Sibbo Sexting


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Except I really, really didn't want them going out or anything. Even flirting. Somehow, in my mind, that was our thing. Me and Asher. It was a stupid, nonsensical thought. It wasn't like he was never going to be interested in girls again just because of me. But... not Krista. That would be too awkward.

I took Krista's former seat, somewhat apart from her and Asher. They continued talking and giggling in low voices that I couldn't make out, and I did my best to ignore them.

Krista finally stood, much to my relief. "Well, I best be going," she said. "Got plans in a little while."

Asher grinned and stood as well. "Good seeing you again anyway," he said.

They shook hands, and my petty internal self was pleased that it wasn't a hug. I scooted back into my seat next to Asher as soon as Krista had gone off to her room.

We were quiet a moment, and I noted Asher looking off the way Krista had gone, then he leaned over and whispered to me. "You didn't like her getting so close, did you?"

"I'm that transparent, am I?"

"To someone who knows you, yes."

I sighed. "I mean, it's fine. I dunno. She's a great person and all. Just... promise me you'll never date her."

Asher laughed, totally abandoning discretion. "You think I'd do that to you?" He gave me a playful shove that nearly toppled me off the couch, though only because I hadn't been expecting it. "She's your roommate, Vic. I know better."

"Do you?"


"You seemed kinda into her."

"Well... in a sense. Under the right circumstances maybe." He shrugged. "But who knows if she'd even be interested."

"Course she would. If you asked."

"Then I won't ask. Problem solved." Asher thought a moment. "You really know she'd say yes? You've talked about it?"

"First of all, stop thinking about it. Secondly... no, I don't know. I just suspect."

"Ah. You're jealous."

"Am not!"

"You are. You're already trying to cut me off from other girls." He shook his head ruefully and cupped his chest with both hands. "I knew I shouldn't have given you a full nipple shot the other night. It was too much."

I shoved him in turn, fighting the smile on my lips. "You ass. You're not gonna drop that, are you?"

He looked at me seriously, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. "I never meant to seduce you, you know. I would never-"



"Shut the hell up."

He opened his mouth again, but Krista's returning footsteps silenced him before he started. Teasing or not, he knew better than to reveal our recent little game to anyone. He was smarter than that, despite the way he acted sometimes.

Krista came over and stood behind the couch for a few minutes, leaning between Asher and me, but closer to him. I clenched my jaw when she idly ran her fingers through his hair. Asher fought to repress a smile, which only irritated me all the more.

It wasn't fair of me, I knew. Krista didn't know any better. Didn't know what I was feeling. Even I didn't really know what I was feeling. Only that she better damn well leave my brother alone.

"Be back later," Krista said as she finally turned to leave for real.

"Bye," I called, layering false neutrality to my voice.

Only after the front door had closed behind her did Asher turn to me with bright eyes and a devilish smirk.

"Well, she-"

"Shut up," I said firmly.

"Are you-"

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"



He turned back to the movie. I squirmed silently in my seat for the better part of a minute before deciding that no, in fact, I wasn't.

"Why's she playing with your hair anyway?"

"You may have been right. She might like me."

"You don't have to be so smug about it."

"It's nice to be wanted."

"Uh huh. Right."

I folded my arms and leaned away from Asher. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me back again. I stayed in my pouting pose for a couple minutes just to make a point before allowing his cuddling to relax and unfurl me.

"I still won't ask her out," he whispered.

"You better not."

"I promised, didn't I?"

"You did. And I'ma hold you to it."

"Fair enough."

I snuggled closer to my brother, secure under his sheltering arm. In the process, his hand dropped from my shoulder down to my tit. My first instinct was that I'd accidentally shifted him and he'd move his hand as soon as he realized. I almost immediately realized that was wrong, and that he'd done it deliberately.

I didn't even look at him for a moment. Didn't acknowledge what he'd done, what he was still doing. When I dared to flick my eyes over to him, he was staring straight ahead, not looking my way at all.

It was entirely my right to reprimand him. He was being bad. Quite brazenly so. And yet I chose not to. I turned back to the movie, let my tense muscles relax, and settled my head on his shoulder.

My hand dropped to his thigh, just below his crotch. I didn't rub him or try to get a feel or anything. Just left it there, gently but firmly planted in an almost naughty spot.

Our sexy standoff lasted long enough that my mind drifted entirely away from his hand on my tit. It became a background sensation, unconcerning and unworthy of further thought. I'd become so oblivious to it that I gasped softly in surprise when he squeezed my boob a little harder just before releasing it and standing up.

I looked up at Asher, a mix of emotions whirling in my mind, and no doubt partly visible on my face. He smiled down at me, then started walking away.

"Don't worry, Vic. Just have to hit the bathroom. I'm coming right back."

"Yeah you better," I grumbled low enough that he couldn't hear me.

I took the opportunity for a break too. Try and clear my head some, if that was possible. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and popped it open before heading out to the back deck, such as it was. There wasn't much space out there, but it was just me, and it was outside in the fresh air.

It was too cold to stay out for long. I questioned whether I should have grabbed a jacket or some boots or something, but that would have meant more time and effort than the endeavour was worth.

I gazed out at the limited view while sipping the beer in my hand. Things weren't complicated enough to warrant getting drunk. Not yet. But I debated going harder at the alcohol and trying to get a bit of a buzz, just to take the edge off.

Asher was quicker than I'd hoped, but I'd pretty much known he would be. I didn't turn as the back door opened behind me.

"Found you," he said. "My turn to hide."

"Ha," I said, then, "ha," for good measure.

"You ran off on me."

"Yeah. Just... thinking." I held my beer up. "If you want one, they're in the fridge."

"I might not. I'm driving."

"So soon?"

"Hard to say. Do you want me to go?"

I turned around. His expression was so damn hard to read. It didn't help that I was starting to shiver pretty badly.

"Let's go in," I said.

Asher nodded and led the way. I hadn't realized just how cold I'd been getting, and all of a sudden I needed to warm up again. Stupid lack of good decision making.

"I don't want you to go," I said. "But I'd like you to stop confusing me so much."

He smiled crookedly. "No promises."

"Yes promises."

"No. No promises."

Asher stepped close, brushed my cheek with his thumb, then kissed me delicately on the forehead. My heart went crazy in my chest, pounding like never before. My tummy, in a similar vein, was all aflutter.

"Jerk," I whispered.


I took a long pull from my beer, then set it aside. I slipped past my brother's stupid, enticing, nearly enfolding stance and walked decisively back to our movie. My hips may have swung a little more than needed, but I maintained that it wasn't on purpose. It probably was though.

Despite leading the way, I made Asher sit first, then occupied his lap just as he'd gotten settled. I curled up against him before he could say anything about it.

"It's not right, you know," I said. "You being bigger than me."

"Why not?"

"You're s'posed to be my little brother."

"Maybe I'm your big brother now?"

"No. Never. Always my li'l bro." I punched his shoulder in the lightest of taps. "Not my fault you did it wrong and got so tall and shit."

"I've only got a an inch or two on you."

"That's too many," I declared definitively.

"Oh. Sorry."

I nodded, closing my eyes and settling in. "As well you should be."


I admitted to myself, once Asher was safely gone, that I'd probably overreacted a bit to Krista getting close to him. Luckily I hadn't done anything I needed to apologize to her for, so I could simply drop it and leave things be. Still, though, she better damn well not make a move on him.

I went about my regular life the next few days, except that I caught myself reminiscing and smiling goofily far too often for comfort. Anyone would think I had a new boy in my life or something. It was, rather, the oldest boy in my life, and it wasn't even like that anyway.

Or maybe it was. It certainly was if the texts Asher and I sent back and forth were judged. They'd been flirtier of late, to a dangerous degree. I recognized it, but didn't stop. It was fine as long as it stayed flirty and went no further.


Whatever the case, it made me smile a little every time I got a text and saw it was from my brother. Even when I got one pretty late at night one time. Or maybe especially that occasion.

"You still up?" he'd written.

I was, in fact, just settling in to go to sleep, but I didn't mind staying up a bit longer for Asher.

"Maybe," I wrote back.

"Just wondering. I'm feeling some mild insomnia tonight."

"Oh good. It's not just me who gets that."

"Seems not. What you up to?"

"Just lying in bed. You know. Since it's nighttime and all."

"Am I keeping you up?"

"Kinda. Better make it worth my while."

I bit my lip and waited to see if he was in that kind of mood. I shouldn't really encourage him, I supposed, but what the hell.

"Scintillating conversation with your favourite brother isn't enough?"

"Show me some scintillation and we'll see."

"Ha, ok, you got me. Not in a very scintillating mood."

I frowned. "You ok?"

"Yeah. Fine. Just a weird mood, is all."

"You sure?"

"Very. What you wearing?"

I rolled my eyes at the blatant subject change. Still, it was what I'd been waiting for, more or less. What I'd expected. What I'd been hoping for, even, bad as that was.

"Who says I'm wearing anything?"

"Ha, no way. You don't sleep naked. And you wouldn't tell me if you did."

I pouted at his response, though of course my expression didn't accomplish much of anything.

"Guess you'll never know."

"No, I know."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not!"

"Yeah? Prove it then."

I snorted at the request. I'd halfway expected something like it, perhaps had even goaded him into asking for it. But I definitely wasn't sending my brother nudie pics.

"You wish."

"Is that a no?"

"Of course."

"You wuss."

"I'm not a wuss because I don't want you seeing me naked. Jerk."

"A tease then?"

"Still your sister, dude."

"You can be both."

I chewed my lip thoughtfully as I stared at my phone. I still couldn't send Asher a sexy pic. That hadn't changed. But I was really starting to wonder how much of his asking was teasing and silliness, and how much was real. Would he actually want to see me naked? Probably not. Maybe not. But he could probably enjoy the thought of it without actually wanting it. Or... something. Something that made sense.

The even more confusing thing was I kind of liked the idea of him really wanting it. To see me unclothed. Not that either of us would really, truly go so far as that, but the nebulous concept of it...

I made a decision, though recognized that I wasn't entirely sure how to pull it off yet. That was fine. I had time.

My pyjamas came off since I hadn't, in fact, been naked already. Asher knew me too well. I felt a little surge of excitement in my tummy as my panties came off, in spite of it not really being terribly naughty as yet. It was the knowledge of what I was planning that made my nudity thrilling.

It was all a question of how to get just the right shot. Something alluring and provocative, something that demonstrated that I was following through on our little game, but without actually showing anything that I shouldn't be. Quite a conundrum for me.

Some girls could probably imagine suitable poses as soon as the desire came to mind. I wasn't one of them. I tried many an angle, phone held all around me as I posed in different ways, tried to cover myself with a sheet as Asher had done, and even went for a full frontal while covering myself with my arm. None of it was what I wanted, either for being too sexy, or not sexy enough, or even kind of the right amount of sexy, but in a weird way that I didn't like.

I finally landed on a shot that might kind of work for me. I lay on my tummy, propped up on my arms somewhat so that my boobs pressed into the bed and only showed some cleavage. My butt was very exposed, but I had the option of not showing it in the picture if I chose. But then, if I hid my lower half, it wouldn't really do the job. It wouldn't prove I was naked.

Which was a silly thing to have to prove anyway. It wasn't like I couldn't be naked anytime I wanted. Asher knew that. And given how much time I'd spent setting this up, I was hardly proving anything about what I had or hadn't been wearing previously.

But it wasn't about that. It was the game we were playing. Our naughty, flirtatious little back and forth. Between me and my brother. God we were bad.

I bit my lip and felt my tummy flutter as I chose an angle that showed off my butt, though only in the background, and not making it a focus of the shot. Asher would focus on it though. I knew he would. And still...

I snapped the pic before I could chicken out. Then had to rush to send it off to Asher before my brain caught up to what I was doing. As soon as it was sent, I dropped my phone and closed my eyes. This was so bad. What was I doing?

My heart beat loudly in my chest as I waited, then seemed to skip as the sound of a new text startled me. I scrambled to open it, hardly daring to read Asher's response, but knowing I'd die of curiousity if I didn't.

The first text was a simple, "Holy shit!" that made me giggle and let some of my accumulated tension out.

"That's super hot, dude."

I smiled widely. "Still your sister, remember?"

"You can be both."

"So... you believe me now?"

"Hell yeah I do. I can see your butt and everything."

I felt a warm flush, mainly in my face. "Well don't stare too hard."

"Too late."

I rolled over, still naked and fluttery, and curled up with my phone. "I shouldn't have sent you that."

"I disagree."

"You should delete it. Now that you've seen the proof and all."

"Don't think so. Might make it my background or something."

"Don't you dare! If anyone else sees that I will murder you to death!"

"Fair enough. I'm still keeping it though."

I squeezed my thighs together, fighting an absurd urge to let the situation turn me on. Not that it seemed I had much choice. Hearing Asher's alleged fondness for the naked picture of me was doing funny things to my various inside bits, naughty or otherwise.

My phone rang. It was Asher, apparently having tired of texting.

"Hey there," I said as I answered.

"Hey, Vic."

"Thumbs get tired?"

"Not exactly."

"No? What, then?"

"You probably don't want to know."

"I don't? Why wouldn't I..." I stopped, mind racing ahead to the most likely reason my brother wouldn't want to keep both hands on his phone. It probably wasn't that, I told myself, and yet... "Please tell me you're not."

"I'm not."


"Really. Buuuttt I mighta been, like, toying a bit."

"Ew! Ash!"

"Just a bit."

"Don't jerk off to my picture, Ash. Seriously."

"I'm not. I told you I'm not."

"You're not being very clear about that, actually."

Asher sighed. "Ok, like, have you ever been turned on, but not masturbated?"

"Um, duh."

"But you, like, want a little contact. Want to press, or rub, or get a little vibration or something?"

"That's masturbating."

"No, no. Not full playing. Just toying. Teasing."

"Still masturbating."

"Really? You're telling me you've never done anything like that?"

I hesitated, thinking about the feeling between my legs even now, how nice it felt squeezing my thighs together, how I wanted to let my hand stray. Other times, times I'd been kind of horny in public, or around other people, and had done some of the things Asher had suggested. A little pressure, some discreet squeezing or rubbing.

"Maybe I have," I admitted.

"Yeah. Thought so."

"Not to pictures of you though."

"I never sent you anything like what you sent me."

I flushed and clenched my thighs again. "Don't make me regret it."

"I don't want you to regret it. It's hot. That's all."

I bit my lip hard enough to hurt, then went ahead with my next question. "Do you want to jerk off?"

Asher was slow to respond. "Is that a real question, or a trap?"

"It's real," I said softly.

I put my phone on speaker and set it next to my head. One of my hands crept down to my chest, a lone finger dancing over my nipple. I didn't let myself go any further south than that. Not yet.

"Yeah. I do," he said. "Are you still naked?"

My heart beat faster. "I am. Are you?"

"I could be."

"You should be."

There a pause, some indeterminate sounds from his end, then, "I am now."

"Are you jerking off?"

"Not yet."

My hand dipped lower, but halted mid-tummy, not quite crossing the border. "Are you still looking at my picture?"



"I am, yes."

I took a deep, ragged breath and slipped my hand the rest of the way to my pussy. It was wet and ready for me. It took serious restraint just to run my fingers up and down at first, neither penetrating, nor going for my clit.

"I'm touching myself," I said quietly, wondering if I'd spoken loud enough for him to hear.

"Me too," he said almost immediately, answering the question.

"Thinking about me? Looking at me naked?"

"Yes. You?"

I smiled crookedly to myself. "Just imagining. I don't have anything to look at."

"Do you want something?"

I regretfully shook my head. "That would be bad."

"Isn't it already?"

"I didn't send you anything too explicit. Not really."


"It's not!"

"Maybe not. Still very sexy."

My pulse quickened. My finger pressed deeper, just a little. "Tell me how sexy," I said huskily.

"Dude, you're my sister and all, but you don't want to know the things this picture makes me think. Or... knowing you're lying there... being as bad as I am..."

"Tell me."


"Tell me!" I urged.

"I want a closer look at your butt."


"Yeah. It's just a tease what you sent me."

"That was the point. What else?"

"You're my sister."

I smiled. The tables had turned, in a sense. I'd pushed him beyond his comfort zone now. I liked how it felt.

"I am. And your big sis wants to know, Ash," I said in a voice that was calmer and more deliberate than any of the rest of me. "She wants to know what you're thinking in that dirty little mind of yours."

"I want... I want more pictures, Vic. That's what I want."

I pressed my palm firmly against my clit, trying to head off some of the uncontrolled electricity running through me. "More naked pics of me?" I rasped.

"I... yes. Would you?"

I was too far gone to think it through. I thumbed over to my camera and very awkwardly tried to find a good angle without letting go of my pussy. Having my hand there wasn't a bad thing, since it meant it was hidden from my brother. I didn't want him to see everything.

Other than my covered pussy, I snapped a full frontal shot that didn't hide hardly anything. I only hesitated a second or two before sending it off. I heard a satisfying groan from Asher once he received it.