Sister Needs a Hand Pt. 01


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We stop where the trails start. It's a wooded area but within sight of the lake. We exit the SUV and I grab a backpack. There are one, two, five, and ten-mile paths. It is 3:30 and I pick the ten-mile path. They look skeptical but trust me and follow.

Chapter 8 – The Park

We are about a mile into the trail when I take a break. I can jog this distance, but my companions aren't in as good of shape. We have seen nobody and since I do this trail often, I know we won't. However, they don't know that. I take the backpack off my back and open it up but do nothing more than set it on the ground.

Kathy is first to complain, "This isn't nearly as much fun as the rest of the day."

Lynn says, "It's nice outside."

Vic says, "I would rather be on the beach."

I give my evil smile, they look weary now.

With a knowing confidence, I say, "Thank you, Kathy, for speaking up first. You get to be first to play the game."

Now Kathy is excited, "What game are we playing?"

I only say, "Basketball."

Kathy questions me, "How do we play basketball here?"

I smile again, "Perfect question. Let me explain. The backpack here is the basket. I want you to take off your blouse, pack it into a ball, and shoot it into the backpack."

Kathy complains, "I can't do that. People could come by. They would see me."

I mock her, "Have we seen anyone yet? Even if someone did walk past, would it be so horrible? If you are afraid, I understand. You can pass, stay here, and miss out on the next two parts. It's not a big deal."

Lynn takes her blouse off, ties it into a ball and shots for two. It's in! Vic and Pat follow. Pat has no bra on. They both shoot and miss. I put the blouses in the backpack. Kathy, not one to lose, she takes off her blouse, balls it up, and makes the shot.

I smile again, "Bras next ladies."

They are not happy with this until I asked for Pat to come to me. Pat stands in front of me and then sits in my lap. I kiss her as my right-hand cups and then plays with her breast. She lets out a moan. I push her to get up and she does. Three sets of hands are working on bras and then they are flying at the backpack.

One by one they come to me for their kiss, breast cupping, and then nipple fondling. Their session ends with their moan. We move on down the trail. It's a rough trail so boobs are flying everywhere. They seem amused by their actions. They can see the effects on their breasts and it amuses them almost as much as it does me.

We stop at another widening of the trail where there is a water faucet. I don't say anything as I take off the backpack, open the top, and set it down again. I have four sets of eyes staring at me.

I say to Lynn, "You want to be first?"

Lynn strips off her shorts and shoots. Quickly she peels off her panties and shoots. I kneel and use my tongue to get an orgasm out of her. It didn't take much, she is very horny. By the time I finish the other three are in line. I eat them all (including Vic) to orgasm. We move on. I was amazed when Vic stood in front of me. I was even more amazed when I didn't hesitate to lick her pussy to orgasm. I don't understand my actions. I know this is wrong. But it's very fun.

The girls are horny, they are fingering themselves as we walk. The sights and sounds are incredible. They are no longer talking to each other; their sexual hunger is consuming them. It's a short walk until there is a small clearing. I take out a large thin blanket and expand it on the ground. Everyone lays down, their fingers are busy.

Kathy is closest to me, I pull her close. She eagerly complies.

I say one word and her face lights up with happiness, "Doggie," and she assumes the position facing away from me. I am already on my knees, so I slide in. Sliding in truly is an accurate description. She has a ton of lubrication going and it is easy to slide in and start my fucking. Unlike last night, today we are in the open and exposed. The day is drawing on, time is running out. I need to be quick about this.

Immediately, I start at a fast rhythm. In and out, I am a piston forcing pleasure into this young lady. She is grunting and enjoying this tremendously. She knows quick fucks. I quickly take it to my end game. At this rate, I won't last long. This time, that is perfectly acceptable. I need it to be quick. My toes are curling, slowly it's running through my body like a freight train. No stopping this time.

I shoot six strong ropes of cum into Kathy and she loves it. I feel her pussy twitching with her orgasm and she yells out in relief. Finally, for a few minutes, she is happy with life and is ignoring the others.

Pat and Vic react immediately, startling Lynn. Vic is between Kathy's legs slurping my cum straight from her source. Pat is on my cock sucking gently. She looks up at me and says, "Next". I am horny, I recover quick. When I am hard, Pat assumes doggie position.

Like Kathy, I pound her hard and fast. She loves this and is screaming my name. The only difference is that I spend more time on her tits. I feel bad because I don't even last ten minutes before I shoot my load into her. It is exactly what she needed though. She rolls on to her back, arms and legs spread out and she is giggling from excessive happiness.

Vic again attacks Pat's pussy looking for a tasty morsel. Lynn is on me like a tick. She knows to be gentle and uses eye contact to get me going again. It won't be long. Lynn is hot, there are four naked women around me, and she is sucking my dick; yup, not long at all.

Vic ate two loads, she is happy. Pat moves over to Vic and eats her pussy, so she gets the relief she needs. I would gladly have done it, but this is for the best, less awkward for her. Vic sees the disappointment on my face but says nothing. She lays back and enjoys the attention she is getting.

Pat quickly gets Vic off and now she is happy again. All the women are happy. I would love to stay here but we need to get going or risk being out here in the dark. I pack up the blanket and we all head back the way we came. It's a short walk to where they lost their panties and shorts. We stop there, and I pull out four panties and four shorts. They put their clothes on quickly.

It's a long walk to the next point so I get to see their flopping tits still. About halfway back a dog runs by us. No leash or owner. That's odd. 30 seconds later an old man comes running past us. He can't help but notice the four topless beauties. He stops, turns around, stares long and hard, then says "Damn dog never stops at the good places. Have a nice day, ladies." Then he continues running.

I am reeling from embarrassment for them, they think it is hilarious and are giggling so hard it hurts. Since we stopped, I dig out their bras and shirts. They put their clothes on and we continue walking. We exit the forest at dusk, it is almost perfect timing.

Back at the car, I ask, "What did you think of hiking?"

Lynn banters back, "Hiking in general or hiking with you and your rules?"

I think then answer, "Let's try both?"

Kathy quickly answers, "Hiking my itself is relaxing due to the fresh air, beautiful scenery, and being around nature. It's ... nice. With you, there is a lot of sexual tension and I think we all learned we like a bit of exhibition. I would never have tried that, but I am glad that we did."

Pat adds, "It takes hiking to a whole new level. I though topless was sexy but naked was just crazy fun. It was a ton of fun, that's for sure."

I command, "Ok, time to move on to dinner."


I take them to a pizza place near my house. It doesn't look like much, but the food is fantastic. They sit us at a large table. Sandy, an old friend who works there comes over and gives me a big hug.

When she spots Vic, her eyes pop out of her head, "You, you're the blogger chick! How awesome, I love your stuff." She looks at me. "So, you really are going to include men. You sure picked a great one here to represent the male race. We all love him to death. Super nice guy."

Vic smiles, "He took it pretty well. We subjected him to all kinds of things like a salon and shopping."

Sandy squeals, "Oh my, I would have loved to have seen that. Stud goes shopping. Ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Lynn helps by saying, "I have plenty of pictures to document our weekend."

Sandy looks amazed, "You got him for a whole weekend? Damn, I am surprised he can still walk." She looks at me. "Oops, sorry."

I am trying to not die of embarrassment, I hide my face in shame.

Sandy hugs me, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your friends. You girls better be taking care of him."

Pat laughs, "Girl, you have no idea what he did to us."

Sandy blushes, "Oh, I think I have an idea. We dated for a while. From the looks of you three, you had a fun day. My guess is you four were up very late last night."

I need to stop this, I order two pitchers of draft beer and three pizzas with all the fixings they like.

Karen asks, "If he is so great how come you are not together still?"

That killed the mood.

Sandy sniffles and admits, "It was my fault. It was early on and I didn't know how nice he was. Nor how serious he was about relationships. Let's say he doesn't like sharing his women with other guys too much. I tell you this not to embarrass him but because so far it's the worst decision of my life. If any of you really like him, you better treat him right."

Sandy leaves in tears and put our order in.

I don't look at the girl's faces as I tell my story, "We had been dating for three weeks. I bought a few friends of mine here to meet Sandy. They see her waiting a table and they say, "that's her". I ask, her who? They both tell me that my Sandy is the girl they both took home from a bar two days prior and fucked her all night. I immediately get up and leave. They stayed."

Vic says, "What a bitch."

I reply dryly, "No, that's just been my luck with women the last few years. Now that I am ready to settle down, something always seems to happen. My last girlfriend assumed I was lying because I was too nice. The other two waitresses here are very nice but also very married, they are safe from me."

Our food came soon after and I quickly drank two glasses of beer. The topic of conversation needs to change. They love the pizza, the conversation safely moved to food. I am relieved. I think they sensed that and we left it that way. We quickly finish the pizza and beer. I pay and we leave.

I guide the women all the way over to the next door, a bar. The place is large and is over half dance floor. It is a huge rectangle that looks worn. I don't like country music but the live bands that come here are pretty good, cute singers, and make for a fun night of line dancing. I pull them around to the last row and drag them to the dance floor, two on each side of me.

I tell the women, "We all get to dance. Follow the screen, me, or someone in front of you. Feel free to screw up, nobody cares. Just let loose and have fun. When you figure it out, feel free to improvise. Nobody is behind us so don't worry much about footwork. Just try not to kick the people in front of you."

They were terrible. They seem to be going right when they should have been going left, and it got worse from there. After about an hour of trying to follow, Lynn and Kathy caught on and now it was fun for them to stay up with the regulars. I moved Pat and Vic close to me and had them follow me. I exaggerated my moves and they too catch on. We did a five-person chorus line for the last hour before I called it quits. They wanted more but I still have one stop left and it's getting late.

I tease the young ladies, "I am taking you shopping. I think you will find the experience interesting. I am going to appeal to your intellectual side."

Vic sounds depressed, "Swell, we are going to a bookstore."

We load into my SUV and take off for a part of town I am sure they have never experienced before.

Kathy is worried, "Um, this place is disgusting. How do people live in these conditions?"

I am a bit offended, "My first home wasn't far from here. I wanted to prove I could live on my own. Don't ever make that same mistake. You four have been lucky and live in the lap of luxury, not everyone gets to start so well. Fear not, we are not stopping here, just passing through."

As we get close, Lynn shouts out, "Oh no. Not there. Please tell me not that spot."

Pat seems amused, "Why not? All kinds of stuff you might want here. A whole clothes section, books, movies. What else do you need?" She laughs at her friend.

Lynn looks at Vic, "Please tell me you are staying in the car?"

Vic has mischief in her eyes, "Oh grow up. This will be interesting. You might learn something."

Lynn says in a loud voice, "It's an adult toy store! We can't go in there?"

Pat adds to the fire, "Oh grow up Lynn. We are expanding our horizons. Stay close to us and let's stay as a group for safety. If we need a volunteer to try something, I am perfectly fine volunteering Lynn."

Everyone but Lynn got a good laugh out of that.

I pull up and they all run around to my side and follow me in. They don't want to lead nor go solo behind me. There are several people working tonight, middle-aged, decent looking, no tattoos or weird hair-cuts. Just two normal looking guys and two normal looking women. In the store, there are about a dozen couples, two of which have their girls on leashes. Looks like a perfect night.

I smile as I tell the girls, "You can each have one thing. If you need a demo, the owners love to demo all products."

We go to the clothes section first. Lingerie, role play costumes, latex, dominant, and submissive outfits. They have it all. They all like the lingerie but want to look more. BDSM is next. Furniture, restraints, blindfolds, rope, and pain-inflicting devices. They are interested but afraid to say anything. I look at the owners, raise my hand, and flick it towards us.

Tanya says, "Hi Steve, it's been a while."

I blush, the girls giggle, I continue, "My friends here are interested in rope and what you can do with it. Zero experience. I am guessing they want to know how restraints are sexy. Is it sexy? Do you like it?"

Tanya brought a rope with her, hands it to me, and says, "Pick something quick and easy." I start tying her up. A simple hogtie.

Tanya continues to talk while being tied up, "Being restrained is liberating. You are free from worrying about what to do next. Think about it. During sex, you enjoy it, but your mind is also thinking about when will he speed up, slow down, tease you, spank you, or fuck you. When restrained, there is nothing to worry about because you have no choice. You can concentrate on enjoying the experience."

She starts instructing now, "Never start with BDSM, you need to trust your partner 100%. Once you find the guy, it's awesome. Steve, take off my shorts and panties." I obediently take off her shorts and panties. "This is so much better. Can you smell how turned on I am?" They all nod their heads. "When you finish, get a crop."

I just finished tying her up when her husband moves closer but not too close. I understand he is being protective. I pick up a crop I know well, I own the same one.

Tanya has a wicked smile on her face, "Steve, five welts, please. I give him bare skin. More fun and easier to tell if he hits me too soft or too hard. Too soft and all I get is the pain. Not going to lie, the pain can be incredible. However, the burning pleasure I get from it is even stronger. I know he enjoys this. Truth is, I enjoy it more."

I use a flick of my wrist and strike her with the crop on the side of her ass. A bright red welt quickly shows up. Tanya screams out in pain and then moans in pleasure.

Tanya continues, "Pain isn't for everyone. But I have yet to meet anyone who has not had an orgasm from restraints. I love having my tits tied up." I strike her ass three more times in quick succession. "Ouch! Ouch! OUCH! Mmmmmmm. When they are quick like that, I only feel the pain once but triple the pleasure. Ouch! Ohhhhh that is sooooo good."

Tanya now has an evil grin on her face, "I am tied up and submissive. I want each of you to either use me or make me do something humiliating." Her husband is now ten feet away.

They all seem too scared to say anything. I don't have that issue.

I use my commanding voice, "Lynn, expose her breasts and suck on her nipples."

Lynn looks stunned, she looks at the husband, he nods his head yes, she uses her hands to delicately, move the shirt so she can pull her breasts out of her shirt and then eagerly starts sucking the nipples.

I say with confidence, "Pat, take the dildo from her husband and shove it up her cunt. Kathy, her husband has a butt plug, insert into her ass."

When they finish Tanya is a mess on the floor. She is on sexual overload.

I stare at Vic, "I want her eating you. Right here on the floor."

A few couples show up to watch. Vic quickly removes her shorts and panties, then is on the floor close to Tanya. She inches closer and contorts her body, so she can eat Vic out which she is very eager to allow. A boyfriend commands his woman to strip, she does so. He bends her over and starts fucking her in front of us. Her huge tits are bouncing all over.

Vic is thrilled with Tanya's experience. Even with the rope restraining her, Tanya is an oral expert and is driving Vic wild. Two other couples are excited, and the guys have their hands inside the shirts squeezing breasts. Vic finally explodes and shoots her cum on Tanya. Vic now sees the crowd and quickly puts on her panties and shorts.

The husband looks at me, "Want to spit roast her with me?"

I hold up my hands in surrender, "I am here to show these nice young women some fun. This isn't about me today."

Vic is annoyed with me, "Oh shut up and show us how to do it right."

Pat says, "Look at her, she needs it. Give it to her good."

Defeated, I start disrobing as does her husband. If I had to guess, he is a bit bigger around, but we are close.

Husband says, "I want her face, give her a load in the cunt."

Tanya is hog tied, she can't move much. We set her up on hands and knees. He goes deep into her oral cavity while I go balls deep into her cunt. She is already shuddering and moaning. I start a quick tempo, this won't last long.

I am a quick piston in and out of her cunt. Husband is going deep down her throat. Kathy has a finger on her clit. Lynn has a finger rubbing a nipple while Pat has the other nipple. I am going as fast as I can, no way she lasts long with this much attention. They are both waiting for me. Vic trails her finger along my ass. I shoot rope after rope into Tanya as she screams out in pleasure. The husband shoots his cum on her face. I pull out and Vic cleans me off which shocks me. She giggles once she finishes.

The husband and I start untying Tanya and then he picks her up and carries her into the back room. I dress, I am feeling ... good.

I say to the women flatly, "So, that is ropes." They fall to the ground laughing. We walk over to the dildo section. Every size and shape imaginable and then some you just could not comprehend. While in there a slave approaches me.

Slave looks down, pulls off her shirt and bra. This woman is stunningly good looking. Young and taut body. Huge round fake tits and huge nipples tell me that she is excited.

She asks me timidly, "May I please you or your friends?"

I look at Vic and her friends, they seem nervous about this, and being in public. Yet, how can I pass this up?

I look at the lady and say with glee, "You see the other submissive with a chain on her collar?" She nods yes. "How about you talk her into sharing a double ended dildo and see who can take the most."

She is dreading my suggestion and hopped back on her heels. She quickly looks at her master, he has a scary smile on his face. Her face goes long and looks down at the floor.