock or if he could just walk in. The question remained unanswered because the door opened before he got to it and Peta appeared.

"What did he say?" Peta asked expectation obvious on her face.

"I didn't hang around for an answer. I showed him the picture of the two of them at the back door and gave him the ultimatum."

"Which was?"

"A signed consent to break the lease agreement drawn up by a solicitor by close of business Friday."

"Was he pissed off?" There was no mistaking the glee in the question.

"Yeah, he wasn't very welcoming for a start and it didn't get any better after I said my piece. He charged at me but came off second best."

"Did you hit him? Tell me you knocked him on his arse."

"No, I sidestepped him and my foot may have accidentally hit his, causing him to pitch forward onto his face."

"God, I would have loved to be there to see it." Peta put her arms around Richard and gave him a hug. "So what do you think the chances are he'll do it?"

"I really haven't got any idea. Maybe a solicitor will point out the chances of anything happening to him are slim."

"So what happens if he doesn't?"

"I'll take it to the Superintendent. Maybe he'll do something with it maybe he won't."

Peta still had her arms around Richard. Her head was turned sideways her ear against his chest. Richard's arms were draped over her shoulders. He moved one so he could stroke her hair.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"About what?"

"You and me?"

Peta pulled her head away and looked up at Richard's face.

"What do you mean?"

"I've been around the block a few more times than you."

"It's only seven years."

"Three weeks off eight actually."

"Who's counting? I like you. My mum loves you and I thought Fred was a one off as far as that's concerned." Peta stopped talking and placed her head back against his chest. "And that's another good sign."


"I just said Fred's name and I didn't feel like I was going to burst into tears."

"There's other stuff, I'm still in a messy divorce and custody dispute. My son won't speak to me and a fair whack of Australia thinks I'm a pedophile."

Peta looked up again but this time she grabbed Richard by the ears and forced him to look directly at her.

"I'm not saying this again so get it through your fucking head. Stop thinking of reasons why we shouldn't. We are going to have to wade through enough shit from both our past lives. That's going to be tough with a positive attitude so stop with the negative stuff."

"My god you're sexy when you swear."

"Don't change the subject." Peta pulled his ears harder causing a Richard to wince. "Are you going to commit to us or not?"

"Yes." Richard couldn't help but smile.

"Good! Now kiss me and don't stop till I tell you."

It started as it had earlier in the day. Just pressing their lips against each other's. This time it escalated, mouths opened, tongues duelled, hands pulled hair and clothing as they crushed their bodies against each other.

"Ahem," Marci cleared her throat behind them. "Are you and Julia going to be staying for dinner?"

Peta spoke before Richard got a chance to reply.

"Yep, they are staying. We are just going up to check the trough in the cattle paddock."

Peta took Richard's hand and led him out to the side by side. She got in to drive while he went around to the passenger seat. By the time they got to the sheds Peta was rubbing Richard's cock through his pants with her free hand. Half way up the hill she stopped and jumped out.

"You drive." She said pointing to the seat she'd just vacated.

Richard slid across, and waited for Peta to get in. As he started driving up the lane way

Peta was opening his fly and trying to extract his dick from his underwear.

"Which paddock?" Richard asked.

"It doesn't matter," Peta finally got his member free of its confinement and looked up at him. "Just go up to the tank and park under a shady tree."

Peta dropped her head down into Richard's lap taking his cock in her mouth. As well as slurping on his dick she had one hand busy undoing her own shorts and pulling them off over her work boots. When Richard jerked to a stop on top of the hill his cock was as hard as flint while Peta was naked from the waist down. Despite the limited space she wasted no time in climbing over Richard and lowering herself down.

"Damn, I forgot how big you are," Peta mumbled as she rubbed his dick against her opening.

Richard did his best to support her while she got herself ready then she sunk down taking the first part inside. She rose and fell gently, taking a little more each time, sinking lower. Her face sort his and they kissed as she continued bouncing in his lap. As she sunk further her arse bumped against the steering wheel. It was cramped and uncomfortable but Peta was to far gone to stop.

"Fuck... so good... fuck... I'm cumming , I'm cumming." She ground herself down on his cock and buried her head into a Richard's neck.

After the surge was over Peta still clung to him. His rigid pole was still planted deep inside her. Richard heard what he thought was a sob so he eased her away so he could look at her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm wonderful... it just... I can see your house from here." She stopped and sniffled. "I was up here that night after I left the hospital. I could smell smoke. I saw your caravan on fire... I didn't do anything... I'm sorry." There was a fresh round of tears.

"Don't worry about it." Richard wiped her tears with his finger. "It was old and not very comfortable and it was insured."

"I still should have rung the local brigade, what if it had have burnt the house?"

"Then it would have saved me a lot of work," Richard said with a grin.

"Awwww, ouchie, ouchie," Peta lifted herself up. "Cramp, cramp."

Richard pushed the little side door open letting Peta stretch her leg out. She disengaged from him and stood beside the vehicle.

"I guess we'd better do something about that." Peta said pointing at his erection.

"I was hoping we could."

Richard eased himself out of the driver seat and went around behind the vehicle. He opened the back down on the small tray. Peta got the idea and went to where he was, bending over and presenting arse for him.

"No, I want to see you." Richard turned her around and lifted her up so she was sitting on the edge of the tray.

He nestled between her open legs and pressed himself inside her again. His fingers worked on the buttons of her shirt until it was open and Peta pulled it off. The bra went next so she was naked except for her work boots. Richard noticed the small fading mark on her left breast and pointed at it.