Sixville's Finest


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"Oh...that's very Jane Eyre...." Shannon sighed as she scooped out macaroni cheese onto plates. Sean took a bite, hesitantly. Though his wife could handle macaroni and cheese, he made a mental note to check out the calibre of Sixville's take-outs.

"How was your day?" Sean asked, partly to change the subject but mostly because he was interested.

Shannon threw a swooning gesture, sighed like Scarlet and told him all about Sixville's surprisingly proactive library. It seemed that Shannon was not going to be given a gentle easing-in period.

"The Harry Potter night sounds like fun. I can help with decorating if you like?" Sean offered and his wife smiled apologetically.

"Isaiah and some of the boys at the college already volunteered. They're part of the production team at the drama school so they really know what they're doing. Maybe you could give Ada a hand with the buffet....?"

Sean laughed and shook his head at the same time. Eventually he threw his hands up in the air, accepting defeat.

"Think Sixville's ready for my culinary prowess?" He joked as he cleared the table and went to load the dishwasher. Shannon rose and followed him.

"Tell me how you got on today." She asked, hugging him from behind as he poured some wine into glasses.

"They're a good bunch of guys...." Sean began and proceeded to tell Shannon about how, after he'd been driven around a bit, they'd returned to the station and done nothing all afternoon.

"We knew Sixville was quiet, babe." Shannon said, snuggling up against Sean's chest as they sat on the sofa.

Sean nodded. They'd moved to Sixville for that very reason but part of Sean hoped that there would be a bit more to do in the future.

"So I just chatted with the fellas and played pool in the rec room." Sean continued. "Some of them seem like right characters but they made me feel welcome nonetheless."

Shannon sat up and kissed Sean. They made out for a few minutes. Sean got hard but knew that sex would wait; tonight they'd settle in and watch a movie or two, just content with the other's warmth.


Sean and Frank sat in the patrol car; the only light the weedy interior light. All night they'd sat in this side road, ostensibly to satisfy demands that something be done to deter drunk drivers returning from the city. So far all they'd done was help a lost little old lady who hadn't meant to head for Sixville at all.

It had been a week since he'd moved here and he couldn't believe how law-abiding everyone was.

Sean was actually napping when a vehicle sped past. Frank soon set their own idling vehicle in pursuit. By the time the younger man was fully alert the chase was over, the other driver pulling over rather than trying to get away. Sean even commented on it.

"Sixville ain't a car chase kinda town..." Frank informed his partner as they stepped from their vehicle towards the other.

"Ho ho..." Frank chuffed when he looked through the window of the BMW. "What would the mayor think if he knew that you were contributing to hazards of this road? Especially as he's made such a fuss about making it safer...."

Sean craned his neck to see who had amused his colleague. He was stunned to see Claudine Walsh. She looked suitably embarrassed despite her attempt to maintain her composure. Sean could imagine an awkward conversation in her future as she explained her ticket with her husband.

"Please step out of your vehicle." Florek ordered.

"Hello Frank. Sean." Claudine said as she stood between them. Once again Sean was stuck by how beautiful the woman was. She was only wearing a fragile evening gown, which did nothing to protect her from the night's chill.

Sean looked away when he realised he'd been staring at her protruding nipples.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to write you up for this and have your vehicle impounded." Frank hissed, having way too much fun at her expense.

"Frank, I don't think..." Sean was about to intercede on Claudine's behalf but she spoke first.

"Frank Florek, you can be a right bastard, you know that?!" Her clipped and polished voice sighed vehemently.

"Just doing my duty..." The hard man smirked.

"You're enjoying this! Schadenfreude, huh? One of your betters slips up and that amuses you. It's got nothing to do with your job, Frank."

Florek just raised an eyebrow as he scribbled on his pad.

"Wait!!" Claudine cried out. "I've seen this movie...I'm sure I'm supposed to offer myself to such fine upstanding officers of the law..." She said sarcastically as she lowered the string straps of her dress.

" won't be necessary..." Sean protested, struggling not to ogle those great tits. Instead he looked at Frank, who was practically drooling as he leered at the exposed lady. "Frank. Frank! Let's just caution Mrs Walsh and let her head home...."

Claudine and Frank seemed to being ignoring him. They were staring at each other fiercely, as if waiting for the other to make the first move or back down.

Sean grabbed Frank by the arm and dragged him a little way down the road.

"What are you doing? You're not seriously considering this?! He growled.

"Why not? Look at her. You ever seen a classier piece of ass?!" Frank responded, and Sean looked back at her. Claudine was leaning against the hood, smoking a cigarette nonchalantly.

"It's not right. You can't just have sex with her like this!"

"The offer was to both of us."

"I'm married. I don't pick up women and coerce them to perform sex acts on public highways." Sean hissed.

Frank's face scrunched up angrily and he grabbed Sean's jaw. He jerked Sean round to show him Claudine.

"Listen up. You wanna pass that up, that's up to you. But you ain't got any right to stop me enjoying that bitch."

Sean fought off the older man and spat on the ground near his feet. He crossed his arms and turned his back on the whole scene. Florek had seniority and Sean certainly wasn't going to brawl with the man. As for Claudine, well, it didn't look as if she was out of her depth. It had been her who suggested

He resolved to stare down the valley until the whole sordid thing was finished then he was going home to his wife and their comfy bed. There, maybe, he could forget all about this mess.

Through his anger he could hear the unmistakable sounds of Claudine giving Frank a blowjob. The whole idea sickened him but he couldn't help picturing the image of Claudine with a big fat cock between those cherry red lips.

Judging by the sounds Frank was making Sean realised Claudine must know her way around a cock. He thought of her regal bearing and superior attitude and how it just barely covered the slut beneath.

Sean tried to shake the thoughts from his head and to ignore the suggestive noises behind him. He was tempted to cover his ears with his hands but didn't wish to appear childish. He was a grown man and he could control himself, couldn't he?

Claudine was producing little wet moans of enthusiasm.

Frank grunted loudly and the sound repeated twice more. When the noises ceased Sean hoped that this situation was nearly an end. If Frank had cum as Claudine fellated him, then maybe he'd stop this now.

A tiny voice in the back of Sean's head appeared, asking where had Frank's spunk gone; over her face, her chest or had Claudine swallowed it all down? If he were Frank he'd have cum over her face...

Where had that thought come from? He'd always thought that cumming over women was distasteful at best, showing a lack of respect for their dignity. Now though he couldn't get the image out of his mind...Claudine's cheekbones and arrogant smile covered in ribbons of his white cum...

He had to see. He turned before he could have any second thoughts.

Claudine was flushed and sweaty but no cum was visibly on her. Sean could not quash the faint sense of disappointment. The disgust he felt at his own thoughts was blown away as he took in her now completely naked body.

Frank's filthy mitts were roaming all over her pale flawless body. When he saw that they had an audience his hands made a beeline towards her pussy.

Sean gulped. Claudine's body would have made many younger women jealous. Though she must have been nearing fifty she looked fifteen years younger. She wasn't just well preserved but actually as hot as hell.

Sean couldn't tear his eyes away as Frank's stubby digits were inserted into her hairless pussy.

"Ooowh...." Claudine murmured. Her eyes were locked onto Sean's as she began to squirm on Frank's fist. Sean wondered if she was imagining it was him fingering her wet snatch, there was such a searing intensity transmitted in that eye contact. Of course the thought inspired him to imagine the same thing. God, she looked so turned on, how wet would her pussy be?

"Aaaah deeper....deeper....."

Could she have known they'd be here tonight? Could she have come here for this reason? Of course she could, she was friends with Dobbs and married to the mayor....but not for Frank. She'd come here to fuck him. Right then it didn't seem so unreasonable.

Sean was transfixed as she licked her lips. He could see her want in her eyes. She'd settle for grubby old Frank but it was really his cock that she was thinking of. Her gaze kept returning to the crotch of Sean's pants. Even the few feet that separated them would not have been enough to hide the huge bulge that had swollen behind his fly.

She turned to say something to Frank, who smiled and walked behind her. His thin dick, unsheathed, penetrated her smoothly and they began to rock back and forth together.


She beckoned Sean over. This beautiful woman wanted him and his feet moved on their own.

He was soon within touching distance. His arms stretched out, cupping her large bouncy tits.

"Oh're unbelievable...." Sean croaked. The scent of spice wafted heavily on the breeze and Sean went weak at the knees.

Claudine reached out, pulling him forward and pushing him down simultaneously. His hat was knocked from his head as his face fell into her voluptuous cleavage.

He couldn't lick and suck them quick enough. Every inch looked and smelled more delicious than the last. He felt as if he might hyperventilate; there was no time for breath, both nipples cried out for his attention.

"Easy...easy..." Claudine sighed at him. Frank didn't have much time left but all her focus was on Sean and his mouth.

Sean felt faint and broke off to rest against the patrol car's hood. He watched as Frank came hard and Claudine's gracious cunt accepted every drop. Sean had never watched another couple fuck before, oddly it didn't seem strange to him.

Frank tucked his shirt in and zipped up as Claudine swayed over to Sean.

"It's time for the main attraction..." She whispered in his ear.

She began to unbutton his shirt slowly, scrutinising his face for any signs of protest. None came.

Claudine ruffled his chest hair with her hands, as the corners of her mouth tweaked up.

"So manly...." She cooed.

Sean brushed a strand of her hair off her face. This night had taken on a surreal quality. He needed the contact to prove that she was real.

It was this gesture that caused his wedding band to glint in the moonlight but Claudine was tugging at his belt. His hard-on would soon be out and in her, this woman who was not his wife. Not Shannon.

"No.... No...." He choked, pushing away the bitch. "We are leaving. If you don't get in the car I fucking driving off without you." He yelled at Florek through gritted teeth.

"Sean...." Claudine simpered as she rose from the asphalt.

"No. I'm not fucking kidding. This stops right now!" Sean called over the roof of the car.

As he sat in the driver's seat and roughly buttoned his shirt he glowered at Frank.

"You bastard. If a word of this leaks out they'll never find your fucking body." Sean threatened sincerely.

They pulled away in silence, passing Claudine who was working the fabric of her gown back over her stunning legs.


The morning after Sean was sat in Sheriff Dobbs' office. He had requested a minute of Dobbs' time.

"I think I know what this is about. Frank called me last night and told me everything." Sean's boss told the younger man.

"What did he say? What did he tell you?!" Sean cried as he leapt to his feet, suspecting Frank of malicious dishonesty.

Fred Dobbs intimated that Sean should calm down and perched at Sean's shoulder.

"Don't worry, he told me that you had nothing to do with any of it....I know Claudine has a thing for men in the force..." He said, letting out a little bitter laugh, "but she should never have put you in that position. I'm sorry. Do you want me to have a word with her?"

Sean was speechless and he could only shake his head. God, the whole thing was mortifying, but at least Dobbs was the one doing all the talking.

"As for Frank....well...I'm not going to be too harsh on him. He'll ride a desk for a week to let him know how I take to such conduct."

Sean nodded, pleased that the sheriff was handling the matter sufficiently. Dobbs clapped a hand onto Sean's shoulder and smiled.

"You'll be assigned to someone else, all right? No stigma will be attached, okay?"

Sean nodded again. The whole thing had gone so much easier than he had hoped; he hadn't even had to snitch on his partner and boss' ex-lover. All he could feel was relief.

He shook Fred's hand before exiting the office. Some of his colleagues looked up but Sean could not see an accusatory gleam in their eyes. One or two even waved friendly salutations. Sean hoped that the matter could soon be forgotten and he could get on with building his life here.


" I'm going to be working with Anna Bristoe from now on. Frank's been given desk duty." Sean told Shannon. "Okay, babe." She said distractedly, confirming Sean's suspicion that she wasn't listening to him.

Sean sighed.

"Shan, do you really have to go out for drinks after?" Sean muttered irritably.

"Yes, Sean. Taking a reading group and socialising with them is a good way to make new friends. We'll need them since we uprooted our lives, left all our old ones behind and came here...." She snapped back.

Sean caught the implied message, 'we uprooted our lives because you couldn't hack it in the big city'.

"Shannon!" He protested to her departing back.

He looked at the meal he was halfway through preparing and dumped it all the trash. Shannon's implied meaning had hurt him; though it had been him who's been reluctant to live in the city he had thought they'd made the decision jointly.

He rang Connor but got no answer and started to mope around the house, feeling sorry for himself. Shannon wouldn't be back for hours and there was no guarantee that her mood would be any better when she returned.

He played a few half-hearted games of solitaire on his p.c but he knew he was just slobbing out because he was bored.

Sean smiled briefly. He'd go to the bar where the guys hung out and if Shannon wondered where he was when she got back, so much the better. He'd tell her he was out making friends.


Sean stepped from his car and made his way through the lot. He was passing a black van when something was thrust over his head and he was bundled to the ground.

He struggled against his captors but they cuffed him and tossed him into the back of a vehicle. He had lost count of the number of hands that had grabbed at him.

"Look, you might think this is a laugh now, but I'm a police deputy. You can avoid serious trouble if you let go now." He ordered, hoping the tremble of his voice went unnoticed.

His words elicited squeals of laughter from his captors.

When the noise died Sean sensed someone kneel down over him and he tried to shuffle back and away. Unseen hands started to work at the cord around his neck and Sean fully expected these to be his last minutes on Earth.

"I haven't seen you, you don't have to do this. I'm a deputy..." He shouted though the sacking.

"So are we!" A female voice yelled gleefully, interrupting him, as the sack was pulled off Sean's head.

Sean's eyes shot round the confines of the van and he made out five of his colleagues. All of them seemed relaxed and jovial. Not one appeared to be displaying any murderous body language so Sean forced himself to draw in a couple of deep breaths. He certainly didn't want them to see that they had scared him.

"Er, okay. What's this about, then?" He enquired, warily.

"We never welcomed you properly." Don said. "Just a bit of fun with the newbie." Leann said. "Frank asked us to help him out." Randy chuckled.

From the way that they all spoke at once and the uninhibited volume they used Sean guessed that the other deputies were less than sober. So, he thought to himself, a little initiation and payback rolled together when alcohol blurred the line between good ideas and bad ideas. He could handle a bit of joshing and resolved to not rise to their bait, no matter what they threw at him.

The van stopped and Sean was hauled out. He saw that he'd actually been part of a convoy and half the sheriff's department were involved in this little enterprise.

The mob bustled him into the station as he looked around, noting who was present and who wasn't. Florek, Bristoe and Dobbs were not among the rowdy crowd and Sean was relieved.

"Well, well, Deputy Donheeney."

Sean craned his neck round and glared as Frank Florek walked into view. Anger flared up and it took four men to restrain Sean.

"We didn't have to find him, Frank! He came right to us!" Someone at the back yelled out.

"What we doing to him, now?" Enquired another anonymous contributor.

If there was a reply to the question Sean couldn't hear it as the mob swarmed through the lobby noisily. The sack was replaced on his head. The jostle of people and their shouting made Sean's head spin, but so far everything still supported a good-natured conclusion to tonight so he reigned in his emotions.

Sean heard the clang of the cell door before he really took notice of what was happening. He'd been cuffed to the bars of one of the cells, whilst the culprits could still be heard behind him. He could feel them rattling the bars and their breath on his neck and back.

"A night in the cells, is it? I'd have thought you lot could have come up with something better!" Sean yelled with bravado.

"OOOOhh." A bunch of people called out in response.

"Just wait. A night in the cells, yes...but not necessarily alone...." A malicious and spiteful voice whispered in his ear and Sean had no trouble recognising the voice of Florek.

There was a brief scream of silence that was followed by raucous whoops and catcalls. Sean sensed that someone else was in the cell with him, someone whose identity provoked several of the guys to wolf whistle and howl like frat boys tank on beer. A stripper, Florek in drag, some kind of hazing, well he could handle that.

The cause of the amusement was very close now and Sean tensed up. Being so vulnerable was very unnerving and he wished that he could see what was coming, at least.

A hand lifted the sacking cloth a little but not enough that Sean could see anything at all. He jerked back as far as the bars would allow as lips were pressed against his mouth.

Sean prayed that it wasn't a guy. God, they wouldn't do that to him, would they? Frank had a beef against him but the others were just tagging along for the ride, weren't they?

Several hands, some from behind and a pair from in front of him held his head steady. The lips made a second attempt and Sean could not pull his head away this time.

As his unknown partner's tongue entered his mouth Sean could not resist trying a little furtive exploration; the kiss felt too good not to join in a little. Every instinct made him want to respond. This little surrender and co-operation was rewarded; by smell, by taste and by softness Sean discovered that the mystery kisser had to be a woman.