Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 23


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The Lady of Dreams chuckled as she watched, "T'sarus is giving nothing away of our plans but Eldar suspects there is more going on with him after that ride through the crossroads and the woods. T'Sarus loves the name and his approach to the horses.

Calling them majestic creatures, for now, will suffice for him. He is impressed by our champion as he expands out commands. He will limit it some going forward. He does not want to give too much away too soon, for now."

Corellon nodded, "Eldar is respecting his Wood Elf heritage with the locals and bridging that into his Moon elf heritage with the Courts. I am impressed with his actions and observations with the Queen. More importantly his work in gathering all of the Moon Blades, including Silver Moon that Bahamut helped us with."

The Lady of Dreams nodded, "Still, I have reservations about Bahamut from the activity in the 5th age on this world that was detrimental."

Corellon simply nodded at her frustration.


Eldar unsheathed the swords and placed them on the table. He extended his hand to Apprentice Goldeagle and he handed Eldar the sword and unsheathed it. He looked at the Master Leathersmith, "I need you to build new sheathes for these 3 blades to start. This blade is being claimed by Apprentice Goldeagle, nephew to the Queen. He is one of the swordbearers who we are looking to create a new sheath."

The master leather-smith bowed to the nephew. Eldar took his sword out and laid it out in his arms. "They all are one of a kind so the measurements will all be slightly different especially for that bastard-sword."

He nodded, "I can fill your request, anything special to consider?"

Eldar nodded, "They need to be switchable from right to left-hand draw. Each one should have the house symbol on it. Mine is more complex as I want the Silvertree logo on the front and then on the backside the list of house symbols in this order on the back. All house symbols colored appropriately." He pulled his sheath and handed it to him so he could look at it. He looked at Eldar, "The first three will be easy, why the extra symbols?"

Eldar smiled, "Because it will reflect every house doing this ritual. On the front, I want a double crescent moon in the fashion of the back of my cloak. He nodded, "Very ornate." Eldar nodded as he dropped a diamond on his table, "They have to last for centuries, they have to be works of art, and they have to meet a time deadline. That is why we are here with you."

He nodded, "This is a lot more than what they would cost."

Eldar nodded, "I want the best right down to the colors. Put the rest on my account if you want."

He smiled, "Very well you will have your sheaths, I have my measurements."

He sheathed his sword and gave the one back to Apprentice Goldeagle while storing the other two for now. "This was the only safe time you could touch them because once they are active the sword could and would kill you if you tried to handle it. One of my relatives back in the city tested this theory.

I watched the sword suck the life out of him before impaling the victim through the table. I had stuck the blade into the table when I entered. For those that do not know, which is most in this room, Silvertree House laws tied leadership of the house to the wielder of the sword. Some were trying a coup.

I gave anyone who challenged the authenticity of the sword a challenge to attempt to claim it; if they thought it was broken or a fake. Only one attempted to claim the blade. I am the head of House Silvertree. Not by choice but I am. I have left my father to deal with the day-to-day matters but not before dealing with the coup organizers."

Eldar looked at the leather-smith, "Black leather is the customary color. If you have a different color in mind please let him know. Apprentice Goldeagle?"

He shook his head, "Just soft, sturdy, and good guards for the blade."

Eldar smiled at him, "That is why I brought in a master to do this work. He will be the only living leathersmith to have touched a blade and gotten measurements and made at least 4 new sheaths for Moon Blades. Everyone else is invited to do the same before I take you back to the city.

He can, as he did with mine, get the measurements from the sheaths. At the ritual, there will be ten of us. Each of you is allowed to invite one guest. The exception being myself; both my wives will be present. They are my twin moons; they were both vital to my wedding in more ways than you know.

Annette is the only one present, besides myself, who was physically touched by the Lady of Dreams. Their attendance is mandatory. I know Moon Blade, New Moon, and Dusk Moon have significant others that will be attending. I have a good idea as to who Dame Silver Moon is inviting so that leaves five invitations. Does anyone have a preference?"

The other 5 shook their heads. "Then I would like to extend one of those invitations to my other apprentice. In 600 years, he would probably be the only living person who will be able to testify to the events that occurred at the ritual. The other four I would like to extend to 2 elders from each of the two villages that border Silent Falls. Does that work for everyone?"

Everyone nodded and there were no objections. "The rest I will go over the night of the ritual. One other thing, I have another source searching for more lost, damaged, or dormant blades. We retrieve those then this ritual will be repeated in the future but we will only require 4 of the 10 blades to be used. Provided everyone follows instructions tomorrow night. Any questions?"

Goldeagle raised his hand, "Why are you getting your sheath redone?"

Eldar smiled, "Mine is missing the double crescent above and to the left of the tree. That is what is on the outside of the sheath, on the backside of the sheath will be images of all 10 house seals used during the ritual. Leaving room for a few more in the future. To show the birth and the rebirth of so many blades.

I also want the front of the sheath to always face out even if a right-handed wielding instead of left-handed. I use either so it will require a special sheath. Besides he can make it easier to switch from a right to left-handed draw."

Instructor Moon Bow asked, "Why do you keep referring to Teresana'Via Silver Moon as Dame Silver Moon? A title reserved for knights?"

Eldar smiled, "Because she has been knighted, not by our Queen but by a human King in a far-off land."

Dame Silver Moon looked at him, "How did you... no, forget I asked how you knew. You can be scary with that stuff sometimes."

They looked at Moon Blade who laughed, "This is mild, you did not see the night he sent me off to get word to you, take out a mass murderer, and reclaim the third dead Moon Blade. That was scary stuff, it also revealed how he would find his two apprentices, and exactly how I could start a family with the lady I love. That night was insane! Yet here we are."

She looked at him, "You heard all of this in that one night?"

Eldar nodded, "Also what needed to be done to perform the ritual and replacing one of the sword bearers. To keep from having a death during the ritual, provided everyone follows instructions." Everyone went quiet. "I am going back to my house I have extended invitations to Dame Silver Moon and my apprentice to join us for the evening meal.

Along with our house guest Greentree so I can provide some additional guidance while we eat. Elder Silver, could you extend the second invitation for your village to the youngest Elven Elder and the first goes to you. The other two will go to Elder Strong Oak and the youngest Elven Elder."

Elder Silver smiled, "Thank you for the honor, yet again!"

Eldar got up and walked out with his wives at his side. Dame Silver Moon walked with apprentice Moon Ray and Greentree. They got inside. Hunter, Eagle-eye, Karra, Fireball, Doc, Keyno, and Tiger were present. They looked forward to a good meal. Charlemagne and Annette moved forward to get food and drink going for everyone.

Eldar looked at apprentice Moon Ray, "No more than two glasses of wine. Normally it will be just one glass if that. As today is your first day and we have a lot to be thankful for you can have two."

She smiled, "Yes, Grand Master."

He looked at her, "While I have a small crowd."

He unfurled the second cape, "This offers some mild protection but what is important is the symbol on the back. We will be riding into the field, sometimes into combat. This lets any of my men know who you are. You will do your best to stay out of combat. Move off to a safe distance and observer and learn.

Just like you did when those elves fought each other. I do it as well so it is not a criticism but it was one of admiring knowledge. There are only 2 cloaks like this. This design is unique and like the one on the back of my cloak a design I came up with."

He handed the cloak to her and she looked at it and put it on. He nodded to her, "Anytime you are out of your home you should be wearing that cloak. While I bought your home, it is still your home. After you finish your apprenticeship there are a few different paths you could take. I have one selected for you. The choice though will be yours at that point."

He turned to Greentree, "I had to set your surveyors straight on lot sizes. These are all the blueprints for the buildings that I had pulled. The inn I will want back as it is a one of kind design that will need the fourth floor modified to be family quarters. They assumed standard dimensions. You will need to educate them. I took care of the inn and sawmill when I was down there."

He looks at the inn, "Wow that is a monster building, why so big?"

Eldar nodded, "The entire fourth floor will be my family living quarters. I have two sets of twins on the way currently. We probably will have a total of 12 children living there not counting visiting children from some of the other mothers."

He looks at Eldar, "Twelve? Are you sure?"

Charlemagne and Annette laughed before he responded, "When a Goddess tells you all of your offspring will be twins and if you can afford it raise a dozen then you should raise a dozen." He looked at his wives. "You visited the bank before we left. Can we afford to raise a dozen?"

Annette sputtered, "Probably several hundred times over."

He nodded, "You set up controls for survivors in case something happens? I did on my account." They both nodded.

He looked at the crowd, "Eat and drink, any questions of me I will answer as open and honestly as I have as always."

Charlemagne looked over, "You had a revelation the other day and you asked if we wanted to know who. The answer is no. If we liked the person that was good enough. Anything beyond that is morbid and we appreciate you giving us the choice on that issue."

He smiled at her. Dame Silver Moon, "I have only heard bits and pieces of what you are doing. You are expecting a war here, yet you are building here. You are planning on being on the front lines of this conflict here. All for the sake of the Elven people, correct?"

He nodded, "All of the Elves and Elf-blooded people. The path to saving our race from extinction."

She nodded, "I want in, something worth fighting for is saving our people."

Eldar nodded, "I would bring you in as a Captain, anyone who can be knighted by a foreign human King for your battle prowess deserves to work with me directly. I do not want to put troops under you. I want you as a part of my detail helping to advise our direction.

Assessing our existing group setups and suggesting changes based upon your combat experience. Charlemagne is the other Commander and I think she would agree your aid would be invaluable."

Charlemagne looked over and nodded with a knowing smile. "I take it you have had time to talk with Keyno and Tiger as you have traveled to some of the same countries?"

She nodded and blushed, "They are talented and your plan to incorporate their combat styles into Elven fighting is a great idea."

Eldar nodded, "It is not my idea. Master Trainer Yetto who trained me incorporated ninja and samurai combat maneuvers into my blade song training. We are working to train the next generation of that mixed style into our apprentices. I have to do mine on the front lines."

She nodded, "From what I heard it turned the Blade Singer training upside down."

Eldar nodded, "To an extent, there are two factions now traditionalist and visionaries. I should caution you on one thing. Grand Cleric Silver Moon and I are not on the best of terms. He is in a lot of trouble with the Royal Palace.

Part of that reason involves my wife Charlemagne, or Charlie if you will. She is carrying the predestined Grand Cleric that will replace him in just over 100 years. She will be a force of nature and the first female Grand Cleric for that church since the 5th Age.

He was wrong in saying it has always been a woman, it has only been a woman over the last 7,000 years. Before that, it was males and females. Someone changed it, likely a King at the beginning of this Age who did not want to listen to women."

Dame Silver Moon looked at Charlemagne, "I had not heard about predestined Grand clerics before."

Eldar smiled, "Within my group and the Queen herself, we have 6 predestined Grand Clerics identified, and one is another Champion. She will be the mother of the 7th predestined cleric as well as involved in the upcoming war. Just over 40 years from now."

Dame Silver Moon, "The Champion would be a child!"

Eldar shook his head, "She will be Elf-blooded, a daughter of Keyno. Soon to be of house Dusk Moon as soon as they set a date. Now my daughter who is destined to be in that battle would be a child, Charlemagne's other daughter. I am concerned but cannot change it."

Keyno smiled, "We want to do the wedding at dusk as you said before the ritual with the swords; my soon-to-be husband Tranosa has been given one. He is also a captain. Currently, the only captain overseeing troops."

Eldar nodded, "She is correct. I have 2 more candidates who you will be meeting, one will be right beside you at the ritual. Lieutenant New Moon. Part of my tasking is getting these swords into people's hands who will use them and not hang them on a wall.

They are a promise to the elven people to be protectors. They are not a status symbol. One of the things I will correct with House Silvertree in the coming years even if I have to chop it to the roots to do so."

Dame Silver Moon smiled, "It would be my honor to help the man who saved my life. To help the Elven people at the same time."

Eldar nodded, "That also means you will be seeing a lot more of my apprentices. They will go where I go."

Eldar smiled and looked at her, "There is one other thing you need to do Dame Silver Moon. Find love and have children, heirs for your sword in place before the war. Something I tell every Moon Blade holder. Just in case."

She laughed, "With a few hundred males floating around that should not be a problem."

Eldar nodded, "It will find you and it will be strong."

The night became less serious and a few jokes were exchanged. Followed by a couple of war stories. Eldar's mind drifted off again. He finished eating and excused himself and headed to the room. He made it in the door with his wives right behind him when he hit the floor and was out cold.


Eldar found himself in a completely white environment. In the distance, he saw the shapes of two people standing side by side.

He slowly approached and the first faces he saw was one he had seen before, The Lady of Dreams. The other was clad in ornate Elven Full Plate with crescent moons in the center of it. He moved before them and kneeled in front of them as Corellon Larethian stood with his wife.

Corellon spoke, "Please arise my champion."

Eldar got to his feet and they looked at him, "We know you are getting tired and feeling overwhelmed but you're doing great work to save our people but you seem troubled. Especially by the things you have seen but cannot change."

Eldar nodded, "I do not understand the importance of showing me something I cannot change; in some cases, with no detail as to what happens. With my wives for example."

He nodded, "One of the greatest weaknesses a Commander faces will always be second-guessing decisions. If I had only done this, they would still be alive. By showing you these things, even partially we want you to understand not to second guess yourself on their destinies. Keep your mind on the battles you can control."

Eldar nodded, "May I ask a few questions then? To keep my mind where it should be focused?"

The Lady of Dreams looked at him, "That is why you are here now."

Eldar looked at Corellon, "Rillifane Rallathil came to me and told me the choice for me as champion was made after the plan I put together, yet the churches had a prophecy to be at Silent Falls for my wedding. By the time we got there most of the Grand Clerics were seeded in their mothers. This does not align with what he said about there being others under consideration."

Corellon smiled, "Always analyzing what you hear and see. Things I like about you. This is not to be repeated and you will find you are not able to. This is to settle your mind and nothing more. I will tell you it is because other deities are watching your conversations in the world.

Hence, even psionically, you cannot discuss the answer to this question or any part of this particular question as the answer is long and complex. The clerics were told to be there for the wedding and the champion would be revealed. We had options. You were our leading candidate given your Father's obsession with your mother.

Your brother was behind you as a choice because he did not bridge the gap between the factions the way you could do it. Yet, he was still a possibility especially after he followed your advice and went back to Master Trainer Yetto to learn from him.

We knew long ago that the champion would be wielding your Family Blade for this upcoming war. There were 3 at the wedding who could have served in this role. Your father, your brother, and you.

You were destined to be with Charlemagne, your opening up to Annette and bringing in those additional skills was one possibility and we supported the adding of those skills and her to your wives.

We played no role in choosing those 2 for you. This was all on you. Champions in the past, we have guided spouses or spouses to them, after they became champions. We would have done it even if your brother had been selected to be the Champion or your father.

The decision was made when you pieced together that plan, combined with your observations of how to help expand and reclaim lost Elven territory, and grow the Elven population to withstand future conflicts. Bringing back plural marriages to our people. To stop the downward spiral in population growth.

It set the foundation to save the Knights for the future as well. The Queen was debating on if the Knights were relevant and you provided the means for them to grow with 3 treaties and one hell of an imagination. To save the elves from extinction. All of these were your ideas.

We looked at a lot of variables and some are with our allies for other species, like Bahamut who is the God over the Metallic Dragons. He is just as frustrated with this break in the treaty and there is only so much he can do indirectly to aid us from that side.

Including getting Silver Moon home for us. She was sent via a teleportation circle cast by a dragon asset at the direction of Bahamut. Another Moral booster if you will. This one was to the Elven Gods for the fact his followers missed this break in the treaty until you found the issue.

To aid in this ceremony and save yet another blade from being lost. Bahamut is watching your actions as well because of your efforts in keeping the Knights alive. Which he sees as a good thing for his followers as well. The Metallic Dragons, not all Dragons.
