Senior Week Ch. 10: Deliverance


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Rachel rubbed her eyes as the tears continued to fall. She had such good intentions. She truly did. She wasn't a bad person. She knew how she could be and what she liked doing so she stayed out of relationships to avoid hurting people. She took the hits and absorbed the whispers because they were the price for her freedom. And for the most part, it was an arrangement that had served her well.

But she still couldn't resist putting her hand closer and closer to the flame until she got burned. She wondered if it was simply her nature and if she'd ever be able to change. It had gotten her in trouble at Taylor Reed and again at Pine Valley. And once again, she was facing a terrible predicament rooted in her own blind, carelessness. She felt weak and unable to fight it. She needed help. She needed-.

Rachel brought her head up and sniffled away a sob. She knew what she needed. Whom she needed. The person who had been right all along. The only one who gave her the tough love she needed because she cared. The person she had lost her way without. Her best friend. Even if Rebecca couldn't solve her current problem with Jeff, she would still know the right thing to say to make her feel better. The love in her heart would see Rachel through.

Rachel's pulse jumped as she turned to hear the bedroom door open. Like an act of God had summoned her directly, Rebecca walked in casually, still in her bathing suit, dark sunglasses over her eyes. Rachel had thought she was still at the beach. She hadn't even heard the door open downstairs.

Rebecca's expression had initially been blank, but it flashed to sudden shock as Rachel's presence surprised her. And not just her presence. Her face. She had tears streaked down her cheeks and her eyes were puffy and red. She was sitting in a towel, clutching her knees on her bed. Her hair was still wet. Her phone lay at her side.

Rebecca flipped her glasses up over her forehead and widened her eyes in wild concern.

"Rach! What's wrong? Oh my God, why are you crying?"

Rachel felt the tears rush harder and she initially balked at her friend's concern. She trembled with shame as she remembered the last thing Rebecca had said to her earlier in the day. "I guess there will be no need for you to come crying when something goes wrong." God, she felt like such a fool.

"Um, nothing. I, uh, I just-." She felt herself start to crack and she brought her hand to her mouth as she turned away in vain. Her shoulders shook as she tried to contain the wrenching cries pushing out from every corner of her body.

The flimsy act did little to convince Rebecca and she let her bag drop to the floor as she moved quickly to Rachel's bed. She put her hands on her shoulders and held her gently. Her touch made Rachel's sobs come louder.

"Rachel. You're scaring me! What's wrong, sweetie? Please!"

Rachel finally turned back to face her friend. There was no point in trying to pretend that she had things in hand. That was what had led her down the well. She needed help. And she needed it now.

Fighting the tears, Rachel laid everything out. She started at the beginning, confessing to her wild night with Alex and Derrick as well as the continued perversion of the morning. She told her about her meeting with Tyler and what it had led to back at his house. And as she choked away the shame, she showed Rebecca the texts and picture Jeff had sent her and relayed his blackmailing phone call.

Finally, her voice barely above a whisper, she described how she'd already gone to see Jeff and sucked his dick only to be given a temporary stay of execution when Jessie had called. She could barely make eye contact as she told her friend about Jeff's latest plan with the motel. Getting it all out made her feel better and worse at the same time. Confession had been good for her soul, but hearing herself explain and recount all that she'd done made it seem even bigger and more irresponsible.

Rebecca listened to Rachel's tearful tales with the same warm yet stoic expression she'd had that day in the car outside of Baja Fiesta. The story had started out like a classic, wild, Rachel situation but it had become almost as stomach-turning as the sordid recap of her prom experiences and the descriptions of her ongoing "relationship" with Matt. It made Rebecca shiver.

And the picture. It was so raw. So explicitly graphic. Rebecca clearly was no prude, nor was she a stranger to watching Rachel perform sexually, but the image had still been jarring. And it made her blood run hot that it was being used against her friend in such an ugly, defiling way.

When Rachel finished up, she could only stare at Rebecca with broken desperation. What was she going to do? She felt like there was no other choice but to meet Jeff and do whatever it was he wanted. She'd gone over and started once already. She simply couldn't let Erica get her hands on that picture. It would be catastrophic.

Rebecca's fiery instincts took over as her concern turned to flashing anger. She couldn't believe Rachel was actually considering going to the motel. That asshole couldn't win! And if she did go, what was stopping him from using the threat to coerce her again the next him he had a lustful impulse? No. There had to be another way. A way that didn't involve her friend degrading herself further.

But Rachel saw no other path. She was frightened, and while she agreed that she couldn't trust Jeff to hold up his end of the bargain, it didn't really matter much. The stakes were too high. And she'd dug her own hole.

Rebecca furiously fought back, her anger lashing out against the girls' impotence over the situation. There simply had to be a different solution. She had to believe that Jeff was bluffing but she didn't know him and the risk was certainly great for Rachel. She didn't know Erica well either, but she'd seen the pure hatred in her eyes when they'd exchanged words a few nights prior. If she truly was angry or hurt enough, she might just use that picture to destroy Rachel's life. Rebecca's senses tingled as she thought about it. It was what she'd do in her shoes...

The hours melted away but the girls came no closer to an answer. Rachel finally slipped out of her towel and begun quietly getting dressed as the imminence of her fate became more pronounced. She smirked dryly as she dug through her dresser drawer and scanned her options. She hadn't packed many "unsexy" outfits for the beach week and she felt shivers go through her toes as she slid on a pair of short shorts and a tank top.

She looked hot. Her green eyes weren't puffy anymore and the calm resignation on her face gave her a mysterious aura. Her tan skin glowed and the curves of her best assets stuck out on obvious display. She knew Jeff would like what he saw. Not that it mattered much. She cringed as her phone buzzed and she saw his latest text message come through. See you soon! Room 203.

Rebecca felt her stomach twist into knots as she watched Rachel turn by the door and offer a solemn shrug. The emotion sprung her into action and she rushed over and pushed the door shut as she pleaded with her friend not to go.

"Rachel, no! This is fucking stu-! You're not going over there. You're not! You're going to sit back down and we're going to figure this out!"

But Rachel simply smiled and shook her head. She loved how fiercely her friend was defending her, but this was her mess and she had to go clean it up. She touched Rebecca's face gently before sliding her arm off the door and stepping into the hallway.

Rebecca's eyes stung with cloudiness as she watched Rachel disappear down the hall. Unable to move or even think for a moment, she finally snapped to and rushed over to the bedroom window that overlooked the parking lot. She saw Rachel appear and walk lifelessly over to her car. Seconds later, the little white Honda that she'd ridden in so many times pulled out of the lot and began to disappear down the road. A single tear fell from her eye and she turned coldly away from the window as she clenched her fists in anger.

There had to be another way.

Why couldn't she find it?


Rachel took a deep breath and steadied herself as she stared at the door in front of her. The paint was old and chipped and the "2" on the "203" sign had come loose, hanging askew below its partners at a funny angle. She sniffed her nose in disgust as she extended her fist to knock firmly. What a dump this place was.

She still couldn't believe she was even there. It felt surreal. She was really about to go inside and do this. And if she did everything right, maybe he'd finally leave her alone. Her senses tingled as she wondered just how Jeff would play it. She smirked. He'd probably be beside himself.

She exhaled as she felt a soft hand come to her back, just between her shoulder blades. The touch was warm and familiar and she smiled reflexively in response. Turning her head, she raised an excited eyebrow at Rebecca as they exchanged matching grins. Her stomach twisted momentarily though and her grin faded into a look of genuine concern. She reached out and took Rebecca's hand in hers.

"Becca, are you sure? You really don't have to do this."

Rebecca's eyes flashed and she pulled her full lips in tight. She squeezed her friend's hand back and nodded firmly.

"I'm sure. It's okay, sweetie. Everything's going to be fine. I'm here now."

Rachel tingled and nodded back. She returned her gaze to the door and thought again about how Jeff would react. Her grin returned.

He'd definitely be beside himself.


Rachel pulled up to the Baybreeze and put her car in park. A glance to the clock on her dash indicated that she was a little early so she decided to sit with her thoughts as she contemplated what was about to happen. Her throat tightened nervously.

In a few minutes, she'd be inside one of the rooms with Jeff. She'd surely be out of her clothes in short order and soon after she'd be sucking his dick again. She'd either be leaned over him on bed like before or perhaps kneeling on some gross motel carpet.

She already knew that he wanted more than a simple, routine blowjob, too; he'd made that much clear at house. He wanted her to slide her tongue down and give him the same enthusiastic rim job she'd done for him that morning in his basement. He'd even made a joke earlier about how he'd showered for her. It made her stomach turn.

But that wasn't even her darkest thought. Rachel's face tingled with prickly heat as she thought about how he'd heard her moaning while having sex with Tyler. And worse, how he'd slid his dick teasingly between her legs, probing her pussy as she'd been pressed naked over his body, kissing her way down his chest.

Dread filled her senses. She remembered how he'd also gotten her completely naked on his couch after prom. She'd been so worked up and horny and she'd simply spread her legs and let him finger her and work her body however he'd wanted. She was sure all the images were just as vivid in his brain as they were in hers. And soon, she'd been naked and touching him again.

Her stomach twisted and she scoffed in disbelief as she suddenly found herself hoping that all he wanted was for her to suck his dick and lick his ass. Like such a fate would be kind and lenient. And sadly, it was the truth. She really didn't want to have sex with him. Not him. It wasn't just her rule. It would be the she'd be breaking it.

Rachel felt the dark panicky feelings begin to seep into her system and she tightened her grip on the steering wheel as she fought to stay in control. She needed to breathe. To calm down. If she went inside in a manic state, there was no telling what she'd agree to. She had to have her wits about her. She'd already lost control once this week and the worst thing that could happen would be for her to lose it again now.

She steadied herself and exhaled smoothly as she began to return to normalcy. It would be okay. It would. No matter what happened, she'd get through it and move on. She always did.

She sighed as another check on the time showed that it was only five minutes till five. She chewed her lip and nodded her head to no one in particular. It was time to go. There was no sense in delaying things further. With a final glance in the mirror, she reached for the door handle and repeated her assurances in her head. She'd get through this. She'd be okay.

She stepped out of her car evenly and glanced around the motel layout as she attempted to get her bearings. It appeared that the room Jeff had chosen was on the second level and towards the far end of the lot from where she'd parked. She exhaled and moved towards a staircase, smoothing her shirt idly as she walked. She reached for the railing and had been about to take a step when she froze.


The sound of her name rang out through the lot and she whipped her head around reflexively to locate its source. It wasn't Jeff. In fact, it wasn't even a boy's voice. Sudden recognition reaching her senses, she focused her eyes on the target and widened her eyes.


"Rachel, stop! Get back here! Sweetie, I got it! I figured it out! Come on! Hurry! Now!"

Rachel paused and studied her friend with curiosity as she processed her breathless shouts. She was standing by her car, waving her arms like a crazy person. She looked desperate, but also strangely excited.

Rachel glanced up towards the rooms before sighing and turning back. There was nothing Rebecca could do to help and she'd already made up her mind. She walked back to her animated friend and smiled weakly.

"Becca, it's okay. Really. I love you for wanting to help me but you can't. This is my problem and I have to go-."

Rebecca flashed her eyes fiercely and shook her head. She cut Rachel off and grabbed her by the arm.

"Rachel, shut up. Get in the car. Trust me, okay? I know what to do!"

Rachel narrowed her brows and squinted inquisitively at Rebecca's urgent face. She was being so insistent and she sure looked confident. Rachel didn't feel confident, but it didn't look like Rebecca would be taking no for an answer. She bit her lip and nodded. She could at least hear what her friend had driven to the motel and chased her down to say.

With another sigh, she walked around to the far side of Rebecca's jeep and got in the passenger seat. She shut the door and watched as her friend hopped in next to her. Rebecca's eyes were on fire. She was definitely up to something. Rachel wanted to believe that she had a solution but she just didn't see it. She shrugged her shoulders vacantly.

"So what's the plan?"

Rebecca's eyes glowed even more brightly. She grinned. An evil grin. Taking a deep breath, she leaned in towards Rachel and began to speak.


The girls' chests both tightened reflexively as they heard the knob jiggle and watched the door finally swing open. Jeff's slick smile greeted them but it faded quickly as his eyes registered Rebecca's unexpected presence. He swallowed and flicked his gaze cautiously back to Rachel. Who was this girl? Why had Rachel brought someone?

"Um, hey. Rach, who's-? What's going on?"

Rachel glanced curiously at Rebecca before turning back to Jeff with a sultry expression. She shrugged and casually swung her and Rebecca's clasped hands in a playful manner.

"I brought someone with me. I figured if I'm going to do this, we might as well have a little more fun."

She raised an eyebrow and shivered as she watched Jeff's throat contract. His eyes shot again towards Rebecca, twitching as they darted suspiciously all over her figure. She was still wearing her bathing suit from the beach, a transparent cover-up the only other thing on her body. He stiffened as he took in her fiercely hot features. She had a gorgeous face with a set of ridiculous, full lips. Her curves were unfair and she oozed sexuality. His gaze dropped to the flower tattoo on her foot and he swallowed again as he slowly made his way back up to her face.

Rachel sensed his arousal and she pushed past him gently as she entered the room. Rebecca followed, still being led by her hand. As she passed Jeff, she bit her full bottom lip and smiled with her eyes. Jeff turned and felt his pants tighten as he got his first glimpse of her perfect ass swaying seductively behind him. His throat felt dry. He gave a quick nervous look around the parking lot before pushing the door shut.

As he turned back to face the center of the room, Jeff felt his scalp tingle. He liked being in control and the unexpected deviation from the careful plan he'd crafted made him nervous. But as his gaze passed over the two gorgeous and scantily-clad girls looking back at him with playful intensity in their eyes, he felt his doubts begin to melt. He wasn't sure what Rachel was up to, but the lustful wheels in his brain were already beginning to turn. His confidence climbing quickly, he licked his lips and smiled.

"So, what's the deal, here?"

He paused and furrowed his brow as he searched his brain to determine if he and Rachel's sultry, brunette friend had ever crossed paths. He felt like he would've remembered. Nodding her direction, he cocked his head inquisitively.

"We met before?"

Rebecca kept her eyes trained on him intensely as she untied her cover-up and let it slip smoothly off her body. It hadn't really hidden anything but now the view was completely clear. Not bothering to pick it up, she stepped towards Jeff and looked him over.

"I know who you are. Rachel's filled me in."

Jeff felt his stomach drop again as his rise in confidence took a quick turn. He didn't like the sound of her tone nor the content of her response. What had Rachel told her? That he was blackmailing her into meeting him for sex? Doubt began to dampen his enthusiasm as he felt himself losing his grip on over the situation again.

"Filled you-? Um, look, I don't know what she said but this is weird. I think maybe-."

Rebecca cut him off abruptly, her eyes burning into his. She spoke with a chilling sense of calm.

"No. It's not weird. It's actually very simple. Rachel showed me the picture and told me what's going on. So here's what's going to happen. We're going to let you fuck both of us. Together. Right here. Whatever you want."

Jeff's already dry mouth felt suddenly like fine-grit sandpaper. His stomach flipped and his cheeks tingled with heat. What had she just said?

Rebecca kept her eye contact firm as she continued.

"But first, you're going to delete those pictures. All of them. And you're going to do it right now, in front of me."

Jeff swallowed again and tried desperately to process what he was hearing. Rebecca's eyes were smoldering, and truthfully, her intensity was scaring him a bit. But she was so hot and the sexual vibes simply radiated off her like a hot wind. He glanced behind her at Rachel and finally found his voice.

"Rachel. Who is this-?"

Rebecca interrupted his attempt to escape the heat of her stare as she redirected his attention and again cut him off with a sharp tone.

"Ask your friend Tyler about me. I'm sure he'll give glowing reviews."

Jeff's eyes darted nervously over to Rachel, who simply grinned dryly and nodded. He looked back at Rebecca and swallowed as took in her body another time. Was she actually serious? Sex? With both of them? He'd actually gotten the motel room in hopes that he could talk Rachel into sex. He hadn't been sure if she'd go for it but he'd fully intended to give it a shot.

But now he was floored. Apparently she was down for it. And beyond even the wildest possibilities he'd considered, she'd also brought a friend along for the ride. Jeff felt his head begin to get a little light. This was all way outside of his comfort zone. The script he'd written for the afternoon had been put through the shredder and rewritten entirely.