Seducing Mom Ch. 12


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I replied, "I don't know, Lady J. I feel like I hurt her sending her away and feel bad about it. She was almost in tears when she left. Do you really think she'll still be interested?"

"I know she is!" Lady J responded, and then she added. "Sherry actually is one of the members that was all for getting someone younger and she really likes you. Don't worry about the tears, that was a show. She was hoping her tears might weaken you...Oh, I'm so proud of you Joe! I am going to pass this along to Mary, Kathy, and Sue." We finished talking and hung up. She would be back tomorrow night.

I realized I smelled of cleaners and sweat, so I took a shower and changed clothes. The phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello Joe, this is Sherry again, and I do want to come over and spend the night with you!" We talked for a few more minutes and she came over. I fired the grill up and pulled the other things out. Sherry arrived in about 15 minutes and we talked as I put the chicken on. She had changed into a summer dress, and as I found out later, nothing else, but her heels! We ate in the kitchen and when we finished, we decided to just put the food up and leave the rest out. As we made our way upstairs with our wine, she told me. "You know what Joe? I've never been rejected like that before, and something about it is making me really hot now...I want you so badly, and I've got you all to myself tonight... Lady J even told me that you can take a pill for me!"

We embraced for a kiss in the living room and as I kissed down the left side of her neck, I noticed her tattoo. We went upstairs and I took a pill. We got naked and on the bed. Her body was, and still is, beyond description. Sherry is amazing. As much as I loved Sue, mom, and the others; the time I spent with Sherry was the best ever! The only downside was the rift it was cause. We started kissing and caressing each other. Soon we got into a 69, and then we fucked missionary style. Her pussy was a bit tight and it felt divine. It was so warm, wet, and inviting. She was a squirter and tasted good! I loved the feel of her body against mine. We did it standing up three times, she rode me, and we did it doggy-style a couple times. She had long blonde hair that felt smooth and got in the way sometimes, but I loved it! That was a truly special and memorable night. There just seemed to be a spark between us. We collapsed in each other's arms around 4 and fell asleep in a deep embrace.

We were awakened at about 6:30 by Lady J. She said, "Well, it looks like you two had some fun... It's Wednesday and you need to do some yard work today Joe...Sherry, I'm sure if you call your parents, they will let you stay if you'd like."

Sherry replied, "I want to stay and I'm calling them now." She got up and went to the phone on the other side of my room.

As Lady J sat on the corner of the bed, she said. "Sherry too is a child of the coven, her mother is a member you have not yet met, and her father is a trusted friend. He could never have kids though, not enough sperm...Anyway, this place needs some yard work done in preparation for Saturday night, mowing, trimming, pruning, and straightening up."

As she paused, we could hear Sherry saying in a low voice, "Yes, mom. Joe's really a nice guy and great in bed! I'm really getting to like him and I think there's something more there between us!"

Before Sherry noticed, Lady J added. "I trust you two can manage to keep your hands off each other and get some work done?" I agreed, as Sherry rejoined us, and Lady J went on. "Oh Sherry, how was your dinner last night?"

Sherry answered, "Joe did well, but that wasn't the best part for me!"

We all laughed before Lady J told us, "Now, as I explained to Joe. You both have some work to do today and tomorrow morning. Tomorrow afternoon you'll need to get the food for the weekend, and I'll have the liquor store deliver the booze for Saturday later today...Sherry if you'll sign for it, I'm sure that will set better with the owner...Well, I've got to get to work. I'll be here for dinner tonight and am looking forward to a filet mignon Joe." She got up and left us.

Sherry and made love again for about an hour and then she said. "My parents will be here at 8:30 with my clothes and things. We need to get up and ready to meet them." We got up and showered together as we kissed and caressed each other. I decided to go down and fix some eggs and hash browns for breakfast. They arrived at 8:30 as I was just finishing breakfast, and Sherry let them in and introduced us.

We sat in the dining room as we all talked. It was then that I learned that Sherry had just turned 21. Her mother, Ruth, whom I recognized from the member photos, was a very pretty lady as well; but not so well-endowed, yet she had nice breasts herself. Her father, Steve, seemed nice and just wanted to be sure I could take care of Sherry the way she deserved. We talked over breakfast, mainly them asking questions about me. We finished breakfast and Ruth told Steve she'd stay and help while he agreed to open their store. Steve got Sherry's bags and Sherry went upstairs as Steve departed. That's when Ruth said, "We need to call Lady J now!"

She went to the phone in the kitchen and called Lady J. After she explained that she was there to help us, she handed the phone to me. I took it and as I said hi, I heard Lady J's voice. "Well, so much for celibacy this week...OK you may be with Ruth now, but you'd better have the yard done when I get there tonight!"

I replied, "Yes Lady J, the yard will be ready." We hung up and Ruth took my hand and led me to my room. We could hear Sherry in the shower as we got naked while kissing and caressing each other.

Ruth was riding me as Sherry came out of the shower and joined us on the bed. Ruth felt good and was just as passionate as Sherry, but Sherry was divine once again. We all made love for about an hour and then decided to get dressed and get to work. Ruth would mow in the riding mower while Sherry and I took turns trimming and pruning. We all cleaned and straightened up the yard around 4. We all showered and kissed together in my shower as I fucked Ruth one more time, with Sherry kissing me as I did. Then, after we dressed, we took Ruth to their store and dropped her off, as Sherry and I rushed home to start dinner. I fired up the grill and Sherry got the potato salad and mixed lettuce salad out.

Lady J arrived just after 5:30 and, after I asked, said she wanted her filet medium. Since Sherry and I wanted ours done medium-rare, I put Lady J's on first. Sherry would not leave my side as I cooked the filets. I threw some asparagus on the grill with butter as I turned the filets over. Sherry and I were tired and it showed, but over dinner Lady J said. "Since celibacy went away Joe, I want to see you upstairs after dinner. Sherry can clean up." I nodded in agreement as we ate. Once we all finished, Lady J said. "That was really good Joe. Now come with me." I followed her upstairs, went to my room to take a pill, and went to her room. As soon as I got in I saw Lady J stripped down to her bra, panties, and stockings. As she was taking her bra off, she said. "Shut and latch the door, and take your clothes off." I did as she directed and then I too stripped down. Lady J and I got on her bed and fucked for about two hours. Then she jumped up and said, "It's getting late. I need to go." We got dressed, and left her room as she told me. "Thanks Joe. I needed that. It's been a stressful week for me so far...Please change my sheets tomorrow morning and let my room air out before it gets too hot."

"Yes Lady J." I replied as I walked with her downstairs.

When we got downstairs, Lady J yelled out. "Sherry, come here for a minute please!" As she fished through her purse and Sherry came, Lady J went on. "Tomorrow morning I having some party supplies delivered here around 9. I have the list here somewhere. Check it over and make sure we get EVERTHING, BEFORE you sign. Then begin setting things up for the party. Just set up the volleyball near the patio, so the trees and hedges will cover us. By the way Joe, I'd like for you to eventually have some sand brought in so we can make a real court some time soon, but we don't have time this week. The limbo and other games can be set up right off the patio...Don't forget Joe that you need to pick up all the food tomorrow afternoon. Sherry I have the liquor delivery coming in tomorrow afternoon and since your mom was kind enough to cover your shift at your store." She found the piece of paper and handed to me, as she looked us both in the eyes and told us. "Now look, you two. I don't mind if you get together, but tomorrow will be a busy day. Friday and Saturday will be even busier, so you have to have things decorated and set up tomorrow. Joe you need your rest, so I don't want you up too late, so at midnight more between you two, not even a kiss!"

We agreed and returned Lady J's smile as she left. Since Sherry was done in the kitchen we ran upstairs and got naked and into my bed. I noticed it was just before 9 as I glanced over at the clock. Sherry and I got into a tight embraced and kissed deeply for the longest time. Then I went down on her. She moaned loudly as I worked on her perfect breasts—they were so nice to play with, so firm! Then she squealed with pleasure as I got to her wet pussy. She screamed and squirted out three orgasms, while begging me to fuck her standing up before I finally gave in. When we got up and started fucking, she just exploded around my cock twice before I came. She flooded more than Sarah or anyone else ever did! After we both caught our breath, we went at it like rabbits for the next few hours, with a lot of heavy and deep kissing along the way. It was after 1 when we finally collapsed in each other's arms again and fell asleep together, kissing and caressing in a deep embrace.

My alarm woke us up at 6. Sherry rolled back over, as I got up to take a shower. After I shaved, groomed, and got dressed, I went back out and saw all the wet spots. Then I remembered Lady J's room. I went there, opened up the patio doors, and stripped the bed. I then went back to my room, opened up the curtains and balcony doors, and started cleaning the floor. Sherry just turned over tighter in the bed as I finished cleaning. I decided to go downstairs, start the laundry and make Sherry a quick breakfast in bed. I looked around and two-egg omelets with cheese, mushrooms, and sliced ham. I added some fruit, got some juice and coffee. It was about 7:30 when I took it up to Sherry and woke her up. I had a large tray with both our breakfasts. I went into my room and said loudly, "OK time to wake up sleepy head. We got a big day, and who knows when the delivery people will arrive." I watched as Sherry stirred a bit, rolled over an opened her eyes to me and just smiled.

As I stood there, watching her wake up, she told me. "Good morning sweetie...You have breakfast in bed for me?... No one has ever done that before for me. This is a first and I like it!" She rolled over and I got beside her on the bed as we kissed and I put the tray down between our legs. After we kissed, Sherry said. "I'm not a breakfast person, but this looks good." She grabbed the plate with her omelet and fruit, and tried the omelet saying, "This is good Joe! I could get used to this!" After we both started eating our omelets, Sherry said. "I'm REALLY starting to feel a deep connection to you Joe...I mean I REALLY like you a lot, and it's not just the sex; but when we were working together in the yard and making dinner last night...I think we've got a real connection here; but there's SUE!" After a pause, she went on. "I mean I know you two are together...I don't know Joe. I just know I'm really falling for you big and this wasn't supposed to happen this way...I guess I need to talk with Lady J."

After a pause as we ate, and I thought, I said. "I really like you a lot too Sherry. This is beyond the sex for me too."

Sherry replied, "I guess we might need to both talk to Lady J then." We kissed again as we finished. Then she said, "I don't like coffee though. I like a Diet Coke, Tab, or Diet Pepsi in the morning to get me going." I jumped up and went downstairs to get her a cold Diet Pepsi as I thought heavily about things. I did like Sherry, and for more than the sex! She was a really cool young lady. Yeah she was pretty and had a rocking body, compared to Sue; but there was something much deeper to her, and something I really liked. I wished I could call mom or Sarah at that point, but knew I couldn't. Then I thought about my dad, and decided I'd better ask Lady J first. He might have advice to give.

After a phone call from her office, Lady J arrived late that afternoon. Sherry and I went to talk with Lady J and explain the situation that was developing between us. After hearing from both of us, Lady J immediately excused Sherry, then she asked me. "Joe, you've got to answer a serious question for me. Is this love or lust?" After a short pause she asked the same question again. "Is this love or lust? I'm awaiting your answer!"

"Lust I guess, Lady J...I mean I haven't known her long enough to fall in love, but I do really like Sherry and I want to give her..."

Lady J cut me off and said. "Joe! You and Sue have a good thing going right now. Many members of our coven, and not just the ladies you knew before we brought you in as our prospective houseman, wholeheartedly agree. You see, they see a special fire that exists between you two. You must consider that, as I have in making this very unorthodox agreement with you."

"I have Lady J." I replied.

"Have you?" she responded before going on. "Have you really thought about it?"

I responded, "Yes, Lady J I have; but I'd like to call my dad to see what he thinks first...if that's OK with you."

She answered. "Well my inclination is to say 'No' to that, but I am curious as to his reply. I'd like to be listening in. Mary has described him as a 'womanizing chauvinist'. Perhaps he's changed though...Besides she's called a couple times this week, saying he's called and wants to know when he can see you this summer...Looking at the calendar, I think either the week before or after your orientation would work. Yeah, so go ahead and call him and I'll listen in on the other line."

I picked up the phone and called dad. Lady J picked up as soon as I finished dialing. Dad answered and I replied. After explaining my situation to him, he told me. "Well son, in my old days, I would've told you that if there's no ring, you can fling. I've changed though. Now I remember Sue and also that you and Sue have grown up together. You two know each other better than you think and you have a lot in common. I'm also fairly certain that she is an attractive young lady. Now, we have this Sherry. You make her sound like she should be the next Centerfold of the Month for Playboy or Penthouse. She sounds like an extremely sexy young lady, but how much do your really know about her? I can't tell you what to do here son—this is part of you learning to become a man; and as your grandfather has said repeatedly, 'You must be a man before you can become a gentleman!' That's where I failed with your mother. So, food for thought. Just remember, looks don't last forever, and sooner or later those huge knockers Sherry has will be around her knees! By the way, your mother shared the story of you rescuing Sue from the airport one night. I too am proud of you!"

I replied, "It just seemed like the right thing to do dad."

He said, "Then I guess you know the right thing to do now Joe. Deep down inside you know the right answer. Don't repeat my mistakes!" Then we discussed my visit. I would go the week before orientation, flying in on Sunday morning and returning the following Saturday afternoon. With Lady J's thumbs up, I agreed. We discussed plans for the week and he told me the rest of them were at a summer play. After he told me he'd have the tickets sent from his frequent flier account, we hung up.

Lady J looked at me and said, "Well, it sounds as though your father has learned his lesson. However, I think you need to talk with your mother and get a lady's perspective...So you need to go see her tonight. I'll call while you're on your way, but...You must be back here by 8:00 tomorrow morning! So go on!" I raced out the door and headed toward home. On the way, I realized that would be the last time I would see our house.

When I got there, I saw my car sitting in the driveway and the back seat packed with things already. Mom opened the door, staying out of view and said, "This is an unexpected treat! C'mon!" As soon as I got in I noticed she was wearing her best black lace and silk bra, panties, and corset, with black seemed, lace-top thigh-highs. She kicked the door shut and said, "We'll talk later! Right now I want, I NEED, for you to rip these off of me and take me!" We embraced and kissed, long and deep as we began to grope each other like never before!

After a few moments, I took her hand and quickly led her through the boxes to her room where the bed was still set up with the red satin sheets. We kissed and groped again on the bed where we quickly pulled or ripped each other's clothes off and got into a sexual frenzy with each other—it was animal-like! I got on top of mom as she spread her legs wide and rammed my cock all the way inside her with one strong thrust and we both let out a loud moan. We began fucking each other hard and both came within minutes. We continued kissing, caressing and fondling each other as mom rolled me over and started going down on me. Her licking and sucking of my quickly growing cock was frenzied. As soon as I got hard, the phone rang. Mom said, "Just let it ring. I want to taste you again and then I want to ride you!" She continued giving me a blowjob as the phone was ringing. Finally, after about five minutes, she stopped, and said, "Dammit, whoever the hell is calling is starting to tick me off!" She got up and went over to answer the phone. "Hello!" she nearly yelled out. Her tone instantly changed though as she responded, "What? Yes, I understand Lady J. He's right here." She walked over to the bed and handed me the phone saying, "It's Lady J. There's an emergency."

I took the phone and after saying hello, Lady J said, "Joe, we have a bit of an emergency right now. One of the banished men, a former House Man who was banished for being abusive and drunk, has been harassing Jane lately. We don't have much time, she is on my other line and scared. I need for you to get dressed and get over to her place immediately. Don't stop on the way and don't even shower. When you get there, just tell her who you are and she'll let you in. Then bring her here." After I agreed she said, "Put Mary back on please." They talked as I quickly got dressed, kissed mom on the cheek and left.

It took me about 20 minutes to get to Jane's house. As I pulled into her driveway, I noticed all her lights were on and it wasn't even that dark. I walked up and I could hear Jane speaking frantically into the phone. I rang the doorbell and yelled, "Jane, this is Joe! Let me in!"

I heard her walking to the door while talking on her phone. After a moment, Jane said. "It's Joe! Yes, Lady J...I'll pack some things and call you before we leave...Goodbye." I heard her unlocking the door. Then it opened and she just rushed into my arms saying, "Thank God you're here! Just hold me a minute." After a few moments she led me inside and shut and locked the door again. I could tell she was clearly shaken up and had been crying. She said, "We've got to hurry and pack some things before he comes back. He's quite drunk tonight and just won't stop coming by. He's crazy!" I followed her to her guestroom where she got a suitcase and a garment bag. We went to her bedroom and she started pulling outfits out of her closet. She put the outfits in the garment bag and some shoes in the suitcase. Then she grabbed a robe, some nightgowns, bras, panties, slips, and stockings and packed them in the suitcase. She then grabbed some shorts, blouses, and T-shirts and packed them. Jane was moving quickly and asked, "What am I forgetting...oh, my vanity case!" She went into her bathroom and packed her vanity case. Then she went through her jewelry and packed some things. She stopped and looked at me and said, "I think that's everything...Oh wait, I need a swimsuit." She went to a drawer and pulled one out, and said, "OK, that's everything out of here. Let's check the kitchen." I closed and grabbed the suitcase and garment bag while Jane grabbed her vanity case. We put the bags by the door and went to her kitchen. She looked around, grabbed the fruit off the counter, and looked in her refrigerator. She grabbed a few items and put them all in a shopping bag. She then said, "Let's go."