Silver Anniversary


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Chuck allowed one more comment. "I am coming to the conclusion that my family hasn't been all together for over twenty years. We quit communicating at the level we needed to after our son's death. I think it just took this long to finally be done. I am sorry that this will affect my relationship with my daughter but I will do what I can to minimize the damage."

He turned at the door. "After I check in with the crews I need some time to find a lawyer and also get some of my stuff. I do not have a telephone right now so I might be hard to get hold of."

Billy snapped his fingers. "Say, I might have just what we need to keep in touch with you. I rented some pagers a few weeks ago." He went and rummaged through some small boxed. "Here we go. Carry this and when I need to get hold of you I will call the number and leave a voice message. You then go to a phone and call me back. Here is the number for the one I will be carrying. You do the same if you can't get me on the phone." He gave a piece of paper to Chuck and Chuck stored it in his billfold.

He spent a while catching up on paperwork but then let the secretary know he was leaving for a bit. He headed for the nearest work site to check in on the crews. When he got on site he found them all sitting around. When he asked what was going on one of his oldest crew members, and maybe the most cantankerous, Butch, answered.

"Well, Boss man, we heard you were going to come back to work today and we just decided to see if a wimp like you would dare show up. After all you can't keep your woman happy and at home so you must not be much of a man. And we all don't work for wimps."

Chuck's eyes narrowed. "Well, this is a new one. So do you all feel I am a wimp and not much of a man?"

A couple nodded but most looked away. They had all worked for him for a number of years with a few exceptions. Butch had always challenged his leadership but would back down when pushed. Chuck expected him to back down again but Butch didn't seem so inclined. "As a matter of fact, Boss man, I have appointed myself foreman on this site. The men won't work unless I say so."

"Well, Mr. Foreman, how do you propose that we continue here? If I say to you that you are fired, all of you, if you don't get back to work immediately then what will happen?"

"I don't have to follow a wimp's orders, Chuckie. When I decide we will work then we will work and not necessarily when you want us to work."

Chuck got closer to Butch. "Now, Butch, we have had our little differences over the years but we have always worked it out. I would hate to see you on the unemployment line in these uncertain times. A lot of good construction workers are flipping burgers instead of making good wages. Are you sure you want to continue down this line of thinking?"

"The only way I work for someone is when I respect them. After what we heard your wife say about your bedroom abilities we don't respect any man who can't keep his woman under control."

Chuck was very close to Butch now. "So what would gain your respect back? Do I need to show you that I can keep a woman satisfied?"

Butch reared back and laughed. "I don't know of anything that could make me respect you. You have proven that you are not the kind of man who can get me to do anything."

"I guess you give me no recourse. You are fired. Leave now before I call for the security team to drag your ass off the site."

Butch laughed and reached for Chuck at the same time. "Why don't you drag my ass off the site?"

Chuck knew this was coming. That was why he moved so close. A quick punch to the heart made Butch stagger back and try to catch his breath. Chuck moved with him. Butch tried to bring his hands up to protect his face but Chuck almost never tired to punch someone in the face unless he was wearing gloves. He punched Butch in the abdomen with an uppercut and then used his knee to punch Butch's face when he bent over from the gut shot.

Butch flailed at Chuck's head but Chuck shook off the blows. He punched Butch in the gut and chest again to reduce Butch's wind. As Butch turned away a little Chuck kidney punched him. Butch came back up and Chuck then kicked him in the shin. With the kick he then scraped his foot down hard on Butch's foot.

Butch dropped his arms in pain. Chuck decided to break a rule. He slammed fists into Butch's face left and right until his eyes started to swell shut and blood was dripping off his nose. Well, it used to be a nose but looked very flat right now.

A couple more shots to the chest and Butch was done. He was barely standing and his hands were down. He was gasping for breath. Chuck might have broken a couple of ribs. Some of the other crew came up and grabbed Butch and led him over to a pile of lumber so he could sit.

Chuck looked at them. "When he can figure out what the hell is going on again tell him that if he apologizes he is rehired. Otherwise I can do this every day until he gets the message."

He turned to the rest of the crew. "Does anyone misunderstand the message?" Every man on the site nodded his understanding. "Then get to work or I'll fire the bunch of you. Fuck with me and I will repeat the fucking message. Do you understand?"

They all sheepishly got up and headed back to work. They started a little slow but when they turned to look Chuck was still standing in the same spot watching intently. Work immediately sped up.

Chuck looked over at Butch and decided to call an ambulance for the man. He would have to check with him later. He was a good man, just a blowhard.

Chuck visited the other sites but only had to threaten a couple of men with being fired before all work was back to normal. It was just part of the job.

Now off to his old house. He needed clothes and some toiletries. As he approached the house he could see that the lawn needed tending. He shrugged his shoulders. Not his problem any longer. Marcy's car was not there so he didn't have to deal with her and her lies right now. It would have to wait for a while.

He unlocked the front door instead of using the garage entrance. It seemed a little strange after all the years of entering the house through the garage. The house was a mess. Marcy usually kept a neat domicile but this place looked like a hurricane had struck. There were piles of dishes on the countertops. Dirty pans cluttered the range. Papers and clothes were strung out all over the floor. When he got to the bedroom he found the same kind of mess. Clothes were strung out all over the floor and the bed. Chuck didn't check to see if there was evidence of Marcy being unfaithful in their bed as he assumed she would move her boyfriend into the house so he could continue to give her the pleasure that she believed she deserved.

When he went to his closet he found his clothing still hung neatly. He grabbed a suitcase from the basement and filled it quickly with enough clothes to keep him going for a while. He also included his favorite razor, shampoo, and soap. Toothbrush and toothpaste joined the rest. He took the full suitcase down to the car.

Then he went back down to the basement. This was his domain. It was still neat as though he had just left it yesterday instead of over a week ago. He raided his gun case and moved all of his guns and ammo to the car.

There were tools in the garage but he didn't need many in the RV. He took a small toolbox with the basic needs for any quick repairs. Late he might decide to buy a house and then he would need more tools. He thought about throwing away any he could not take today so Mr. Cornings couldn't use them but he hated waste so he left them.

He went back in and checked for anything he might need in the near future. Finding nothing he needed he took off his wedding ring and sat it on the dresser in the bedroom. He placed it in his change dish. There was some change still there from the last time he emptied his pockets before going to bed. His ring didn't look so forlorn there amongst the pennies and nickels.

He locked the door as he left and headed toward the campground. On the way he contemplated how to find which gym Andrew Cornings worked at. Andrew needed a lesson on the consequences of fucking a married woman. He also needed to find a more permanent home for the camper so he stopped at a convenience store and sat down with the phone book. Looking up trailer parks he found a few to call and then he looked up gymnasiums and found four that were in a pretty direct route from Marcy's work and home. He figured she would be more likely to joins a gym in that general direction versus across town.

He started to call the various trailer parks. A few wouldn't contemplate allowing a camper into their prestigious courts but one was receptive and had an open lot available. He arranged to move the camper in the morning. He would have to put blocks under the camper and figure out some kind of skirting but that was easy for someone as experienced as he was.

He also arranged for a phone line to be connected as well as electricity. Water and sewer were provided by the trailer park.

He then called the gyms looking for Mr. Cornings. He started with the one that specialized in women only memberships and got a hit on this first call. He gave the excuse of why he was looking for Andrew by saying a friend had recommended Andrew for personal training.

Andrew was called to the phone. Chuck gave a fake name and passed on the praise that a fake friend had heaped on the young man. Andrew was so pleased that someone thought that much of him that he didn't even inquire as to whom specifically had recommended him. Chuck arranged to meet him at a bar located a block away from the gym after Andrew got through with his shift.

Chuck then found the gym and parked where he could see the door. He didn't know if there was an employee entrance but he didn't care. He would deal with Andrew at the bar or in the parking lot. He just was curious if Marcy was stopping here on her way home from work.

As he settled in for a potentially long wait he found out why his pager was sometimes called a beeper. The alert tone sounded like a "beep". He read the message and then went to a pay phone down the street and called Billy.

His boss had heard about the altercation at the job site and just wanted to see how Chuck was doing. They talked for a bit and then Chuck went back to his car. He didn't have to wait very long. Marcy was just leaving. Andrew was following her out the door. They stood and talked for a while. Marcy seemed to be upset and kept shaking her head. Chuck looked at his wife closely. She seemed to have lost some weight. Maybe the workouts, both exercise and sexual, were having some benefits. But she also looked sad and a little haggard.

Marcy abruptly turned away from Mr. Cornings and headed for her car. Andrew turned and went back inside. He was not supposed to be done with his shift for another forty-five minutes.

Chuck sincerely hoped that his meeting with Andrew was going to interfere with his wife's fucking tonight.

Chuck waited and then went to the bar after Andrew. As soon as he went in the door he saw Andrew standing and looking around to see if he could see his potential client. Chuck knew he could be a formidable opponent as he was in very good physical shape so he blindsided the man.

Chuck came up and kicked Andrew in the back of the knee dropping the man. He reared back and kicked him in the kidney. Chuck had put on some thin gloves. He hit Andrew as hard as he could in the ear. Andrew was whimpering in pain from the kick and then the sharp pain in the ear.

His hair was a fairly good length. Chuck grabbed a handful and started to drag the younger man out the door. Andrew screamed at the pain of his hair being pulled and grabbed at Chuck's hand to try and reduce the stress. He might get scalped if he didn't relieve the pressure. Chuck didn't care in the least. He was facing jail for assault but he didn't care.

The door opened at the right time as new customers were coming in. Chuck pushed by them dragging the hapless man behind him. Andrew was screaming in pain. Chuck stopped just outside the door and slammed his fist into Andrew's face a couple of times to try and shut him up. It worked for a minute.

Some of the customers were yelling at the man who was attacking a familiar face in their bar but no one tried to stop Chuck. They seemed to be frozen in place.

Chuck dragged Andrew to the corner of the building and let him go. Andrew continued to hold his head in pain. Chuck leaned down close to his wife's lover's face. "This is just a gentle reminder to quit fucking married women, you asshole. Fuck the single ones instead. If any married woman comes on to you tell them you would be glad to fuck them if the husband gives written permission or she separates from him before your dick gets involved."

He kicked Andrew in the crotch. Such sensitive organs those testicles. They certainly don't like being abused. Hell they don't even like being too warm. Andrew screamed again and started to puke on the sidewalk.

Chuck grabbed a hunk of hair again and pulled Andrew's face up again. "Do you recognize me, shithead?" Andrew looked at Chuck through tears of pain. He shook his head.

"You know you really should find out about who you are fucking with, dumb ass. Other irate husbands could sneak up on you and pound your ass. I am Marcy's husband."

The light went on in Andrew's eyes. He tried to speak through the blood coming from his mouth and nose. It was garbled but understandable. "She broke up with me. I am not going to see her anymore."

"I suppose that was just today, wasn't it?" Andrew nodded. "I suppose you fucked the hell out of her all last week while I was gone too?" Andrew nodded again. "Did my daughter know you were fucking Marcy all last week?"

Andrew shrugged his shoulders. Chuck punched him in the side of the head. Andrew slammed into the wall from the strength of the blow. "Listen well, asshole. The cops will be here soon. I want you to tell them who fucked you up. Just tell them Marcy's husband and then they will find me. I want to go to jail because when I get out I will be that much more pissed at shit fuckers like you. I will come and find you again and I will work your chest over next time as well as your nuts. You will be laying in the gutter trying to breathe enough to cry from the pain and I will be telling you again to leave married women alone."

Andrew seemed to be dazed from the last blow. He was slowly shaking his head and looking around. His nose was misshapen and he might have swallowed a couple of teeth. Off in the distance Chuck could hear a siren. He figured that someone had finally called 911. He didn't intend to be there when the cops arrived. They should have to work to find him. He also wanted the cops to go to Marcy to find him. She might then consider how tenuous her physical well-being was.

It was hard to do so but he managed to give Andrew a shot to the chest just to give him and idea of what was in store for him in the future.

Chuck then stood up and casually walked away a full minute before the first cruiser arrived on scene. He went back to his car down the street and just sat there for a while and then drove away. He drove over to the other side of town and found a pay phone.

This might be the last time he would speak to any of his family. He had to know. The call was to Becky. She answered on the second ring. "Hello, Becky. I just want you to know that I went by the house and got some clothes. I will not be going back there again. Tell your mother to get her boyfriend to do the yardwork. It's the least he can do since he is getting sex for free."

"Dad, she's not seeing him. It was all a big mistake. She never cheated on you."

"Shut up and listen. I just talked with Mr. Cornings. He admitted he fucked her at the house all last week. Now I know that you knew about it. All I want is honesty here. Did you know she was fucking him before the anniversary party?"

"Dad, no, he hasn't been there. I know it looks bad but he hasn't been there at all. Just ask mom, she will tell you. It is all a mistake. She has been crying for a week."

"Becky, you are my daughter and I love you. I always will but I don't like you much right now. She is a slut and you are a liar for her. I hope you can live with your decision to defend her."

"Dad, please. No, don't hang up. Mom loves you."

"Yeah, just like when I was a senior in high school. She loved me enough to accept another person's request to go to prom while going steady with me. This was my senior prom, she would have two more prom opportunities but she couldn't wait until I went to college. She just had to have her cake and eat it too. The only thing was, she didn't think it through and lost out on friends for another year by fucking me over. Now she proves she loves me again by going out and fucking some shit head just so she can have some orgasms. Never once would she talk to me about this. Never once do I get a hint of what she wanted from our relationship. I work, I build for her, I do everything to make her happy but Andrew is who should have been sitting at the head table on our anniversary."

Becky was now crying on the phone. "Please, Daddy, it's not that bad. Please understand mom."

There was something niggling in the back of Chuck's brain. Becky was still begging. "Please come home so Mom can explain. You can get by this and be happy again. You have to look at it from her side before you make rash decisions."

The niggling became louder. Something was trying to make its way to the front of his consciousness. He didn't speak and let Becky ramble while still crying. "You have to understand from a woman's perspective. Mom can tell you what really happened and she wants to. She was unfulfilled."

It burst into his brain like a grenade going off. "You knew, didn't you? As a matter of fact since you came home from college you have been spouting the feminist bullshit about how women have been suppressed for so long and now need to become the oppressors. You told your mother to take a lover didn't you? You bitch. How can you say you love me when you stab me in the back?"

Becky started crying harder. There was no denial. "I fathered you. I carried you when you were too tired to walk. I carried you on my shoulders so you could see the parades. I changed your diaper when you were a baby. I attended every function even when I was too busy or too tired to even think. I bought you a car and I am paying for your education. And this is how my love is repaid, you advise your stinking slut mother to take a lover. Don't talk to dad, don't try to communicate your needs, just go out and fuck someone behind my back."

"You weren't ever supposed to know. We didn't want to hurt you. It was never supposed to go this way."

"Yeah, right. Everyone gets found out. Thankfully we all found out before I became the laughing stock of the whole town. As it is I had to beat one of my employees today just to get the whole crew to work again. Your feminist bullshit never takes in the consequences of the crap you spout. Marriage should be a partnership, me and your mom against the world with you on our side against the rest who try to tear us apart. But no, your shit doesn't stink so you think that I would just roll over and let you play me for a fool. There was absolutely no concern about my self respect, my manhood. NO, just you and your mother's pussies need to be satisfied. The hell with the rest of what it takes to be in a relationship."

Becky tried to break through his diatribe. "Please, Daddy, please listen."

"NO, you stinking whore, NO. You listen to me. I hope that you fall helplessly in love with some guy and he brings home skanky whores to fuck right in front of you, telling you that you aren't good enough to keep him satisfied. Then, just maybe, you will understand what you and your slut mother have done to me. I hope, God I hope. . ."