She Needs Therapy


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When I got to the bottom of the stairs Carla had made Lanae get down on her hands and knees and was proceeding to make her mind. I stood back and watched for a bit.

Carla made sure that I could see Lanae's pussy and tight little asshole from my vantage point. She also made sure that Lanae knew it. Lanae immediately tried to clench her butt cheeks to keep me from seeing her most vulnerable spot. Carla laughed at her efforts and then grabbed the riding crop and swatted the bitch's ass. "No hiding my dear. Let him look. Now come forward."

She couldn't work Lanae like a real dog but she made the woman assume various dog stances like sit, point, sniff, heel, and then freeze in position for mounting. She kept up a running commentary on how much Lanae looked like a bitch. "Look at these sleek lines, Mike. She should be on display at a dog show." Carla ran her hand over Lanae's flank. "I know she was turned on when she came in. Her nipples were like diamonds. Do you think she is still turned on?"

"I don't know. Why don't you check to see if she's in heat."

Carla slid a finger into Lanae's pussy. "Her nipples aren't as hard and she seems a little dry. She isn't flagging right now. Poor baby, all that stimulation earlier and now she's too frustrated to be in heat."

I laughed and Lanae blushed. Carla stroked her exposed nipple. "She seems like she could easily feed a couple of pups. Her nipples are nice and big. Did you nurse your pups good, Bitch?"

Lanae shook her head. "No, I didn't have time to nurse or pump. I gave them formula."

Carla swatted Lanae's ass. "You are a bitch. Denying your own offspring milk from such nice nipples. They probably hate you for that, too."

Lanae hung her head. Carla anticipated that and swatted Lanae's ass again with the crop. "Keep your head up, Bitch. Spread your legs a little. Let Mike see what he can't have; at least right now. Mike do you think that Bitch should wear tight short-shorts?"

I contemplated the presented ass for a moment. "No, maybe when she was younger but I think her pelvis spread a little bearing kids. It probably pisses her off that she isn't quite as tight assed as she was when she was single, well the first time anyway."

Lanae blushed again. I must have hit a nerve. Carla immediately picked up on it. "Poor bitch, having to deal with those body image things, especially when you didn't really want kids. Now your pelvis is a little wider and your tits will start to sag and the wrinkles will start and you are so alone without any loving companionship. Maybe I should introduce you to my kind of pleasure. I love to whip a girl until she is bleeding so that I can lick up her body fluid. I even adopted a mastiff from the pound that has an 8 inch long cock when he's excited and he's excited a lot. I could mount you in this position and let him mount you over and over again. That would make you a real bitch, Bitch. Maybe we could even put on a show at Mark's place. The marquee could say, "Watch the bitch take the dog."

Lanae was almost in tears. She choked up a little as she asked, "Why do you hate me so? I haven't done anything to you but you want to hurt me and make me fuck a dog. Why?"

Carla was very pointed in her answer. "Because bitches like you piss me off. You go through life destroying people because you can. You don't care who you fuck with. I will even bet that you have made your own progeny wish they were dead at times. You probably only let them play with children whose parents you wanted to impress. I am sure that they never got to choose their own clothes or music because of how it would reflect on you. They probably never smile or joke with you about any subject. I would even guess that they have considered running away from home to become prostitutes or contemplated suicide because of you, Bitch."

Lanae looked shocked, if kneeling on the floor with her ass and tits exposed could be a shocked expression. She tried to defend herself. "I only wanted what was best for my children. They love me. They always said that they liked my choices."

Carla snorted and whacked Lanae on the ass. She then took a lubed finger and slowly pushed it into Lanae's tight rosebud. "You can say that all you want but I don't believe it. How many times have your children attempted to talk with you since this whole escapade blew up?"

Lanae groaned at the intrusion into her tight little ass. "They were forbidden to contact me by their father. He is being an ass."

Here is where I took over for a minute. "Think about it Lanae, if they really wanted to talk with you they would find a way. After all you kept Chris under a heavy thumb and they knew it. It is very doubtful that they have any real respect for him."

She hung her head until Carla made her lift it back up. Her tears were copious now. Carla started to fuck the tight asshole with her long finger. I took out a flogger and started to slap her bare tits. I wasn't really hitting hard but the tips were stimulating her nipples. She moaned.

Carla then put a second finger into the no longer tightly clenched hole. She sped up her thrusting. Lanae seemed to be getting turned on by the stimulation of nipples and rear hole. She probably thought that she was going to get to orgasm tonight but she was in for a rude awakening.

After a few minutes we both stopped suddenly. Carla actually ripped her fingers from the lubed ass. Lanae gave out a disappointed sound and her rectal opening actually spasmed with the want for more stimulation. It wouldn't be long and she would get that wish granted.

We made her stand up and clasp her hands behind her back. I brought out a few new toys. One of them was something that I picked up at an auction many years ago. It was a parallel clamp for wood. It is a large item and a little heavy. I started to clamp Lanae's left tit with it. She wasn't happy. I slowly moved the jaws inward until her tit was compressed and starting to change color. It also made her nipple very hard as the blood was pushed into it. I stopped and let the clamp down and her tit was pulled by the weight.

Lanae tried to bring her hands around to lift the weight and reduce the pain but Carla was quick to grab her hands and hiss into her ear. "Don't bitch. You deserve the pain. You will get used to it quickly."

Lanae whimpered and begged to be let go. Her tit was turning purple and the large nipple was almost twice the size of the right one.

Then I put the clamp on her nipple. She screamed from the pain and again struggled to remove the offending instrument but Carla held her fast. For her other breast I was using a modified milker. The Plexiglas cone was just a little small for her breast meat so she had to be squeezed into it. The suction was adjustable to make the pulsations of vacuum pleasurable to downright painful. I started with pleasurable on the borderline of painful. The clear cone showed her breast being sucked in harder. Her nipple actually was being extended as though a hand was pulling it. Great picture so I set up a quick camera to catch the action for later.

Her nipple was engorging with the stimulation but not as much as her left one. Lanae was moaning now. I didn't quite know if it was from pleasure or pain or maybe both but she was no longer struggling to get away from Carla. I hope she was conflicted from all of the stimulation.

We then led her to the stocks. Quickly bending her forward we placed her hands in the cutouts and her neck in the larger space and placed the top block in position to hold her. Now she was bent over and her abused tits were hanging down. The parallel clamp shifted a little but held better than I had anticipated. I tightened it a little. Lanae grimaced from the new pain.

I walked around in front of her and pulled her tear-streaked face up. "I have been wondering something. Don't you feel humiliated to be naked and completely exposed while I remain fully dressed?"

She whispered an honest reply. "It did in the beginning but I am now getting used to it. I think you are hateful but I am beginning to see what you are really attempting to do. You might actually succeed."

I gave her my most sincere look. "I may never like you. I may even break down and actually fuck you but I will always respect honesty from you. Are you ready for the next insult?"

She nodded and asked for a drink. I brought a glass of water and a straw and let her drink before we started again.

I rechecked the instruments on her breasts again and increased the suction a little. I also increased the rate of suction that pulled and relaxed her tit. Her nipple would elongate and the shrink a little very rapidly. I wondered if it felt like a baby sucking hard but decided against asking Lanae since she didn't know anyway.

Carla and I stood together and admired the nicely formed and very tight ass in front of us. It was a lovely sight. I was sorely tempted to get undressed and ram my cock into her tight opening. Really, I was extremely tempted to rape it but my ethics about therapist/client involvement kept me from doing just that. I know, I know, she was naked and we had done a lot of unethical things to Lanae but this was one line I couldn't cross. Maybe after her treatment was over she would throw a pity fuck at me. Then again, there were a lot of women I would like to fuck but never will. Lanae would probably be one of them.

We lubed our fingers and started to fondle her vulva, her nether cheeks and slowly insinuate the occasional finger into her ass. We wanted to stimulate her until she was screaming from her sexual frustration as we made her tight rectal opening into a cavern.

We succeeded. Adding lube at judicious times we kept widening her opening until we were each putting in multiple fingers into the bitch's ass. Lanae must have liked it as she was moaning constantly and her breathing rate was increasing with her level of arousal. I even used baby oil on her legs to massage her and try to keep muscle cramps from occurring.

Carla then started to take various plugs, dildos and vibrators from the table in front of Lanae. She would show each to Lanae and describe what she was going to do with it. Then the toying would begin. Vibrators were inserted into Lanae's pussy and then turned on. When she started to gyrate her pelvis in search of satisfaction the vibrator would be removed and slowly shoved into her ass and then left there while a new object was chosen for the hungry pussy. Each item was larger than the last one. Some had bumps and ripples on them. The occasional dildo would have veins molded into the surface.

At no time did we thrust into her. Her frustration level was increasing. She moaned and then started to plead for a good fucking. The parallel clamp fell off her tit dragging the nipple clamp with it. She screamed with the change in pain as the blood rushed back into her tit. The cone was still milking her.

Finally we had a 3 inch thick plug in Lanae's ass. When we would slowly remove it the opening would stay dilated for a long period of time. Carla could have easily fisted the bitch. Maybe next time. Right now we needed to end the session.

Carla went in front of Lanae again and pulled on a strap-on cock. It was huge. It measured at least 15 inches long and was as thick as a soda can. Carla started to taunt Lanae. "Would you like me to fuck you, Bitch? Would you like to feel a cock slide in and out of your skanky pussy or would you like it in the ass? Look at the monitor. See how wide your ass is now. If anyone even tried to kiss your ass they would fall into the hole and get eaten up alive."

Lanae was so turned on that I don't even think she could focus on the picture of her ass. I would have to warn Mark that she might try to fuck a beer bottle tonight. Lanae surprised us both with her answer. She first started to beg for Carla to do her but then, "I need a cock. I need a real cock, not some fake thing. I haven't had a prick to suck on or put into my pussy or ass for months. I want Mike. Please fuck me, Mike. I don't care about whether it is right or wrong, just fuck me and let me feel a warm, hard prick. I want it to shoot sperm into me. I need it. Please."

I will admit that having a woman beg for my cock really stroked my ego and made me even harder in my slacks. I quickly shoved a different vibrator into her pussy that was made very snug by the monster plug in her ass. I went around in front of Lanae and proceeded to unzip and show her my cock. I waved it in her face and she tried to capture it in her mouth. She kept pleading for me to fuck her but instead Carla grabbed my erection, stroked it a little and then bent over and pulled me into her hot wet pussy. It must have been a sight to see her fake cock bouncing and pointing straight down as we fucked with abandon. I turned Carla and moved closer to Lanae so they could kiss and then Carla raised up a little and grabbed the top of the stocks and presented Lanae with the turgid nipple on her ample tit.

Lanae latched on and sucked hard. She must have also bit down some with her teeth as Carla was soon squirming and coming hard with the sensations. I couldn't last long either and soon shot my load of sperm into her.

When we gathered our wits about us we proceeded to release Lanae after removing all of the objects in her various openings and the cone from her abused breast. I do believe she would be bruised for a few days. Lanae fell to the floor because her legs would not hold her for the moment. We let her gather her strength for a few moments and then helped her up and then upstairs to the office where she redressed in her bar outfit and left for work.

I was worn out. I hate to see pain even when it is warranted. Carla, on the other hand, seemed energized and ready for a night out. She informed me that Tami was going to introduce her to a gymnast friend of hers and go out for supper and avoid the Blue Oyster tonight.

Chapter Seven

Over the weekend I devised some new therapy techniques for Lanae. We were going to have to make her more humiliated and frustrated. Maybe I needed a chastity belt. Then she couldn't orgasm as much as she wanted. I would have to look into that.

On Monday I took a long lunch and went to the Blue Oyster to see how my patient was doing. I was surprised that the place was packed for a sandwich lunch hour until I saw Lanae. She was almost naked while working the tables. She had a micro-skirt on that didn't cover anything along with a too small vest that framed her small tits. She was wearing some kind of platform shoes that she obviously didn't like wearing. She was teetering on them. She was also walking a little funny due to the tailed plug in her ass that swished as she walked. On the back of her vest was a hand-printed sign that said, "Bitch! Please abuse me."

She was bruised in many easily seen places. I imagined that she was also bruised in places that I could not see well.

I sought out Mark. "What's the deal? I didn't want her permanently harmed but here she is almost ready to fall and hurt herself. And why the huge crowd?"

Mark shook his head at me. "This was her idea. She told me that she needed to keep her ass loose just in case you wanted to fuck her. She came up with the costume and had Tami bring the parts in. My patrons love it so they are coming to see what she comes up with next. She was over at the table of body-builders asking for them to fuck her a few minutes ago but they refused. Called her "Skank" and "Slut" and a couple of other names and she seemed to accept it without qualm. I don't get it myself. I could never imagine her doing something like this."

I was very surprised myself. This was totally unlike the Lanae I had known for so long. Maybe I would just continue the therapy without changes.

Mark had extra girls working the tables to help Lanae out. I ate the sandwich that one of them delivered and headed back to the office. I would ask Lanae what was going on during her regular session.

At 4:00 she arrived wearing a trench coat even though it was quite warm outside. It was readily apparent why when she shrugged it off just inside the door of the clinic. She hadn't changed from her outrageous outfit. Carla's eyes widened at the sight and then she smiled her Cheshire cat smile. Lanae's nipples immediately reacted to the look Carla was giving her. She squared her shoulders and went past the surprised client who was just leaving the office.

Lanae preceeded me into the office, where I shut the door keeping Carla from directly hearing the session. I knew that she would be watching and listening to the small CCTV mounted discretely in her desk.

Lanae started to disrobe but I stopped her. "Just assume the position, Bitch. Leave the clothes on. They may make you feel even more exposed than nudity." She flushed. I was right.

She carefully tried to kneel with the platform shoes on. I just watched her try. Finally she was kneeling with her hands behind her head. The little vest was parted even more and framed her tits very nicely. I took out a still camera and shot some pictures much to her chagrin. "Your sessions will be over soon and I want something to remember you by."

She nodded and said nothing. Something was very wrong here.

"OK, I will bite. Why the new getup? I checked with Mark. This was your idea."

"This weekend I hit a new low. Tami didn't even come by on Friday night and then on Saturday she was with Carla and a new witch. They seemed to be having so much fun and Tami didn't even defend me when her new friend slapped my ass and pinched my nipple. I guess I don't even get to have one friend anymore. I decided that I needed to make sure everyone knew what kind of bitch I am."

With Carla involved I knew something else was going on so I didn't comment. "How do you feel otherwise?"

"I am getting used to the abuse at the Blue Oyster. Mark doesn't act like he hates me as much but he also doesn't talk to me much. The other patrons mostly just look and comment on my attire and attitude. A few hardcore dykes still throw me on a table at night and fuck my face until they come. I keep figuring that a cop will stop by and arrest me and then I will have to serve every bitch in jail for the night."

I hadn't thought about that possibility. She didn't need that complication. Mark may have already considered it and made some kind of arrangement. But then again, it was a gay bar and most cops wouldn't want to just drop in to check it out.

"Are you sleeping OK?"

"I am exhausted. You told me that you didn't want me to have an orgasm but sometimes I get really turned on but I am too tired at night to even masturbate. Sometimes I fantasize that I am getting dicked by multiple guys and then they all pull out before I can come and just piss on me and then laugh before leaving."

"Why do you think your fantasy is turning out like that?"

"Because I don't deserve any better. I fucked around on my husband. He is a good guy and never deserved that. I quit making him the love of my life and let someone use me. My children hate me and never attempt to contact me. I thought that Tami would be a good friend and occasional lover but now she has abandoned me. If I had any drugs I would use them."

We then spent time exploring ideas for her to try to make new friends and make amends to old friends and to family. Suddenly she dropped a bombshell.

"That first day that I came here you had instruments laid out to perform piercings. I think that I want some to always remind me of what I have done."

"What kind of piercing would that be and where would you want it done?"

She dug into her pocket and pulled out a couple of rings. Obviously they were her wedding and engagement rings. "I have thought about this for a long while and would like to have these placed in my nipples so that I will always be aware of what I have done. I fucked over my marriage and my kids and I need to pay a penance for that."
