Sharking Day Pt. 02


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"Uh, just a little editing project for school," Lewis said. He took a clip of Chris snatching Maggie Garner's bikini top and dropped it into the timeline immediately following the clip of Ken pulling Laura's pants down. He looked back at his second monitor to make sure Kit was still there.

"Oh cool, are you a film student?" Kit asked.

"Yeah, I am," Lewis said. "I love making little videos."

"That's cool. You got your own editing suite there?" she asked.

"Yeah, my fraternity provided this equipment. Super top-of-the-line stuff."

He scrolled though footage of Natasha running along a treadmill, searching for the moment in which she loses her pants.

"How about you? It looks like you're in the computer lab," he asked.

"Yeah, I had to check out one of the computers here. My laptop's on the fritz!"

"Well, that's too bad," Lewis said, scanning through Andrew's fitness center footage. "Are you gonna be in the lab much longer?"

Kit shrugged. "Probably another fifteen minutes. Had enough schoolwork for a day!"

Lewis grinned. "Good. That should be plenty of time."

"Plenty of time for what?" Kit asked.

"Nothing, just, to do what has to be done, you know," Lewis said. He paused the footage on his screen when he saw Matt sneak up on Natasha.

"I know what you mean," Kit said. "I'd love to watch one of your videos sometime."

"I'm sure you will soon," Lewis said, chuckling.

"I will? When can I see it?"

Lewis paused.

"As soon as it's...... ready."

Kit didn't hear Matt entering the computer lab. She wasn't even aware he was in the room until he sneaked up behind her and pulled her top down, exposing both of her breasts to her webcam, before he ran off.

"Oh my God! Did you see that?" she asked.

"I sure did," Lewis said. "And I caught every second."

He pressed the stop button on his screen recorder. He picked up his cell phone and texted Joe a message: "P is for Pisces."

* * * * *

Mandy and Sheryl stared at Joe, shooting daggers at him with their eyes. He stared back at them calmly, studying the young ladies for weaknesses.

"Here's what I want," Mandy said. "All footage. Everything you've shot of the girls you've sharked today. I want your camera tapes, recording discs, and any copies you've made, handed over."

Joe smiled at her condescendingly.

"In return, I will give you your battery charger," Mandy said. "Tomorrow morning."

Joe chuckled.

"I need that charger today. Like, ASAP." he said.

Mandy shook her head.

"Not gonna happen."

Joe took to his feet.

"Then I'm afraid we're at an impasse."

"An impasse? Why can't you just find a new hobby!" Sheryl asked. "Is humiliating girls the only thing you can do with your sad life?"

"Hey, fraternity traditions are sacred, I don't make the rules! Though, I got to be honest, I do love the reactions you ladies give off."

"Yeah, you love our reactions, you're so immatu-" Sheryl stopped mid-sentence and screamed. A brown bearded dragon crawling along the couch behind her head was licking her face.

Joe burst out laughing.

"Yes, you got to love reactions. Sheryl, meet Baxter, our frat mascot."

"Get him off of me!" Sheryl cried, as the lizard pawed though her hair and wrapped its tail around her head. Even Mandy chuckled as she admired the creature, before helping pull it off her friend's head.

"My apologies, Sheryl! Baxter loves to hug people's heads!" Joe said. "Ken, would you please put Baxter back in his tank?"

Ken got up from his chair and took the lizard from Sheryl and Mandy. He carried it out of the living room just as Joe's phone chimed. He looked at it, and read his text message from Lewis. On the TV, a clip from Sesame Street was playing. Young children were singing the Alphabet song.

Joe smiled.

"Have you ever had quiche? I've heard it's very good," he said. Andrew looked at him and smirked.

Sheryl and Mandy looked at each other. Joe's random question sounded suspiciously like a coded signal.

"A-B-C-D-E-F-G!" the children on the TV screen sang.

"You're pathetic, Joe," Sheryl said.

"Excuse me?" Joe asked.

"You're pathetic," Sheryl repeated. "You think you're some kind of tough guy who takes girls' clothes off, but you can't admit when you've been beaten by one. It's sad. You're sad."

"H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P!" the singing continued.

"Well, I am very sorry you feel that way, Miss Qualley. But unless there is something else you want here, I think it's best you ladies leave."


Sheryl and Mandy stood up.

"We will leave," Sheryl said, and turned to the doorway. She stopped, and turned back to face Joe.

"W-X... Y and Z..."

"If you have any decency in you, you'll destroy that footage you took, and never touch another girl as long as you live."

"And why would I do that?" he asked. He took a a step towards her.

"Now I know my ABCs!" the TV continued.

Mandy tugged on Sheryl's arm as she saw that Joe was coming closer to her. Sheryl kept her focus on Joe.

"Because it's sad, it's pathetic, and it's..."

" time won't you sing with me?"

Joe looked above Sheryl's head. Confused, she glanced behind her. Joe took advantage of her distraction and unclasped her bra through the back of her shirt. She spun around to throw a fist at him, only for her swing to be interrupted by him pulling her shirt up over her head, immobilizing her arms. By the time her shirt was off, her bra was also missing and Joe was kneeling behind her, where he yanked her jeans down to her ankles- panties and all.

Sheryl was left naked, watching as Joe tossed her shirt and bra onto the couch beside him.

"...and it's a time-honored tradition!" he said with a grin. Erin's warning had proven true. He'd stripped Sheryl naked in less than three seconds.

Mandy looked on horrified as she saw Sheryl's face flush red, while Ken appeared in the kitchen doorway holding his video camera; plugged into a wall outlet.

"And Q is for Qualley," Ken said. He zoomed in on Sheryl's mortified face, before panning down to show her breasts and pussy.

* * * * *

Mandy was fuming when she walked through the doors of the Omega Kappa Beta house.

"Are you okay? Where's Sheryl?" Kerry asked.

"She went home," Mandy said. "She's pissed. They got her. Joe sharked her."

Kerry's face sank.

"Oh, God. How?"

"Wall socket. They still don't have a battery charger though."

"Wall outlet, why didn't I think of that?" Kerry collapsed onto the couch. She hit the mute on the TV so she could think.

"Did you find Anna?" Mandy asked. She spotted the battery charger on the end table and picked it up, making a mental note to lock it away safely in her bedroom.

Kerry shook her head.

Mandy sighed. "There's too much going on to worry about her right now."

She saw a stack of pink fliers on the end table next to the couch, advertising Delta Delta's bikini contest.

"Where'd these come from?" Mandy asked.

Kerry looked at the stack of fliers.

"I don't know. They were there when I got here."

"One of the Alpha Tau Zeta guys stopped by earlier. Trying to get girls to enter," Laura said. "Get this. He asked if Becky or Trisha wanted to enter."

"Becky or Trisha?" Mandy asked, trying to ascertain the significance.

"As in, Rebecca Jones and Trisha Rice," Kerry said, realization hitting her.

"They're trying to get girls with 'R' names to enter the contest," Mandy said. "That's where they're going to strike next!"

"Trisha and Becky know what's going on. They already said they wouldn't enter," Laura said.

Pamela descended the stairs carrying her laptop.

"Hey guys, is it safe to come out?" she asked.

"You're clear for now, Pam," Kerry said. "They just did 'Q'."

"Oh thank God," Pamela said. "Listen, I've been doing some recon work. Take a look at this Facebook page."

She showed her laptop screen to Kerry and Mandy. The profile showed a pretty Chinese girl playing a violin.

"Xiao-Mei Wong?" Kerry muttered, quizzically.

"She is the only girl on this entire campus with a first or last name starting with 'X'." Pamela said. "And get this: she's Ken's ex girlfriend."

"Oh, shit..." Kerry said.

"I already messaged her, but it looks like it's still unread," Pamela said.

"Somebody has to know who this girl is and warn her that she is definitely on Alpha Tau Zeta's list," Kerry said.

"How about we send a mass text out?" Pamela suggested. "Tell everyone we know until we find someone who knows her?"

"That's a great idea," Mandy said. She began typing out a message on her phone.

"How do you pronounce that? Ex ow Mei?" Laura asked.

"No, it's Xiao-Mei," Pamela corrected. "It rhymes with 'how may' but with a "sh" sound at the beginning."

"Gotcha," Laura said.

As the girls looked over Pamela's laptop, deciding how to word the mass email they intended to send, they almost didn't notice the commercial that appeared on the muted TV screen. It was set to the university's student channel, and currently depicted a girl in a bikini walking across a stage.

"Hey, can someone unmute that?" Kerry asked.

Mandy pressed the mute button on the remote.

"Tonight at 6, live from Delta Delta, it's the bi-annual bikini contest! Spots are still open, so sign up now, ladies! Now is your chance to become this semester's Miss Bikini!"

Donna Pierson walked through the front door and glanced at the TV screen.

"Hey, that bikini contest is going on tonight. Any of you girls entering?" Donna asked.

"Shouldn't girls be steering clear of that today?" Laura asked.

"Maybe. Are those stupid frat guys still at it?" Donna asked.

"They're on 'R' now," Mandy said.

"'R'? That's not good. Rachel Sutton just told me she's signing up," Donna said.

The girls looked at each other.

"That's really bad news," Kerry said. "The student channel is broadcasting the bikini contest live. The Alpha Tau Zetas won't even need their cameras."

"We need to go to Delta Delta now," Mandy said, checking her watch. "That contest is in two hours. We have to warn Rachel and all the other girls there what Alpha Tau Zeta is planning."

* * * * *


Vicky yelled loudly as Rob pumped his cock in and out of her pussy. She grabbed her bedposts with both hands and squeezed them hard as her body erupted into orgasm. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and squeezed, until Rob ejaculated inside her.

Panting, Rob withdrew, and rolled over onto his side.

"That- felt amazing," Vicky said, laughing.

"Yeah," he said in agreement. He rested his hand onto her left breast and lightly rubbed it.

"You want to go again?" she asked, hopefully.

"I'm gonna need a few minutes," he said.

She giggled. "Don't keep me waiting too long."

She hopped off the bed and walked naked to the bathroom. Another text message chimed on Rob's phone. He grabbed it.

He had fifteen unread messages. He read the most recent one. It was from Joe.

"V is for Vicky" it read.

Rob typed out a reply: "NO."

He put on his clothes and his phone chimed again. He read it.

"Girlfriends are not exempt. She has been Chosen."

Rob deleted all the texts in his phone that pertained to Sharking Day. As he did, there was a knock at Vicky's door. He walked over and opened it.

"Hey, where the fuck you been?" Matt asked.

"Getting my dick wet," Rob said. "What the fuck do you want?"

Matt held up a pink flier.

"Bikini contest. Two hours. Joe wants Vicky to be there."

"She's not gonna be there," Rob said.

"Not for you to decide, my man. Hope you didn't forget the code."

"I didn't forget. Just pick someone else."

"No can do. Vicky has been Chosen." He stuffed the pink flier into Rob's shirt pocket. "See that she gets this."

Matt walked away. Rob shut the door just as Vicky emerged from the bathroom.

"Who was that?" she asked.

"Nobody," Rob said. Vicky grabbed the flier from Rob's pocket.

"What's this?" she asked, reading the flier. "Ooh, a bikini contest!"

"You don't want to get involved in that," Rob said.

"Why? Are your frat boys planning something?" she asked.

"No," he said quickly. Too quickly.

"Then what's the problem?" she opened up her closet and looked at the clothing items she had inside. "I love bikinis. Help me pick out one to wear. Oh wait, it says 'bikinis provided'."

Rob put his arms around Vicky's bare shoulders.

"Babe, I'd really rather not see all those guys leering and hollering at you." He kissed the side of her head.

She looked at him.

"Well, then you have a jealously problem that you need to get over, because I'm entering that bikini contest, and you're going to be there to cheer me on."

* * * * *

The Delta Delta house was on the east side of campus, making for a long walk. Being as Pamela was the only one in the group to have a car, she offered to drive.

They regretted their decision to drive as soon as they arrived. The street in front of the house was packed with cars, making it difficult to drive through and impossible to find an available spot to park.

Pamela found a spot a full block away, and the girls walked the rest of the way to the house. They were greeted by a line of students extending from the front door all the way out to the street. The narrow driveway was packed so full of cars and drunk and high students loitering between them; there was no way to get around them.

Kerry, Laura, Pamela, and Mandy stared hopelessly at what was essentially a fortified castle, impossible to enter.

"Maybe we should have gotten here earlier," Laura said.

"I know another way we can get in," Mandy said. "Follow me."

The other girls followed Mandy as she weaved her way through the crowd that filled the front yard of the sorority house. They stepped around a mud puddle near the front porch and crept into the side yard. There was only a two foot gap between the house and the chain link fence that divided the lot from the neighboring yard, but there was just enough room for the girls to sneak through if they walked single file. They arrived in the back yard, where they found a brick walkway lined with tiki torches leading from a gazebo to the back patio, which sported an impressive hot tub.

"They have a Jacuzzi?" Laura said in surprise.

"I know. Lucky bitches," Mandy said. She tried the rear door. Predictably, it was locked. Mandy knocked loudly.

A bikini-clad Delta Delta girl answered.

"Hi!" she said. "Are you girls here to enter the contest?"

Mandy shook her head.

"No, we just need to talk to some of the contestants."

"I'm really sorry," the girl said. "Attendance has really exceeded our expectations this year. We're not admitting anyone else inside except new contestants. You'll have to wait in the line out front."

She shut the door. The girls looked at each other.

"Well, there goes that plan," Pamela said.

"There's got to be a way to just send a quick message to Rachel and the others," Laura said.

Kerry shook her head.

"No, I want to get IN there so we can see if any Alpha Tau Zetas got in and stop them!"

"That line out front isn't moving," Pamela muttered. "Maybe Erin can keep watch for us."

"Can't reach her," Kerry said. "Her phone is busted, thanks to Ken."

Kerry stared out into the neighboring yard, thinking.

"Well," Mandy suggested. "Maybe we could enter the contest ourselves?"

The girls looked at her.

"I don't want to wear a bikini on stage. On TV!" Laura said.

"I'll do it," Mandy said. "I'll get in that dressing room, warn the other girls, and I'll keep watch on the audience from the stage."

"You shouldn't go in there by yourself," Kerry said.

"I know..." Mandy said, looking at Kerry intently.

Kerry blushed. "All right, one of us should go in there, too. Any volunteers?"

Pamela shook her head. Laura shook her head again. They all looked at Kerry.

She paused.

"Fine," Kerry said. "Mandy and I will enter. You two can wait outside and text us if you see anything we should know about.

"Thank you, Kerry," Mandy said. She turned around, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door again.

* * * * *

Kerry had never set foot in the Delta Delta house before, but she'd heard many stories about the raucous sex parties that had been held there over the past fifty years. Delta Delta girls were known for three things: being gorgeous, being hard partiers, and having insatiable sex drives.

Boys all over campus considered an invitation to a Delta Delta party to be the holy grail of social status. Being inside these walls usually meant he had a very high chance of being invited to a bedroom where a girl or two (and sometimes three) would offer to drop her panties and drain his balls in the most pleasurable way he could imagine.

Kerry needed only to look around at the uninhibited women walking around in skimpy bikinis, sharing open mouth kisses with guys and girls alike, and the assortment of sex toys openly displayed in the kitchen to know that these girls would very likely live up to their reputations. Kerry approached one of the busty beauties and meekly asked how to sign up for the bikini contest. The babe slid an application in front of her and handed her and Mandy novelty penis-shaped pens.

They examined the sign-up sheet closely as they added their names and information. There appeared to be only one girl in the contest with a first or last name starting with 'R', and Kerry and Mandy both knew who she was. While they filled out their applications, Yasmine spotted them and sauntered over with a smile.

"Kerry! Mandy! You're signing up?"

"Sure are," Kerry said, forcing a smile.

"That is AWESOME! We have got some hotties in here this semester!"

"Are you in the contest?" Mandy asked, admiring Yasmine's floral bikini and sash outfit.

"Emceeing, actually! My first time, too. I swear I'm probably more nervous than you two are!"

"I doubt it," Kerry said.

Yasmine laughed.

"Listen," Kerry said closely. "We're pretty sure the Alpha Tau Zetas are going to strike here sometime soon. Have you seen any here tonight?"

"Besides Kurt? No one," Yasmine said. "I'll let the girls at the front doors know. They won't let any of those guys in for sure."

"Thanks," Kerry said. "If you see any, I suggest you kick them out!"

"We sure will," Yasmine said. "Anyway, when you're done filing out your applications, you'll want to head up the east stairwell. It's closed off to the public and you'll find your way to the dressing room where you can pick out your bikinis."

Kerry thanked her, and she and Mandy made their way up the creaking wooden stairway. The dressing room was filled with over a dozen girls in various states of dress. They scanned the room until they spotted Rachel Sutton. The busty brunette was nude and sliding her legs into the bottoms of a pink bikini when Kerry and Mandy approached her.

"Hi, Rachel," Kerry said.

"Hi Kerry!" Rachel said, pulled the bottoms up around her hips. "I can't believe you're here! Never took you for the bikini contest type."

"Yeah, that's the thing Rachel, I'm not. I'm here to warn you."

"Warn me? About what?" Rachel asked.

Kerry looked around the room.

"The Alpha Tau Zeta guys are still at it," she said. "They've been sharking girls all day long, one for each letter of the alphabet. They're on 'R' now and we think they're going to shark someone in this contest tonight!"

"Thanks for the heads up," Rachel said. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail with one hand and reached for a hair tie with the other.

"Rachel, you don't understand," Mandy said. "We've tried everything we could to stop these guys and they're a step ahead of us at every turn. You should really consider leaving. You're the only girl here with an 'R' name!"
