Sharking Day Pt. 02


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Andrew tapped on his wrist a third time, rapidly, and finally, Chris got up from the chest press machine and walked over to Natasha.

"Excuse me?" he said. "Do you mind if I use this machine?"

Natasha said nothing.

"Excuse me?" Chris repeated, louder.

Natasha looked up at him. She pulled one of her earbuds from her ear and he repeated his request.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Yeah, I'm just trying to find the right song. Go ahead."

She got up from the machine and moved aside so Chris could sit down- putting the machine right between her and Andrew's camera. Chris was about to reach for Natasha's pants, but Andrew swiped his hand horizontally.

Chris shrugged and took a seat at the leg press machine. Andrew slid the gym bag two feet to his left to get a clear view of Natasha again. She slipped her iPod into her cleavage and walked over to the weight bench where she began a series of squats. Andrew framed the camera on her.

"Andrew! Should I abort?" Ken asked, more urgently than before.

"No! Do not abort, repeat, do not abort, our mission completion is imminent!" Andrew said.

Andrew nodded to Matt, who dropped both of his dumbbells and hurried over to Natasha- just as Anna and Mandy entered the fitness center.

"NATASHA LOOK OUT!" Mandy shouted, but the music blasting from Natasha's earbuds drowned out the warning.

Matt grabbed the waistband of the exercising girl's leggings and yanked them down just as she began her squat. She screamed, and Matt pulled down her pink thong as well. Andrew stood up, and made sure his camera got a clear view of Natasha's bare ass just seconds before his camera battery went dead. He picked up his phone.

"Mission complete, you are good to go! I repeat you are good to go!" he said into the phone.

Ken breathed a sigh of relief. He pressed the record button on his camera and turned the lens towards Erin's chest. With his other hand, he shut Erin's phone. He extended his arm to hand the phone to her, while resting the side of his foot upon the edge of the top step.

"All good, here's your phone," he said, and as he held the phone in front of her face, he let his foot slip over the top step, making him momentarily lose his balance. He dropped the phone to the ground and grabbed the top of Erin t-shirt, pulling it down as he fell from the top step, keeping the camera trained on her chest as he did.

"Whoops!" he shouted. As luck would have it, Erin was not wearing a bra, and both of her breasts popped into view as he yanked the shirt down.

"Oh God, I'm sorry!" he said, letting go of her top.

"Oh my God!" she shouted, covering her breasts with her hands, and watching her phone hit the ground and tumble down the concrete steps.

"Erin!" Kerry shouted, and she and her friends rushed towards her.

"Got to go. Thanks," Ken said, and took off, camera in hand.

"What the FUCK?" Erin shouted, watching Ken race away.

"Erin!" Kerry repeated, slowing down as she reached her side.

"Damn, we're too late!" Laura muttered.

Erin pulled her t-shirt back up to cover her breasts, and picked up her cracked phone.

"What an ASSHOLE!" she cursed, examining her phone.

"We tried to warn you. We got here as fast as we could," Kerry said consolingly.

"Warn me? What do you mean?" Erin asked.

Kerry brought Erin up to speed about Sharking Day.

"Oh my God, that's TODAY?" Erin exclaimed.

"You've heard of it?" Laura asked.

Erin nodded.. "My sister told me about it. They always got her for 'O' all four years she went here."

Kerry's phone rang. She checked the call ID and saw it was a number she didn't recognize. She answered. She listened to the caller, and turned to her friends.

"Anna and Mandy want to meet up," Kerry said. "I think it's time we had a meeting."

* * * * *

They met in the cafeteria, where their lunches were still sitting, untouched. Pamela glanced up at the security cameras and hesitated to approach their table.

"I think I'm gonna sit this one out, guys," she said. "They just got O'Neil, that means they're on 'P' now."

"I think that's a good idea. I'll walk her back to the house," Laura said.

"No problem. Be careful, guys," Kerry said. She watched the two of them walk off and eyed the nearby guys carefully.

Kerry, Sheryl, and Erin took a seat at their table while they waited for Anna and Mandy to gather their lunches from the front counter.

"So did anything happen between you and Tony at this party?" Anna asked, sliding up next to Mandy in the lunch line.

Mandy groaned.

"Are you still on about that? God Anna, let it go already!"

"Well sorry, I thought were were friends, who valued honesty. I guess some things don't matter as much as I thought."

Anna angrily scooped a spoonful of noodles onto her lunch tray.

"Nothing happened, Anna! I'm sorry I went to his party. Can we stay focused? We've got to help stop any more girls from being sharked!"

"Everything okay?" Kerry asked, as Anna and Mandy arrived at their table.

"Anna's upset I went to Tony's birthday party ," Mandy said, and sat by Kerry's side.

"No I'm not, I'm mad she lied to me about it," Anna corrected.

Kerry shrugged.

"I'm sorry, Anna, you were really down at the time and we were worried you'd get more upset we didn't all cut ties with Tony," Kerry said.

"You went TOO?" Anna asked, her anger growing.

"Can we stay FOCUSED?" Mandy asked. "I've still got my phone on the line. I've been picking up tidbits of conversations back at the frat house."

Mandy set Anna's phone on the table and set it to speaker. The five girls listened in to the voices on the other end of the line.

"Did you feed Baxter?" a voice asked.

Sheryl looked up at the other girls. "Who's Baxter?" she asked.

"I don't know," Kerry said. "I know they don't have a dog or a cat."

The girls continued listening. It was hard to hear, but sounded like the boys were discussing Rob- and not in a flattering way.

"...dropped his camera in a trash can so his girlfriend wouldn't catch him with it. Not exactly alpha male material," a voice said.

The girls laughed.

"So THAT'S why the camera was in there!" Erin said.

As the boys' conversation continued, the girls distinctly heard the words, "where's the charger?"

"It's right here, boys!" Mandy smirked, holding up the battery charger she swiped from the house. Kerry and Sheryl smirked.

"Hey Kerry, isn't that your boyfriend?" Anna asked, pointing at the cafeteria entrance.

Kerry turned around, only to see Kurt had indeed entered the cafeteria. He spotted her, and she waved to him.

"Better turn off the speaker. He's in that frat!" Sheryl said. Anna pressed the speaker button on her phone.

"Hey babe, how's it going?" Kurt asked. He kissed her forehead.

"Your brothers have been busy. Erin just got sharked," Kerry said.

Kurt turned to Erin.

"I'm really sorry about that. My brothers aren't the most mature bunch," he said.

Erin rolled her eyes.

"I don't need an apology, just make those idiots stop," she said.

"I'll see what I can do," Kurt said. "In the meantime, just so you ladies are aware, Delta Delta is hosting their biannual bikini contest this evening at the Delta Delta sorority house, and yours truly will be one of the judges! Any of you fine young ladies interested in entering?"

He handed them five pink fliers, showing a clip art image of a girl in a bikini with the date and time of the contest on it.

"Really not a good time, Kurt," Sheryl said, not touching the flier he set in front of her.

Kurt backed away.

"Okay, understandable, but, it's an open invitation. Hope you'll attend just to watch, if you want." He walked away.

Sheryl rolled her eyes.

"Seriously? What idiot would enter a bikini contest today, of all days?"

"This idiot here," Erin said, pointing to herself. "I'm in Delta Delta. I already signed up."

"Oh. Sorry," Sheryl said.

"Turn the speaker back on," Mandy said. "Maybe we'll hear if the guys are planning anything."

Anna pressed the speaker button on her phone.

"It was there this morning," a muffled voice said.

"Well, that's a problem, guys. No charging means no sharking," another voice said.

"I think that was Ken," Sheryl said.

"Shh!" Mandy said. She leaned closer to the phone.

"There's gonna be more sharking, guys. Let's keep looking. It's around here somewhere."

The girls looked at each other. It sounded like Joe's voice.

After a long pause, Anna spoke, "Well, it doesn't sound like they're planning anything."

"Yeah, only because they don't have the charger we took!" Sheryl chided.

"I think we should still listen," Kerry said. "Maybe they have a Plan B."

"I don't think we should be spying on these guys," Anna said, folding her arms. The other girls looked at her.

"Why?" Mandy demanded. "After what they're doing to us?"

"It doesn't give us the right," Anna said.

Mandy cocked her head.

"Look, just because you have the hots for Joe doesn't mean he's not a douchebag who takes girls' clothes off!" Mandy said.

"I do NOT have the hots for Joe!" Anna snapped. She grabbed her phone and shut it, ending the call. The other girls looked at her, aghast.

"Anna!" Kerry snapped. "Those guys have sharked fifteen girls today, including you, and they probably aren't done yet!

"I don't care! You're not using me to get to them any more!" Anna dropped her phone into her purse.

"You just took away our best chance of stopping them, Anna," Mandy fumed. "You're a real selfish b-"

"A real selfish WHAT?" Anna demanded.

"Is this about us going to that stupid party?" Kerry asked. "Get over it already!"

"I guess I am over it." Anna stood up, and grabbed one of the pink fliers and stuffed it into her purse. As she did, her phone rang. She looked at the Call ID.

"It's Mandy's phone," she said.

Mandy looked at her in realization. She grabbed the phone from Anna's hands and answered it.

"Hello," she greeted.

"Hello, Mandy," Joe said. "I believe I have something here that belongs to you."

* * * * *

Andrew, Chris, and Matt arrived at the Alpha Tau Zeta house shortly after Ken. They immediately handed the tapes in their cameras to Joe, and Ken handed over the jewel case containing the security footage of Laura's pantsing as well.

"Thank you, gentlemen, I'll get this footage up to Lewis for editing," Joe said.

"Did you feed Baxter?" Chris asked.

"Lewis did. He's full now," Joe said, reading the smudged labels on each of the miniDV tapes.

"Lewis fed him? It's Rob's turn! Where the hell is he?" Ken asked.

"Still out getting his pin-dick sucked, I assume," Matt chuckled.

"Woah, don't let Rob hear you say that!" Ken said. "Remember New Years? He punched Dan Barnes out cold for making a tiny dick joke!"

"Rob's welcome to try that on me," Matt said, smirking.

"We're talking about a guy who dropped his camera in a trash can so his girlfriend wouldn't catch him with it," Joe said. "Not exactly alpha male material."

Matt made a whip crack sound. Chris laughed.

"Our battery's dead. Need another," Andrew said, taking the dead battery out of his camera.

"There's one in the charger," Joe said.

"Where?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah, where's the charger? I'm not seeing it anywhere," Ken hollered from the living room.

"Plugged into the wall by the mailboxes, where it's always been," Joe said, annoyed.

Andrew and Ken rummaged around, and returned to the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's not here," Andrew said.

Joe checked for himself. Sure enough, the battery charger, and battery that was in it, was gone.

"Well, shit," Joe said. "I could have sworn..."

Lewis stepped down the stairs, biting an apple.

"Hey guys, how's the sharking biz?"

"Lew, you seen the battery charger?" Joe asked.

Lewis shrugged. "It was there this morning."

Ken flipped the dead battery from his camera in his hand and caught it.

"Well, that's a problem, guys. No charging means no sharking," he said.

"There's gonna be more sharking, guys," Joe assured them. "Let's keep looking. It's around here somewhere."

Joe handed the tapes to Lewis, who examined them closely.

"Anything juicy on here?" he asked with a grin.

"You can whack off later. For now, help us find that charger, or we'll have to change our name to Alpha Tau Omicron," Ken said.

Lewis laughed, and paused, as he tried to comprehend Ken's joke.

"Quiet. You guys hear something?" Andrew asked.

The boys went silent, and listened. They could hear talking coming from the kitchen. Quietly, they tiptoed there.

"Yeah, only because they don't have the charger we took!" a female voice said.

"I think we should still listen. Maybe they have a Plan B."

Andrew stepped into the kitchen and looked around. The kitchen was empty, but female voices were coming from somewhere.

"I don't think we should be spying on these guys," a voice said.

"Why? After what they're doing to us?" another asked.

Andrew peeked behind the microwave and pulled out Mandy's phone. He pressed the mute button.

"They've been spying on us," Andrew said.

"And they turned the mute off their phone," Joe said, taking the phone from Andrew. "Let's have a listen to them, now."

"Look, just because you have the hots for Joe doesn't mean he's not a douchebag who takes girls' clothes off!" the voice continued.

Chris grinned, and shot Joe a thumbs up. "Nice, bro!" he chuckled.

"I do NOT have the hots for Joe!" Anna's voice replied.

Chris shrugged. "Ah well."

The phone clicked, and the call ended. Joe looked at his fellow frat brothers despondently.

"My bad, guys," Joe said. "I let those girls into the house earlier. They must have planted this phone."

"And stole the charger," Ken said.

Joe stared out the window and bit his lip.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" Matt asked.

"What we're gonna do," Joe said, dialing the number back. "Is make a deal with them."

He listed to the line trill, until someone answered.

"Hello?" Mandy greeted.

"Hello, Mandy," Joe said. "I believe I have something here that belongs to you."

"Did I leave my phone at your place? How silly of me," she said.

"Yes, you did," Joe said. "Say, why don't you stop by? And bring that battery charger you took from us."

* * * * *

Anna had taken off in a huff, so the remaining girls discussed what they would do.

"There's no way we're giving them back the charger. No way," Mandy said.

"What if we could get the footage back?" Erin asked.

"We couldn't trust them," Kerry said. "We know they've already uploaded some of the footage they took this morning. We can't give them back their means to get even more."

"I'm going to ask for it anyway," Sheryl said. "I'm walking right into that house and asking those pricks what the fuck is wrong with them, and I'm going to make them give it to me."

Kerry gritted her teeth. "Are you SURE that's a good idea, Sheryl? They might be targeting you really soon."

"I'm not scared of them. I've got on extra tight jeans, my shirt's tucked in, and I've got a mean left hook."

"Just be careful," Erin urged. "I hope you know what Joe is capable of."

"Capable? What is he, a ninja?" Mandy asked.

"Basically," Erin said. "The other frat guys idolize him. He's a legend over there. He sharked two fully-clothed girls in three seconds when my sister went here."

"You think she might be exaggerating a little?" Sheryl asked.

"Swear to God," Erin said. "She watched him do it. He can unclasp a bra through a shirt one handed. He can pull a shirt above a girls head, bra included, one handed. He can pull a pair of jeans down, and panties, in less than a second. And he's ambidextrous, so he can do this to two girls at once. My sister watched him strip two girls totally naked and he was gone before they turned around. Do not underestimate him."

Erin stared Sheryl in the eye forebodingly. Sheryl stared back. She burst out laughing.

"He can BITE me!" Sheryl said, laughing. She punched the air in front of Erin's face. Mandy looked on, impressed.

"I think we should check on Anna," Kerry said. Erin agreed.

"You two can figure out what's up her butt, I want Sheryl with me when I confront Joe," Mandy said.

Mandy wasn't inclined to sympathize with Anna much. Despite being best friends for years, Mandy had grown tired of Anna's flighty personality. Only a year earlier, Anna had been a staunch vegan, after she'd dated a PETA member. The day after meeting Tony, and admiring his leather jacket, Anna was sporting leather of her own, including boots, a miniskirt, and a collar. That phase lasted until shortly after their breakup.

Mandy only needed to witness a few of Anna's passing phases before she found it easy to justify attending a birthday party of a guy she'd considered a friend, even if Anna would feel betrayed if she found out. She decided to let Kerry deal with Anna today. She gave Kerry the battery charger.

"Keep this safe, okay?"

Kerry took the charger, and she and Erin headed back to the Omega Kappa Beta house, while Mandy and Sheryl headed to Alpha Tau Zeta.

"You didn't let Erin rattle you, did you?" Mandy asked.

"Nah," Sheryl said. "I've beaten up plenty of guys. I got three big brothers."

Mandy laughed.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. They're not on 'S' anyway."

They walked up the steps towards the frat house.

"Well, it's not my first name I'm worried about," Sheryl said.

Mandy looked at her.

"My last name is Qualley."

Mandy stopped.

"Well, they're on 'P'. And they've got no camera batteries, so you're probably safe," Mandy said. "But just to be sure, why don't you check on Pam?"

Sheryl looked up at the Greek letters on the house in front of her.

"That's a good idea," she said. She called Pamela's number on her phone.

"Hey Pam, how are you? Can you tell me where you are?" Sheryl asked.

Pamela confirmed she was in her bedroom, behind a locked door, back at the Omega Kappa Beta house.

"She's safe. Let's go," Sheryl said.

The two girls marched up the steps of the frat house, knocked on the door three times, and readied themselves.

Joe answered.

"Mandy! Sheryl!" he greeted. "Just you two? No one else? Pamela, perhaps?" he winked.

"Pam is someplace safe," Mandy said.

"I'm so glad to hear that. Come on in, ladies."

Joe opened the front door and Mandy and Sheryl stepped inside.

"Can I offer you something to drink? We have ice cold beer around the clock."

"We're fine," Sheryl said. She examined the inside of the house. Andrew, Ken, and Chris were seated in the living room, watching TV and eating pork rinds from a jumbo-sized bag.

Joe took a seat in the easy chair, and Mandy and Sheryl took a seat on the couch across from him.

"So," Joe said. "Let's talk business. I have something here that belongs to you." He held up Mandy's cell phone. "I understand you have a phone that belongs to one of my brothers."

Ken turned around and waved to Sheryl.

"Hi, Ken. Laura and Erin say hello," Sheryl said, coldly.

He grinned nervously.

"All right, so we all want to get what's ours, so I say, we trade back?" Joe proposed. "Can we handle this like adults?"

"Sure," Mandy said.

"Good," Joe said, and placed Mandy's phone on the coffee table in front of him. Sheryl placed Ken's phone on the same table in front of her. They simultaneously slid the phones across the wooden surface.

Ken picked up his phone and Mandy picked up hers.

"See? We can make a deal," Joe said. "So, let's discuss the other things we both want."

* * * * *

Lewis could hear the negotiating between Joe and the girls downstairs, but his attention was on the petite blond on his computer screen. Her name was Kit Pisces, and Lewis was overjoyed when he'd learned that this naughty girl he'd met on an erotic website attended his school.

"So, Lewis, what are you up to today?" Kit asked flirtatiously. She rested her chin on her open palm and stared into her webcam longingly.
