Secret Sex with My Stepdaughter


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When the conference was over, I went to pick up Maddie, and she came and got into the car. She was dressed the same as this morning obviously but had changed the way she wore her hair from this morning. Initially her hair was loose today, but presumably after changing after filming wrapped up for the day and she changed back into her regular clothes she now had it styled in two long braided plaits, which made her look really pretty. Actually any style Maddie wore her hair in - loose, regular pony-tail, high pony-tail, bun, loose pigtails, plaits or a French braid style, she looked good. She was just one of those perfect people, like sunshine and rainbows followed her around all day.

"How was your conference, Robert?" Maddie asked as she climbed into the car.

"Pretty good, how about the film set?"

"Good," said Maddie. "Apart from two things." She smiled her mischievous smile.

"What happened?"

Maddie laughed. "Aaron was getting paranoid. There was this weird fat bloke aged about 50 wearing a wife-beater vest, football shorts and thongs hanging around outside the area where we were filming who kept looking over with binoculars. Aaron was convinced that this guy was watching him and that it was Mr. Poof-Poof. The fat man was wearing a hat for a pub over in Redfern and we said that it was unlikely that Mr. Poof-Poof would own such a hat being from Western Australia, but Aaron couldn't be convinced. Then the man was eating a hot dog for lunch, and Aaron was saying that he was eating the hot dog in a funny way, and given that in some of the letters that Mr. Poof-Poof wrote about hot dogs it proved it was him."

I shook my head as I drove through the traffic towards the bridge. "Poor Aaron. It sounds like he's getting as obsessed with Mr. Poof-Poof as Mr. Poof-Poof is with him."

Maddie nodded. "Yeah. Like the other morning after brunch we were having a walk through Paddington before heading to Manly and Aaron was worried that this skinny guy with a moustache who was walking behind us was following him and that it was Mr. Poof-Poof. Even when this guy met his wife, two young kids and baby who were coming the other way, Aaron still seemed on edge."

"So what was the other thing that went wrong today?" I asked.

"Mum," said Maddie, the young girl showing her frustration. "She called me four times today to check on what I was doing, was I okay on the movie set, was I eating right and sticking to my diet and everything else. I mean, I'm really grateful to Mum for helping with me with my career when I was younger, but please I'm 18 going on 19 and I've been in the business a few years now and know what to do and have an agent to worry about things. Please just relax and enjoy yourself with Dylan in Adelaide with Grandma, Grandpa and the rest of the family."

"Your mum loves you and wants what's best for you."

"Yes I know and I love her to bits but I really don't think it's necessary to call me at work to run through what vegetables I've eaten today. What's next? Calling me when I'm on the loo to make sure I wipe my bottom front to back?"

That Maddie had used this analogy made me a bit nervous. Did Maddie know about me perving on her while she was on the toilet? Was this a way of broaching the subject, a subtle way of letting me know that she knew about my bathroom voyeurism of her? I looked at Maddie but the teen seemed relaxed, presumably she didn't know anything about it. I felt relief, but regardless changed the subject.

"I wonder how your brother is enjoying his holiday in Adelaide?"

"I think he's liking spending time with Elisa, she's gone emo too." Maddie paused. "Emos have strange ways of enjoying themselves, like listening to depressing music. But that's Dylan for you."

"Whatever you do don't call them goths," I laughed. "I made that mistake once."

Maddie also laughed. "Yeah, I still don't think Dylan and his friends have forgiven you for that."

We reached the northern suburbs and Maddie said, "After Mum's call today to check that I'm sticking to my diet I feel like breaking it, you know a no diet day? What would you say to pizza for tea? I'll pay, my treat and I won't tell Mum if you won't."

I actually did feel like pizza. "Thanks Maddie, that would be great, we don't have to cook. And don't worry, I won't be telling your Mum, that's for sure."

It was true. I didn't want to be in the doghouse with Karen if she found out Maddie had eaten pizza and other unhealthy foods and I had encouraged it. She was obsessive about Maddie maintaining her healthy weight. On the other hand, Karen didn't seem to be bothered about what Dylan ate, and was guilty of giving him high fat, low nutrition foods as she had limited time to prepare healthy meals for him, which was a big factor in him being overweight. In fact, if Karen saw her son preparing himself a salad of oleander leaves, laburnum seeds, angel trumpet flowers and lantana berries, I don't think she would have noticed given her lack of interest in Dylan in general.

Maddie and I purchased the pizza and some soft drink, before returning home where Maddie fed Oscar and I fed Cocky. "So what would you like to watch on TV Robert?" Maddie asked. "Or would you prefer to put on a video?"

"A video sounds good," I said. "What did you have in mind?"

Maddie pretended to consider this, and then said with a cute, mischievous look on her pretty face, "How about we watch the video of your Rugby League team's last premiership victory?"

I laughed along with my stepdaughter. "Cheeky," I said to her. "I mean we could watch it, as long as you don't mind watching short clips of black and white and sepia colored footage with no sound?" I knew that there was scant evidence of my favorite rugby league team's last premiership in moving picture form, which pre-dated flappers, movies with sound and the dance craze of the Charleston.

"I'll find us a movie," said Maddie. "How about you get some plates and glasses? I just need to go and sit on the toilet for a while." She then paused and giggled. "I'm sure you really wanted to know that, didn't you Robert?"

Maddie departed for the toilet, and again I worried briefly that my stepdaughter had cottoned on that I was turned on by her toilet habits and sated this by voyeurism, but then thought I was probably being paranoid.

After five minutes I heard the toilet flush and bathroom taps running and Maddie entered the living room, adjusting the elastic of her knickers through her cargo pants after pulling them up. I wondered which knickers Maddie had on today, but probably would never know.

Maddie sat beside me on the couch and we got stuck into the pizza and soft drink, Maddie putting on an amusing teen sci-fi comedy movie about a family of four where they all swap bodies thanks to buying an old antique dresser that proves to have supernatural powers, so the mother and father are in each other's bodies, the teenage brother and sister were in each other's bodies and even the cat and dog swapped bodies, with hilarity ensuing.

When we were about three quarters of the way through the movie when Maddie paused it. "Everything okay, Maddie?" I asked.

"Yes, but I was hoping to ask you for a bit of a favor, Robert," she said.

"Sure, fire away."

"On the set today I was in my costume and this involves wearing high heels, really, really high heels and now my feet are pretty sore." She looked at me with her pretty blue eyes, looking so cute with her blonde hair in braids. "It would be great if you could please give me a foot massage."

"Um, ah, I ..." I said, not sure of what to do or say next, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Come on Robert, it's just a foot massage to make me feel better," said Maddie, her big blue eyes wide. "You'd be doing me a favor, it's just my feet, it's not weird or anything. It's not like I'm asking you to check my breasts for lumps or anything."

"Sure, if you'd like me to massage your feet," I said, feeling like I was outside of my body looking at the scene. It felt wrong, but such was my love of my stepdaughter and so turned on was I by her bare feet that it was like one of my best dreams was coming true.

"Thanks Robert, you're so sweet," said Maddie, the young girl giving me a hug before reaching down to her feet. I watched as she removed her white sneakers and then her cute white socks, leaving the teenager's beautiful bare feet on display.

Maddie lay down on the sofa so she was facing me, putting her bare feet into my lap, with me hoping they did not go anywhere near my penis as it would give away to her that I thought of this as anything but platonic.

Maddie pressed play on the VCR remote control to resume the movie and my trembling hands took hold of my stepdaughter's beautiful bare feet. I had never given a woman a foot massage before - Karen would never have permitted it with herself and no doubt she would have been less pleased had she known I was doing it with her teenage daughter - but Maddie was clearly enjoying by the relaxed look on her pretty face, the way her teenage toes curled up at my touch to her soles, arches and ankles.

"That feels so good Robert," she purred. "Keep going."

I did just as I was told as Maddie and I continued to laugh at the movie until we reached the end and the credits rolled. I took my hands off Maddie's bare feet and my stepdaughter went rigid. "Please keep going, you are so good at that Robert, my feet feel a million times better."

"Sorry Maddie," I said, returning my hands to my stepdaughter's bare feet and continuing to massage them slowly, gently having to move her right foot when it got too near my erection and would give the game away.

"I really enjoyed that movie," said Maddie, as she stopped the video and began to rewind the cassette.

"Me too, I've never seen it before," I said. "I mean I've seen body swap movies before, but never that one."

Maddie laughed. "Hey, imagine if everyone in this family swapped bodies like the family in the movie?"

I laughed as well. "I'm not sure if I would want that to happen."

"True, but it would be interesting wouldn't it?" My stepdaughter indicated the cat, Oscar lying in adjacent armchair with one leg up in the air as he washed himself, demonstrating that he could lick his own genitalia. "Imagine Oscar in Cocky's body, and Cocky in Oscar's body?"

"That's a scary thought, although Oscar might like it, he can hunt mice and rats from above like a bird of prey. I'm not sure Cocky could adjust to life as a cat though, he'd probably be scared of himself."

"Yeah," Maddie agreed, wriggling her toes as I continued to massage her bare feet. "Then there's Mum and Dylan. Imagine Dylan having to do Mum's marketing job with his cheerful personality, and Mum having to go to high school and be a boy emo?"

"I don't think your Mum would cope very well being a teenage boy, let alone an emo, and as for Dylan I don't think marketing will be your brother's vocation when he leaves school."

"Then there's us," Maddie teased. She again put on that cute little look of mischief on her pretty face. "Want to let me near your patients to give them scale and cleans, fillings or root canals, Doctor Riley?"

"Um, no offense Maddie but that would be horrifying for everyone involved and I think I might get a letter from the New South Wales dentistry administration demanding a please explain."

Maddie giggled. "Yeah, I wouldn't want to be a dentist, I don't know how you do that job, I really admire you. But then you'd be in my body and have to be a teenage girl popstar, and then you'd be in trouble because you can't um, how shall I put this politely?"

"Can't sing, can't dance, can't read music, can't follow a tune and can't even stay in time to music?" I suggested to Maddie.

"Right," Maddie confirmed. She then looked even more amused. "But it would be even worse if it was at the wrong time in my cycle, and there you would be, getting your period for the first time age 42."

"I um, don't think I would like that very much," I said. While I was turned on by the menstruating Maddie whenever it was her time of the month, having a period myself wasn't something I would want to do.

"Mind you, it wouldn't be all bad for you if you were trapped in my body," said Maddie. She looked directly into my brown eyes through her blue eyes. "You could look at yourself naked, and I know that more than anything else you want to see me naked. You with that great big crush on me."

It felt like I was about to have a heart attack and a stroke at the same time. I went absolutely rigid and could feel the adrenaline coursing through my body. My stepdaughter just lay there, regarding me impassively with her big blue eyes.

"What?" I gasped.

Maddie removed her feet from my lap, sat up and sat directly next to me on the couch. "You've got a crush on me Robert, and you have ever since I turned 18. I know by the way you look about me, and the way you act around me. Not to mention the way you perve on me."

"Maddie, I'm sorry, I don't, I never, I wouldn't, you must have the wrong idea ..." I stammered, unable to think of what to do or say next.

"Shush," whispered Maddie, the young girl putting her finger on my lips. "Don't talk Robert, just listen and let me finish. I know you've got a crush on me and I know you like to spy on me, like by looking up my skirt or dress or smelling my knickers. Otherwise why are my panties always out of order in my hamper? I know that you've got a foot fetish about me, you're always staring at them, and if you didn't you wouldn't have this would you?" Maddie fondled my erection through my trousers.

"I also know that Mum doesn't like sex at all and that you're sexually frustrated. Don't ask me to elaborate because I won't. I know, and that's the important part. Maybe you've developed a crush on me because of your frustration?"

"I'm sorry ..." I began, but again the teenager cut me off.

"I asked you not to speak Robert and please don't keep apologizing, there's nothing to be sorry for. Because I know one thing. You having a crush on me makes me hot and horny between my legs."

"Really? I never could tell," I gasped.

Maddie laughed. "That's because I'm a girl, you big silly. Girls don't show when they're excited unless you look down their knickers, unlike boys who have this." My stepdaughter again stroked the bulge in the front of my trousers and looked at me with a matter-of-fact but teasing expression.

"The good news for you Robert, is that I'm going to do all the things with you that Mum won't do in bed. Like your foot fetish, does Mum let you play with her feet?"

"No." Karen had freaked out when I mentioned having a foot fetish, thinking I was a perve.

"Has Mum ever jerked you off Robert?"

"No again." It was true, never once had Karen masturbated me in all the time we had been together.

"Have you ever fingered Mum's pussy?"

"No." Karen's vagina was strictly off limits to my fingers.

"How about oral, has Mum ever gone down on you and sucked your dick?"

"No." Karen always felt that oral was cheap and wouldn't do it.

"Ever gone down on Mum's pussy?"

"Again, no." No way was Karen letting my tongue anywhere near her vulva.

"Do you and Mum ever shower or take a bath together?"

"No." Karen refused to even let me in the bathroom while she was showering or bathing, much less shower or bathe with her.

"This is probably a dumb question given your answers about her vagina, but have you ever licked Mum's arsehole or stuck your fingers up her bum?"

"No, definitely not." Karen's anus was like the forbidden zone and fingers and tongues prohibited from there. Karen even hated me looking at her anus on the rare occasions we had sex.

"Does Mum let you smell her knickers?"

"No." I had done this once secretly, but felt guilty about it and never did it again. Too bad I didn't act the same with her teenage daughter's dirty knickers, my conscience scolded me.

"How many sexual positions have you and Mum done it in?"

"Just two, missionary and cowgirl," I admitted.

"Well I've got really good news for you Robert," said Maddie. "I'll let you smell my panties and fool around with my feet all you like. I'll jerk you off until your cock falls off in my hand, and you can put your fingers up my cunt and get them nice and sticky. I'll suck your dick and you can go down on my pussy. I'll let you fuck me in any position you like, and all those years of dance lessons have made me nice and bendy. I'll shower and bathe with you, and the really good news is that I like having my bum licked or fingered."

My eyes were wide with shock. "Is there anything you won't do?"

"Just two things," said Maddie. "One, when you fuck me you have to wear a condom. I don't want to get pregnant and I'm in the midway point of my cycle so that might be a real chance. Then I'd be knocked up with not only your son but your step-grandson too. If you did get pregnant, it might look odd that I gave birth nine months exactly after we were alone together, but not as bad as in five years' time when the kid starts kindergarten and keeps wanting to examine other kids' mouths and saying how he wants to be a dentist when he grows up."

I laughed. "Yeah, that would be very weird."

"Don't worry, I've got plenty of condom party tricks I can show you that are hot," Maddie promised me. "Second is full anal sex, I'm so tight up there. And my bum is obviously an exit not an entrance, it's not designed to be fucked and I don't want to have to sit on a cushion and be in screaming agony when I go to the toilet for a poo the next day."

"That's understandable."

Maddie looked at me seductively. "So stepfather, what do you want to do to me first?"

My conscience was nagging me that this was wrong, and I could not ignore it. "Maddie, I'm married to your mother, I love your mother, I'm your stepfather. This is wrong. Imagine how horrified your mum would be if she found out about this?"

Maddie ran her fingers through my hair. "Robert relax and listen to me. You, me and Mum, we form a weird triangle. A weird fucked up triangle, but it is what it is. You love Mum and want to fuck her, but while Mum loves you she doesn't want you to fuck her, she doesn't want to fuck anyone, she's asexual and it's amazing Dylan and I were even born. You've got a crush on me, you want to get into my knickers and fuck me, and I want to fuck you. Now would Mum be happy about her second husband fucking her teenage daughter from her first marriage after first husband and daughter's biological father fucked anything with a vagina on the professional golf tour while Mum was looking after a toddler and a baby at home?"

"No, that's why we need to think about this," I said.

"Well, have you ever heard the expression what somebody doesn't know can't hurt them?" Maddie looked at me, her blue eyes full of confidence. "Let's say as a hypothetical you found out that your Mum cheated on your Dad many years ago. Would you tell your Dad? No, because it would hurt your Dad and cause a lot of harm when there's no need for it. Same for us. We're in the house on our own. Mum and Dylan are in Adelaide, over a thousand kilometers away. Both of us are consenting adults, I'm not going to tell anyone, you're not going to tell anyone and I don't think Oscar over there is going to say anything." Maddie indicated the cat as he stretched out in the armchair. "And while Cocky can talk, he isn't going to say to Mum 'Hey Karen, Robert fucked your daughter while you were away in Adelaide.' So Mum knows nothing about this, she's happy and we're happy."

"You make a lot of sense, Maddie," I said.

"Yeah, I do don't I?" my stepdaughter proclaimed proudly. "Now come on, less talking and more fucking."

With that, Maddie climbed up onto my knee and sat facing me. We looked at each other, then leaned forwards and kissed. We kissed shallow on the lips at first, then deeper before I felt my stepdaughter's tongue going into my mouth. I embraced Maddie and she did the same to me, and we made out on the couch, my erection getting harder and presumably in her knickers Maddie's twat getting wetter.
