Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 23


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All of the ladies being selected to carry the clerics was a given we had decided upon long ago. This you can say, "Your actions and your plan is what locked that choice into being you for this role. Your actions and plans, not ours. We adopted your ideas. Including your unexpected recovery of the 2 dead Blades. Those are enough questions on the selection process."

Eldar nodded after seeing the truth to their statements, "Is the Queen doing everything she can? Everything she needs to ensure the survival of both of her children? To keep the kingdom from becoming a theocracy? I worry for her if the Clerics figure out her motivation. They will try to subvert her activities to force a theocracy upon the people."

Corellon nodded to him, "Your concerns and observations have ensured she is on the right course. The existing Grand Clerics are under tight Royal observation. Even if they could plot, steps would be taken to subvert them. As she is listening and doing what she must.

Your task with the Queen in this regard is finished. Her children are safe. Separation of the head of the church and the head of the kingdom are the twins she carries. You picked up on that and advised her well. Again your brilliant mind. You have advised her well. You can discuss that with King, Queen, Jarron, and your immediate family only including your Father."

Eldar nodded, "I will be working the separation of the sword from House Silvertree rule and turning it into just a position on a council. I will keep my father as a proxy. I felt like I was walking through a swamp neck-deep in muck going into that house.

I am turning it on its head. You know my plans for it. House Silverbar, I have done the same. But I have tied it to the sword wielder, or I should say the Queen did in her ruling. I worry I am setting them up to become another House Silvertree."

The Lady of Dreams looked at him, "Sometimes the tree must be completely pruned back to remove the rot. The roots are strong with him. Let him know what you are doing and why. He will follow your example with his children. This answer you can discuss with others."

Eldar nodded, "I have requested the dragons to aid us in regards to the interference of one of their own. I am hopeful that it will bear fruit in obtaining more of the lost Moon Blades. I know I cannot focus on looking for them myself. I wanted your insight into that request because I did not feel your hand behind the idea."

He heard a chuckle from Corellon, "You would be correct, we did not predict your course of action with the dragons. It was not a path we had predicted or seen, but we see a great impact on this for our people. It is an idea with great merit that when honored would mean the return of 4 moon-blades from ages past including the one you truly seek.

For that creativity, we are going to add a different ability to all Moon Blades that participate in this ritual, and the ones to come. They will not just have a moon-based power but a divine gift as well. This will be discussed at the ceremony and you can discuss it after the fact."

Eldar nodded, "I feel that two of the swords coming back should be in the hands of my apprentices. One I feel would be ready, the other I worry about. I want him to succeed as it would be the first blade in the hands of a Wood Elf line; by name anyway. I cannot do one student without doing the other because of animosity."

The Lady of Dreams looked at him, "Not the first, as it happened before and the facts are lost in the history of the 5th Age when they were created. You do not realize the impact you have already had on him. When the swords become available, they will be ready.

One sword will return to an existing house. The new wielder will be a battle bard to fall in line with the family name. Do not voice your concerns over this issue with your students. Stay positive with them. They will learn of this fact at the ceremony that they are now destined. As to the first, That is not true. 2 of the 24, including the Bastard Sword you recovered, were in the hands of Wood Elves in the 5th Age. It was just erased from history at the beginning of the 6th Age and not to be discussed."

Eldar smiled, "That brings me to an unusual vision in putting the blade into the next champion. Even though her family will already have a blade in place. Breaking the rules."

Corellon smiled, "Every once in a while. On a rare occasion, a rule will be bent. The champion will assume a new family name, that is why it follows the family name as well as blood. When she does this of her own accord you know the acorn has fallen from the tree. She will be ready to wield the blade.

This will be discussed at the second ceremony and you should keep this to yourself until then. She will have children but never marry in her short life. She will pass on this new family name and it will grow strong; just like Silverbar and Silvertree due to your actions.

Yes, she will die during the war, you are wise to keep this to yourself though. She will know it from a very early age. This should not be discussed with anyone but her when she brings up the issue herself far in the future.

You have time for one more question, we know we have lifted several weights off of your shoulders. There is one question lingering in your mind."

Eldar nodded, "Taking my 40-year-old daughter into battle with 12 years of training under her belt."

The Lady of Dreams smiled, "She will not age normally and your time training her will be cut in half. She will age like a Silvertree for the first 40 years, 2 years for every single year. She will effectively be 80 years old at which point she will age at half of the normal rate for the 80 years following. She will be your right hand for many years.

She will have 24 years of training under her belt as her training will be accelerated. She will graduate when she has officially gotten 30 'actual' years of training, though she will have gotten a lot more knowledge than most. She will be a force to be reckoned with.

The Master Trainers ring will pass to you just before the war starts or when it is nearing its end. When the war is over you will graduate your first Grand Master of many. Stay the course. Your successes please us very much. Now you have people worried, and a full day of activity ahead of you."


Eldar awoke in bed under the covers and naked. Doc was sitting there at the end of the bed. Annette and Charlemagne were lying on either side of him. He looked at Doc. He shouted, "By the Gods, your eyes!" Annette and Charlemagne woke and looked at Eldar.

Charlemagne gasped, "What in the Nine Hells happened? What is going on with your eyes?"

Eldar looked at her, "Can you be more specific?"

She looks at him and Annette just stared, "The silver flecks in your eyes have doubled in the iris."

He shrugged, "I cannot speak for that or what it means I have been given no insight into that. Only other things. I know 4 more Moon Blades will return to us, and who's hands 3 of them will end up in. The fourth is an active house; the last of the 8 powerful blades."

He went to get up and his wives each had a hand on his chest. Annette pushed him down, "Where do you think you are going?"

Eldar smiled at her, "I am fine the Gods just pick an odd time to have a heart-to-heart talk. I have to meet the elders and I got to assign tasks to my apprentice. To do those things I will have to get out of bed. Do you want answers? I will talk while I get dressed. Unless you are prepared to tie me down, I am getting up!"

They relent and Charlemagne asked, "What did they talk to you about?"

Eldar sighed, "The Queen, the four other Moon Blades that are coming. Answering questions about who they go to, why my visions include things I cannot change, taking my 40-year-old daughter into combat, the second champion, and house politics. It was not just the Lady of Dreams this time. It included Corellon Larethian."

Annette smirked, "His mood seems better, less brooding than yesterday."

Eldar nodded, "Getting some of the concerns off of my shoulders helps."

Annette got up. Charlemagne seemed a little annoyed that she let him up. Doc left the room as he threw back the covers. Doc had seen him naked before so Eldar didn't care. He found pants and worked them up. Charlemagne had her arms wrapped around him, "So what did they say about the Queen?"

He smiled, "Thanks to the advice and direction I gave her the twins are safe. No theocracy."

Charlemagne let him go. He flashed her his ass as he slid into his pants. He grabbed a shirt and started putting it on, "What did they say about our daughter going into combat?"

Eldar nodded, "She will age like a Silvertree 2 years for every year. Her training will accelerate during this time as well. She will effectively be 80, not 40. With 24 years of training under her belt. She will be a monster on the battlefield. My right hand. Afterward her age will slow to half normal for the 80 years that follow."

He got his armor pants on during this and was sitting getting his boots going. Annette looked at him, "What is this with another 4 Moon Blades?"

He smiled, "My request to even the battlefield will get us the last of the living house blades and 3 dead ones. I will not go into who they are going to until they get into our hands or the Gods address it directly."

He got up again. He got the top of his armor on and his gloves. Charlemagne smirked as she handed him his weapon belt and Annette put on his cloak.

Finally, Charlemagne reached up and kissed him, "Your eyes do look beautiful. Tell us about house politics."

He sighed, "I am going to separate sword ownership from house leadership. I am going to establish a council of 9 with my father representing me. Five of them will be from disowned members of the family. Together they can affect the changes needed to drain that swamp.

It is the opposite of what I did for House Silverbar, but I will show Callium Silverbar what I am doing. His heirs can set up something similar as he grows his family. I actually managed to surprise the Gods."

Annette gasped and grabbed his arm, "How?"

He smiled, "My request for the swords to level the playing field. They did not put me on that course or predict that action. They were impressed with that creative thinking. Also, my plans for the Knights and what we are building."

He opened the door to the room and started walking down the hall with a sense of urgency as he did not know what time it was. He asked, "Did I miss the morning meal?"

Charlemagne, "No we should have it ready in about 30 minutes. You can slow down a bit and drink some coffee." He got to the bottom of the stairs with a full house of people.

Eldar looked at the team, "I am fine the Gods just did not let me get into bed before deciding I needed to talk with them."

Dame Silver Moon looked at him, "Is that normal?"

Eldar shook his head, "No last time I was awake and just spewing information. This time I got to ask questions. I got some answers that took some of the weight off of my shoulders. I feel better about what I have to do.

As some tasks, I have completed to their satisfaction. Also, about what we have already accomplished but are still working on. I do not need to continue to worry about those that are completed."

He sat and drank some coffee. Annette handed him some warm stew. He could feel dozens of eyes on him, "Yes I have been told my eyes look different, I do not know the significance of that but it does not bother me. If you want more information you can talk to the ladies after I am gone but I have a lot to do."

Hunter looked at him, "You had us worried."

Eldar nodded, "Landing on my face was not an ideal way to start the night. Not with 2 horny wives right behind me."

He got a round of laughter for that comment. He saw apprentice Moon Ray there and she turned red.

Eldar looked to her, "We will be going over some moves and you will be doing everything left-handed today. Tomorrow you will switch hands every 30 minutes. I want you to get started on the books on that 6th shelf.

You will read for 3 hours every morning and night. I want 3 hours of bow training. The day after tomorrow you are going to repeat that. However, you will be doing all of the training and bow shooting from horseback."

She nodded, "Yes, Grand Master. When will we get into spells?"

Eldar smiled, "Next week when I have both of my apprentices together. You start writing your new spellbooks with the spells I select for you. That is also when I will start to train you in the blade song abilities."

She smiled, "Yes, Grand Master."

Eldar looked over at her, "Do not be too happy yet. We will also be doing acrobatics starting next week. We will break you of your fear of heights."

She looks at him, "How did...forget it. I know you have your ways, Grand Master."

Eldar smiled, "You are learning faster than some of my Lieutenant's."

That got a few laughs. Hunter looked at Charlemagne, "He seems more energized than he has in days. I think he is fine."

Eldar looked over at him, "I am still in the room, but seeing as you are here, I need you to come to the meeting today and bring my Aunt Triana if you can. Silent Falls mid-day."

He nodded. Eldar finished eating and got up and signaled his apprentice to follow. He stepped outside and saw T'suras still in the armor and saddle.

He took the time to divest him of the gear, "Sorry about that fella the Gods kind of took me out of action last night. Why don't you take the day off after I brush you down and graze for a while? I will be fine." He took the saddle and set it up on the fence. He stored the barding and took off the reins. He removed the blanket and washed it with a cantrip.

Then he pulled out the brushes and gave him a good brushing down. He went over to a barrel and pulled out some oats for him and extracted the last apple from his bag. "You were great yesterday. Go graze for a while I will call you later if I need you. You should be free for the next couple of days. With no riding."

He patted him on the side and T'suras walked around, grazed, and drank from a trough.

He looked at Goldeagle who was with Annette as his apprentice continued her sword work while they walked, "You may join me if you wish I will be speaking to Elders from both villages."

Chalius nodded, "I am interested in what you have to say. I will join you."

Eldar looked at Annette, "I am walking to Silent Falls now. If Charlemagne wants to join us you better hurry and get her. Including anyone she is still answering questions too."

Eldar smiled at her as she rolled her eyes. She ran off as he made the long trek to Silent Falls.

They were a little early. He removed his cloak, bag of holding, and sword and jumped into the water. It was cool and refreshing even in his clothes and armor. He dove under the water and found a couple of rocks about the size of grapefruits and threw them onto the shore. He repeated the process.

He looked at Apprentice Goldeagle, "Grab a few of those rocks. I want you to place them on the edge where I point."

He pointed at different spots along the semicircular shore, Then he reached down and picked up a couple of smaller rocks and marked the bottom with a circle and an 'X' through the center. He got back to shore and threw the two extra rocks up there. He unsheathed his sword and measured the placement of two of the smaller rocks toward the center of the arc.

He got his weapon belt back on and draped his cloak over his back and connected the new cloak pin. "One more night until the next double crescent."

About another 30 minutes went by and the rest of his group showed up. Another 30 minutes and all of the Elders started rolling in and they could finally begin.

Eldar smiled, "Let me say the trip to the city went better than expected in some ways. A few surprises occurred. I will start with the Gray Blades. They will not be 200 but 600 strong as directed by the Queen. 200 for every ally in the treaty. Our efforts at the Academy and discussion with current caravan protection groups and we are just over 150 strong now.

We have brought in several hundred Elven people to begin the construction we need to have done. The people working the planning are Annette and an Elf named Greentree who is working to fix a few issues with the surveyors this morning. I believe he is single.

Next, there was some political drama in the city, and an attempted assassination attempt made against my wives and me. This was a result of me having to claim my right as head of House Silvertree."

That caused some murmurs. "The patron of House Silvertree is tied to the sword I now wield. This has created a shake-up in the Capital. I refused to have any benefit from the attempt.

However, The Queen demanded that some things be done in compensation. Personal accounts of the 3 involved here were transferred to mine. I use that account to fund Gray Blades gear. There will be an additional building in the town.

An Arcane Academy geared toward our Wood Elf, Elf-blooded, and other residents of these 3 villages including Humans. Growing up here I know how arcane study is a challenge, uprooting to the Capital that is just as foreign.

Change takes time and they are still currently not as accepting of our people as pure races or mixed races like myself. This Academy will allow for the training of Casters, Battle Mages, Blade Singers, Bards, and Arcane Archers as there is a lot of untapped talent in these villages.

The Academy will be dedicated to 3 houses, Silverbar, Silvertree, and Strong Oak at my request for their involvement in bringing this Academy about. The additional people will mean a larger town. Still within the allotted area. It just means it will be built much faster. We have arranged for an expanded discretionary fund.

Part of that money will include enchanted stoves and ovens in every business and home as soon as we can arrange it, in the town and the 2 villages. We want to do the same for the forges used. This will greatly reduce our use of wood. The questions to the Elders have they agreed upon a per sapling price while we were gone?"

Elder Strong Oak looks over, "We figure 5 gold pieces a sapling would work as it benefits us all."

He nodded, "Annette did you pull the funds from the discretionary account as I asked?"

She smiled, "We brought back 100,000 gold pieces for the first 20,000 saplings to be divided evenly between the 2 villages' efforts. That covers the first 4,000 trees we will need in construction. If we need that many for construction. When and if we need more, we have the funds available."

The Elders look at them in shock. Eldar smiled, "We will also be getting with some human farmers in the next couple of weeks and hope to use them to attract cattle farmers to reduce the need for hunting as the year progresses. That attack on Rambling Rock. We saved them from that attack and hope to move them here to ease the strain on food stores.

The other thing I wanted to cover is the ritual tomorrow night. We will need the entire area around Silent Falls cleared of people. There will be a very small group of observers at this event. My wives, both of my apprentices, a significant other for some participants.

That left 4 places I have selected Elder Silver and Elder Strong Oak and requested that the youngest Elven Elder from each village be given the last 2 slots. Anyone who is not invited into the safe area should stay far away.

They will find that trying to observe this ritual will not only be painful but permanently blinding. All Elves, Humans, and Elf-blooded people should not be anywhere near Silent Falls tomorrow night from 10 until midnight to be safe. Those at my wedding will remember the blinding flash; this will be 1,000 times stronger and 100 times longer in duration.
