Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 23


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Get him the discipline, direction, and determination to succeed in life. I was hoping to leave him with you for a couple of days. He can work on his sword training and reading while learning about his heritage. Would you like to introduce yourself to my apprentice?"

She choked back a sob, "I am Elder Strong Oak and your Great Aunt. That makes the two of you distant cousins."

Apprentice Strong Oak looks at Eldar, "You knew we were related?"

Eldar nodded, "I knew you shared the family name and the same birthday separated by 30 years. I did not know where in the family you were. Elara Strong Oak was my mother and the Elder's daughter. Would you like to take the opportunity to introduce your nephew to the Wood Elf way of life while he continues his training, Grandmother?"

She nodded, "Could I keep him for the week?"

Eldar smiled at her, "You might have to watch over my second apprentice during this time. I know that an apprentice is in the next village from the same prophecy. I do not know the circumstances surrounding them. Not all of them anyway."

She nodded rapidly. She got up and hugged Eldar with all the strength she could muster. Eldar smiled, "Would you like the honor of introducing him to the village?"

She shook her head, "That honor is yours to do. He is always welcome in my home and this village!"

Eldar nodded, "Take note of his cloak. That is the symbol I selected to represent my apprentices. If you can make that known. If anyone has an issue with my apprentices, they know to contact me directly."

She nodded, "Shall we go back to the waiting crowd?"

She found her legs to stand on her own. Eldar looked at her, "One last thing, He is in a 30-year apprenticeship. He has agreed to 30-years of service in my mercenary company. He will be around here for quite a while when we are not out on patrol or making a visit out of the area."

She smiled. "He is 55 so plan accordingly."

She smiled even bigger at that statement. Eldar opened the door for the Elder and had his apprentice followed next. Eldar walked out to the crowd, "I passed along a couple of issues concerning the mercenary company. But more importantly, I introduced her to my first apprentice. Apprentice Blade Singer Narius Strong Oak, son of Tisa Strong Oak.

He will be staying with the Eldar for a few days and will need some instruction in bow use while he is here as he was raised in isolation. If we could get our master bow maker to come forward please." He steps forward. "I would like to formally request that the first bow from the Silvertree be a masterwork piece of art for me. The second is for Keyno and her type of bow.

The third and fourth will be for my 2 apprentices. While the sword is their main weapon, along with the magic of course. A bow always comes in handy. Especially if you want to eat." That got a few laughs. "Please be patient with him, he was denied his heritage for 55 years. His skills will need to be developed. Apprentice, three hours in the morning and evening of reading.

Four hours of sword practice two hours with each arm, and three hours of bow training. That gives you a few hours for your Great Aunt to talk to you. You get to learn about your heritage. Go get your pack from the wagon and take care of your horse. Brush and feed every day."

He nodded, "Yes, Grand Master and for once I would also like to add cousin."

Eldar nodded to him, "For this once. I understand, but we will stick with the traditional greeting going forward. Until you are a Grand Master yourself."

Eldar smiled at him as he ran back and grabbed his pack. He returned as Eldar mounted up. He nodded to the crowd, "We are continuing to Silent Falls and then to my wives' home village. I would like to meet with the village elders at Silent Falls tomorrow at midday. To go over a few things."

They opened a path for them and they continued on their way to Silent Falls.

As they approach the falls, Eldar turned to Silver Moon. "This is where my life took a wondrous turn and my destiny revealed. The events of that night led to saving you, finding the Moon Blades, and a detailed description of how the ritual is to be conducted.

That ritual included you but you are here for 2 reasons. I want you to think of something but do not tell me. The name of the man who broke your heart. The one who sent you on your grand journey. Hold that thought."

Terrasa looks at him, "This has a purpose?"

Eldar nodded, "Yes, it is time for some healing but not in the way that you are thinking."

They approached the village, "Eldar Silvertree escorting a member of the royal family with very important people. I am asking for an assembly of Half-Elven children 10-22 and Elven children age 35-60. This is for evaluation to become an apprentice Blade Singer. Only those who are willing to dedicate to the years of training and lifetime commitment associated with being a Blade Singer need to step forward."

He rode into the village and the Elders were assembled. He waited for Charlemagne to come forward. He saw Annette and Greentree in the crowd. He hopped down, "I would like to introduce Chalius'Vesa, Goldeagle nephew of the Queen, and the chosen sword-bearer for a dead Moon Blade. If everything goes as planned the 4 Moon Blade wielders with us will increase that number to 10.

One of those working this ritual is a descendant of the original creator of these legendary weapons. Master Weaponsmith Gatrius Moon Blade. I call him out as he has been instrumental in my research and efforts to find blades that are dormant or dead. With his efforts, we are going to work on 6 blades instead of 2. I wish to thank him for his efforts in this."

The Elders stepped forward and bowed to the Queen's nephew. Then shook hands with Gatrius. "The day after tomorrow we will work this ritual and we ask that everyone stay away from Silent Falls. The ritual could blind anyone who is not supposed to be there.

Think of my wedding only 100 times brighter and lasting longer. I would like to meet with the elders at midday tomorrow at Silent Falls. We will discuss my visit to the City.

The impact from the Queen to my own family. Now for my other purpose. How many candidates do we have?"

2 Half-Elf and 4 Elves stepped forward. He stepped up to them, "How many of you already have magical abilities and how many are lacking them. As the first test is a demonstration of magical ability."

He was suddenly down to 2 Half-Elves and 2 Elves. "First thing, show me what spells you have in memory, your favorite spell only. Starting with the oldest, what is the spell." He got three magic missiles and one mirror image. He looked at her, "Cast a mirror image. The other three go grab your spellbooks." She got 2 images.

Eldar asked her, "Is that you're only casting of that?" She nodded. "Go grab your spellbook."

The guys came back with one book that all of them were using. He looked at them, "Who wrote this book?" They all shrugged. The girl came back. He took a look at the book. There were 1 first-tier and a half second-tier spells in the book. He looked at the girl, "Who wrote this."

She spoke, "I did, my father was teaching me before he died." He pulled out 3 wooden swords.

He took 2 of the elves and had them face off. "I will do this in a round-robin fashion where everyone fights everyone." He had one winner. He took the two swords and handed one to the girl. He let the other 2 Elves know they were dismissed. He pulled the two out to the middle.

He had them face off in swords they were pretty even. She took her time and studied her opponent's matches but he was slightly better in the sword and she was ahead of him in magical skill as far as Eldar was concerned. He turned his back to them and looked at his guest Silver Moon, "Son could you give me your name. He chimes in Falcius Maple Leaf. He walked over to Silver Moon and extended his hand. She went to grab it and he grabbed her arm.

Eldar asked the girl, "Young Lady, What is your name?"

She responded, "Teresa Moon Ray."

He felt Teresana's hand clench and the shock hit her. He nodded, "Young Lady, you are my second apprentice. Please step forward."

Eldar still held her arm as she had a death grip on his as the girl approached. "This is Dame Silver Moon, I never got around to asking your first name."

She stuttered, "Teresana'Via Silver Moon."

Eldar smiled, "If I am not mistaken your father chose your name and named you in honor of this lady."

The little girl looked at her, "You knew my father?"

Dame Silver Moon started to collapse and he pulled her toward him and whispered, "Remember what I told you. You were brought here to heal in a way you would not expect. Start healing."

Eldar asked the girl, "How did your father die?"

The girl sighed, "He was doing caravan protection and the entire caravan was wiped out by some raiders is what I was told."

Eldar nodded, "Do you know the date his caravan left?"

She shrugged, "Sometime in Mia of this year. Word of his death came to us a couple of weeks before you arrived for your wedding. My mother died a few years ago. She fell from a ledge and broke her neck."

Eldar nodded, "Who is looking after you?"

She shrugged, "The village keeps an eye on me."

Eldar shook his head, "The wrong answer. You should say Grand Master Silvertree. Charlemagne, can you get our guests settled in while Dame Silver Moon helps me with my apprentice for a few minutes. Can you show us your home please and give me your age Apprentice Moon Ray?"

She looked at him, "I am 15, Grand Master. My home is over here."

He looked back at T'suras, "Keep an eye on the colt. T'suras Unta."

They walked behind the girl to her house and she saw the two horses following him. She opened the door that was in slight disrepair as it stuck a bit but the house was filled with books.

Eldar scanned the titles and he pulled one book down because of the binding, "Do you know how your father got this book?"

Young Moon Ray looked at that book, "My father read that one to me a lot at bedtime. I have read it a few times over the years. It is one of my favorites, I think he got it when a friend of his died in the other village."

Eldar nodded to her, "You mind if I keep this book. The lady he got it from was my mother."

She looked up, "Sure you can have it, Grand Master. It is about the Saatorixx Knights."

Eldar smiled, "I know, it was one my mother read to me on several occasions. I have not read it in almost 60 years and I wanted to refresh my memory as it is a good book."

He looked at the massive library, "You read all of these books?"

She shook her head, "Only those on the bottom 5 rows."

Eldar looked at Dame Silver Moon, "Dame Silver Moon, did you want some time alone with her?"

She looked at Eldar and nodded, "How did you know?"

Eldar looked at her, "I told you. You are here for more than 1 reason. I was told you would lead me to my second apprentice in this village and it would help you to heal. Just like saving your life.

There are just a couple of things I need her to do first, outside, apprentice follow me. Dame Silver Moon is going to spend the evening with you but you are both invited to my wives' home for the evening meal."

They stepped outside, "Do you know the Wood Elf ritual of bonding with an animal?"

She nodded, "I have seen it done."

He looked over at the colt. He opened his bag. He pulled out 6 apples, the sword, and the cloak. "Did your father ever get you any armor?"

She shook her head. He pulled out his old mithril chain mail. He handed the armor to her and he pulled out his necklace, "It helped to protect me from the grizzly that gave me these scars"

He showed her the claws. "It broke my right arm and broke several ribs when it pounced onto me.

But my right arm is still attached thanks to that armor, and my left only got badly bruised and not ripped open. It is battle-tested. No crops, whip, spurs, or kicking. The horse responds to voice commands in elven name first then the command. unta, vita, and biana are the commands it knows the best.

I have brushes, bring him to my home. Just look for T'suras out front. Never tie it down, think from your heart and you will find the name. I will give you your cloak when you show up to eat."

Eldar smiled at her, "You can show Dame Silver Moon where it is and you can think about what you want to do with the library your father built. I am a collector of books; some I have and some I do not. I have an entire library in this bag.

Raw theories for learning and writing spells all the way up to the 7th-tier. Maybe higher as I have not looked at them all. He reached in and pulled out the level one and two spellbooks. Your knowledge of spells will grow quickly and your sword skills will get a complete switch up when I teach you to fight left-handed as well as right-handed."

He put them away, "Would you say your fathers' books are worth 10,000 gold pieces?"

She shrugged and he pulled forth the sword, "This is worth 30,000 gold pieces for your home with the books. Would that be a fair trade? What do you think?"

She looks at the sword, "What does the sword do?"

He pulled it and activated the first command word and stuck the end into a bucket of water and she watched it freeze. He pulled it back pointing the sword, "If that is not fast enough he used the second command word and froze the water and bucket solid and sheathed the sword."

She nodded, "I think it would be worth it, Grand Master."

He smiled, "The good news is when we are here this will be your home along with my other apprentice. I am going to turn your home into a barracks for 2 for now. A place to study, a library to expand your minds, spell lists, sword skills, tactics, bows, acrobatics, and a lot of other things."

He looked to Dame Silver Moon, "I will discuss the ritual tonight as well so I will see you later. T'suras unta."

He walked across the courtyard and the girl worked the ritual with the colt in front of Dame Silver Moon. He looked for the guards and they were all over at his father-in-law's home. He headed over. He knocked on the door and Annette answered and pulled him inside, "They all have a bed here. Hunter brought in a couple of deer and said to save him some."

Eldar nodded, "Where are Charlemagne and Greentree?"

She pointed, "Greentree is staying in the one open room we have. Charlemagne is with him."

He nodded toward the door and he walked home quickly. He walked in and collapsed into a chair and closed his eyes. Annette looked at him, "Are you alright?"

Eldar sighed, "Get Charlemagne and send Greentree to your fathers for a few minutes." She went and got her and sent Greentree over. Eldar looked Charlemagne in the eye, "That girl is a legacy, she should not have even been here. I bought her home."

They looked at Eldar and spoke in twin-speak again, "You what?"

Eldar stared at them, "I bought her home. It needs some repairs but the big thing it has is a massive library. I want to use it as a shelter for my apprentices, their dorm, with the library, and a place to learn. I traded her a sword for her home; which she gets to continue to use. You want to see what he got from a friend of his in the next village after they died?"

He handed Charlemagne the book, she opened it up and her eyes went wide. "He was killed when his caravan was attacked which just happens to coincide with the attack on ours. Two others wiped out. Losing people left and right."

Charlemagne nodded, "I think you are right. She was never picked up because the entire team got wiped out."

Eldar nodded, "Well we have my cousin and now a legacy to raise. With me training them. I will send the girl to Jarron when she is done training. I told Jarron I would find that book! I looked at that library and pulled that nondescript gray-bound book from the shelf, the only book I touched."

He got up, "I need Dusk Moon and New Moon here with their swords. I am going to go and find them. I will be back soon."

He stormed out of the house and jumped up T'suras "T'suras Biatus Evanill Aisiaon." They shot down the road at full speed and he did not even pull back when he made the turn. They continued at breakneck speed right into the crossroads. Straight at the 100 wagons. He slowed just before getting to the crowded section.

He saw Eagle-eye, "Where is Tranosa and New Moon?"

She pointed, "Down by the river I think."

He wheeled around, "T'suras Biatus Evanill Aisiaon."

Eldar headed off toward the river weaving through wagons parked every which way. He rode all the way down to the river and found Tranosa and New Moon with a squad of men and the surveyors. He thundered to a stop, "You about done here?"

They shook their heads. Tranosa looked at Eldar, "They want to get the farms surveyed out tonight."

Eldar nodded, "When is the wedding?"

Tranosa sighed, "We have not set an exact date yet but we will probably in a couple of weeks."

Eldar nodded, "I hope we are back and have not gone out again. The day after tomorrow for the swords at night. If you are busy, I need those 2 swords to take back with me."

They pulled the swords and sheaths. He stored them, "I have to get all three dead ones prepared. You need to be out of the field and at my house by the evening meal tomorrow. Do the surveyors have the plans for the inn?"

He shook his head. "Bring one over."

Tranosa returned with one of the surveyors. "We will have an inn back at the crossroads that will be built; not the structure that will be turned into a barn."

The guy nodded, "We measured it out already."

Eldar smirked, "Will your measurements hold this?"

He pulled out the plans and showed them to him. He looks at the numbers, "This is huge. No, it will not fit in what we measured out, we just did a standard inn."

Eldar nodded, "You might want to ask as there are a few things that are not standard; like this sawmill, the inn, and two different sized homes. Write down the dimensions you need. I will need the plans for the builders. The entire fourth floor will be my family home. It saves ground."

He shook his head, "We will adjust it first thing in the morning. That is almost twice the standard lot of ground."

Eldar nodded, "It will also serve as temporary shelter for say surveyors, craftsmen, officers, and enlisted who are on break from patrol. At least until the Garrison is done. Do not even ask about the dimensions for that Garrison, church, or Academy yet. Until I talk with the dwarves directly and have designs for the Academy made, I will not know them. The Church is being handled by the Council of Grand Clerics."

The surveyor nodded, "I will mark those areas out of bounds for the moment other than getting general dimensions for this huge town of yours. You said this sawmill is not standard?"

Eldar looked to Tranosa and turned as he pulled out the mill plans. Eldar rode off at this point in just as much of a hurry as he was before. He cut the corner at the crossroads going through the woods to bypass most of the wagons and got back to the house about an hour before the evening meal.

Charlemagne came out and hugged Eldar, "I am glad you are back, you had us worried."

He kissed her on the forehead and hugged her back, "Was not my intent. Just frustrated by some of this prophecy stuff. How much I discover versus what I know or have been shown. I need you to find the master leather-smith and meet us at your father's house. I need to talk with Annette and Greentree to go over some things as well."

He walked over to her father's house with T'suras following and he realized he had not released the reins.

Eldar released the reins and said nothing just nodded to T'suras who bowed to him and stood back up on his own accord. Perplexed by the move, Eldar walked inside to gather the sword bearers and activators together. Once everyone was assembled, He pulled out the other two blades.
