Sisterhood - Alienation


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'I can breathe!' I roared as I swam down and touched the entry pad. 'Shit!'

'Jerry!' Thorn's thoughts touched mine.

The door lifted and the space beyond wasn't flooded. I was caught up in the torrent of water rushing into the space beyond. I was tossed around like a ragdoll and landed twenty or so meters down the hallway. I lay on my back gasping, coughing, and whimpering at my poor bruised body.

'I'm okay. Just a little battered is all.' I sent soothing her.

The door closed and I heard the roar of water rushing in behind it refilling the water hazard. I sat up and my drone returned to its position three meters ahead of me. I stood, arched my back, and felt the vertebrae pop from my tailbone to my skull. I lifted my shirt and saw that most of my torso was bright red from a multitude of broken blood vessels from the effects of the sonic trap. I wonder why my drone hadn't picked up on it.

"More tweaking for you little buddy." I said my voice echoing down the cyclopean hall. "Murals now," I commented as millennia old lights flickered to life. "She was a real looker. What race was she? Never seen anything like that before."

I noted the way her eyes were depicted as slit like a cat. She had strange six digited hands with four fingers and two opposable thumbs, one on either side of her hand. Her features were sharp yet beautiful. I squatted down at the only mural that possessed anything that even looked like writing. The drone swooped in and illuminated and recorded the stone panel.

"See here," I said pointing to the hidden characters. "Hidden here amidst the whorls and squiggly lines it is her name or title perhaps. Umbra Duskwalker." I read it aloud for the record. "Duskwalker? Shadow Weaver. Hmmm."

I continued down and wondered if the title was honorific or perhaps it was the name of her people. Duskwalkers. Impressive and intimidating I thought as the fifty-foot-high corridor suddenly ended as I walked face first into a force field. The drone passed through it leaving me a puzzle to figure out as I rubbed my bruised nose. I examined the extent of the field and it covered the entire corridor from the ground to at least three meters high. I looked for any sort of clues or mechanism but the only thing around me were the damned murals. As I stood there a grinding sound filled the air as the murals pivoted on hidden axis to reveal new illustrations on the other side.

"Aw hell." I groaned seeing the death that awaited me. "If I don't figure this out, I am going to be roasted alive." I spoke to the drone. "Hold on. This panel here is a bit different. Look at how she is dressed. How would you describe that? Gone are the tight crisp uniforms, here she is wearing loose fitting blouse and bare feet. Ew... even her toes have six piggies!" I smelled the gas being pumped in. Once there was enough to do the job whoosh, boom, argh. "Who wears loose clothing? Dancers. Martial Artists. Gymnasts." The idea hit me as I began coughing.

I moved back five meters or so from the invisible barrier. The lightly tinged gas marked the demarcation point and as the heavier than air methane filled the corridor it pushed the air up and over the six-meter mark. I hoped I could leap that high. I raced towards the force field as fast as I could manage and launched my body upward. The symbiote's alterations allowed me to vault the barrier with barely a few centimeters to spare. I tucked and rolled as I heard the ignition of the gas. I hit the ground and momentum brought me to my feet. I looked over my shoulder as the far end of the tunnel burst into flames first and then rushed forward with a roar and burned itself out in a matter of seconds.

"What next?" I wondered at the drone flittered forward.

The panels of the murals were different now. They depicted more of the six fingered Duskwalkers and named them. Were they family or fallen enemies? At the end of the corridor was a towering statue of Umbra. It must have been seven meters tall or more. Carved from an ebony stone it revealed her true beauty that the flat panels had failed to show so intimately. There was a golden plaque attached at the base of the statue. It was written in her native language.

"I am Umbra Duskwalker, last of the... how the hell do you pronounce that? K... K'Ta'Viiri?" I stumbled over the strange word. "My apologies Lady Umbra let's try that again for posterity." I said and cleared my throat. "I am Umbra Duskwalker, last of the K'Ta'Viiri gaze upon my countenance and be afraid... ow! What the hell was that?" I said just before the lights went out.

I awoke staring up at the muraled ceiling of the hallway. Umbra stood there smiling down at me from the gorgeous fresco adorning the roof. I felt like I was drunk or in this case drugged. My mouth was dry, and the air smelled differently.

'Jerry!' Thorn's thoughts came in crystal clear. 'You are alive!'

'Of course, I am alive.' I sent back whispering. 'I feel like I've been hit by a truck.'

'You don't understand. You've been unconscious for three days here. I estimate nearly a week back home. The days and nights here are really long.' Thorn explained. 'I am so glad you are okay. I thought... never mind. Find what you came for and get your ass up here so we can go home.'

'On it.' I said as I sat up and ran cupped my face in my hands. 'What the hell?!'

I bit back the scream of alarm when I pulled my hands back and wiggled my fingers, all twelve of them. My drone hovered down, and I saw that it had its tiny manipulator hand extended and was holding a transparent crystalline needle in its grasp. It must have been the source of the sting I had felt before... this. I tried out my new thumb and found it was as dexterous or perhaps even more so than before. I let out a cry of astonishment when I was able to use both thumbs at the same time. It took a little practice, but I was able to isolate two fingers and with effort hold two objects at the same time. I ordered the drone to store the needle, so I could analyze the substance when we got back, if we got back.

"Moving on."

The corridor showed no obvious exits. Great, another fucking test, I thought as I looked around. The murals were no help. I glared at the grinning statue. Umbra wore a knowing smile and I was about to curse her out when I saw her hands. They were posed in impossible gestures. I say impossible for anyone not of her race. I matched her pose exactly though it did take a bit to get my fingers into those positions. The wall to my left split in half revealing another corridor. It was well lit beyond and the ornate hallway was left behind. The hall opened into a vast alchemical laboratory. Even on an alien world certain items were universal or at least I hoped so. A fresh thrum of power shook the floor and a hologram towered over me.

'Welcome Duskwalker.' The hologram spoke directly to my mind. 'You were born to be here or miraculously survive my sting.'

'I need your help.'

'Of course, you do Keeper.' It replied.

'That couldn't have been programed into you. Are you an A.I.?' I asked even as I sensed a living mind. 'Where are you?'

'This way acolyte.' She sent. 'Follow the pull of my thoughts.'

There was a directionality to them. I followed a ramp up into a smaller chamber that was lit by a multitude of displays, shimmering crystals, and the frozen sarcophagus in the center of the room. She reminded me of Sleeping Beauty trapped in ice. Something was terribly wrong. The cryogenic chamber must have malfunctioned. The fluid had frozen and invaded her body. She was dying.

'Yes. After the sleep of countless millennia, I face the inevitable.' Umbra said emotionlessly.

'What can I do?' I asked and she laughed.

'I altered your physiology dramatically and you ask me what you can do. I admire your people.' She chuckled. 'Your mother must be a formidable woman.'

'A terror.' I fired back. 'You weren't the first to take the decision out of my hands. I was dying and my A.I. introduced a symbiote into the equation. Of course, without it I would have perished in your little water trap. Oh, and your flame trap would have burnt me to a crisp without its help. Perhaps even my already altered biology allowed me to survive your sting.'

'Hurry! Behind me, the corridor... at the end of it is my gift to you. It is my legacy and burden. Take it and never return.'

'Hold the hell on,' I angrily sent. 'I have questions that need answering.'

She ignored me. The thrum at my feet was growing stronger. Was she overloading the power supply? I dashed forward snatching the drone out of the air and fleeing the lab. The hall was pitch black and yet my eyes gathered what little illumination there was and amplified it. A saw a pedestal and on it a ruby pyramid. I stepped into the circular area and the wall behind me slid shut. The ground shifted violently. I looked for traps, but nothing was obvious. I picked up the heavy crystal pyramid and the ground moved again. It wasn't until I noticed the walls shifting that I realized I was in an elevator. I looked up at the ceiling rushed towards me and at the last moment split open and I stood on the top of the Valley of the Necropolis.

I let out a sigh of relief until a dozen armed figures surrounded me. They were clad in tight fitting camouflaged uniforms. It was difficult to gauge the true color of the fabric. Sometimes I thought it was red to match the sand and at other times I thought it might be reflecting or even bending the ambient light slightly. They all shared the same posture with both hands palm outwards, and I wondered if it were a threat or a greeting of welcome. Was this the last test? I remembered the hand gesture from the statue of Umbra. What the hell. I'll give it a try. I slipped the pyramid into my backpack to free my hands and slowly formed my fingers into what felt like yoga for my hands.

"Keeper!" One of the women said and they all knelt.

"I told you." Thorn snapped as she joined them kneeling.

"Hail the Keeper," the leader sang.

"Hail the Shadow Weaver!" The others responded.

"Hail the Keeper!" The leader repeated.

"Duskwalker and Shadow Master." They finished.

"Let me introduce the Sisterhood of the Duskwalker." Thorn said smiling.

"A pleasure lady." I said as they removed their protective masks. "Whoa."

"He means you are all quite attractive." Thorn intervened when I tried not to stare at their ethereal beauty.

Their skin ranged from Nordic pale to Brazilian tanned. Their eyes were a little bigger than human norm but instead of an iris and sclera the entire organ was dotted with tiny flecks of shimmering crystal-like structures. In the dim light they had a definite luminescence to them. Their noses were long and thin with small triangular nostrils. Their mouths were small with full lips that begged to be kissed. I pushed out the lewder thought out but not before my obvious lust trickled out.

"He wants to join with us, all of us." One of the younger sisters declared aloud.

"Yes, his thoughts are quite clear." The leader purred. "Let us lead the way."

"I need a drink." I said and we were led to the temple complex I had seen when we first arrived here.

I desperately tried not to stare at the full round bottom of one of the sisters. Thorn elbowed me and glared. I laughed and the sisters joined me. The path to the temple was indirect and avoided any large patches of loose sand. They obviously knew the dangers of the sand and its hidden predators. How long had they been here? Were they part of the native species or colonists or perhaps even pilgrims? I felt Thorn's attention on me and looked over my shoulder. She pointed at my back, more precisely my backpack. I shrugged my shoulders and took it off and saw what had gotten her attention. Something inside was glowing and moving around. It could only be my drone, but why was it acting like that? I lifted the flap and peeked inside. The small sphere was slowly circling the crystal pyramid scanning the shit out of it.

"Oh!" I said and laughed. "I forgot. I programmed the drone to analyze any tech it ran into that I hadn't created. If it is taking this long it must be pretty impressive or incredibly complex."

"I smell, what is the term, reverse engineering about to begin." Thorn giggled. "That'll make you happy."

"You know me so well." I said and Thorn lowered her head and absently stroked one of her lekku nervously. "I love you too."

"Keeper!" Thorn cried out. "Please."

The rest of the walk was done in silence. I returned the pack to my back and let the drone do its work. How long would it take it to decipher the pyramid, that depended on how complex the technology was that created it? I was eager to delve into the core of the device. It was the thing that would allow me to master my telepathy. I needed it to be able to move around in public without every cute girl getting soaked never knowing why.

We stood before the great doors of the Temple of Korriban. The ladies motioned and we entered via a side entrance. They explained that the front doors were damaged. I offered to fix it and they looked genuinely surprised. Was it that I had offered or that I might be able to fix it? They went straight to a side chamber and began removing their protective robes. I shouldn't have been surprised that they were naked underneath. I joined them and undressed. I was fine until one of them bent over to pick up her clothes and my lust lanced out touching every mind within the range of my thoughts.

"Keeper!" Thorn moaned. "Get it together."

The ladies didn't seem to mind. Perhaps they thought it was a compliment that I found them attractive. Two of them took me by the hand and tugged me into what ended up being a communal shower. My lust was derailed when I wondered where they were getting their water from. I asked as one of them touched a control pad and water rained down on her from above.

"The entire outer surface of the temple is one massive moisture collector. There is a reservoir below the temple and all water is recycled." She explained.

"Thanks." I said as she joined the other and I stood and watched them wash up.

They all belonged to the same species but were as varied as any human might be. The shortest among them was 1.5 meters tall and the tallest was around 1.8. Their skin ranged from Irish pale to Greek olive complexion while they all had raven black hair. Most wore their hair long, down to their full round bottoms, a few had short cropped but clearly a minority. Their eyes tended to be almond shaped and noticeably angled giving them an elfin quality. Prominent cheek bones and full lips were also common among them. Their ears had a prominent point but no lobes to speak of. Breast size varied widely just as it did with human females but when I commented they laughed.

"Maidens have smaller breasts Keeper," one of the older ladies explained. "Only mothers have fuller breasts that produce milk."

"I don't mean to pry." I said noting the tattoos on their forearms. "Your markings are quite varied."

"Come closer and I'll explain," another offered. "Mine are by far the most complex and interesting."

I glanced over and Thorn had already engaged them. She was surrounded by three of them and clearly enjoying herself. I joined the Matron, as I identified her, and she pulled me close. She explained her tattoos as she rocked her hips over my erection. The first tattoo signified her tribe, the next her family, the next her name, and any after that were the children, she had given birth to. Those on her off hand were husbands, lovers, or other achievements or ranks.

I kissed her and as our tongues dueled. Her race has long muscular tongue the color of amethyst. I learned why their tongues were that way. The tip of my own tongue brushed against something in her mouth that set her off. Her entire body shook when I teased it. She explained later that her species had an oral clitoris located on the roof of their mouth. I lowered my mouth to her breasts and the more I explored her body the more I learned. Her nipples were especially sensitive and with a gentle squeeze she provided milk.

"He is milking me!" She roared to the others.

"Two! Zethra'ah, he has two!" Another of them cried out and she looked down.

"We ride like sisters tonight." Zethra'ah declared with a wicked smile. "I claim mounting rite who shall join me?"

I surrendered and Zethra'ah and two others helped me to the floor and crawled on top.

They were as gentle as they were eager. My own desire infected them as my lust spread like a psychic disease. The more aroused I became the more pleasure they gave me, and the cycle was born. When one of the maidens took my cock down her throat with ease, I commented about her not having a gag reflex.

"What is a gag reflex?" One of the others asked.

"Human females are limited by design." I said and went into a brief description of how speech and eating were so closely tied together.

"How inefficient." She replied. "We don't possess that flaw in our biology."

As her friend stroked my erection and sucked it like fiend, she showed me the delicate flaps and slits in her neck and around her collarbone. They allowed her to breath not only oxygen from the air but acted as gills when necessary. I warned the girl I was getting close and that just ramped up her attack. While I was shooting that load down her throat the Matron had straddled me and was lining up the head of my cock with her slit.

She was tighter than most human females. Funny how I kept comparing them. The girl straddling my face pulled her labia apart revealing not one but three clits. They were clustered where you'd expect them to be, but I quickly discovered that they were hard wired to right, center, and left sides of her body. She urged me to use my tongue on all three of them simultaneously. The other two were riding me slowly. I asked if they were enjoying themselves the girl by my face laughed.

Someone mounted my lower cock and the familiar pattern began. There was a time when I felt guilty or even used, but now I looked forward to the time I got to make love to so many women. The guilt was long gone and it its place an appreciation when I saw the bliss in their eyes. I would talk about a job well done, but that seemed to cheapen it somehow.

"Climax soon," She said. "Males of our race are less generous than you are. Spoil us you will."

I began thrusting my hips upward changing things up and the pair impaled on my cocks cried out as they climaxed. That set me onto a mission, and I went on the offensive. I ordered the girl straddling my face onto her back. I grabbed the next closest female and directed her to lay on top of the first girl. I lined up and with a slow thrust of my hips impaled both in one go. I moved slow and discovered just how sensitive they were. If I went too fast, they lost their minds. It was a test in patience.

"Let's take a peek," I growled as I caressed the girl on top's ass. "Tight." I commented as I slid my finger into her puckered hole.

"He prods my wedding promise." She gasped.

"Wedding promise?" I asked as I withdrew my finger. "Sorry."

"You don't understand." She purred. "One is for leisurely pleasure. The other is for husbands and is much more sensitive."

"I am sorry to intrude on your um promise." I said and she didn't look offended. "My species we use both rather casually."

"Two..." she said, and her eyes lit up. "Oh gods... two... I think I would die from it."

"I would risk it," the girl on the bottom groaned. "I am so damn close."

"Faster now," Zethra'ah urged from behind me. "Watch them closely. Observe the spine of our females. There, do you see it?"

"Yes." I said and pounded the living hell out of both. "There is a slight glow when they climax."

The shriek as the climaxed was deafening but worth it. Zethra'ah motioned for two more to assume the same position and it went like that until all twelve had come at least once. Zethra'ah was the first to get DP'd. She nearly climaxed when I slid into her 'promise'. As a species they rarely practiced sex with multiple partners. I learned that in the distant past their bodies were augmented to be more efficient for sex and other situations. The reason was a war that nearly wiped out their species. The changes had saved their race from extinction. Since then sex was a sacred duty and while they enjoyed it the culture surrounding it was somewhat ritualistic.