Silver Anniversary


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Chuck hung up the phone. He couldn't continue. The tears of frustration, of grief at losing his daughter, the tears of sadness of a lost family and just plain tears of self pity that he was entitled to were pouring down his face. People passing by were concerned at his countenance but didn't stop to determine why he was so distraught.

His thoughts were swirling in his head so madly that he might have just wandered out into traffic if some guy hadn't grabbed him and spun him back to the curb. The Good Samaritan almost got clocked for his effort but his "Hey, hey, hey," penetrated the fog in Chuck's head enough.

Chuck clasped his savior's arms in thanks. He nodded as he couldn't speak yet and then let go. He sat down on the curb and let his grief flow out. After a few minutes he started to regain control and was able to look around. He was fighting the need to get together with his new favorite color and then maybe not come back away again. He needed to forget even for a moment.

Suddenly he could emphasize with every addict and drunk. Just to forget for a few minutes would bring great peace but he knew from his experience only a week ago that it wouldn't work. God, had it only been a week and a half since the anniversary party? It seemed a lifetime had passed since then, every day full of shit.

A beat cop came by and enquired about Chuck's mental status. Chuck assured him that it was going to be okay. When the cop asked if he had been drinking Chuck had to laugh. "No, man, thank god as it would have been ten times worse. My marriage is dead and my daughter helped kill it. That's about the whole story. I am alone and will be for a while."

He got up from the curb and dusted his ass off. Chuck looked the cop directly in the eyes. "Yeah, I'll be okay but it will take a while." He shook the cops hand and headed for his car. He was surprised he wasn't arrested for the assault on Andrew but shrugged his shoulders. They would find him eventually. He wasn't going anywhere.

He did buy a bottle of bourbon on the way to the RV but he was mostly going to contemplate the amber color as he slowly sipped his only drink of the night.

The next morning he was at work early to get things accomplished before finding a good divorce lawyer. He asked various staff their opinion about lawyers and came up with a couple of possibilities. Curiously even the women were not trying to get him to forgive and move home. The hurt to his mental equilibrium must have been more obvious than he thought.

He contacted the attorneys and made appointments to check them out. The first attorney was a little flakey and full of ideas about how to equally divide the assets. Chuck wasn't impressed. Marcy deserved something but not half, not after what she had done.

He went to the second attorney and found a shark. This was a female attorney who had been burned by her ex, another attorney. Through back deals with the judge he had taken her for almost everything and he was the one caught with his dick somewhere it didn't belong.

Chuck told her the entire story, not leaving his own lack of sensitivity and education about sex out. When he got to the part where Marcy had announced to the world about Andrew Cornings she slapped her desk. "Got her now," she exclaimed. "We get depositions from everyone who was present. The judge will not look kindly on how you were humiliated in front of people who mean the world to you."

There were similar exclamations when Chuck related how he had to beat down Butch to get the crew back to work. "More examples of how your wife kicked you in the teeth."

The final straw in the interview was Chuck letting Julie, his attorney, know how Becky had helped her mother. "What a stupid bitch. We women don't need to become equal by demeaning men. We become equal by proving we are equal, not better. It just takes time and effort. Hell, a few years ago a woman wouldn't have a chance to become a partner in a law firm but now we women are becoming partners faster than the men."

They outlined the asset division. Overall Chuck wanted the lion's share of the savings and investments. In return Marcy would keep the house. After all Chuck built it for her and it was her overall design. Chuck would continue to pay for Becky's education as she had been accepted into medical school. Another place being a woman was helping out. The previous disparity in men to women ratio in school was becoming the opposite as schools were courting women, especially minority women, to attend school. Becky wasn't a minority so she had to beat out some minorities but she got in ahead of some very qualified males.

There were some other demands that Julie felt wouldn't hinder the divorce. One was that Chuck did not have to be present in any meeting where Marcy or Becky would attend.

Marcy was served at her work place. Julie felt it was appropriate since her co-workers were present at the anniversary party. The message was clear. Fuck with Chuck and everyone will know the consequences. The official wording was for adultery but the words public humiliation and disrespect were also included in the petition. At the same time various co-workers of Marcy's were served with subpoenas to be deposed as to what they knew about the affair and when they had known it.

Members of the families were also subpoenaed along with Billie and his wife. Julie reported to Chuck that Marcy had broken down and cried in front of her boss and co-workers when she read the papers. She had apparently never entertained the thought that Chuck might file for divorce.

Since neither Becky nor her mother knew Chuck's new address or phone number they tried to contact him through work. It didn't go well for them. Billie had given the receptionist strict instructions to refuse calls from the two. Marcy managed to get through to Chuck once when she lied and said she was a client. It was a short call. Chuck abruptly hung up on her.

Julie reported that Marcy and Becky had showed up for the first meeting. They had few counter demands but Marcy had broken down when presented with the paperwork to change her last name from Neumeyer back to Bains. Becky had also been extremely upset when presented with her copy to also change her last name from Neumeyer to Bains. Chuck was afraid he might not get Becky to change her name but he wanted her to understand the consequences of her actions. She was no longer his daughter in his eyes.

Over the next few weeks Marcy got a lawyer who immediately petitioned for marital counseling and also wanted a different division of assets. He actually tried to show mental cruelty since Chuck had moved out without warning and would not talk with his wife. Julie laughed at that revelation. If this went to court Marcy's attorney might be chastised by the judge.

Their first court date was the first time Chuck had been in the same room with Marcy or Becky since the anniversary fete or abortion if you want a choice of descriptions. It had been months. Becky was supposed to be in class but had been given a pass to support her mother.

The judge had questions for each respondent. He understood that Marcy was fighting the divorce. Her lawyer put her on the stand to give her version of the events. She spun a tale of being so happy about the anniversary that she had started drinking early in the day, something that she didn't ever do and that she was drunk by that afternoon. "Judge, I am sorry to say that I was almost falling down drunk. Why anyone would stay and put up with me is beyond my contemplation. But all of our friends and family did stay. I honestly do not remember what I said when I stood to talk to everyone. I think I passed out right after I spoke."

When asked about the affair Marcy denied it. She stated any comment she might have made was just the alcohol talking. She loved Chuck and was completely destroyed that he was throwing twenty-five years of marriage into the trash heap over the ramblings of a drunken woman.

It was Julie's turn to ask questions. She started with the alleged affair. Marcy denied it again and said that Chuck must have had a mental breakdown if he believed she would have an affair. Julie smiled at Marcy and asked if she understood the penalty for perjury. Marcy looked at her lawyer and then nodded. Julie gestured to her compatriot at the chamber doors. The door was opened and Andrew Cornings was ushered in and sat in the back row. Enough time had passed that any lacerations to his face had healed but his nose sure wasn't the pretty boy nose it had been. It was still misshapen and looked to give him fits to breathe through.

Julie turned back to Marcy. Marcy had a beaten look on her face. "Mrs. Neumeyer, I will ask you again about the alleged affair with the personal trainer, Andrew Cornings. Did you in fact have an affair that began before the anniversary party and the revelations YOU threw out to the attendees and did that affair not also continue after the party until your husband came back to town? If you do not answer truthfully I will have Mr. Cornings take the stand."

Marcy hung her head and nodded. For the court reporters benefit Julie said, "Let the record show that Mrs. Neumeyer nodded her head in assent to the question."

The judge took over. "Mrs. Neumeyer I would like to know why you had the affair and why you are trying to hide it from everyone when it is public knowledge? I have read the depositions from the party attendees and, to a person, they agree that you announced that your husband, and I quote, couldn't find a clit with a map, unquote and that Mr. Cornings should be at the head table instead of your husband. Somehow you seem to feel you are entitled to violate your wedding vows without penalty and your lawyer seems bound to punish your husband who did nothing except be a good husband and father." He stopped and peered over his half glasses. "If I could I would jail you for attempted perjury and throw you out of my courtroom but I cannot."

He looked over at Marcy's attorney. "With this admission of guilt about the affair do you wish to amend your counter petition?"

The attorney nodded. Chuck surmised that Marcy had woven her web of justification and got him to believe her version of the events.

The judge cleared his throat and told Marcy to move back to the table next to Becky and the attorney.

Julie smiled at Chuck and whispered, "I think we just won. How much I don't know yet. He might still order counseling."

The judge asked Chuck specifically. "Sir, I understand that your wife had done you a grievous wrong but worse things have happened in marriages and they have survived. Can you see any way to a path of forgiveness? I am seriously contemplating ordering counseling."

Chuck stood. "Your honor I have also tried to see my way to forgiveness but this isn't the first time my wife has pulled a similar stunt. The first time was when we were dating in school. Since we had grown up together and, since I am a couple of years older, I was always appointed to be her protector and friend in grade school. We started to date in junior high school and continued into our high school years. We had not been sexually intimate as that was not done at that time but we had planned on giving each other our virginities after my senior prom. A few weeks before the prom Marcy announced that she was going with someone else. As far as I knew she was also going to give this other person her most personal treasure instead of to me the one she professed to love. She was not breaking up with me and expected us to date on other occasions. She wanted it all, to date me but do what she pleased with others and expected me to go along with it. Since she was a few years behind me in school she would have other prom experiences but in her greed and self centeredness decided that she wanted this one her way also."

Chuck paused to catch his breath. "We did not date for two years as I was away at a junior college and only came home for holidays. I refused to be in the same room with her on most visits even though our families were great friends as well as neighbors. When I moved back after graduating I felt that she must have matured and then we dated again and then married. Throughout all the intervening years she has never expressed any of her disappointment in the way we made love. I will reiterate this one point. There was NEVER a time when she expressed any disappointment in my lack of sexual prowess or sexual education. I had literally no clue about how she felt until that night when, I believe, the alcohol allowed her to finally state her disgust with me and since I, quote, couldn't find her clit with a map, unquote, she felt entitled to find sexual satisfaction in someone else's arms and bed. I found out later that this whole feeling of entitlement was as a direct result of conversations with my former daughter, Rebecca Neumeyer, who encouraged Marcy's behavior and felt I would never find out. I also believe that they firmly believed that if I did find out I would keep quiet and let this behavior continue without obstruction."

He paused and looked at Marcy and Rebecca. He couldn't call her Becky anymore as she was a stranger to him. "Your honor I find that the lack of trust in my being able to handle critiques about my shortcomings, the lack of faith that I would try to change myself, and the lack of respect by both my wife and my former daughter makes it impossible for me to consider forgiveness at this time or any time in the near future. I cannot contemplate even being in the same room as them except for the fact that I had to appear today to present my side of the events. As soon as your gavel descends I will be the first out the door, sir."

The judge nodded. "I understand, sir. I have sat on this bench for many years. Both wronged husbands and wives have appeared in front of me. Some succeeded in putting their marriage back together but most were destroyed by the thoughtless actions of their spouses. I am, though, greatly saddened that this has happened for all of your sakes."

He paused and looked at the paperwork. "I see that you, Mr. Neumeyer are asking for your wife to resume her maiden name. She has not signed the paperwork and I cannot order that. I also note that you are asking your daughter to legally change her surname to Bains, which was your wife's maiden name. Since you have explained yourself I can now understand why you made this request. Again, I cannot force someone to legally change their name. Sometimes I wish I could. I would advise you, and I am sure your attorney has also advised you, to change your will and make sure that all life insurance policies have different beneficiaries. Since you cannot change their names you can make sure they do not profit from your death."

He shuffled the papers again. "I don't see any reason to drag this out. In spite of your wishes, Mrs. Newmeyer, I am granting your husband's request for divorce. Unless he petitions differently in one hundred twenty days from today this divorce will be final. I am granting his split of the assets. I am sure that the house has appreciated in value greatly beyond the original building cost so you can sell it for a profit at any time. I see no reason for you to profit from your lapse in judgment, in spite of your attorney. I would advise you to choose wisely on your next relationship or you will be back in court again."

He looked at Rebecca. "You haven't been heard from at all today but I wish that you could understand what you started when you encouraged your mother to violate her wedding vows. The fact that you both disrespected Mr. Neumeyer and made no attempt to communicate your desires and wants makes for troubling thoughts. I cannot legislate from the bench so the only ones affected are you. You have to live with your decisions so I would advise you to both step back from such a decision again and take a deep breath and contemplate the outcomes of your actions. You might just do better next time."

His gavel came down and Chuck was soon to be a free man.

He did bolt from the room. He had no intention of ever speaking to either one again. He also had an appointment for more education from his favorite teachers. It was the fourth such teaching appointment. He had no idea what the topic would be this time but each other topic had been eye opening and educational. A couple of objectives were too far out for his taste but he had made the effort to understand the objectives.

Marcy dated and actually married again. It failed in a couple of years as the new husband could no longer stand to be compared to the first husband. Somehow Chuck had become a saint and could do no wrong even though Marcy's new husband had actually given her many orgasms when they fucked.

She started to stalk Chuck even though the term wasn't in vogue yet. She would follow him and try to intercept him in casual situations. After all it worked before didn't it? She even threatened a couple of Chuck's girlfriends with limited success. While the girlfriend might decide to move on Chuck had no intention of getting back with Marcy again. He loved her and was in love with her but he didn't much like her anymore and that was an obstacle she could not overcome.

Rebecca used her father's money to complete her education. She then set aside a like amount and tried to give it back to him. He remained firm in his desire to not acknowledge her again. She finally set up the money in a foundation to help with couple's counseling and became a very vocal advocate of counseling.

Chuck's wish and prayer came true for Rebecca. She dated another physician through med school and they married soon after. She felt they had as good a marriage as her parents before the anniversary. Apparently it was. One night her husband came home and brought his office nurse with him. He stripped her in front of Rebecca and proceeded to fuck the daylights out of her while giving a running commentary to Rebecca about her shortcomings, the most were condemnations of her feminist outlook. After shooting sperm into his unprotected nurse's pussy he then told Rebecca to get out and locked her out after forcing her when she didn't leave.

Oh, yes, Mr. Andrew Cornings. He didn't seem to learn the lesson the first time. He used his busted and out of shape nose to get even more women. He finally learned his lesson when his current girlfriend's husband came home early and caught Mr. Personal Trainer showing the wife some advanced sexual positions as a workout. The husband went to jail but Mr. Cornings would always need a tube to pee out of as his cock got cut off in the altercation.

Some would say just desserts.

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BabalooieBabalooieabout 1 month ago

Good story. Five big ones.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 2 months ago

I don't know why in these stories it's always a daughter that encourages the mother to cheat like this. It's become such a common trope that I swear I've read 3 stories in a row now that featured that particular plot line (two of which were man hating lesbian feminists, so... lol)


Overall I think the story was kind of mid. There were parts that were really repetitive. There was dialog that was REALLY bad. There were parts that didn't add much to the story that just seemed to "be there". But all that aside, it was entertaining enough to get an average type score.


I have to admit to not liking these types of endings. If both partners are essentially in love with each other then it's really paramount that they most past things - either separately and with new people, or together in some form or another, but they can't just stay where they are as that's suffering. As my gramps would say, either shit or get off the pot. I reckon that for 99% of the people in the world, waking up every morning and loving your spouse is a conscious choice, one that all of us married people end up making after the butterfly/newly wed phase has run its course. So, if you can choose to love someone, it also seems that you can choose not to love them. It might take some work if your love has become a habit, especially after many long years of waking up every morning and choosing that love, but it's possible and not only that, it's probably essential if you're going to take the route that this fellow did.

fishgetterfishgetter2 months ago


PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19819 days ago

Besides the lack of revenge towards her I liked how he handled it I do not like how used the daughter being part of it and I don't like how you made him not even think about forgiving his daughter ever he will never be complete until he does nor will his daughter as far as the judge not being able to order them to change there last name and being able to order marriage counseling your 100 percent wrong on those 1 a judge can order them to change their last name back to their madden name that is well within his power and 2 a judge can not order counseling he can suggest but not order your like most writers who write in this category you want write a fiction story and add realistic views but you don't have a clue on the realistic views your writing about you like those others either need to actually write true realistic views to the story not some bullshit that makes you look like a idiot or just stay with a completely fictional story'''''''""++++ Damn this was a sort of good story, and you almost had a decent paragraph BUT... There is NO periods or commas in this LONG run-on sentence. So casting the first stone were you?

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19812 months ago

Besides the lack of revenge towards her I liked how he handled it I do not like how used the daughter being part of it and I don't like how you made him not even think about forgiving his daughter ever he will never be complete until he does nor will his daughter as far as the judge not being able to order them to change there last name and being able to order marriage counseling your 100 percent wrong on those 1 a judge can order them to change their last name back to their madden name that is well within his power and 2 a judge can not order counseling he can suggest but not order your like most writers who write in this category you want write a fiction story and add realistic views but you don't have a clue on the realistic views your writing about you like those others either need to actually write true realistic views to the story not some bullshit that makes you look like a idiot or just stay with a completely fictional story

LadyLoreLadyLore2 months ago

Ok I liked how the husband handled it for the most part but I can't get behind the daughter's part and his unwillingness to ever forgive her

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