Siblings Lives SEALed Together


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He leaned in and kissed her gently. She moaned. He flicked out his tongue and slowly drew it up between those pink petals tasting her for the first time. Her taste was like none he had ever experienced, he couldn't get enough and he wanted more! The sight of her, his sister, the woman he was deeply in love with, opening herself to him, her smell, her taste, all set off emotions he had never experienced before. Deep uninhibited love, commitment, the need to claim her as his forever, protection, desire, these and more swirled in him as her licked and kissed every inch of her sweet pussy.

Trish was writhing on the bed in pleasure she had never imagined possible. This was far beyond any of her fantasies. She had her hands on the back of Brandon's head and was starting to pull his head into her crotch as she thrust her hips toward his mouth. As he slowly pushed a finger into her pussy, she could feel her climax rapidly building Brandon could hear her rapid breathing. Her hips were now thrusting hard against his fingers and face. He leaned up just a little and licked her clit. She responded with a loud "OOHHH" He decided that he would send her over the top. He quickly put his lips around her little pink nub and sucked on it as he flicked at it with his tongue. He felt her thighs and lower stomach quiver followed in a few seconds by her pussy clamping down on his finger, a loud, "OOOOOHHHHHH." She then slammed her thighs together trapping his head and her body jack knifed up, her entire body seemed to be in a spasm.

Brandon slowed then stopped his assault on her clit. He tried to move his head but couldn't. He also realized, he couldn't breathe. Normally, with his dive training, that would not be a problem for a few minutes but he had not prepared and was out of breath when her orgasm hit. Luckily, as he was about to force her legs apart, she relaxed and collapsed back onto the bed.

He looked up at her, her eyes were closed, her hair was a mess, she was panting like a marathoner, and covered in a fine sweat. He smiled as he crawled up beside her and took her in his arms. She slowly opened her eyes, smiled weakly and breathlessly asked,

"What, happened? What did you do to me?"

He smiled kissed her forehead, nose and lightly on the lips, "I'm not sure, but I think I made you feel good."

Shaking her head, she said "Oh my God, Oh my God, I think you tried to kill me...We may have to do that, another... ten thousand times so I can be sure!"

Chuckling, he said, "Well I never could so no to you, so I guess we better get started!"

He started to move back down.

"NO!" she said as she grabbed him, "not right now, that would kill me."

After several minutes, she leaned into him and gave him a passionate kiss. His erection had diminished a little as she recovered, but the kiss brought it back to full mast.

She looked deep into his eyes, "Do you love me?"

Staring back into her big beautiful brown eyes, he answered, "Yes, more than anything"

She whispered, "Then show me, make love to me."

He slowly moved over her, kissing her, sliding his tongue into her receptive mouth as he slid a finger between her now dripping and slippery pussy lips. Her eyes widened when she got her first good look at his erection straining against his body.

Brandon was average size. He had never bothered measuring himself since he had never had any complaints from any of the girls he had been with, seeming to have more than enough to satisfy them. He knew he was definitely not a porn star, but in comparison to Trish's small body, he looked big. Trish had never seen a fully erect penis "in the flesh" and she timidly reached for it, then stopped. Brandon reached down and took her hand, placed it on him,

"It's OK, you can touch."

She marveled at how hard it was while also feeling soft. The way it twitched as her hand moved over it and how hot it felt. She wondered how it would ever fit, but regardless, she wanted in her, now. She turned loose and spread her legs widely to accept Brandon. As he knelt down she said,

"Brandon, I need to tell you something."

He saw the look in her face

"Hon, it's OK, I don't care what you have done before, it doesn't matter. You are with me now and that's all that matters. What we have done in our past, stays in the past." She looked confused for a second before saying,

"Nooo, it's not about what I've done... It's about, what I, HAVEN'T done." Brandon now looked confused for a couple of seconds before his eyes widened,

"Are you, a virgin?"

She looked sheepish and quietly said, "Yes... I know you have been with other girls, and they probably had lots of experience, and...I always thought you would come back to me and you would be my first, and only, so I waited...You aren't mad at me are you?"

Looking shocked at her revelation, he replied,

"God no, how could I be mad? I am surprised, and honored that you cared enough and believed enough to wait for me...I love you!" She had a couple of tears on her cheeks as he said that. "You know this might be, uncomfortable for a minute or two?" She nodded. "I'll go slow, let me know if it hurts too much, I'll stop." She again nodded.

He bent down and kissed her. He again ran his finger through her pussy lips, finding them still wet. He thought he better tease her a little to heighten her arousal, get her even wetter to make his penetration easier. He continued to finger her, stroking up around her clit, then back down. He kissed her lips, her neck, and her ears. Her breathing soon became deeper and more rapid with little moans, oooh's and aahh's escaping between breaths.

He took his cock and began to gently rub it up and down her lips, coating it with her juices. She flinched and gasped at the first touch, but soon her hips were rolling, trying to capture the head of his cock. He rotated his hips a little and placed the head between her lips at her entrance. Her eyes widened and he saw a little apprehension on her face. He stayed still, whispered his love for her and kissed her. As she relaxed into the kiss, he pushed forward. He felt some resistance to his passage and she began to tense. He continued to push a little harder and suddenly the resistance was gone. She let out a little yelp of pain and he stopped. He remained still, which was taking all of his will power not to bury himself in her in one big push. After a minute he asked if she was OK and she gave a little nod.

He slowly began to move, a little at a time. In just a bit then back, then in a little further then back a little. He wanted to make sure she was lubricated well and give her vagina time to stretch to accommodate him so there would not be any more discomfort. She was incredibly tight, far tighter than any girl he had ever been with. She remained tense and he continued with little kisses, telling her he loved her and she was doing fine. Finally he bottomed out, feeling his balls make soft contact her butt. He again remained still for a short while to allow her to adjust to the new feeling. He also was lost in the sensations he was experiencing, the heat, the tightness, the knowledge that years of fantasies had come true, he was in his sister, for the first of what he was hoping would be many, many more times to come.

He slowly pulled back a couple of inches then slowly slid back in. She gasped at the sensation, and began to relax. She smiled at him and said, "You're really in me, you are all the way in me. It feels sooo, good, so full."

He began to slid slowly back and forth in her, increasing his strokes every minute or so. Soon she wrapped her legs around him and began slightly moving her hips to meet his down strokes. He wanted this to be a great experience for her so he let her set the pace. As her hip thrusting became faster, he began thrusting harder, driving deeper in her tight wetness. He was panting and he could hear her breathing getting ragged mixed with little moans and whimpers. She was raking his back with her fingernails, frequently hitting the sores he had from the just completed mission, but he didn't care, he was becoming overwhelmed by pleasure. He felt his balls begging to tighten and he tried to think of something to take the edge off and prolong their pleasure. He tried to think about the recent mission and that seemed to work, for a minute. She was moaning, eyes squeezed shut, hips thrusting to meet him. Both were sweating. He was brought back by her moaning out, "Oh God Brandon,'re making me...feel sooo good, I'm...I'm gonna, I'm cuuummmminnnng!

She scissor her legs around him as if she was trying to cut him in half with her legs. He felt her wet pussy absolutely flood and clamp down on his dick like she was trying to crush it. Her back arched as her muscles went rigid. This pushed Brandon over and he drove as deep as he could into her when she began to moan out to him. He too let out a loud, long groan as he started pumping his hot load into her body. His mind went blank except for the thought and sensation of filling his sister with his cum, everything else ceased to exist. After a minute or so of the most intense pleasure either had ever experienced, they both collapsed back on the bed. After several seconds Brandon rolled to the side so not to crush her with his weight, still buried deeply in her.

As their breathing slowed, He looked at her and saw tears at the corners of her eyes. His heart sank. He thought she was having second thoughts and regretted what they had just done. Cautiously and quietly he asked, "Trish, Honey, are you OK? What's wrong?"

She opened her eyes and they were gleaming with happiness.

"Oh Brandon, I have wanted you and waited for this for so long, and it was so much better than I could have imagined or hoped for. You've made me so happy, I love you so much."

They laid together still coupled for several minutes, kissing, whispering, touch and stroking each other's face, reveling in the sensation of being one with their new lover. Brandon then rolled onto his back, bringing Trish on top of him.

She giggled and said, "I can still feel you in me, I like that. I think I am going to want to feel this every day from now on."

Brandon's cock, which had remained reasonable hard, gave a twitch and began to harden again. Trish grinned and began to slowly raise and lower herself on him. She pushed up to a sitting position on him lifted with her legs and rolled her hips, sliding up and down his length. Brandon was mesmerized at the site of his gorgeous little sister riding him. He reached up and rolled her nipples between his fingers. She threw her head back and let out a long low moan. Brandon could not resist thrusting his hips to drive himself in her as deep as possible. He assumed he would be able to last longer since he had just cum in her. But the erotic site of his sister straddling his pelvis, moaning, her firm perfect breasts thrust out as she writhed on his cock was rapidly sending to the edge. Her movements became jerky, her back arched and she cried out, "I'm cuming agaiiiiinnn" and her vaginal muscles went into a spasm around his cock trapping it deep in her body. He felt her pussy suddenly let loose with another flood that ran down around his balls toward his ass, this was all he could take as he began spraying another load of his semen deep into her.

She collapsed on top of him panting like she had just finished running a sprint. After a few minutes, she raised her head and looked into his eyes, smiled and said,

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Then kissed him lightly on the lips.

They lay there for several more minutes, looking into each other's eyes, sharing kisses and snuggling. Brandon could feel their juices starting to run down over his groin when he slipped out of her. He suggested they take a shower. As they were getting out of bed, Brandon saw a small pinkish stain on the sheet where Trish had been laying. He asked her how she felt, if she was sore, had he hurt her too much? She said she was a little sore, but it was OK, she was happier than she could ever remember.

While they were in the shower, her phone rang. Since they were taking their time slowly and thoroughly washing and caressing each other, she let it go to voice mail. When they finally got out and dried off, she listened to her message. It was from Jill and said for her to call.

She called her to see what was up. Jill asked if they were doing anything. Trish apologized for not answering saying they had been in the shower, before she realized what she just said.

Jill picked up on it, "You TWO were in the shower, together, ALL this time? My, my, you must have been very dirty or you were being very dirty! I guess somebody got a little hmm?"

Trish replied, "No, A lot!" then blushed bright red not believing she had just said that.

Jill laughed, "About damn time!"

She asked if they wanted to go out with her and Derrick that evening, they had something they wanted to tell them. Trish said it sounded like fun and they would meet at seven at an upscale bar Jill told her about.

That afternoon, Brandon and Trish sat on the couch and talked about a wide variety of topics, getting to know each other's hopes and dreams. Brandon said he wasn't sure what he wanted to do long term, that being a SEAL was all he could see now. He knew the day would come when it would end. He said a lot of the guys that left got hired to provide security since it was usually a relatively easy transition, but he wasn't sure that was what he wanted.

Trish wanted to teach since she was majoring in early childhood development. Brandon asked her about kids.

She replied, "Well sure I like kids, look at my major."

He grinned and said, "That's not what I meant, I mean do you want kids of your own. It's one thing to teach them and send them home, it's another when they are yours"

She smiled "of course I do, why, don't you?"

Brandon had to think for a minute before he said, "I never really thought much about it before, but I think I do. I would raise them different from what I went through though."

Trish coyly asked, "So how many you thinking you want?"

Brandon could not resist. Sounding serious and contemplative, he looked up, "Well, that's a tough question. But I really don't see myself with more than, say, ten or twelve." Trish spun toward him,

"WHAT!! Ten or twelve, your poor wife would be constantly pregnant!"

She then slapped his arm when she realized he was doubled over laughing. He finally was able to ask her how many she wanted. She glared at him briefly in mock anger and answered,

"Well it sure as Hell won't be that many! I don't know three, maybe four, depends. It would be hard to work with little kids so that might be an issue, but I think it will be fun being a parent."

Brandon told her he thought she would be an excellent mother, making her smile. They continued talking about where each would like to live, what type of things they would like in a house, where they would vacation, and so on. By the end, the conversation had moved from talking about what each wanted, to what they as a couple would want. Neither seemed aware of this shift, it just seemed natural.

To be continued in Part two.

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JacktacularJacktacularover 2 years ago

Never mind the worthless opinions of the 'Anonymous' grammar and spelling can be fixed with a good editor and beta reader. The difficult part is having a compelling story that holds the attention, and you sir have done that kudos! 5⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Horrible, childish writing! I couldn’t make it past Brandon’s giving Trish his t-shirt. Your grammar is terrible! Did you finish high school English with anything better than a C minus? Not if you had been in my class! And had you been one of my grad students and written that poorly, you wouldn’t have your advanced degree!

OedipusErectusOedipusErectusabout 6 years ago

Thank you for writing this excellent tale. I really liked the way you wove the two couples' stories together. I found this story to be largely about relationships, the man/woman ones for each dyad and the one between the couples, although this latter one could be developed further. Finally, I liked the ending paragraph and its noting that Trish and Brandon's conversation shifted between expressing individual wants to that of "we" (read relationship) needs. And that it was seemingly done unconsciously.

Kookaburra8Kookaburra8about 9 years ago
Brilliant story

This would have to be one of the best if not the best stories I've read on literotica , amazing.

What can I say, I think the previous comments left by the other readers says it all. Well done. 5 stars just doesn't seem enough......

TigersmanTigersmanabout 9 years ago
Great story

This was a great story. Your plot and character development were spot on. Had one commenter not mentioned the security clearance situation, I would not have caught it. I was in the Navy. I had at least two if not three or four security checks due to my rating. Keep writing.

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