She Needs Therapy


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I nodded. "I think those are very bulky. Most everyone would be able to see them through any attire. Are you sure about this?"

She nodded. "And I want a tattoo on my left tit in small letters that reads "Bitch" so that anyone who gets to see my nipple or piercing also gets to ask me what the tattoo is about."

"On my right tit, just around the aureole I want the word "Thief" tattooed. Again, I would always have to explain what the meaning is to anyone I let get that close to me. Then I want the word "Whore" tattooed just above my clit. Same reason but it will remind me and anyone I have sex with that I am a bitch thief whore whose only worth is for fucking."

Because she was so down on herself right then I asked her for a cooling off period before getting any tattoos so that if she started to feel better about herself then she would have the option of not following through with the tattoos. I even cautioned her to not give up on Tami as a friend. After all she had spent the night on numerous occasions to help Lanae after the abuse by Mark's patrons.

Lanae seemed to think that Tami had moved on. After all what future did a friendship with Lanae seem to hold? Possible jail time and loss of licensure didn't seem to be attractive. Lanae felt that her career was now going to be one of servitude, as a bar maid or as a whore.

She could already envision being on the street corner trying to entice someone to fuck her for money. She knew how much she would charge and would probably not collect often just so she would stay poverty stricken and have to suck even more cocks and let men abuse her. She might even have to advertise in the personal ads for men to abuse her. There was no mention of possible women partners.

My treatment now was to help rebuild her confidence while not playing into her old persona of being the haughty bitch. (I know, I know, I am not using proper clinical terminology here but it fits.)

We started to discuss what her strengths were. She was actually a good clinician. She might not be able to handle the stress of an emergent patient but she was good at a proper patient assessment and had good diagnostic skills. As a nurse practitioner she would seldom be exposed to the emergent patient and would normally be dealing with routine office visits. If her old partners refused to allow her back there were other options if she did not lose her license.

Lanae had also been active in her church. Granted that some of that was ego driven to be in command she did have excellent organizational skills and would still be an asset to the church. She needed to get over the humiliation of being under indictment and scrutiny as she re-assimilated into normal society. She agreed that time would be a healer for this. She would ask Mark if she could have Sunday mornings off to attend a church.

I cautioned her to not replace one crutch with another. Becoming too involved in something to forget her troubles would only lead to further depression. She would then continue a downward spiral. Setting some goals would help her to improve. We also discussed that while friendships can be a great support group a person cannot rely on that social network to fix problems. Being self-sufficient will be a better long-term solution. I informed her that I personally felt that she was a strong-willed person and would succeed here.

I decided to let this be the session for today. When I told her we were through with our session Lanae immediately started to remove the rest of her outfit and seemed genuinely disappointed when I stopped her and had her put on the trench coat. If she could seem even more depressed than when she entered she showed it. I could almost read her thoughts about how she was now even too worthless for a session in the dungeon basement. I managed not to smile at her and attempted to reassure her that she needed to set new goals and try to start that new life we had been discussing.

She reluctantly left.

Carla did not immediately come in for our usual bull session. This wasn't entirely unusual so I busied myself with some paperwork. After all, I do have to get paid so I can continue to work.

After about 15 minutes Carla came in and closed the door. She was a little disheveled. When I raised my eyebrows in a questioning manner she smiled her lovely Cheshire smile and proceeded to remove the rest of her clothes. Her blouse came off easily since it was already unbuttoned and her bra was not in evidence. Maybe she had not worn one for our usual session with Lanae.

Carla finished getting naked and then came and sat on my lap so I could fondle her assets. Her nipples were hard and red instead of the usual pink. "What gives? Did listening to our session turn you on somehow?"

Carla flushed a little and made sure I was tweaking her erect nubs. "A little. I think she was very disappointed that you didn't take her downstairs and punish her today. After all, you told her the first day that she was being punished for all of her past transgressions. She must really feel like a used whore if she isn't even worth punishment."

I nodded my agreement. I had created that image of needing to be punished and abused and now took it away, even if only for one day. Then I remembered that this was Monday. She hadn't been punished by me or Carla for 3 days. She must really be feeling abandoned. I returned to the subject of Carla's dress.

"If that didn't turn you on much, why was your blouse unbuttoned when you came in?"

Carla laughed and squirmed her nice ass on my crotch to see if I was getting hard. "Your bitch came out of the office with her little outfit on and I commented on how I liked how it framed her little tits. She then asked me if she could lick my pussy and make me come. Of course I said yes and took off my blouse and bra and shucked my panties off. She knelt on the floor and licked me to heaven as I perched on the edge of the desk. I thought she was drilling for oil as she tongue fucked me as deep as she could."

"She also kept eye contact with me as she bit my clit when it became hard. I loved it. I started to pinch my own nipples but then she reached up and took over so I could hold myself up and fuck her face with my pussy. I was using her hard and she seemed to revel in it. When I came I juiced her face and she did not even try to clean up. She stood and kissed my nipples and then my mouth. She then put on the coat and left."

With the squirming of her naked butt on my cock I was hard. It didn't hurt that she had told me about her quick session with Lanae in the openness of the outer office and reception area. I moved Carla to my desk and let her lay back as I dropped my slacks and underwear to let out my cock. I didn't try to remove any other clothing. I just rammed myself cock-deep in Carla's receptive pussy. She groaned with the sudden intrusion but her clasping pussy immediately started to massage my cock as I slowly moved in and out. I wanted to fuck hard but I really enjoyed the milking I was getting. I just made sure that when I bottomed out in her tight pussy that I jammed against her pubis with my own and shoved tight in her pussy. She must have liked it as she would then grind her clit against my pubic bone as I held tight for a short period before pulling back out for another thrust.

We both started to pant and increase the frequency of thrusts against each other as we each relieved the last hour. The fact that Lanae was sexually frustrated and also trying to change from being the bitch was a major turn-on for me. Carla kept gasping out comments about how she loved to make Lanae do sexual things and that Lanae was seeming to enjoy being abused. She was also turned-on with the thought of Lanae with piercings and liked the tattoo idea. Permanent marks on her bitchy skin made Carla want to put the tattoos on herself. She had experience with homemade tattoos.

Carla's whines of pleasure ramped up until she was almost screaming with the sensation of being fucked while reliving having Lanae lick her pussy. She spasmed on my cock as she raised her head and passionately kissed me. Her orgasm triggered mine and I jammed my cock as deep as I could and I kissed back hard as my cock shot rope after rope of sperm into her wet pussy. It was again a good thing that Carla was on birth control as that load would have knocked her up without a doubt.

After my cock shrank enough that I could no longer hold it in her clasping pussy I sat back in my chair and Carla moved to my lap and we caressed each other in our post-orgasmic glow. Carla started to tell me about the woman that Tami had introduced her to. Her name was Denise and she was a dyed-in-the-wool lesbian who had no use for men at all. Other than that she seemed to be Carla's twin. She loved hot and sweaty girl-on-girl sex and was dominating in bed. Usually that could be a problem as Carla was a very take-charge person. Their first couplings, though, seemed to be enhanced by their dominating personalities.

Carla tried to explain it. "I don't know what it is but we seem to wrestle with each other for dominance but at the same time we are trying to make the other person as turned on as possible. We bite each other. I think I drew first blood when I chewed her nipple but then she did the same to me. We both love to give and receive love marks on each other. I don't know if we are in love but we sure are in lust."

I nodded my agreement as I tweaked her erect nipples. Carla caught me off-guard with her next question. "You do know that Tami wants to fuck you, don't you?"

I was dumb-founded. Tami had appeared to be completely lost in Lanae, not any man. I shook my head in response.

"I was surprised too," continued Carla. "She, Denise, and I were sitting at the bar the other night watching Lanae get raped and Tami, out of the blue, said she was curious to find out why bondage and abuse could turn a woman, like Lanae, on so much. She also said that she wanted you and me to take her to the dungeon and work her up like Lanae and then she wants you to fuck all of her holes. She said it would be hot to know that she got to experience something that Lanae can only obsess about. That was a quote."

"Why would a) Lanae obsess about me, b) why would Tami want to be fucked by a guy, and c) why would she want to be put in the dungeon."

Carla was quick to respond. "Apparently Lanae is obsessed about you since you haven't fucked her yet. She is hot and horny for cock but even the bisexual guys won't fuck her at the bar. She may also still think she can just spread her legs and get her own way and you have thwarted her at every turn. She is getting some orgasmic satisfaction from the dykes at the bar but she still thinks about cock and Tami is now very curious."

My initial reaction to this whole proposition was an emphatic NO because of my professional ethics but Carla was quick to point out that Tami was not a patient, she was just a lover of a patient. She was an adult and could handle the consequences of her action. I finally had to agree but did make a stipulation. Since the dungeon in the basement was a nasty professional No-No I would not let Tami come there. Yes, she had been told by Lanae that it existed but she had never seen it for herself.

I would convert my spare bedroom into a bondage studio and we would take Tami there. It would be the same basic experience but not in my office basement. Carla agreed and would tell Tami about it and we would set up a date. I would, in the meantime, take the stocks and a few other choice pieces home and get them set up.

Carla and I then cleaned up. Carla did not try to empty my sperm out of her tight pussy. She decided to let her new lover, Denise, have a taste of sperm and see if she noticed the change in taste and texture from her normal juice.

I shook my head and headed home. On my way I made a small detour to a former client who specializes in tattoos and piercings. I left Lanae's rings with him and told him about her tattoo wishes. He grinned at the thought of tattooing "Whore" and "Bitch" onto a woman at her own behest. He promised to look the rings over carefully to see how he could accommodate her wishes.

Chapter Eight

The next morning was rather busy. I had many clients to see and Carla was always trying to let me know about Tami and her latest night with her new lover. I could see that she was sporting a couple of new hickeys with accompanying bite marks. There just wasn't time to stop and chat, though.

About 11:00 a.m. Carla came bursting into the office. This was very unusual since I had a client on the couch at the time. "I'm sorry to interrupt but there is an emergency over at the Blue Oyster. Mark just called and said to get there quick!"

Of course she had no more information but I apologized to my client and gave him a free session at a later date and then jumped into the car and headed over to Mark's place.

When I got there the place was deathly quiet even though the regular morning crowd was present. They were subdued and a few of the women were pale and distraught. They sent me toward the apartment that Lanae was using. When I entered I got a shock. Lanae was reclined on the couch and she was bruises everywhere on her naked body that I could see. Her face was swollen and her eyes were shut from the edema and bruising on her face. Her lips were cracked and bleeding and her nose, yes, that prominent nose, was bleeding and deformed. Mark was trying cold packs and pressure bandages on her extremities to reduce the swelling but was only partially successful.

My first words were not particularly pleasantly formed. "Oh, my God, Mark, what the hell happened? I thought we had an agreement that none of your patrons would do something like this."

Mark flushed with embarrassment and started to say something but Lanae's quiet whisper got my attention first. "Don't blame Mark. I asked for this and I hope it helps him heal."

I jerked back from trying to hear her whispered comment and stared at my friend. "You did this? What the hell is going on?"

Mark looked like someone kicked him in the nuts. "She came out into the bar this morning buck-naked and then asked me to hit her for all that she had done to me and to my friend. She knows about my friend, did you know that? When I didn't react she started to beg me to punish her and then started to taunt me with my being gay, and being a sissy and that I must not be much of a man if I didn't want to avenge Troy's death. She kept it up until I couldn't take it anymore so I hit her and hit her and then punched her and when she went down I must have started to kick her. I don't know what all I did. I just know that I wanted to kill her and I may have succeeded right there if my patrons had not pulled me off her."

"Why didn't you call an ambulance? She could still die."

"Lanae wouldn't let me. She asked us to bring her in here. I told everyone to stay put for when the cops get here and arrest me. They are all witnesses."

Lanae tried to tell me something else but her breathing was ragged and I wondered if she had some broken ribs. "Lanae, we need to call an ambulance and get you some care. You can't stay here in this condition."

"No," she whispered. "Call Tami and have her come here. You are also good paramedics. I don't want Mark having to answer any questions. You know the ER will call the cops. Just keep me here, please."

I felt her pulse at the wrist. It was fast and thready. Not a good sign. She was having a little trouble breathing. Again, not a good sign. I started to check her more closely. She had bruises over most of her torso. Her breasts were swollen from the blood trapped there. She even had marks on her back even though both swore that she fell on her back and not to the side or on her stomach. Her stomach was a lattice of marks and bruises. Somehow Mark had even managed to kick Lanae in the vagina. Her labia were also bruised and swollen to the point that her usually prominent clitoris was not visible. I was seriously afraid that she needed a surgeon and quickly.

Still, though, she had the last say. She continued to refuse an ambulance. Mark took my cell phone and called Tami. I then called a few old buddies who still worked the streets and had them bring some IV fluids. I couldn't get any blood, though. Lanae would have to tough that one out. Regular IV fluid will expand the blood volume but it doesn't carry oxygen like blood.

We kept Lanae in the apartment and kept watch over her. I warned her that the moment she lost consciousness she would be in an ambulance headed for the Trauma Center. She nodded her agreement in that case. Some of the other regular patrons also offered to assist the bitch. They came in and cleaned the place until it looked and smelled better than most high-end homes. They also brought in some better furniture and decorations. We had moved Lanae to the bedroom and made her comfortable there.

Once away from Lanae and reasonable assured that she was stable I jumped Mark. "What the hell were you thinking? Did you want to kill her?"

He had a lost puppy dog look on his face. "I wanted her dead but I didn't want to kill her. She just kept on about Troy and how I wasn't a man until I couldn't see straight any more. I completely lost control."

He hung his head.

"So, do you feel better?"

He shook his head. "You know that I never want to hurt anybody. I don't get into fights. She just knows how to hurt. It's like she wears spurs and can dig them in at any time she wants. I saw red and when I regained control she was lying on the floor looking so pitiful and hurt. I wanted to turn myself in as soon as she received help but she wouldn't let me. I don't know if that is good or bad."

"I should beat your ass but I can see it wouldn't do any good and there has been too much harm done today. Let's just hope the bitch keeps her word. Otherwise you will be in jail and I won't be a therapist any longer. You will lose the bar and we'll both be looking for some menial job." I wasn't exaggerating. Lanae could be a vindictive witch when she felt wronged.

Over the next few days Lanae started to heal. It didn't look like it from the outside. The bruises turned purple, then green and yellow. She was a sight. Trying to walk was almost impossible. Tami informed us that part of the problem was the damage to Lanae's vagina. She was so bruised that she could not bring her legs together and walk normally. She was reduced to a shuffle.

That didn't stop her. She insisted on returning to work within two days. She could hardly carry one glass of beer but she tried. The other girls helped her out. Tami stayed each night and watched over her. She would insist that Lanae take breaks so she could marshal her strength. She put lotion on the injured areas and helped Lanae bathe. I do believe that Lanae was finally assured that Tami was a friend.

Chapter Nine

On the fourth or fifth day after the assault Tami came to the office. Carla let her in between appointments so that we could talk for a few moments. I had forgotten Carla's conversation with me about Tami wanting to be bound and punished like Lanae but it soon came back to the forefront of my consciousness as Tami set out to convince me to abuse her.

Tami was wearing a tight blouse and slacks that showed off her gymnast's body to perfection. The top was cut to let any observer know that she wore no bra. There were no panty lines marring the cut of the tight slacks that molded her tight narrow ass. Her nipples were small but prominent through the thin material of her blouse. The material looked so thin that I wondered if saliva from my drooling mouth would wet it enough to make it almost transparent to my leering gaze.
