Sis? Can I Have that Key Back?

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Brother and sister roomies... she finds his chastity key!
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"We need to talk, don't we," Greg quietly asked his sister Marcy as he walked into the living room. He was mentally kicking himself as he went over and sat across the table from her. How had he been so careless? It's not like he didn't know the apartment he shared with his sister only had one bathroom. And it's not like either one of them had never gone in to pee while the other was in the shower. And yet, here he was.

"Well yes," she calmly replied. "I'd really like to know what it was that I saw." Marcy paused and thought, looking at the ceiling for a moment before returning her focus to Greg. "I mean, I have a fair idea, but I want you to tell me so I can be sure. And what it means to you."

Greg squirmed in his seat, his cheeks beginning to burn. Sex stuff was always so embarrassing anyway. Why in the world would he need to have this sort of discussion with Marcy? It was bad enough when either of them brought a date home and the other would have to awkwardly excuse themselves, but this was just over the top.

"It's just a sex toy thing that I've been fiddling with a little bit lately," Greg stated, looking down. "By myself," he quickly added and then almost instantly regretted the admission. Marcy looked at him expectantly. "By myself," he repeated more quietly.

Marcy leaned back in the chair for a moment and then sat forward again, "I mean I googled it. Isn't that thing sort of a game for... two?" The last word came out almost as an exaggerated question. The pause before she said it didn't belong there, and yet it fit perfectly. Greg watched her every movement, as though anything she did might betray her intentions. And yet, how could she have any? Aside from potentially embarrassing him, but he didn't think that very probable.

"Well, it sort of started with my last girlfriend Jill." Greg saw Marcy's face wrinkle in disapproval. Definitely no love lost there, and Marcy had been 100% right about the girl. "So we used to play a little game... are you sure you want to hear about this? I know you didn't like her and I should have listened to you but..."

"But nothing," Marcy interrupted. "I know I'm right about her and so do you, but what does this have to do with anything? Just spill it."

Greg drew in a breath. "Okay, so she used to really like to tease. When we would have sex, sometimes she would get it in her head that she didn't want me to get off. So she would freak out and stop if she thought I was getting close." Greg continued, "of course she would make me finish her off in other ways but when she decided I wasn't gonna get off, she would make sure I wouldn't with her."

Marcy's eyes grew wide, "what in the world for? And you'd do it?"

Greg laughed a bit, "well she said it had something to do with her chakras or spirits or who knows what. I mean, we both know she was a little out there. And of course, as soon as she'd leave I would just take care of things the old fashioned way," Greg winked conspiratorially.

"Okay I get that, but..." Marcy left the statement hanging.

"Yeah," Greg started. "So after we split, I sorta missed that a little. The delay. I mean, when you get all worked up and can't get there right away it's... well it's better when you finally do get there." Marcy nodded, understanding the concept. "So I wound up on the internet and before you know it I had bought a chastity cage."

Marcy smiled, "sure seems you did."

"Well you know how the internet is. It's all rabbit holes. I started looking for one thing and basically everything pointed to these things. You see, when a guy has it on, he can't get off."

Marcy nodded, "Well that part I get. I mean the thing is so small, it's not like a guy could even get going with it on him. But isn't the point to not cum?"

Greg agreed, "oh totally. I mean for me I just got it to sorta tease myself a bit. Make an obstacle before I took advantage of myself," he laughed.

"So," Marcy started, "you put it on, get yourself all jazzed up, and then take it off to finish." Greg nodded. "I bet it would really make you crazy if you couldn't take it off one day." With that, Marcy smiled and went to her room, closing the door after herself.

Dumbfounded, Greg stood and went to his own room, closing the door as he got lost in thought. He had done it to himself. He was wearing it earlier and had taken it off in the bathroom as he took a shower. Usually, whenever he took it off he left it in his sock drawer... the hiding place of all illicit things. Unfortunately, he had abandoned regular protocol and absentmindedly left it on the sink. When Marcy let herself into the bathroom, Greg hadn't given it a second thought. They'd done this probably hundreds of times. He showered, she peed, they made small conversation. It wasn't until he got out of the shower that he saw the cage had been moved to the other side of the sink.

And now he was strangely turned on by having his secret out to someone. It didn't look like she had disturbed the cage, aside from moving it, but she definitely knew something about him now. Greg knew she would never hurt him, but he also knew that he was in for some teasing now. He started to think about how rough it was going to be for him now. All the jokes she would have.

"Come here, oh wait you can't cum."

"This is stuck, can you open it? Oh, sorry you don't like to open things."

But, she never went there. It was as if nothing had happened at all, and Greg found himself settling back into normalcy. After a few weeks, he had even begun to wear the cage for short stretches. Just to scratch his itch. If Marcy knew anything, she never said anything, but Greg was not about to bring it up again.

It wasn't until a few months after what Greg began to think of as "the incident" that it happened. He had been wearing it for a few days and was ready to take it off when he discovered the key was not on his bedside table. Confused and slightly panicked, Greg began to search the house. Marcy was on her way home from work, so he had to locate it quickly. Had he somehow moved it? That would make more sense than anything else, but the more he searched, the more frantic he became.

And then she got home. Greg took one look and his heart sank.

Marcy tended to dress fairly conservatively, but he knew that she had an athlete's body from her years in high school sports. Today, she had chosen to wear a black knee length skirt with a dark red button down top. And there, resting between her more-on-display-than-usual ample breasts, was Greg's key on a necklace. She looked at him and smiled.

"Hey bro, how was your day?" Marcy turned away from him and kicked her shoes off to a corner and moved to the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Following her and stammering, Greg came out right with it and asked "why did you take that?"

Marcy turned and leaned on the counter separating them, the key twisting slightly between her fleshy mounds, "I thought it would accentuate my outfit." She leaned back, hands on her hips and chest thrust out, "don't you agree?"

"Well uh," Greg choked, "yes you look great but that sort of has a purpose you know."

Marcy smiled sweetly and turned back to the refrigerator, the fabric of her skirt tight against her bottom. "Oh I know. Do you need it right now? Feel like putting something on? Did you want to tease yourself some before you whacked it?" Turning back to Greg, she could see that he was uncomfortable and didn't want to speak. He just wanted the key.

Marcy continued, "or is it something else?" she concluded as she walked away from him towards her bedroom. Greg didn't know what to do. He just stood there in the kitchen for a moment, feeling himself trying to swell a bit inside his confinement, but there simply wasn't any space for his anatomy to go anywhere.

Moving close to his sister's room, Greg could see that she had left the door slightly ajar. Inside, she was facing away from him and unbuttoning her shirt. Tossing it on the bed, she leaned over to unzip her skirt and let it fall to the ground around her ankles. After stepping out of it, Greg watched quietly as Marcy bent over to pick her skirt up from the floor. Marcy's toned backside and thighs flexed as she stretched forward. She was wearing matching black underwear, including thong panties... the thin material swallowed up in the back by her beautiful cheeks. Marcy turned and regarded Greg observing her.

"Oh I'm so sorry Greg, I forgot to close my door. Did you still need this," she asked as she walked to him, holding the dangling key away from her breasts. Greg's mouth was dry. Here he was, straining against his self imposed prison, all because his sister had schemed against him! Try as he might, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the key, framed magnificently as it was by her bosom. She let the key drop back against her skin. "I'm beginning to think you don't need the key to put your thing ON, but maybe you need it to take your thing OFF." She smiled sweetly.

"Yes, sis... this has been real fun and all but it is sort of feeling tight and I thought I probably take it off." Greg subconsciously hunched a bit towards the front, "for safety."

"For safety?" Marcy looked doubtful. "Why is it so tight? I've had this key for three days now, what's wrong now?" Marcy brushed up against Greg's body as she squeezed past him to get back out towards the common area of their apartment.

"A-a-aren't you going to put on some clothes?" Greg's gaze followed Marcy's body as she walked away from him, his eyes trying to find the missing fabric between her cheeks.

"Oh no, I don't think so," Marcy smiled. "I did a little research and learned that for you to really get enjoyment out of your toy, it really should be a game for two. Now the question is, do you want to play this game or do you want your key back now." Marcy sat down and slowly crossed her legs. Absentmindedly, she toyed with the key as she spoke.

"Well um," Greg squeaked, "what are the rules of this game?"

Marcy's face lit up since he hadn't immediately demanded the key. "Just a few rules. If I have they key, I own what it locks. I decide what it can do, whether it gets to have fun or not. Good so far?"

Greg shook his head affirmatively, "well that makes sense. So you'd tell me when I could go take care of things?"

"Well yes, but I said I decide what it can do. That means what it sounds like. I'm not gonna tell you to run off and whack it. I want more control than that."

Greg felt the floor slipping out from under him, his head swimming a bit. All he could do was repeat the one word, "control?"

"Yes, control. Look, we both know what you're craving, and that is for someone to tell you no. You liked it enough with Jill that you went out and tried to recreate it. But it's not the same, is it?"

Realizing he already wasn't in full control of himself, Greg simply nodded.

"So I'll help you. And I'll even give you a way out. If you ever want the game to end, just ask for the key and I will give it to you. But just know I'll never ever take it back."

"Any other rules?"

"A few, but for now my feet are sore. I think you should rub them..." she let the words die on her lips as she leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. Greg looked around almost as if he was expecting someone to stop him. When nobody else appeared in the room, he scooted forward and took Marcy's feet into his lap and began to massage them.

Marcy relaxed as she felt her brothers initial tentative touches to her feet. The longer she let him work, the more he focused and his technique improved. Before long, he had begun to work his way up her calves, always returning to her feet once he got near the knee. Sensing an opportunity, Marcy slightly pushed to readjust her position, her heel lightly digging into Greg's armored crotch. He really was wearing it. She moved again and thought she heard a slight groan come from her brother. Perhaps it was time to push him a little farther.

"Just so you know, I now plan to wear whatever I am most comfortable in. Some days that will be normal clothes, right now it's just my underwear. As for you, though," she leaned back again, "I should be able to see my property as I wish. Show me. Take it all off."

Greg stiffened up. In an odd way he had almost gotten used to the idea of his sister being nearly naked in front of him, but he hadn't considered the reverse. With a deep breath, Greg stood up and peeled his shirt off, tossing it to the side. No big deal, he thought. Marcy sat forward as he pulled his shorts down and then off. Hesitating with this unusual audience, Greg waited for a moment and then pushed his underwear all the way down.

Marcy gasped at Greg's exposure. "Hands behind your head," she almost barked. "And spread your legs." After he complied, Marcy leaned in to get a good look. As she remembered, the cage was a hard plastic contraption. A small solid tube with a smaller hole in the end contained his cock. She really couldn't see any of his cock, aside from a slight bit if skin that was eagerly trying to force its way through the opening with little success. A second piece of plastic was attached to the tube and was hooked under Greg's balls, preventing any movement of the tube. As long as he had balls, this thing wasn't going anywhere.

Tentatively, Marcy reached out and gently touched the exposed tip of Greg's penis. Instantaneously his body shivered and he recoiled away from her touch. "Sensitive?" She inquired as she pulled her hand back. "Don't move away from me next time." Greg nodded and tried to stay still as his sister began to more fully explore his captured flesh. Her delicate touches continued to stimulate his trapped cock, the tube refusing to let Mother Nature force blood where it was most needed. Greg groaned in frustrated pleasure, but Marcy continued.

Marcy moved to explore Greg's balls for a moment and then spun him around to take stock of his ass. An athlete as well as her, Greg was toned from hours upon hours of endless workouts. With a giggle, she slapped his ass and turned him back so that his cage was once again in her view. Intrigued by something, Marcy dipped her finger near the tip of Greg's cock and was delighted when a strand of precum attached itself to her finger. Pulling away from his body, the strand held for nearly a foot before finally snapping under its own weight.

"It looks like someone is a little excited," she whispered as she leaned in to gently blow on Greg's constrained cock. A moan escaped his lips as her tongue barely touched the extra sensitive patch of exposed flesh. "Don't you dare cum. I'm in charge of those, remember? If you cum you're not going to like how I make you clean it up." Greg let out an exasperated grunt but held his position as his sister continued to tease and torment his package.

The tension getting to her as well, Marcy found herself squirming in her seat. Playing with her brother had been everything she expected and more, but now she was needing some release of her own. After all, she wasn't the one who wanted to be told no.

"Sit down," she gestured to the chair opposite her own. As Greg sat, Marcy pulled her own chair close to his and sat back in her own chair. Putting her feet on his knees as she got comfortable, Marcy positioned her body for maximum viewing pleasure. Greg's legs were now spread apart, the black cage bouncing helplessly as it remained attached to his body. Closing her eyes, Marcy leaned her head back and began to explore her body with her hands. Sliding up her sides, she moved to cup her breasts, pressing the key between them.

Greg's eyes devoured Marcy's body as she continued to tantalize herself. He could see just enough to appreciate all of her curves, but the bra and panties remained, as did his key. The more excited she got, the harder she would press against his knees, forcing his legs open. All he could do was watch as her hands worked their way down from her breasts to her clearly soaked panties. Greg got a quick glance of bare flesh as Marcy pulled her panties aside before her fingers found their way to her pleasure. Her hand obstructing his view, Greg could only hear his sister's increasing moans as her fingers danced in the wetness.

Nearing the boundary of her impending orgasm, Marcy allowed herself to open her eyes enough to take in the view of her brother's desperation. His eyes were glazed over as he stared intently between her legs. At her fingers that were indeed working magic. Then she allowed her gaze to slide down his body until it rested on his helplessly imprisoned cock, flopping about as he made minuscule thrusting motions against the air. Reminded of its presence, Marcy allowed her free hand to move to the key, almost caressing it.

Greg's eyes felt bloodshot as he saw her hand move to the key. To his freedom. His desire was such as he had never before known. Here he was, the most excited he had been in his life, and yet not able to take the next step. And to make it worse, it was his own sister who was doing this to him. His own sister who had his freedom at her fingertips. He looked up and locked eyes with her.

And then she came.

Marcy's body tensed as her knees slammed shut. Her fingers clamped between her legs, Marcy could barely breathe as the waves of pleasure coursed through her body. The heat emanating through her loins was immediately followed by a wave of moisture that coursed down her legs, pooling under her bottom in the chair. She rode the wave as long as she dared and then pulled her hand away, clutching at the key that dangled between her breasts. Panting, Marcy pulled herself up into the chair a bit. Her brother looked a mess.

"Oh my," she exclaimed, weak in the knees as she stood. "I don't think I've ever cum like that!" Marcy looked down at her brother, him clearly expecting something from her. "Let's go to bed, brother dearest. I'm tired now."

Taking his hand, Marcy brought Greg with her to her room and lay down with him. As the little spoon, she could feel his desperately imprisoned cock pressed between her ass cheeks. She could also feel his labored breathing against her hair, as she drifted off to sleep, leaving Greg with his thoughts.

Pt 2 perhaps...

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InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaos9 months ago

Was good until she didn't return the favor. The least she could have done after he made her orgasm is to unlock him. Well, she fell asleep so he can just take the key.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Loved it

I read this story as it was mentioned on the bulletin board as one of the best incest stories. Its not my kink, I wouldn't normally have sought it out, but fuck that was hot. I can't wait to see where it goes next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Waiting for the next part.

I feel like poor Greg, in suspense, waiting to see what Marcy will do.

Nice story, well written. Please continue so we know Greg's fate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Now that's what I call a hot first chapter, more to come please. Well done

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