Sixville's Finest

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Sean Donheeney cracked some eggs into the frying pan as his wife Shannon watched over the morning papers. The big guy was really at home in the kitchen unlike her.

The whole apartment still held the lingering aroma of burnt toast; a reminder of her last efforts and how the alarms had sent all the building's residents out onto the sidewalks.

"Is Connor bringing Mindy tonight?" She asked her husband.

"No. I get the impression that's all over."

"Oh no..." She gasped ruefully. Sean's partner just had no luck with women. " I thought he thought she might be the one."

Sean shrugged his broad shoulders and rubbed a large hand over his baldhead, stopping to scratch the close shaven hair at the back. He gave his wife a look of resignation; his partner always thought the woman he was dating was the one and she never was.

"Mindy felt Connor was emotionally unavailable, apparently, so she's gone back to her husband...." Sean didn't need to tell Shannon the irony of leaving Connor for that creep, who had just been paroled.

"How's Connor taking it?"

Sean gestured expansively. The young man was hurting, as he always was after a break-up, but in a few days he'd be over it completely. Donheeney was almost envious of Murphy's easygoing personality.

"He'll get himself a good woman one of these days, like me, and he'll drift towards death in a blissful haze of great sex and household disasters..." Sean said jovially.

"Hey!" Shannon exclaimed with a smile.

Sean served up the eggs on his wife's plate and pinched the funny pages. He lent down and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm going for my run." He said, scanning the cartoons.

Shannon looked up at her man, liking what she saw. His big, solid body looked good in the running vest and shorts, which showed off the carpet of his black chest hair and his muscles.

"You'll be late." Shannon cautioned, glancing at her watch.

"Not if I shower at the precinct." Sean figured, snatching up his pack and kissing her goodbye. "Have a good day, honey. Say hi to your mother for me."


"So who's this guy, Barker, we're watching?" Officer Murphy asked Officer Donheeney as they sat in their patrol car.

"Weren't you listening back at the station? He's a suspect in a disappearance. The detectives have got nothing on him so we get to sit here or follow him around." His partner replied.

"He's just gone in to his building." Connor stated.

Sean nodded. He'd seen it. He took a sip of his coffee. Connor seemed to have returned to his usual cheerful self.

His partner's problem was his good looks and bad taste in women. The bad girls took one look at Connor, a boyish clean-cut man in uniform and thought they could have a little fun but Connor always thought about marriage from the off. Mindy was part of a long line of women who'd wanted a nice guy, but only for a little while, before they chose the jerk instead.

Connor was naïve but he didn't deserve that treatment. He was good cop and a great guy and Sean wanted him to be happy, though so far he'd resisted Shannon's offers to set Connor up with a nice Irish girl.


"The guy was hysterical, so I slapped him. It's what they do in the movies!" Sean recalled, telling his partner about the first case he'd worked on as a rookie.

"And the guy was going to make a complaint?" Connor asked.

"Yeah, till his boyfriend started slapping him too. I left them to it and heard no more about it."

Connor chuckled. He could just picture the scene. Big and burly Sean with the two fags, all confused and well meaning. His partner was a big-hearted dependable guy but to people who didn't know him he came across as intimidating.

"Dodged a bullet there, Irish. You know, hysteria can technically only affect women?" Connor informed Sean.

"How'd you figure that?" Sean asked.

"Hysteria means 'floating uterus' and last time I checked men don't have those."

"Makes sense, it's like hysterectomy, right? Go on."

"Anyway the old way to cure it was to get a doctor to make the woman cum..." Connor continued.

"Ha ha, lucky doctors!" Sean chuckled.

"No, apparently they found it distasteful and that's how vibrators got invented!" Officer Murphy concluded.

"How do the hell do you know all this stuff?" Officer Donheeney sighed, shaking his head incredulously.

"I read a lot and remember stuff. Maybe you would too, if you weren't illiterate..."

"Watch it, Pretty Boy! You only remember useless stuff, anyway." Sean growled. He knew that he wasn't as intelligent as his partner. It had been something of an issue when he and Murphy had been first paired together.

"Don't call me Pretty Boy, you know I hate it."

"Come on, admit curl those eyelashes, don't you?" Sean loved to rile Connor. He was just so easily wound up.

"Fuck off."

"I've been to your apartment and seen all your beauty products, don't forget."

"It takes effort to look good. You've forgotten what its like when you're dating, because Shannon was crazy enough to marry you. If you had used some grooming products maybe you wouldn't have lost all your hair, Baldy!"

Sean grappled with his partner and got him in a headlock. Connor struggled briefly, pushing and flailing against Sean. He finally settled into a wary submission.

"Take that back, I'm warning you." Sean demanded, faux agitation in his voice. He actually liked his lack of hair; it suited his face and, most importantly, it drove Shannon wild.

"Yeah, I'm going to kick your ass." Connor yelled, with childish defiance.

Sean let go off the younger guy. They fell back into their seats and both laughed at the thought of the light and wiry Murphy taking on Donheeney.

Suddenly screaming filled the street. There was no mistaking it for anything other than a woman in fear of her life. Within seconds the two policemen were running from the car towards Barker's building and the source of the awful screaming.

Both drew their weapons as they entered the shabby residence, and Connor called for back up.

"On three." Donheeney whispered at Barker's door. The screaming had stopped and both men knew that did not bode well. Connor watched as Sean counted down on his fingers.

The doorframe splintered as Donheeney's weight slammed against it and they were in.

They were greeted by the stench of a slaughterhouse. A human hand, attached to nothing, lying in a pool of blood seemed to beckon them in to find all manner of charnel horrors.


Shannon picked up a box, and shifted to balance herself. She looked up at the new house. It was all porch and gables nestled in amongst mature weeping willow trees. She had fallen in love with it from the photo the realtor had sent.

She was already envisioning how much her future children would love to play in those leafy dens. This was a family home in a way that the city apartment never could have been.

She was so caught up with her imaginings that Shannon failed to spot the welcome party approaching from the wide quiet street.

"Mrs Donheeney? Hello?" A portly rosy-cheeked matron called out.

"Oh. Sorry. I was miles away." Shannon replied, shaken from her reverie.

The older woman smiled her understanding and introduced the group. She was Mrs Ada Matthews, Shannon's new next-door neighbour, and her husband was Bernie. Further away stood a tall, handsome man and standing next to him was the most beautiful youth that Shannon had ever seen; Sheriff Dodd and his son, Isaiah.

"We'd thought we'd pop over to see if you needed a hand moving in...." Bernie offered.

"Oh thank you, honestly... Oh come and meet Sean and Connor first...I'm sure we can root out enough mugs for a coffee ....

Isaiah took the heavy box from her with a gentlemanly nod and they all went inside.


"Well you're very welcome in Sixville. We all hope you're going to be very happy here." Ada beamed.

"I think we are. When the lieutenant suggested I apply for the job here I'd never even heard of Sixville but it's so beautiful here." Sean replied.

"And the house was so reasonable...did someone die here, or something?" Connor, who was lending a hand, inquired.

"Oh, gosh....nothing like that. The Reids divorced and had to sell the house. It was such a shame, I thought they were a very nice couple." Ada explained.

"He ran off with his mother-in-law in the end." Bernie added, seeming to delight in his bit of salacious gossip.

"This house needs some work doing to it. Are you handy around the house, Sean?" Fred Dobbs asked his newest deputy hastily.

Sean shrugged modestly but communicated that he might know what he was doing.

Isaiah touched Connor on the upper arm and Connor sensed something he couldn't quite define from the boy.

"Come on, let's put the old swing chair up before it gets dark." The boy said positively.


Connor tightened the last bolt with difficulty. When he was done he flopped down onto the chair. The view over the valley was outstanding. His friends had certainly found themselves a fantastic new home. He was going to miss them, even though they were only an hour's drive from the city.

Isaiah came out, his arms overflowing with cushions. Connor jumped up to help him out.

"Can I ask you something, Connor?" The kid asked. There was a faint scent of saffron in the air.

"Sure." Connor smiled. This was a good kid.

"Why'd they want to leave the city for this place?"

Murphy was at a loss. Dobbs Snr probably knew the reason from their Lieutenant Olsen, a man he'd worked with years ago but how much should he tell Dobbs' son?

"We worked a bad case a few months back. It got under Sean's skin. He and Shannon want to start a family but Sean didn't want to do it in the city after the Barker murders." He revealed.

Isaiah nodded as if he understood.

"Dad lived in the city. Until his wife tried to kill him. She's still locked up in the mad house."

What could Connor say to that? The kid had said it so matter of fact that Connor was at a loss. He patted the boy on the arm and suggested they grab a soda.


Sean pushed the door closed and pulled off his t-shirt. He threw it in the basket as he watched Shannon strip. Her slender boyish figure still made his heart beat faster even after all the years. Her lithe and supple body stretched up to the top of the closet but couldn't quite reach the box she was after.

Sean stepped up and retrieved it from its place. He dumped it on the floor and embraced his wife. He just held her for a while, both of them just enjoying the intimacy. Though Shannon's sexy body aroused him a lot Sean could just take pleasure holding her, cuddling her. Making love was something that they cherished, not needed.

"I'm going to shower. I'm all sweaty and dusty and there's clean linen on the bed." She explained, rummaging in the box for her bathrobe.

Sean dropped his pants and Shannon looked him up and down. He loved being naked with his wife; clothed or nude he was always comfortable with his beautiful spouse. Right now there was a naughty twinkle in his eye.

"Oh no," Shannon said sternly, though Sean could tell she wanted it. "Connor's right down the hall."

"Hush...we'll be as quiet as mice...." He promised as he led her to the shower.

He positioned her in the space and turned on the water.

"Hmmm...." Shannon moaned as Sean's hands anointed her with rosebud and juniper shower gel. He caressed her with the sponge so lightly the sensation was like dreamt cobwebs.

She turned so that he could lovingly attend the front. His eyes were so full of affection and admiration as he soothed her soft skin with effervescing bubbles that Shannon had to kiss him. Her lips reached up to his and her tongue slipped into his mouth as gentle suds slipped down her cute breasts.

Sean pulled back his head, taunting her with his small coy kisses and his closeness. She wanted it now but he had other intentions...

He grabbed the showerhead and smiled. The flow was slowly guided over her skin, first her shoulders, her back and then her arms. Everywhere the water cleansed her husband's kiss followed, some interspersed with little nibbles, others with ticklish little licks. Shannon was swirling, every inch of her flesh more awake than ever before. At the same time she felt as if she were dreaming; the steam, the aroma, the heat, the brief touch of Sean's craning was a heady, potent mix.

"Huuuuh...." She moaned, a little deliriously.

The kisses didn't stop. Her husband was relentless, merciless, not a piece of her was overlooked or neglected.

"Ooooh...." She moaned, having to hold her arms out to balance herself as Sean knelt down awkwardly, his lips just having left her butt cheeks and heading lower.

The jet of water ran down her leg and Sean followed. He lifted her foot, turning her for better access in this crammed space.

"Aaaahhh...." She cooed as the flow ran between her toes and so did his diligent tongue. Her whole body was tingling. She was turned on, like you wouldn't believe but it was a quiet was safe and close, almost nonsexual in its innocence.

She bit her lip as Sean shifted to repeat the procedure on her other leg. She hadn't been bathed since she was a little girl and it felt good. It was if she were regressing to her infancy, safe, loved, protected. Her whole being was relaxed and aglow at the same time. Shannon stroked her fingers over her breasts, shivering at the texture of the water-wrinkled tips.

Sean turned her and she couldn't fight him, malleable in his power. He nuzzled against each of her alert nipples and Shannon became aware of the orgasm that had been building almost imperceptibly. She was right on the edge of it now. Sean must have been aware of it. In all the years of his marriage his devotion to this body meant that he recognised every nuance and twitch.

He stood behind her, a solid reliable man to rest on. He kissed her neck as his hands sought downwards.

"aaaaah ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh...." Shannon yelled, each flick of her husband's fingers on her clit eliciting a crest of pleasure.

"Ssshhh...Connor might hear...." Sean whispered but neither of them could bring themselves to quieten down.

"aaaaah ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh...." Shannon wailed, cumming in breathless silence. Sean had to catch her limp body as the ecstasy coursed through her.

Sean returned the showerhead to its place and held her under its spray for a while.

"You're quite a man, you know that, Sean Donheeney?" Shannon sighed, turning to face him and playing with the silver St Christopher around his neck.

"Well, you're a hell of a woman, Mrs Donheeney."

Shannon traced a finger down a rivulet in his dark chest hair. His nipples looked vulnerable and pink amongst the water-flattened fur. She clawed her nails from his abdomen to his chest, enjoying the feel of his hair being raked upwards.

"I have to make love to you right this second." Sean said earnestly, as if he might explode with impatience.

Shannon put her hand down between his legs to check. His big thick cock was hard and heavy in the palm of her hand.

She let go and turned. She stood with her legs spread and her hands on the wall.

"Well, if you absolutely have to...." She giggled under a tone of mock concession.

Sean stepped up behind her. He parted her pussy lips with his right hand and had penetrated her within seconds. Despite his words Sean took his time, thrusting his shaft in and out in a lazy rhythm. He knew Shannon had trouble taking his long dick inside. It only served to make his lovemaking more careful and thoughtful.

"Are you ready to be a mommy, Mrs Donheeney?" Sean whispered into her ear lightly. He took a hold of her hand.

"How perfect would it be to conceive on our first night here? home, new jobs and new life..." Shannon sighed.

Sean glided in and out of Shannon's hot comfortable pussy. In the tiny part of his brain not taken up with love, lust and pleasure he thanked God for giving him everything he had ever dreamed of.

"Ahhh..."Shannon groaned.

"Okay?" Sean asked, concerned he had been too enthusiastic.

"'s good..." She breathed as Sean cradled her body against him, rocking together. She began to move her hips, setting a pace for both of them.

"Oh, honey..." Sean moaned, burying his face in her soft hair. She felt so clean and good. He squeezed her hands as his climax built. He wanted to hold out but it was futile. Washing his wife and exploring her body had driven him wild. His balls had been churning in anticipation for ages.

Shannon squeezed his hands back in permission and understanding.

Sean pushed Shannon against the wall as his balance faltered. They were both breathless by the time all of his seed had been expelled from his throbbing cock.

"It's all going to be alright now." He said, giving her a peck on the forehead.

Sean kissed his wife as they towelled each other down. They changed into pyjamas and fell asleep, the quiet not enough to disturb their dreams.


Sean wondered how Shannon was getting on at the library. Was she feeling as overwhelmed as he was? He'd already forgotten half the people he'd been introduced to and been invited to more events than he'd ever been to. When Lieutenant Olsen had said Sixville was a friendly place he hadn't been kidding!

"How you doing? I'm Frank Florek. The sheriff's got you partnered with me so I'll be showing you around."

"Pleased to meet you." Sean smiled and held out a hand. His new partner had a tough pockmarked face and didn't look as if he'd take crap from anybody.

"You been shown the cells and dispatch?" Florek asked rhetorically as he pumped Sean's hand.

Sean nodded and followed as Florek went to the parking lot.


Sean opened the door to the hall and heard female voices in the kitchen. He followed the sound.

He entered the room and kissed his wife, surreptitiously checking out the company. For some reason sight of their guest made the hairs on the back of his head stand up.

"Sean, this is Claudine, the mayor's wife."

Sean took her extended hand uncomfortably. He knew he was staring but Claudine was stunning; especially for a woman who was more mature.

"Shannon, you should have warned me we had such distinguished company." He joked nervously, trying to hide his reaction.

"Nonsense. I'm a good friend of Fred's and I just thought I'd pop by and say hello." The beautiful woman dissembled.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Sean asked looking at the two ladies.

Claudine shook her head and glanced at her watch.

"No I don't want to intrude. You've both had busy days, I'm sure." She explained and opened the back door. "I'll look forward to seeing you at the barbeque on Saturday."

When their visitor had disappeared down the path Shannon turned to Sean.

"She's Isaiah's mother!" She exclaimed in a mock scandalized tone.

Sean just shrugged and murmured. He knew that already; Connor had told him the night they'd moved in. "What are you baking for dessert? It smells delicious." He asked as he set the table. He was a little surprised that the kitchen smelt of anything but burning, to be honest.

"What?! Oh I haven't done a dessert..." Shannon said, puzzled and shocked that Sean already knew her nugget of gossip.

"Oh, it's just that it smells of cinnamon in here, that's all."

"I can't smell anything. Can you believe Claudine is Isaiah's mom?! The sheriff's a married man...." Shannon squealed.

Sean tutted at his wife. She clearly wasn't going to let this go. When she got a bee in her bonnet it could stay there for days....

"Shannon, his wife tried to murder him and has been committed up at the mental institution for nearly two decades. We can't hold it against him if he sought out a little female company...."