Secret Sex with My Stepdaughter


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The bad part of my brain fantasized about pulling my stepdaughter's knickers down so I could see her teenage vagina and bottom for real, but of course I did not, that would be wrong. Instead, I stayed still discretely admiring the wonderful view up the young girl's skirt while trying not to get an erection.

When Maddie straightened up her skirt fell back down of course, and the wonderful view of my stepdaughter's knickers vanished.

"How is Cocky today?" Aaron asked.

Cocky was our other pet, a Sulphur-crested cockatoo. He lived in a large cage on the back patio and he had quite a vocabulary. He had been my pet and became part of the family when I married my wife. Karen and Dylan weren't huge fans of Cocky, but Maddie absolutely adored him and Aaron and Maddie's other male and female friends loved him too.

"He was very talkative this morning, dancing around in his cage," said Maddie. "How about you go and say hello while I go to the toilet?"

Aaron turned and headed for the patio and Maddie called out with her cute laugh in her voice, "Hey Aaron, be careful, Mr. Poof-Poof might be out there hiding in the shed."

Aaron laughed in response and good-naturedly flipped off Maddie, before opening the screen door and stepping out onto the patio. "Hey Cocky, how are you today?"

"Hello, hello, hello!" the cockatoo called.

Maddie turned and walked to the bathroom. Our house had an ensuite bathroom for Karen and I, a main bathroom containing a bath, shower and toilet that Maddie and Dylan shared and there was also a third toilet in the laundry. It was to the main bathroom that Maddie was heading, and I admired her fine teenage figure as she went on her way, but as many times as I had told myself I would stop doing this, I could not resist following her to the toilet, keeping a distance so my stepdaughter would not know that I was doing so.

Maddie closed and locked the bathroom door, and in the quiet of the house I heard her put the toilet seat down. I loitered outside, thinking about my stepdaughter lifting up her short skirt and pulling her knickers down to her ankles then came the sound that always sent blood to my groin, the splashing, tinkling sound of Maddie peeing, her piss going into the toilet water and against the porcelain bowl. The sound of Maddie urinating continued a while longer, obviously the teenager had quite a full bladder that needed to be emptied.

The sounds of my stepdaughter's piss died away, and I heard her unwinding some toilet paper from the roll holder to wipe her wet pussy. The toilet paper in Maddie's bathroom was soft white triple-ply seascape toilet tissue with blue seashells, dolphins, fish, starfish, crustaceans, and seahorses, and I thought about the pretty toilet paper getting soaked by my stepdaughter's piss.

The only question now, was it number ones or number twos for Maddie? If I heard my stepdaughter flush the loo I would make a quick departure so she would not know I had been listening to her on the toilet, if she needed to have a poo, well I would be loitering a lot longer.

My question was answered a few seconds when Maddie farted, her wind echoing in the toilet. Maddie farted twice more, and I listened intently to my teenage stepdaughter farting on the toilet eagerly anticipating what was coming next. A series of splashes in the toilet told me that Maddie had just pooped, and my erection throbbed as I thought about what her feces looked like in the bowl of the toilet she was sitting on.

Inside the bathroom, I heard Maddie unwinding some toilet paper to wipe her bottom and I imagined the young girl wiping her arse, the sea creatures on Maddie's toilet paper getting covered in her shit. Maddie got more loo paper and wiped her bum a second time, and I pondered if my stepdaughter folded or scrunched her toilet paper when she wiped her bottom. I of course did not know, nor could I ever know whether Maddie was a folder or scruncher, but my mind always speculated on this detail whenever I fantasized about my stepdaughter's toilet habits.

Maddie had another shit, me hearing a squelching noise from her anus as she defecated followed by plopping sounds in the toilet. Again, I heard Maddie advancing the toilet roll and getting loo paper to clean her hot teenage arse.

Things were quiet in the bathroom for about 30 seconds, then came the sound of more of Maddie's feces splashing into the toilet with what sounded like quite a rush, which finished with another big fart from my stepdaughter's bottom. Maddie unwound toilet paper four times in a row to wipe herself clean, then I heard her put the toilet lid down and flush the toilet.

I made a quick exit from the bathroom door as the sound of the toilet cistern refilling continued and Maddie turned on the taps, thoroughly washing her hands. The bathroom door opened and I saw my stepdaughter exit, the young girl adjusting her knickers through her short skirt, her pants obviously riding up after she pulled them up after finishing on the toilet.

Maddie went out onto the back patio to talk with Aaron and the cockatoo, and I made my way into Maddie's bathroom, closing the door behind me. To stay in shape for her career, Maddie needed to have a healthy diet. She often ate things like boiled cauliflower and broccoli, spinach and carrots, whole-grain breads, tuna and tofu salads for lunch and the like. This was all well and good, but it had a very noticeable effect every time nature called for Maddie's bowels and she needed to go and sit on the toilet, and that was very smelly poo.

As was often the case when Maddie emptied her bowels, she had absolutely stank the toilet out and the smells from her feces filled the bathroom. All our bathrooms had exhaust fans fitted but while they were effective at clearing steam when somebody showered, they were no match for Maddie's bum whenever she lowered her knickers, sat down on the toilet and had a poo-poo. That the bathroom smelled like an open sewer or a cow shed should have cooled my ardor somewhat, but instead the strong smells of my stepdaughter's shit turned me on even more, and I lifted the toilet lid and sniffed inside the bowl, relishing the odors from Maddie's rectum.

I touched the plastic toilet seat, feeling how warm it was from Maddie's bare bottom having sat on it for so long, and wished that I could be a toilet seat that Maddie sat down on. However, even as I sniffed the lingering smells of my stepdaughter's poo I wondered why I was doing it.

Perhaps it was because Maddie was so perfect and pretty that it was hard to believe that she pooped at all, and if she did that she would never made such a bad smell? Plus she was famous, and it was very hard to believe that famous girls actually went to the toilet much less had smelly poo. All of Maddie Lee's fans both female and male would have found it hard to believe that the pretty young blonde popstar's rectum could produce such terrible smells when she went to the toilet.

Anything to do with Maddie using the toilet could turn me on, such as the other night it was raining in the early hours which woke me, and going to the kitchen to get a drink the sounds of the rain had obviously roused Maddie too. I saw her walk to the bathroom on her bare feet wearing an oversized tee-shirt over panties, and stopped to listen as she had a wee, the sound of her piss audible over the sounds of the rain on the patio roof. I went back to bed with something I hadn't had when I got up - an erection.

Then another night, Maddie's grandmother called from Adelaide just after Maddie had gone to the toilet. Karen was speaking to her mother on the phone, and when the call wrapped up after about 10 minutes she said, "Sorry, I was going to get Maddie to talk with you but she went to the loo just before you rang and she's still on the toilet. She must have needed a poop." These simple words drove me wild with desire.

Some other events that took place when Maddie went to the toilet turned me on even more, it was like they were live-action pornos. One Sunday the four of us were driving in the Blue Mountains when Maddie got caught short with diarrhea. I had to pull the car to an emergency stop by the roadside, my stepdaughter leaping out of the car and running into the bush with a box of tissues desperate to get behind some eucalyptus trees before her jeans and knickers were filled with shit, the young girl making it just in time.

Another time, Maddie had two female friends over and had gone to the toilet for a poo, her friends staying in her bedroom. After five minutes Maddie flushed the toilet, washed her hands and returned to her bedroom, only for the first friend to exclaim, "Maddie, oh my God, the smell's followed you back from the toilet!"

The second friend also confirmed that Maddie smelled of poo which my stepdaughter denied, the girls asking her if she'd wiped her arse, to which Maddie indignantly replied, "Yes." The giggling girls then asked if Maddie had farted when she returned to her room - which Maddie strenuously denied - and checked Maddie's shoes in case she had unknowingly stepped in dog poo and all was fine. The friends then urged Maddie to return to the toilet and check her pants, which she did reluctantly.

I had listened outside the door as Maddie exclaimed, "Oh fuck!" before I heard her unwinding toilet paper a number of times, then the taps running. The toilet flushed and Maddie emerged after washing her hands, this time carrying a washcloth in one hand and her knickers in a plastic zip-lock bag, Maddie's panties that day light blue and orange.

"I'm so sorry you were right and I was wrong, I messed up big time on the loo," said Maddie as she closed the door to her bedroom, me hearing the girls saying about how cute the cartoon cats were on the new panties Maddie was putting on now. Then the girls had gone out, Maddie saying that she wasn't looking forward to washing out the panties she had soiled nor the cloth she had used to wash her bottom when she got back.

With Dylan at school and Karen at work, I was alone in the house when Maddie and company departed and was quickly in my stepdaughter's bedroom. On the top of the hamper was the washcloth that Maddie had used to clean herself up after her toilet mishap. I picked up the cloth which was white with yellow smiley faces on it and sniffed it, the cloth smelling strongly of Maddie's girl poo.

Then opening the hamper I extracted the knickers that Maddie had soiled when she hadn't wiped her bottom properly, and I stared at Maddie's big brown skid marks at the back of the panties. I sniffed my stepdaughter's poo stains on the cotton, the smell of the teenager's feces going up my nasal passages. It was very rare for Maddie to soil her panties like this, apart from a small brown smudge on a pair of white knickers one day I had never seen any poo stains like this on her underwear before.

Maddie sure had raised a stink on the toilet that day, but there was one particular time where her poo smelled so bad it could almost strip paint off walls. This time was every four weeks when she got her period. Menstruation adversely affected Maddie's bowels - as if the poor girl didn't have enough girls' problems as it was with her cramps and heavy flow from her vagina - causing her to go to the loo way more frequently and have poo that was sticky, messy and very, very smelly plus flatulence. This meant Maddie had marathon sessions on the toilet going through heaps of toilet paper whenever it was her time of the month.

The most recent time it was Maddie's period she was on the toilet when she called out for her mother to help her, Maddie having run out of toilet paper halfway through, the poor teen now stranded on the toilet with her jeans and knickers around her ankles with no loo paper to wipe her bottom. Karen had retrieved her daughter a new roll of toilet tissue and gone in there to give it to her, my wife emerging from the bathroom and closing and locking the bathroom door so the menstruating Maddie could have privacy on the toilet.

"Phew!" Karen had complained, waving her hands under her nose, which caught my interest. As soon as Maddie finally finished and got her stinky little arse off the toilet, flushed it and washed her hands, I took a quick dash into the bathroom after my stepdaughter emerged, carrying a flowery sanitary bag containing her used period pad and went to the wheelie bin, Maddie looking good that day in a yellow blouse, blue jeans and red open shoes, all the primary colors. Maddie's blonde hair was also tied back in a ponytail with a red ribbon that matched her shoes, this color most appropriate in the current stage of the young girl's monthly cycle.

In the bathroom I had inhaled the smells of my stepdaughter's shit and her period blood that lingered in the bowl, while thinking how strange it was that menstruation had never turned me on until I got that crush on my 18-year-old stepdaughter that I began fantasizing about her periods.

I would go into Maddie's bedroom and open her underwear drawer, seeing Maddie's sanitary napkins in the packet and her box of tampons next to this. I would think about how the next time Maddie got her period these pads would be attached to her knickers for Maddie to bleed into, and how the tampons would be inserted up her pussy and expand as they absorbed her menstrual blood.

My period voyeurism with my stepdaughter didn't end there. When Maddie was menstruating and wearing a skirt, I would try and up-skirt her to see the shape of the pad in her panties and the wings adhering it in place. Another time Maddie had a time of the month mishap, and her blood stained panties - a pair with green front and back panel, pink crotch and elastic and yellow pineapples on the print - were soaking in a bucket of cold water, dark red blood all over the panty saddle.

While I often listened to Maddie showering and getting my rocks off in the process, when it was period time I enjoyed it more. I would think about the menstruating Maddie naked in the shower, blood running down her legs to her bare feet and dripping directly from her pussy and onto the shower floor. And the day before her period started Maddie was always very wet between her legs, so getting a pair of these heavily pussy-stained pre-period panties was always a major coup for me in my voyeurism of the pretty blonde teenager.

Sniffing Maddie's panties and the air in the bathroom after she had been to the toilet wasn't the only sniffing I did when she was on her rags. When left alone in the house I would be like some perverted ibis, dumpster diving into our wheelie bin to extricate the sanitary disposal bags containing Maddie's dirty period pads and used tampons.

I would feel the soft cover of Maddie's pads and squeeze the absorbent filling, then sniff all the blood stains, inhaling the musty female odors of Maddie's menses into my nostrils. It was the same with her tampons; I would hold the swollen tampons filled with the shed lining of my stepdaughter's uterus by the string and sniff the blood like I did with her used pads.

Many times I had tried to analyze my period perversions with my own stepdaughter, and like with my getting turned on by her using the toilet, I could only think that maybe the fact that it was secret women's business coupled with that disbelief that pretty and famous girls actually got their periods that was the attraction.

I left the bathroom and as I had done so many times in the past, tried to tell myself I would respect Maddie's privacy from now on and would leave her alone when she went to the toilet or was on her period. Who was I kidding? The next time Maddie went to the toilet to do her poo-poos, I knew I would be outside the bathroom door listening to her pooing and then smelling the aftermath. I would be jerking off over the time we went out for the day to an event where they only had port-a-loos, and I was able to sneak a quick glance into the ladies' when Maddie went in there, and see my stepdaughter's lowered denim shorts and lemon colored knickers down around her ankles under the partition as she sat on the toilet. And I knew that Maddie's next period was due in 13 days' time.


A few hours passed and Karen returned home from work and my emo stepson Dylan from high school. Aaron went home, no doubt looking over his shoulder all the way least Mr. Poof-Poof should appear and turn his fantasy of hooking Aaron up to a milking machine into reality.

I thought about my own fetishes at length after dinner. Fetishes about female bodily functions and menstruation were fetishes for me that only happened with one girl, this obviously being my own 18-year-old stepdaughter Maddie. I could never decide whether this was better or worse morally. Even with my own wife I was never turned on by Karen using the toilet or being on her period. Karen in any case was very defensive about her toilet habits and would only reluctantly use a public toilet, and she was very secretive to the point of being paranoid about her periods.

However, there was one fetish that had been part of my life long before Karen or Maddie became a part of it and this was women's feet. To me, seeing a woman's bare feet was as good as seeing her bare breasts. Lucky Sydney had such nice beaches, and I could take my pick of many beaches including Bondi, Coogee, Dee Why or Manly and if I felt like a drive, Cronulla in Sydney's southern coastal suburbs to indulge my voyeurism of pretty girls' bare feet.

All over the city and suburbs I would see pretty girls with open shoes that showed their feet, such as girls who were at picnics in parks and who had kicked off their shoes. It would sometimes be hard to concentrate at work when an attractive female patient came in wearing open shoes and I would be trying to do a clean and scale or sometimes a filling while trying to get too turned on by her clothes.

I was as to be expected turned on by Karen's feet, and one time I suggested to my wife that we indulge in some foot fetishism in bed. My sexually adverse wife was horrified by the suggestion. Karen was furious and acted like I had watched an illegal video about bestiality and wanted to role-play the scenes with her, calling me a pervert.

Obviously I never mentioned this again to Karen, but it didn't stop me getting my rocks off over her bare feet and masturbating over them whenever I got a chance. Karen disapproved of me masturbating to put it mildly, so I could only do it when I was alone in the house.

However, I was even more turned on by Maddie's perfect teenage feet and it was hard not to drool or get an erection every time I saw my stepdaughter barefoot. And given Maddie often went around the house with bare feet, I was always horny and thought about how I would love to kiss, caress and lick the young girl's perfect soles, arches and toes.

We had a swimming pool, and this evening Maddie was in it having a swim, the teenager's tall blonde figure attired in a white bikini. While I of course loved seeing the outline of Maddie's teenage tits in the wet top, and the shapes of both the young girl's pussy and bottom in the wet lower part of the bikini, the fact that she was barefoot turned me on even more.

I was out on the patio watering the pot plants, trying to make it look like I was doing just this rather than peeking through the safety fence to perve on my stepdaughter's hot 18-year-old body and bare feet. Maddie climbed out of the pool and bent over to get her towel, and with her legs slightly parted and her bathers wet, I could see the outline of both her front bottom and her back bottom in the white fabric.

When Maddie went back inside to take her shower after her swim, I listened to her outside the bathroom door, imagining her naked under the droplets and washing her pussy. Then just before bed, I went past Maddie's bedroom. My stepdaughter had the door open and was lying flat on her tummy wearing an oversized tee-shirt over knickers, which is what she typically wore to bed. She was reading a magazine, swinging her legs and bare feet back and forth.
