Seven Tails: Tail 01


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I'm afraid the girl was going to wake up and wonder if she was in a nightmare. Hopefully, I could help make the transition from simple country girl to willing fetish pony a little easier and much less frightening. It wouldn't be easy and I'd feel some severe pangs of guilt, to be sure.

But I had a feeling in my gut that this was the right thing to do. For me and for her. The girl was obviously submissive and if she fell into the hands of some of those other Dom/mes out there in the world they would not know how to treat her right. Besides, she had only turned eighteen six months before today. Too many bad people out there willing to take advantage of a young girl like her.

Like yours truly, for example.

But I did allow myself a huge dash of hubris to imagine that I would be the perfect master for this beautiful girl.

Glancing over at her as she sat in the passenger seat I wondered what she was thinking about. We'd talked quite a bit in the diner. I'd managed to draw out as many personal details as I could in the short time we had there. Used all of my little psychological tricks. All of that studying was finally starting to pay off, it seems. Several times during our conversation she had stopped and said "Why did I just tell you that? I've never really told that to anybody before." And, just before we rose to have our argument about paying the check, she leaned over and put her small soft hand on my arm and said "I know that I just met you and don't know very much about you, but... Thank you, Sir. You make me feel really... comfortable. I haven't..." She took her hand back and waved it for a second and then patted my arm again. "Thank you, Sir."

Once again there was that little lowering of her eyes as she said it. And once again there was a small electrical storm deep inside my nervous system.

"So... where do you see yourself in your future, miss Sarabeth?" She gave me a little smile and her cheeks colored slightly as she lowered her eyes again.

"You needn't to be so formal with me, Sir. I'm not anybody special. I'm just... Sarabeth." I patted my hand on the seat near by but not quite touching her leg.

"And you need to have more confidence in yourself, Sarabeth. From what I have seen and heard in this short time you are a very sweet and smart and amazing young lady. You are very special just by being who you are. Don't ever doubt that for a minute." She reached down and tentatively patted my hand.

"Thank you, Sir. That means a lot to me."

"But that doesn't mean you can avoid my question, dear. If you don't mind me being nosy. Where do you see yourself in your future?" She patted my hand once more then withdrew it back to her lap.

"I don't mind you being nosy at all, Sir. I feel like I can tell you... anything." She sat silently for just a moment. "I'd... like to perform for people, as I have said. It makes me happy thinking I can make other people happy like that. Gives me a warm feeling... all over. But after that I'd like to have a family, of course. Find someone who appreciated me for..." She paused and glanced at me and then down quickly. "...For just being me. Someone who would help and support me and make me part of something bigger than just myself." She paused and looked down again and her cheeks colored pink once more.

"I... don't want to sound like I am bragging, Sir. But all of my life men have told me how beautiful I am. I try not to.. let that go to my head. I look at myself and all I can see are my flaws. I'd like to find someone who could see those too, Sir. Someone who can see past my skin and see all of my flaws and love me for them too." She leaned back and half closed her eyes for a moment.

"All of my life I have never really had much of a home. Not anything permanent, anyway. I've always moved... or been moved, often. Shuttling from place to place. I'd like nothing more than to wake up one day, look around and say 'This is the place I will stay in forever.' And I'd like to find someone willing to stay with me in that place. Someone strong I could lean on when I needed support who would always be there when I needed them. Someone who would protect me and guide me and keep me forever." Sarabeth glanced sideways at me and her cheeks flamed a deep red and she drew her feet up on the seat, wrapped her arms around her knees and buried her face in her legs.

"I'm sorry, Sir." she mumbled into her legs.

"What are you being sorry for, dear?" Her shoulders tightened up and she shook her head.

"I'm sorry for being such a mess, Sir. For dumping all of this on you. I didn't mean to. I mean... I just met you and all. You are just being nice to me and here I am, just..." She shrugged. "Just a mess."

"Hey..." I poked her in the elbow with one finger.

When she lowered her arm and looked, I laid my hand on the truck seat palm up, fingers open and wiggling. Trying not to look directly and embarrass her, I could see out of the corner of my eye that there were the beginnings of tears in her eyes. I grabbed a couple of tissues from the box on the floor and handed them to her. While she sniffled and wiped her eyes, I laid my hand back on the seat invitingly. After she wiped at her eyes she smiled a little, then laid her hand in mine. It was small and delicate and soft and made mine look like a huge ungainly paw. I squeezed her fingers in what I hoped was a reassuring way.

Sarabeth sniffled again and repeated "I'm sorry, Sir."

"There's nothing at all to be sorry for, miss Sarabeth. I'm guessing it's been awhile since you've had anybody who would really listen to you. A sympathetic ear. It just so happens that I was in the right place at the right time, I guess." I squeezed her fingers again and she squeezed back. "Thank you for trusting me enough to open up like that." It earned me a little smile and another squeeze.

"Thank you, Sir." She said "For being so sweet and listening."

"I'll always listen to what you have to say, Sarabeth. Always." She laid her cheek against her knee and looked at me while I drove.

In a very small voice I almost didn't hear she whispered. "I really wish that would be true, Sir. Always. I... think I'd like that."

Okay... that did it. I was convinced and more than ready. Slowing and braking carefully, I pulled off onto a little side road and came to a stop just under some trees to afford us a little bit of shade, but not far enough away from the highway to make it look like I was taking her to some deserted spot. Even if we were the only car on the road at the moment I figured being that close to the highway would keep her calm.

"Where are we going, Sir?"

"I just wanted to talk to you for a minute, Sarabeth. And to show you something. I don't want to have to keep my eyes on the road and get distracted."

"Yes, Sir."

The way she said those two words... It was like she was handing me her soul for safekeeping. I might have been reading it all wrong because I so desperately wanted it to be true. But she said it in such a way that it seemed more like a bride's "I do." than a simple acknowledgment.

A pang ran through my heart. There was a severe pride in the fact that she had accepted my words and my sincerity to such a degree that she was willing to open up and trust me like that. Just beneath that there was a deep feeling of guilt over what I was planning to do to this poor sweet girl. It seemed to me, in my own probably twisted interpretation of her words, that in a way her dreams and mine were much the same. But her idea of domestic bliss might be 2.5 kids and a white picket fence with her husband coming home each night carrying a brief case and a dozen roses. While mine were... something completely different.

She sat with her feet still up on the seat and her cheeks still pressed against her leg while I disengaged my hand to put the truck in park and turn off the engine. As soon as I had turned the key off, she reached out for my hand again, a little smile on her lips. That soft delicate hand felt so good against my rough weathered palm. Like the first breath of clean cool air after a storm has passed.

"I really like... the way your hand feels in mine, Sir. It feels strong and warm. It makes me feel... protected." Her thumb ran softly across the back of my hand. "It makes me feel like everything will be okay as long as I can hold your hand." A sudden flush ran across her cheeks again and she hid her face in her legs.

"What's the matter, Sarabeth?" She shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I just met you and I'm acting like a school girl with a crush. I don't..." She shook her head again. I raised her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles.

"Look at me." A little tremor ran through her body and she shook her head slightly. I lowered my tone and raised the volume just a tad, putting just an edge of steel into my voice.

"Sarabeth. Look at me. Now." With a little gasp she raised her head and looked, eyes wide.

"How did you..." I raised my other hand and stopped her with one index finger upraised.

"Just stop and listen. I have something to say and I don't want to be interrupted. This is important. Understand?" She nodded. Her eyes were still a bit wide.

I don't think anyone had ever used the Dom voice on her before. In my mind I had always thought of that as my "Jedi Mind Tricks" because of their effect on certain people, most especially submissives. Sometimes it was so easy it was almost laughable. Put just enough of "Daddy spank" into your voice and some submissive types would sit up straight and clench their bottoms in anticipation.

Those thoughts whirled through my brain and were gone in a second. The rest of the universe disappeared from my consciousness as everything I knew narrowed down into one fine point, all centered around this amazingly beautiful girl holding my hand.

"Sarabeth... It's true that I have only just met you. I've only known you for what... two hours? But... from what I have seen in you I have been very impressed. You are an amazing girl with an amazing heart and you have touched mine in a way that... nobody has in a very long time." I stopped and gave her hand a little squeeze. "Am I embarrassing you?"

She shook her head and gave me a little smile. "No, Sir. I... like what you have to say. Please don't stop."

"Do you call every man you meet "Sir", dear?"

"No, S..." She blushed again and shook her head, unable to meet my eyes for a moment. "No, I don't... Sir. There's something about you that makes me want to say it, though." I chuckled.

"Well, I like it, so don't ever stop, love." She lay her head down on her leg again and looked at me, her cheeks still tinged with pink.

"I won't, Sir. I promise." A little smile. "So, what were you saying?"

"I... would like to try and make your dream come true, Sarabeth. As much of it as I can, I mean. I... can't offer you Hollywood, of course. But... I think I could be someone that you could always lean on. Someone who would always be there to hold and protect you." I blushed a little as the words came tumbling out of my mouth. She smiled softly and squeezed my fingers again.

"I like to think that you could, Sir. I can see that in your eyes. Is there more?"

"There is more, dear. It's a bit... difficult to put into words and will require a bit of a leap of faith on your part. Well, all of it will, actually." She smiled at my discomfiture.

"I'm ready for whatever you have in mind, Sir."

"I can also offer you the chance to perform, Sarabeth. But not in any way that you can probably imagine just yet. It will... take a lot of time and... training... and I can't really tell you what it entails just yet. I'm afraid you will just have to trust me that I'll be able to make that dream come true."

"Can't you give me just a hint, Sir?" I shook my head.

"All I can really say is that when you are ready you will be performing beautifully. Some of it is kind of like... gymnastics, in a way. Kind of a cross between that and track and field. Sometimes you'll perform just for me. Sometimes in front of maybe hundreds of other people. All of whom will fall in love with you as I have." Another blush crossed my cheeks as those words came from my lips.

"But if you trust me and come with me, then I promise you that it will be forever, Sarabeth. And I will do everything in my power to make all of your dreams.. and mine, come true." Her thumb traced over the back of my hand again.

"Can you tell me some of your dreams, Sir? Will you share with me?"

"I can't go into specifics, love." Each time I called her that her smile got just a little bit wider. "But my dreams involve someone like you. A girl who is bright and loving, with a big warm heart. Someone who wants to please me and others with her talents. Someone willing to give her all to me and willing to be mine forever."

Sarabeth raised a hand and interrupted me. "Just to be absolutely clear on something, Sir. I... don't want to be insulting. But... when you talk about performing.. you aren't talking about anything... illegal, are you Sir?" I shook my head.

"Not at all, love. Not talking about making sex films or stripping or.. anything remotely like that. It's... a gray area at times when you get down to the letter of the law. But I promise you that it would be entirely your choice whether or not you would... perform for anybody but myself. I'm afraid you will just have to trust me on that, Sarabeth." She lifted my hand to her lips and kissed my rough knuckles softly, laying my arm against her warm smooth thigh.

"It's strange. Even though I just met you, I do trust you, Sir. There is something about you that makes me feel...protected... and... and loved. Even though whatever that was that you did with your voice a minute ago scared me a little, it wasn't done in a mean way. It was like... you were getting my attention for something important."

"So yes... ummm... I feel a little silly asking this now, but what is your name, Sir?" I smiled softly.

"My name is Max, Sarabeth. Max Rambeaux."

"So yes, Max. I will go with you. And I will trust you."

Once again she said it with such conviction that it almost stilled my heart. This sweet girl just turned around and handed me her heart and I was almost crushed. Both by her generous trusting gesture and by the guilt of what I had planned for her. What if... after all of my carefully laid plans, she was horrified by what I was intending and absolutely refused to ever be a pony? What if I frightened her so completely that she never even spoke to me again?

What if...

What if...

What if...

What if this sweet loving girl saw the weight of the guilt and indecision in my eyes and lifted my hand to her lips and kissed it again?

And what if she looked at me with serene trust in her eyes, completely ignoring my show of weakness and said "I am ready, Sir. When do I start?"

"Sarabeth, are you..." For the first and last time in our relationship she cut me off in mid-sentence.

"Yes, I am sure, Max. What do you want me to do first, Sir?"

Somewhere deep inside my brain there was a "Snap!", like the sound of one of those huge Dr. Frankenstein lab switches being thrown, sparks and all. Faced with her acceptance of me and the calm smile with which she faced her impending doom, that frightened uncertainty vanished in a puff of smoke and the Dom stepped forward, sweeping away all of the unnecessary chatter with a wave of his hand.

I pointed a finger. "In the glove compartment, there. A black leather case. Take it out and open it."

"Yes, Sir." She disengaged her hand from mine and did as she was told, removing the case and opening it in her lap. Her feet slid back to the floor and she looked at my little auto-injector wonderingly. "What does this do?"

"It uses a small amount of compressed air to inject a combination of two drugs into you with very little pain. There's only the slightest sting."

"Drugs? What will they do to me?"

"The first one will knock you unconscious almost immediately. You will awaken between six and eight hours from now at my ranch."

"I see... And what does the second one do... Sir?"

"It will, over the course of the next three days, make you extremely horny." I saw her fight to keep a little grin out of the corner of her mouth. That thought was making it hard for me not to grin like a maniac myself. This beautiful sweet girl already had me seriously aroused. The thought of her with an aphrodisiac running wild through her veins had me hard enough to want to rip off my pants this very instant.

Sarabeth laid one hand on top of the case and looked me straight in the eyes. "Are you sure that all of this is necessary?" I returned her gaze, my eyes steady.

"Yes, my love. It is the first step." She stared into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Finally she nodded and dropped her gaze.

"Yes, Max. How does this thing work?"

"I would hold it against your shoulder or leg, that end there pressing against your skin. Then I press that little black button and in seconds you will be asleep. That's all there is to it."

"Like this?" She held the injector against her thigh and pressed the button. There was a small hiss and she made a small gasp. Those amazing cornsilk blue eyes looked up at me in surprise. "Oh..." She said. "You... weren't..." her eyes slid shut and she toppled sideways onto the seat. I caught her as she slumped and laid her carefully down next to me, making sure that she was arranged as comfortably as possible.

Leaning down I kissed her temple and said "No, Sarabeth. I wasn't kidding."


It was a pretty good thing that nobody was there to watch me that first eight hours that she slept. I was kind of a nervous wreck. My very first captive pony.

The drive home took about three hours. If I hadn't been steadily driving away from the ranch the whole time I was talking to her, it wouldn't have taken that long. Luckily we had stopped for lunch. Truth be told, I don't remember much of the drive back. Just that I laid a hand on her shoulder while I drove and had to force myself to watch the road instead of that amazingly beautiful girl sleeping next to me.

Fortunately I had the foresight to leave the cage doors unlocked and open. I'd had a sudden pang of uncertainty about that as I had walked into the stables with both arms full of gently sleeping girl. I'd smiled and whistled softly in relief as I carried Sarabeth inside and laid her down on the low bed in the very first cage.

My very first pony...

As I stood and looked down at her there on the bed I noticed my hands shaking a little. I stretched slowly and recited my mantra in my mind a few times until I was steady once more. Kneeling down, I started unlacing her hiking boots and slid them off of her feet.

Two hours later I sat down in a chair just outside Sarabeth's cage and sipped a cup of coffee. Right before I left I pulled the sheet and blanket up to her shoulders and arranged her pillow under her head to that she might awaken comfortably. There was a small bandage on the nape of her neck where I had tattooed my mark into her skin. That was the first time I had done that on a living person. All of that practice and the trouble I had gone to in order to make the little template had paid off, though. She now wore my stylized "MxR" in black ink on the back of her neck just below her hairline. And with that long thick braid hanging down nobody else would see it unless she chose to show them. Perfect.

It had taken all of my not inconsiderable strength and restraint not to stare at her body as she had lain naked on the bed. Even though her skimpy shorts and tight t-shirt had left very little to the imagination, I had been too preoccupied for all of the details to sink in and I hadn't been fully prepared for the sight of her naked body as I stripped away the last of her clothes and cast them aside.
