Seducing Mom Ch. 12


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Jane locked her front door as I took the suitcase and garment bag to the car. As we finished loading the trunk, a car drove up Jane's driveway and damn near hit us! A man got out staggering and slurring his words as he cursed Jane. Ignoring me, he approached Jane and I stepped between him and Jane, putting her behind me. He tried to push me aside as he slurred, "Who the fuck is this Jane? Outta my way boy!" I pushed him down, which wasn't hard as drunk as he was, and he slowly got back up first staggering into his car and then mine. Jane had moved around to the passenger door. As soon as he had his footing, he looked at me and said, "Alright asshole! If it's a fight you want, I'll give you one!" When he tried to swing I easily blocked his punch and pushed him down again. He got back up as I waited for him to quit staggering, and then he tried to punch me again. I pushed him back down as Jane giggled. He got back up and charged me, but he was staggering too much and ran into his car. He regained his footing and tried to swing at me again. Jane's giggling was getting him angry. He was cursing as he tried to spar. That's when I hit him with a single punch, square to the nose. He staggered back a bit and I hit him again in the jaw. The second punch put him down.

Jane asked, "Is he alive?" He was out cold and I checked to make sure he was still breathing and replied. "He's breathing. He's just out cold."

Jane then asked, "What are we going to do?"

The first thought I had was to just back his car out of the way, leave him there, and go. Then I came up with another idea and told Jane. "I've got an idea. You get in my car and follow us." I dragged this guy to his car and put him in the passenger seat. He stirred a bit as I lifted him up into the seat, but he was basically passed out now and almost snoring. I got him in and got in the other side. Jane already had my car running and followed me out of her driveway. I got about 20 miles out of town and then found a dirt road in a remote spot and followed it until it ended. There was a gate that was shut but not locked. I told Jane to wait there for me to come back. I opened the gate and drove his car through some woods and out onto a narrow path separating two corn fields. The guy was still out and snoring when I stopped. I took the keys out of the ignition and through them in amongst all the junk he had in his backseat. Then, I got out of the car and let the air out of both his front tires. When I stopped and started back to my car, I thought I heard him slur something before snoring again. I went back and shut the gate. When I got back to my car, I told Jane. "That ought to take care of him tonight...and most of tomorrow too."

Jane asked, "What did you do to him?"

She slid over as I got in, moved the seat back, and answered, "I didn't do anything to HIM! He's still in his passenger seat, safe and sound." I started the car and drove back to the main road as I told her what I did. She was laughing hysterically and couldn't wait to get to the mansion and tell Lady J. It took us about an hour to get to the mansion.

When we got there, I noticed another car parked in the driveway. As soon as I stopped, Jane jumped out and ran inside while I got all the bags and carried them inside. When I got in with all the bags I could hear Jane telling Lady J the story. I set the bags down and joined them in the den. When I got in the den I noticed another lady with Lady J who I did not know. I watched as Jane finished telling the story. As soon as we stopped laughing, Lady J said, "Well done Joe, very well done! I'd like for you to meet Bev, and Bev this is Joe." Bev was attractive, about 40, 5'6, slim figure with smaller breasts. As she got up and we greeted each other, Lady J added. "Bev and three of our members live in [a smaller town about 75 miles away from the city]. They got in a few minutes ago and have all volunteered to help you get things ready for tomorrow night, so you should have more than enough help."

Then Bev said, "I'm going upstairs to see what they're doing. I'll be right back."

Then Jane asked, "Where am I staying tonight?"

Lady J answered, "You'll be up on the third floor. I got it ready after we talked earlier, because Bev, Jess, Lisa, and Jo were on their way. Let's get your things and take them upstairs." We went to get Jane's bags, left the food by the door, and went up the stairs as Lady J said, "With all the stuff we moved out this week to make room for the ladies' moving in this next week, we have a lot of bedrooms without beds. For tomorrow's party, you'll have to move down the roll-away beds Joe." As we passed the second floor we could hear Bev talking to the others. We brought Jane's bags to her room and quickly helped her unpack. Jane dropped her vanity off in the adjacent bathroom and we headed back down the stairs. As we got to the second floor Lady J yelled out, "Ladies, where are you?" We heard three of them yell out.

Then one voice said, "We're just out of the shower and Bev just hopped in. We'll all be down stairs in a few minutes."

Lady J replied, "OK." Then she looked at me and said, "I bet you could use a shower too, and as I told Mary earlier, I am sorry to interrupt; but Jane needed your help...That story will be the highlight of the weekend!" I nodded in agreement and went to my bedroom. Lady J had set up the large platform and chairs again and had left a large sheet on the bed. I went to the closet and got out something to wear and then went to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth, shaved my groin area since there was stubble, and hopped in the shower. Once I was dressed, I decided to put the sheet on the platform. As I did, I started getting hard, thinking that she might let me play tonight. I looked at the clock and it was 10. I hoped it wasn't too late as I finished. I went downstairs and all the ladies were down there, except for Jane. Lady J introduced me to all of them, who were already wearing their nightgowns or pajamas. Jess was about 30, short, and stocky. She had broad shoulders, big breasts, and a nice ass. Lisa was about 45, medium build and had a pretty face. Bev was about 50, short and stocky. Jo was about 50, taller than the others and had a pear-shaped body. She wasn't as pretty as the others, but wasn't ugly either.

Moments later, Jane came down in her nightgown and said, "Hey, this is like a slumber party...except for you Joe. Where are you going?"

Before I could answer, Lady J joked, "Yeah Joe. Where are you going? There was no need to get dressed tonight. Save that outfit for tomorrow night. I like it...While you're upstairs changing, we ladies can get some drinks and snacks out." I went back upstairs, changed into some light shorts and a T-shirt, and went back downstairs. Jane was one the phone and asking what everyone liked on pizza. After we all decided, Jane confirmed the order.

Then Bev said, "Hey, I got an idea! Since this is kind of a slumber party, let's play 'Spin the bottle'!" We all agreed and started off with the traditional 'Spin the bottle'/'Truth or dare' game. When the pizzas arrived, we took a break, ate, and drank beer and wine.

As we were finishing, the grandfather clock in the sitting room rang 11 chimes. Then Lady J said, "Alright, it's getting late and Ben, one of his chefs, and another cook will be here at 10 in the morning, so I think we all need to head for our beds. After all, the next two nights will be late." They all giggled and chuckled as we headed upstairs. As I walked into my room, Lady J followed me in and whispered, "Don't forget to take your pills tonight and in the morning. For lunch, I want you to have your shake and a salad. OK?" I nodded in agreement as she went to her room. I took a pill and went to sleep.

The alarm woke me up at 7:00 the next morning. I decided to do work out at the gym and return about 8 or so. When I returned at 8:30, I was surprised to find all the ladies up and cleaning everything. Jo was polishing brass, Lisa was dusting, Bev and Jess were cleaning the bathrooms, and Lady J was vacuuming. When Lady J noticed me, she cut off the vacuum and said. "Where were you Joe?" After I explained that I went to the gym for an early workout, she replied, "Oh good! You DID remember that from your pamphlet after all. You know that's important to us, and I don't want you putting on the 'Freshman 15' this year...Now, I need you to check the yard and clean it up. Next, clean the grill and get it ready. Then check the hot tub and make sure it's clean and there's enough chlorine for tonight...By the way, you'll need to get up early tomorrow morning and check it again. Last, make sure the kitchen is ready for Ben. He's already called and said you know what needs to be done to have everything ready and preheated."

I replied, "Yes Lady J." and went to the back yard to clean it up. That was quick and so was the grill, but the hot tub had not been used by anyone for a few days and had a layer of scum around the edges that I quickly scrubbed and cleaned away. I needed to clean the filter and add a bit more chlorine before increasing the temperature setting. Then I went inside at about 9:30 and started cranking up ovens, filled a large pot with water and started heating it, prepping warmers in the kitchen, and finally pulling all the food and utensils out for preparation.

Ben, his son, and another cook arrived shortly after 10 and we started preparing everything. As we were working Ben was having me explain how I was to cook each entrée to ensure I remembered every little detail. Lady J came into the kitchen at about 11:30 to check how things were going and to tell us that she and the ladies were going for a quick shopping trip and lunch. We finished preparing everything just after 1:30 and Ben, his son, and the cook left. The ladies weren't back yet, so I ate a salad and mixed my shake for a late lunch and sat down to watch TV for a bit. The ladies returned around 2:30 and joined me in the den. They had all bought new dresses and shoes while they were out and were putting them up on their shoulders to show me. Then Lady J presented me with a red, embroidered, BBQ apron and said it was a gift from all the ladies.

Since ladies would start arriving at 5:00, we all went upstairs around 3:30 to start getting ready. I shaved again (both areas), showered and got dressed in no time. When Lady J was ready she called for me and we went over how the evening would progress again. The ladies would arrive with their invitations. We would greet them at the front door where they would pay with either cash or a check. I would take the bags upstairs for those who indicated they were stay overnight or until Sunday. Then at about 5:30 I would fire up the grill and begin grilling at 6. Once I was finished cooking and eating, I would take care of any late arrivals, and then join the meeting. After the meeting we would socialize a bit more and then a small group of ladies would go with me to my room while Lady J entertained the others. Then we would get up to clean everything the next morning.

Shortly after 4:30, Joyce called for me and we set up the table. The other ladies came downstairs as they got ready, paid their discounted fees, and sat at the bar. The other ladies began trickling in promptly at 5 and they continued to arrive after I fired up the grill. There were still three missing ladies when I went to start grilling. Lady J told me that we would get with them later. In total, we had about 25-30 ladies there and Lady J said that was normal for a summer event and that with the exception of Christmas, the winter events usually only had about 15-20 ladies show up.

Thanks to the ladies who were helping the dinner went without problems and I pulled everything off the grill nearly simultaneously. Due to the bugs that came out, most of the ladies went inside to eat. I sat outside with the remaining six ladies who braved the bugs. Once I was finished, I excused myself, cleared the dishes from the main table so Lady J could start the meeting, took care of the three late arrivals, put up the leftovers, wiped down the counters, and loaded the dishwasher with a first load.

The meeting was well underway when I joined the group. Lady J was sitting at the head of the table and motioned me toward the other end as she introduced me to the women I didn't get a chance to meet. They all applauded me for the dinner as I took my seat. There were 16 of us seated at the table and the rest were seated along the walls of the dining room. They went back to the "Old Business" where I learned of the discussion that ensued over my selection, and there was some joking and giggling. Then Lady J shared the story of the other night one more time.

The meeting concluded a bit over an hour later, and Lady J said, "As you all know, normally, we would just enjoy some drinks at this point. However, we currently have a House Man in the making." She gestured toward me, as she went on. "So, Joe will entertain some of you, who have not been with him yet, this evening and for those wishing to spend the night; we will continue tomorrow...If my count is right, and all 15 of you that have not been with him, do so tonight and tomorrow, Joe will have only 14 more members to meet before he becomes our House Man...The good news here is that all 14 of the ladies indicated on their RSVPs that they would be attending our party in next weekend. We had to move it up a week due to Joe's college orientation." After a short pause she added. "Now I'm going to ask all 15 of you to join me in the sitting room, while Joe goes upstairs and gets into his robe. The rest of you are free to stay and socialize a bit more."

The 15 ladies got up and followed Lady J into the sitting room as I went upstairs to quickly change into my robe. I heard them coming upstairs, and then there was a knock at my door and Lady J came in and said, "OK, you're ready. We'll give them a few minutes to get ready while I explain how tonight and tomorrow will work. Instead of the red and green marbles we're going to do something different..." She went on, "Each room has a numbered green or red tag." She showed me the one that would be on my door handle and went on. "We have a spinner downstairs, that you will spin. Then you will go to the room number you spin, have sex with the lady or ladies in the room, and then return to the dining room to spin again. The rooms you've already visited will have those tags turned over to red. We'll continue until you get tired or worn out, at which time I will ring the bell and we'll go to sleep. Then tomorrow morning after breakfast the game will continue until you've been with all the ladies."

I followed Lady J downstairs to the dining room. We socialized with a few of the ladies that decided to stay. They were all cleaning the kitchen and doing dishes as we talked. Lady J offered me another shake and after about 15 minutes had me spin—room 8. I went up to the second floor and found room 8. I opened the door to find Bev and Jess on the bed kissing and caressing, I took off my robe and joined them on the bed. As Bev and I were kissing, Jess went down and started licking and sucking my semi-hard cock. After a few moments Jess said, "Alright mom, he's ready."

Bev rolled over on top of me as she said, "Yes, Joe we're another mother-daughter team in the coven, and I hope you get Jess pregnant tonight. I want a grandchild and she's ovulating now; but first I get to feel you!" She slid my erect cock into her wet pussy and we started fucking while Jess kissed and caressed both of us. We started slow, but the pace soon quickened. Bev was a screamer, a loud screamer, and she was cumming within minutes. As soon as I got close, I grabbed her hips and thrusted harder. Bev was screaming and moaning when I came. She continued riding me deep as I finished shooting my load into her. Then she got off and joined Jess who was already sucking my cock and getting me hard again.

I was rock hard again within five minutes and Jess said, "I want it doggy style Joe." I got behind her and slid my cock into her wet and waiting pussy. She was a bit tighter than Bev, and I soon learned, a loud screamer like her mother. It took her a bit longer to cum and when she did, she let out a loud scream and squirted a bit. I grabbed her hip and pulled hard as I came, shooting my load deep inside her. When I finished, we all kissed and I left the room, turning the tag around as I went downstairs.

When I got downstairs I saw most of the ladies in the den in various stages of being undressed. They were kissing and fondling each other in 3-4 groups--It was hot to see and I got hard instantly. I went to the dining room where I found Lady J moaning, with Jane between her legs. Lady J had Jane stop briefly as she said, "OK Joe, open your robe." As I did, she added. "I see you're ready for the next room. Because if you weren't I'd have the ladies help you...Spin again." When I went to spin, I noticed room 8 was removed. I spun and got room 10, third floor.

I went upstairs to room 10 and found one of the younger ladies in the room. Maria was about 25, Hispanic, short, thin, and very pretty. She was wearing a black silk teddy, with a matching black thong and thigh-highs. We kissed deeply as she took my robe off and we both took her teddy and thong off. We got on the bed and into a 69 for a few minutes. Then she spun around and whispered, "I heard you do a standing position that's really hot." I nodded yes as we kissed and got up. She straddled my waist as I grabbed her small ass. She reached down and guided my cock into her tight and wet little pussy. We started off slow and as I got deeper inside her, I could feel her cervix. We went slow for a while as Maria repeated, "You're so big!" The pace picked up as her pussy dilated a bit and it took us about another ten minutes to cum together. She rode me as I finished spurting inside her. When we were finished, she got down, we kissed as I put my robe back on, and I left the room, turning the tag around.

I was still flaccid as I made my way downstairs. The ladies were mostly naked now in five groups in the den and dining room. There were occasional moans and I noticed that Bev and Jess had joined them. I could feel myself starting to get hard again as I revealed my cock to Lady J. She motioned me to a group and I went to join them. The four of them quickly got me rock hard. I went back to the table where Elizabeth and Jane were pleasuring Lady J and each other.

The game continued in the same manner, and I set a new record of being with ten of the ladies that night. As it got later, the number of ladies downstairs got fewer. It was also taking me longer to get hard again after the fifth lady. I came down after the ninth and tenth ladies and the few ladies that remained, and they couldn't get me hard. Lady J had been sleeping in a chair when the other awoke her and told her that I was finished for the night. It was almost 3 and Lady J got up and rang the bell at the bottom of the stairs. She then told me to get another shake and go to bed. A few of the remaining ladies got dressed and left for their homes. Most of them just grabbed their clothes and went upstairs. I was asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

I woke up around 9:30, shaved, showered, took a pill, put my robe on, and went downstairs. Three of the ladies were already up and eating. Candy was about 25, blonde, medium build, with healthy breasts. Betty was about 40, black hair, slender, with a nice ass. Judy was about 35, short, and had a nice figure. They greeted me as I walked in and Betty said, "I'm glad you're up and I can't wait to have my turn with you."

I replied, "I'm looking forward to it Betty, just as I am all of you ladies. We'll have to wake up Lady J in a few minutes." I decided to make Lady J a breakfast in bed as I made and ate something myself.