Silver Anniversary


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Sylvia added to his self worth when she let him know that the reason Tiffany had been chosen was because she was a lesbian and had not ever had satisfactory relations with a man. Tiff blushed.

"Stud, and you deserve the name, you are on your way. To give Tiffany an orgasm even orally is something to write about. Too bad your wife is missing out on you. One lesson and you are vastly improved unless you have been sandbagging us about your marital woes."

Chuck hastened to reassure the women that he was absolutely truthful about his history and how his wife had sandbagged him instead of him doing it to these soiled doves.

They took another break. The lessons were not done for the night. Chuck still needed direction on how to plow her furrow. It was decided to have Tiffany continue to be the test subject. She was sitting with Chuck fully nude and hugging him and kissing him while they had another glass of wine. "I know I really like girls but Chuck you have opened my eyes to what a nice man can do in bed. I was raped by my step-dad and step-brothers before I escaped and came here to the capital. Because they hurt me and all of my johns are just selfish bastards I swore off men and only let go with a girlfriend. You, though, are helping me remember that there are good guys out there."

They kissed again. Chuck started to neck with Tiff but she stopped him. "I know you can get me ready again but I have been on simmer since you made me cum. Why don't we just get back into the bed and let me lead for a while?"

Chuck agreed and Tiff led him back to the bed and had him lay flat in the middle of the bed. Sylvia and Tiff conferred for a moment before Tiff got on her hands and knees alongside Chuck with her head next to his pelvis. "I am going to start by giving you a blow job. From what you have told us this will be your first time. If you have to cum just let me know so I can pull back. It is a turnoff for me to have to swallow sperm. Besides I want your climax in my pussy even though I see that you want to use a condom. I will put it on before I climb on board for our next cum."

Chuck nodded his understanding. Tiff then took his slightly erect cock in her hand. It immediately jumped up proud and excited to its full seven inches. Tiff cooed. "Looks like a good one. Your wife is an idiot to give this up. Not too large to be painful but big enough in length and girth to give me a pleasant stretch. I may not let you go, Big Boy."

She started to lick the shaft trying to find his erogenous zones on his cock. She tickled with her tongue and kissed the head of his cock. At the same time she slowly worked his shaft up and down. At first there was a little movement of the skin of his cock as it was not yet fully hardened into the block of granite that he was used to. After a bit though his skin didn't move and she slobbered on his shaft to lubricate it.

Sylvia also kept up a commentary on how to tease a cock and make the man pant with desire. She also directed Chuck to slowly caress and rub Tiffany's back and flank to let her know that she was being appreciated. "A blow job is work for any woman. Her jaw gets sore after a while and her tongue gets tired. Caressing her at the same time lets her know that you appreciate the effort she is putting into pleasuring you. Even though most guys like to get off with a blowjob as it is different than cock in pussy, it takes work. She will use her hand as well as her mouth to give pleasure. A smart woman will use her saliva as lubricant to keep from rubbing your cock raw."

When Chuck was fully erect again Tiff suddenly shifted and her wet pussy came down over his mouth and he was suddenly engulfed in her tasty muff again. He quickly moved his hands to support her pelvis up a little so he could breathe but still get his tongue where he wanted it. Tiff was still working his cock with her mouth and a hand.

Sylvia was again close to his ear while she kept up the lecture. "Most guys want a sword swallower for some reason but most women don't want to be the sword swallower. If she can she will be more comfortable doing it from this position as she can control most of the thrusting by moving her head back and forth as needed. Her neck is also in a better alignment to let it down her throat if she so desires. I don't know if Tiff is going to try it now but sometime during your lesson we will let you feel a deep throat."

She went back to describing his actions needed. "With her over your face she can put more pressure on you to tongue her as she wants. She can also just sit and rub on your face if necessary. You might feel like a sex toy at that time but that is okay for a short time."

Satisfied that she was properly wet enough again Tiffany sat back on Chuck's hands and allowed him to continue to tongue her pussy while she put a condom on his cock. Then she shifted again and settled her pelvis over his and used her hand to guide him into her pussy.

With a groan of pleasure she sat down on his cock and her weight drove it into her receptive and prepared pussy. "Do you feel the difference, Chuck, between a barely moist pussy and one ready for fucking? I will bet that your wife needed multiple slow thrusts into her pussy before you could get fully imbedded. Am I right?" Chuck nodded. Except for that first time when he had lost control and slammed his cock home in Marcy it had always been a strain to get penetration. He had attributed it to her having a tight pussy even after having two kids but now he could see that she had not been aroused any time they made love. It didn't make him any happier right then to know that he had hurt the love of his life every time they attempted to make love.

She had fucked him over but he could almost see where she had cause. Almost, since she had never loved him enough, had enough trust in him to listen or faith in him enough that he would try to improve his skills at lovemaking.

This was also the first time for a woman in a dominate position during sex for Chuck. He could immediately see how it could be very good. He could stimulate Tiffany's tiny breasts with her large nipples to his heart's content without having to worry about crushing her little body. She could move back and forth and raise and lower herself to control his movements. When she raised up he could give a couple more thrusts into her wet and receptive pussy.

She could rub her clit against his pubic bone while his cock was buried deep. It didn't seem as though she needed a lot of in and out thrusting to get maximum pleasure. This kept him from shooting too fast as he wasn't getting all the stimulation he needed to fire off.

They fucked in this position for some minutes until it looked like Tiffany was starting to fade a little.

Sylvia was watching closely so she had the couple stop and change position. This time she placed Tiff on her back but had her raise her right leg. She had Chuck then move in and straddle Tiff's left leg and rest her right leg on Chuck's shoulder. This opened her crotch area and Chuck was able to get his cock into her pussy again. Since he was right handed he could use his right hand to stimulate her clit as he slowly thrust in and out.

Sylvia told him that this was a good position when the missionary position got tiring. If he couldn't prop himself and be able to use his hands to stimulate his partner then this position works well. He could use his left hand to caress Tiff's beautiful little ass and his right on her clit as long as he lubricated well.

He slowly stroked in and out as he practiced. He loved the swell of her tight boyish ass and made sure it got lots of attention. Tiff could still look him directly in the eye and tell him what she liked and how she liked it done. Alternately he would play with her clit since it wasn't getting any other direct stimulation.

Soon her pelvis was bucking up and down again as she sought another orgasm at the hand of a man. This position allowed her more movement than the missionary position. Her pussy muscles were milking his cock, another thing that Marcy had not done or seemed to want to do. She had always just laid there on the bed, flaccid and allowed him to just bang away.

Chuck's thoughts on his previous love life were causing him to thrust harder than he intended. Tiff didn't mind as she was on the same wavelength concerning how hard he was fucking. She was at the point where fast and hard was working. She started to pant, then cry out and then spasm again as her orgasm took over.

Chuck also started to spasm as her pussy milked his cock like her hand had done earlier. He jerked and whined as his sperm filled the condom. He kept his head enough to keep thrusting to give Tiff the maximum pleasure.

As their passion waned they both had to stop as they were having some difficulty catching their collective breaths. Chuck's knees were protesting a little due to the position and suddenly the thin leg of Tiffany's was becoming a weight to be reckoned with.

Chuck slowly withdrew his cock and was pleased to see that the condom was in place and full of sperm.

He took it off and slowly stood up to stretch his legs and back and threw the condom into the trash can by the desk. He sat back down on the edge of the bed. "I don't know about you all but I am now bushed. I will pay you and let you leave if you would like. Otherwise I will pay you and you can all hit the hay if you don't mind sharing a bed."

Tiffany was still sprawled out on the bed. Her eyelids were heavy from the activity and the sexual satisfaction that she had experienced this evening. "Baby, I am not moving from this bed. That was great. I may have to rethink this lesbian thing if I can find some guy to love me like you just did. You are definitely not a dud in bed. You just needed a little guidance. If I was into anal I would beg you to fuck my tight little ass tomorrow. Unfortunately my step-daddy raped my ass and it bled for a week. A tongue is all I let close to it."

She sleepily pondered for a moment. "Maybe Mandy would like to teach you about anal. That is one of her specialties and she makes good money for it."

Chuck raised his head. Mandy nodded at him. "Tomorrow, I promise. I will show you a couple of new things."

Chuck moved Tiffany around a little and snuggled up against her. Sylvia and Mandy also crawled into the bed. It was tight but they were all comfortable. Chuck motioned to his jeans on the floor. "The money is in the front pocket if you have to leave before I wake up. This has been a very good day for me, I hope for you all too."

Before anyone could answer he was fast asleep.

When he woke in the morning he was fully prepared to be alone. These were professional ladies of the evening after all. They had no loyalty except to the money he had promised them. When he tried to stretch and roll over he realized he was in the middle of a human sandwich. There were bodies crowded against him. When he raised his head he saw Tiffany, Sylvia, and Mandy. Some time during the night Grace had joined them all. She must have come to the conclusion that they were safe with him. She was also naked.

One by one they each woke and gave him a kiss. Sylvia asked if he was ready for the next lesson she had planned. Chuck pondered it all a little. "Can I get a phone number from you and call you this week? I can get back here to the city in a couple of weeks. I think I need to ponder the lessons you have already provided and make sure I got the message you were trying to impart."

Sylvia said "Sure but don't you want to learn more?"

Chuck smiled at her. "I sincerely do want to be taught more techniques. But, I need to get home and it is a couple of hour drive. When I get there I have to figure out where I am going to live. I built my house for my wife and as far as I can see it belongs to her and I will not be going back to it soon except for my personal belongings. I have to return to work tomorrow and I don't know what my reception is going to be like."

He gave her a wicked smile. "By the way what else are you planning on teaching me?"

Sylvia gave it a little thought. "Well, we haven't explored much anal sex yet. That is a naughty sex act that some women get off on. I was also toying with the idea of introducing you to prostate massage and cock milking. Some men get off on that big time. We even have a couple of customers who only want that kind of sex. Then there are toys to help enhance the lovemaking experience. We should also dabble in bondage and S/M."

At that statement Chuck looked at her quizzically. Sylvia caught the look. "That means sado/masochism. It would be very advanced but would let you know what to do if a woman wants to be spanked or tied up."

"I don't know about that," Chuck replied. "But if you believe I could benefit from the instruction I am game."

They took turns showering. It was a good thing the motel had few guests and a large water heater as it took a while to get them all through the scrubbing. Tiffany made Chuck shower with her and she showed some more little tidbits that he would be able to use on future girlfriends.

After that they all went to breakfast together. The women all chatted about the events of the last 24 hours and came to the conclusion they should be sex therapists. Chuck could only nod and smile at their serious discussion of a lifestyle change.

Chapter Three—The return home

After that he left them and went to check out of the motel. The cleaning woman smiled at him. He didn't know if it was because of the tip he had left for the staff or because the room was pretty clean except for the condom and lube wrappers in the trash can.

He made a last long distance call from his room to Becky. She was home this time. "Dad, when are you coming home? Mom is worried sick about you. She didn't remember what happened at the anniversary doings but a bunch of people made sure she knows what she said. She loves you and wants you home."

Chuck snorted over the phone. "Yeah, right. As for coming home, I am leaving here now and will be back in town in a couple of hours. I am not going to the house. That is your mother's home, not mine anymore. I believe she was speaking the truth at the party and meant every last hurtful word. That is something alcohol can do, speak the truth. I would also make a bet that Andy has been over to comfort her at least once this last week."

Becky became angry with her father. "Dad, she says she never cheated on you and that this was all a mistake. Mr. Cornings is just a personal trainer at that new gym mom joined last month to get back into better shape. She just never told you about the gym and her membership."

"Well, now that explains a lot. By the way, if he is a personal trainer that she met last month then why was he at our party? Seems to me that he wouldn't have made that much impression on a woman in that short of time or that he would even consider attending a party like that when he would not know more than one person. No, I believe that she has been seeing him for more than personal training. She was right when she said I was a dud in bed. I think she went looking for someone who wasn't a dud and found him."

Before she could reply he told her he had to get going and that the long distance bill was going to be outrageous. She was still sputtering when he hung up.

He was right. The motel charged a lot to make long distance calls from the room. He paid up and headed out. He had Sylvia's home phone number in his wallet. When he could get himself a new phone number he could call her and make arrangements for his further education.

On the way he pondered about where he was going to live in the near future, starting this night. Since it was a Sunday there would not be any real estate offices open so he could check out rental units. Tomorrow promised to be a full day as he would have to catch up on the sites since he had been gone a week. He really didn't want to flop in a motel for a few more days. It wasn't bad but seemed to be a little cheesy way to live right now.

Suddenly he had a thought. They had purchased a recreational vehicle, an RV, that was self contained. He could get it from the storage area and move it to a campground or trailer park and hook up to utilities. He wondered if any campground had electricity he could hook up to. Finally he decided that he might be better in a trailer park as it would definitely have electrical and water and sewer hook ups along with a phone line.

After he retrieved the RV he found that he couldn't rent a space in a trailer park on a Sunday so he proceeded to a local campground and parked for the night. He took a cab back to the storage place to retrieve his car.

After purchasing some groceries he retired for the night. The mattress was a good one and he slept well.

In the morning he woke and showered and shaved and put on some regular clothes to go to work. His plan was to get the work day started and then try to slip over to the house and retrieve some of his things while Marcy was at work. He would also take care of some other personal business but right now needed to go into work at Chase Construction.

When he arrived Billy called him into the office. "Well, Son, that was a very different party that we all attended. Even though I went through something like you did I never had to have it flaunted in my face in front of family and friends. I will tell you that Marcy seems very upset. She calls daily wanting to know if I have heard from you. Of course, for the entire last week I was able to honestly tell her I had no idea where you were. You kind of scared me too, my boy. I think of you like a son and to have you thrown off your keel so badly was concerning. Where did you go?"

"Billy, I definitely was off my keel. That first night I got stinking drunk and wandered off on foot. I ended up in the ER when the cops and fire guys couldn't help me. I sobered up and drove to the capital."

Chuck then explained the next week of drunken stupidity and even confessed as to how badly he lived, puke and all. He didn't let his boss know how he had spent the weekend after sobering up. That was his business and only his business.

Billy fully understood. He related that when his wife had done him wrong he had stayed drunk for the entire month. After being arrested for vagrancy he finally sobered up. Then the police had contacted his wife to see if she would post bail. She had immediately done so and then came and picked him up. She then proceeded to take him away for a week to impress on him how badly she had treated him.

It was a long time before he finally forgave her and he believed she still had not forgiven herself. Her need for a wheelchair and physical help kept her from feeling fully forgiven for her sins.

"I understand Billy but you describe a situation where you found out about the affair and just disappeared. The rest of your family and friends were not slapped in the face with it on one of the most anticipated anniversaries of any relationship. I find no forgiveness for her sin of the timing of her announcement. It was almost worse than the original violation of our marriage vows. As a matter of fact I personally believe that her embarrassment is more from her announcement than her affair. I think she believes she deserves her lover and that I should just stand still or, better yet, turn a blind eye to her activities. No, nope, nada, ain't going to happen."

"Now, I have to get back to work, if you don't mind. This is all I have left and I intend to throw myself into it. It's either work or drink and I can't drink all day every day just to try and forget what she did to me."

Billy clapped him on the back and nodded his agreement. "I understand. You have to do what is right for you. I only regret that your family will never be back together after this."