Slut-Wife Stepmom Pt. 03

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Bryce gets Tina to open up and recognize her slut side.
10.5k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/22/2022
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Bryce gets Tina to open up and recognize her suppressed slut side

[All characters are 18-years or older.]

Slut-Wife Step Mom; Part-3

(Recap from Part-2)

"So, you're saying I should give her permission to screw other guys when I'm not around?" Bryce said.

"And maybe when you are around," Brenda replied as she brought the plate of cheese and crackers to the island. "It sure works for your stepdad and me." She looked him in the eyes, and taunted, "Or may you don't have the self-confidence that your dad does; to know that he's the only one I love regardless of who I fuck."

"But Tina's not... you know, like that."

"Oh, you mean that she's not a nymphomaniac sex-addicted cock-loving slut like your stepmother?" Brenda replied pretending to take offense.

"No! I didn't mean that. I mean that... well, she's only nineteen for crying out loud!"

"So are you, and look what a pervert you are," she replied. "Hidden sex-cam; jerking off watching your parents fuck; fucking your stepmom up the ass; lapping your own cum from her face." Before he could reply, she went on, "I was younger than both of you when I fell in love with my hairbrush, and I was barely legal when I fucked for the first time and the whole world of sex opened up for me. Tina may not be as different from me--and you--as you think. Maybe she just needs an open-minded, self-assured, kind, and understanding partner to join her in the exploration of this wonderful world of uninhibited sex."

"You... you really think so?" he said. The wheels were spinning in his head as he tried to decide whether having a slut-girlfriend would be a good or bad thing. It certainly seemed good for his stepdad and stepmom.

Brenda interrupted his thoughts, saying, "I think you should make up with her, Bryce. You obviously still love her. Then you can invite her over here and I'll try to ascertain what her views on sex are."

"So, you're going to just ask her if she's a nympho?" he replied with a little laugh.

"Oh, I can be a lot more subtle than that," Brenda answered with a grin. "This isn't my first rodeo. You get her over here and then make yourself scarce for a while so she and I can talk alone."


"So, let's get some background on the two of you," Brenda went on as she spread some brie on a cracker. "Does Tina masturbate during the week between your regular fuck sessions?" She took a bite, and added, "Like you do?"

"I don't know. That's not something we ever talked about."

"Do you think she has a porn stash like yours?" Brenda asked. "Probably not with the spy-cam, but I'll bet you have a couple gig of other porn on that laptop, right? You think she likes porn, too? You ever watch it together to get aroused?"

"We don't need it. We get plenty aroused as soon as we start kissing," he answered popping a whole cracker and cheese slice in his mouth.

"Does she suck your cock before you fuck?" Brenda asked.

"Yeah, she does now. Or she did."

"Did you have to beg her the first time?" Brenda asked. "Did you plead to let you put your nasty pecker in her mouth?"

He thought for a moment about that first time, and then answered, "Yeah, almost. She thought it would be gross to put the thing that I pee with in her mouth, but I finally convinced her because I had already licked her pussy more than once--which she really liked--and that was the same thing."

"Did she like it once she tried it?"

"I don't think so. And it wasn't nearly what I expected a blowjob to be, either," he answered. "She kept her lips closed around my dick and bobbed her head real slowly--maybe two inches up and down--and she seemed to go to some length to keep her tongue from touching my knob. It lasted about half a minute before she pulled away, and handed me a condom, telling me, 'I like it in my pussy a lot better.' I had to agree, and we did have a pretty good fuck session."

"Did you ever get her to try it again? Suck your dick before fucking?"

Bryce looked at his stepmom wondering where she was going with this, but actually happy to be talking about it. He had never told any of his buddies about it--he never told them about anything he did with Tina--he had always respected her too much. Until she cheated. Talking about it with Brenda--reliving those memories had his dick hard in his shorts.

"Yeah," he replied. "The next Saturday. We were both already naked and I was fumbling with my pants to find the condom in one of the pockets when she surprised the shit out of me and dropped down and lapped my knob. She held my dick--which was already stiff--with one hand and swirled her tongue all over my cock-head, even poking her tongue in my pee hole! I stopped looking for the rubber and just stared down at her. She popped my knob in and out of her lips a few times, then leaned in and filled her whole mouth with my boner and sucked hard, even biting down on it a little. I don't know what the hell came over her in a week, but all of a sudden I was getting a real blowjob. And she seemed to be liking it!"

"I'll lay odds that the Internet came over her," Brenda said with a little laugh "Maybe she sensed your disappointment so she went online to see what she was doing wrong. Back in my day, good porn was much harder to get your hands on, so I had to learn by doing. Not that that's a bad thing."

Brenda was half right. What had come over Tina was a conversation with her best friend, Charlotte, whom Tina knew to be much more sexually active than she was. Her friend not only explained how much she enjoyed sucking cock, but when they got online together to find blowjob videos, Charlotte got a cucumber out of the family fridge so Tina could practice. The result was a fierce curiosity and desire to try it again with Bryce. From that night on, a lavish blowjob was always the forerunner to fucking.

"Does she let you cum in her mouth?" Brenda asked. "Does she let you pull off the condom so she can suck the splooge out of your cock?"

"Just once; the last time we did it," Bryce answered as he rubbed his boner recalling that surprise, too.

Brenda grinned, and said, "I think Tina may be more like me than you thought. I think you may have a budding slut-girlfriend on your hands there. She sounds a lot like me when I was her age.

"Then, of course, the question is," Brenda went on, "can you handle having a slut-girlfriend the way your dad handles having a slut-wife? Can you put your pride--your male ego--aside and embrace how much she likes sex? How much you like sex? Do you think you could get a boner watching her get fucked by another guy the way you got one and jerked off watching me with your dad's friend, Dick?" Noticing his hand motion under the table as he rubbed his entrapped hard-on, she added with a smile, "I think your friend down there thinks you could."

"Yeah, well he's pretty easy to convince. He doesn't think; he just reacts," Bryce said. "But I... I don't know. I mean, just because she was lonely and did it with one other guy doesn't mean she's a nympho. This could all be a moot discussion, right?"

"True," Brenda replied, impressed that Bryce was now defending his girlfriend and finding a way to excuse her cheating. There was obviously real love there; that was critical in the kind of open-sex relationship that she and Tom had--that she was suggesting for Bryce and Tina.

She went on, "But when you add to the fact that she did do it with another guy; that she obviously likes to fuck; that she willingly sucks your cock; and that she'll take a load of hot cum in her mouth, I think there might be a case for slut-in-the-making there."

Half of Bryce's brain didn't want to think of his sweet, adorable girlfriend as a cock-hungry nympho, but the other half--the half that was in control when he watched his dad fucking Brenda on the patio; when he jerked off watching the video of her fucking his dad's friend; and that was in total control while he was fucking his stepmom himself--sure wanted to think that!

He didn't reply to Brenda's comment right away--agreeing or disagreeing--but she could see the sexual wheels spinning in his head as he continued to rub his boner.

Brenda looked up at the clock, and said, "You think Tina might still be awake? You should call her and make up."

He looked at the clock, too, and said, "Yeah, she'd be awake." He looked at his stepmom, and added, "Thank you for making me realize how much I love her. And that's not just my boner talking. Whether she's... well, as sexually adventurous as you or not, I know I want to be with her."

"That's sweet," Brenda said with a smile. "Tell you what. You invite her over here for the make-up sex that should always follow a fight, and I'll take off for an hour or so."

"An hour?" he repeated with a laugh as he gave his trapped dick a squeeze. "More like fifteen minutes!"

Brenda laughed, and said, "Pace yourself; I'll give you all the time you want."

"Thanks!" he said, again, and got up to go get his phone.


Half an hour later, Tina rang the doorbell, and when he let her in, they went into an immediate embrace coupled with a passionate kiss before even saying a word and before the door was even closed.

When they broke the kiss, she began to say, "Oh, Bryce, I'm so sor..." but he stopped her by putting a finger over her lips.

"No, baby, I'm the one who's sorry," he said. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. You were being open and honest with me, and all I could feel was insecure. I was afraid that you might have liked doing it with Jack better than me. That I was going to lose your love to some guy just because he had more experience that me."

That took Tina by complete surprise. She had naturally thought that he had stormed out last Saturday because he was pissed about her cheating on him. That he was insecure would never have crossed her mind. He certainly had nothing to be insecure about; he was a wonderful lover.

"Oh, baby!" she said and gave him another kiss while pulling him tight. "No. Jack was nowhere near as good a lover as you are! I could never love him. Heck, I don't even like him very much."

He gave her another short kiss, and then as he held her ass, pulling her close, he said, "I want you to tell me about it, baby. Tell me what you did with him."

"What?" she replied almost in disbelief that she had heard him correctly.

"Please," he said. "I... I think I need that as closure. I can't go on just wondering about the two of you together. Please? I swear I won't be mad or get jealous. I just need to know, and I think--hope--maybe it will be good for you, too. To, you know, cleanse your soul."


Much of that had been Brenda's suggestion. She advised that if he wanted to find out how sexually open Tina was, the first step would be to get her to talk about sex. Don't put her on the defensive by mentioning her cheating, she had told him, and don't make her feel guilty or that she needs to apologize if she enjoyed sex with the other guy.

Brenda had told him, "The good-girl part of her personality--the prim and proper Tina--will probably make her reluctant to talk about her infidelity and maybe even sex in general. You'll probably have to use your charm to get her started. If she continues to refuse, she likely is a prim and proper good-girl who happened to stray one time and may never do it again. And there's nothing wrong with that, by the way. Monogamy is the norm; it's how most couples live their very happy lives.

"If she's willing to talk about her fling with college-boy," Brenda had gone on, "but you have to drag every word out of her, then she's probably a girl who likes sex quite a lot but who feels a bit guilty that she does. She'll probably try to maintain the straight-and-narrow, but will end up having the occasional affair after which she'll feel terrible about it. I feel sorry for those kinds of people; they live a very conflicted life.

"But if, after you get her started," Brenda concluded, "she talks about the sex she had with this guy freely and even excitedly, then I think she's walking down the same hypersexuality path that I trod when I was her age. I loved having sex, but right behind it was talking about sex, and following that was writing about sex. I have a diary that would give you jerk-off fodder for a month. Anyway, the bottom line is that her willingness to talk about her tryst with her college friend--and the words she chooses--will probably tell you a lot about her inner sexual being."


"I, um... I don't think I can," Tina replied to Bryce's surprising suggestion. "Not... not while you're looking at me," she added, leaving the door open a crack.

He took her by the hand, and as he led her into the house, he said, "Come on to my bedroom. We'll get comfortable--their euphemism for getting naked--and I'll hold you while you face the other way if you want. Please, baby? I think this will actually make our relationship stronger. I mean how much more trust could we show to one another? And that's what love is, isn't it? Total trust?"

He was trying to convince her, of course, but he wasn't just throwing bullshit. He really did want to have that deep of a trusting relationship with Tina, regardless of the sex part.

After they got naked they embraced and kissed again, and then with a half-hard dick, Bryce got on the bed with his back propped against his two pillows. He patted the sheet between his legs inviting Tina to join him.

She got on the bed and nestled her cute naked ass between his thighs, and as she lay back against his chest he positioned his dick so it was pressed between her back and his belly. He put his arms around her, giving her a gentle, comforting hug, and kissed her neck. She reached down and ran her hands along his outer thighs.

She let out a deep breath, and said with a nervous little chuckle, "Okay, Father Flannigan, where do you want me to start my confession?"

He laughed and kissed her ear, and then said, "So, how did you decide that you wanted to get together with Jack? Did you have a crush on him or something? I know lots of girls in high school used to think he was hot."

She thought for a moment, and then said, "I don't think I'd call it a crush, but there was... well, a curiosity, I guess."

"About his bad-boy reputation?" Bryce asked.

"I don't know... I guess maybe that was part of it," she answered reluctantly. "I... I'm sorry, Bryce, but I don't think I can do this. Look, I'm really, really sorry that I cheated on you, and I promise that it will never, ever happen again."

She began to turn around, but he tightened his hug, and her whispered in her ear, "Shh, shh. It's okay, baby. I get that this is hard for you, but I think we need it if we're going to stay together. You want to stay together, don't you? I know I sure do, so let's get his all out in the open, and put it behind us. Please?"

"Yes, I want to stay together," she replied as a tear spilled down each of her cheeks. She inhaled deeply then as she blew it out she resigned herself to this being her penance for having been unfaithful.

"Okay," she said, "so, I know it's no excuse, but I was already horny as hell when you called last Saturday to say that you were leaving with your dad and you'd be gone all weekend. I was really looking forward to being with you Saturday night."

"Me, too," he said. "I'd been thinking about you all week. In fact, if we're both going to be open, I guess I should confess that I even had to jerk off because my balls were starting to ache thinking about getting a blowjob and fucking with you Saturday."

"Really?" she said. "You jerk off sometimes?" It was a subject they had never broached, but Charlotte had assured her that all guys jerked off.

"Yeah, sometimes," he answered. "I close my eyes and pretend it's your pretty mouth on my dick, or that I've got it stuck in your beautiful, wet pussy. Do you ever do it? Make your pussy cum by yourself?"

"Sometimes, I guess," she replied half embarrassed and half excited to be telling him such an intimate secret. Until then, Charlotte was the only person who knew that she fingered her pussy, and they had, in fact, done it together one Sunday afternoon.

He hugged her a little tighter, including squeezing his legs against her naked hips, and then as he moved his hands up her chest to just touch the lower curve of her perfectly-formed B-size breasts, he kissed her ear, and then asked, "So, what had you so horny last Saturday that your fingers couldn't satisfy you?"

She let out an involuntary mew at the almost teasing feel of his hands barely touching her tits. "There was... well, something new that I wanted to try with you," she said.

"What was it?" he asked as he moved his hands around the edges of her breasts but without advancing any farther up the slope.

"No. You'll think it's gross if I tell you about it," she said. "I was just going to surprise you with it."

"Come on, baby," he said as he kissed her neck. "If you think I would have liked it, I'm sure I won't think it's gross. Tell me. Please?"

She took a deep breath, then said, "Okay, but remember you asked for it! I was going to let you cum in my mouth again, but just when you started, I was going stick my wet finger up your butt."

"Oh, geez!" he said in obvious surprise.

"See? Gross, huh? Well, you wanted me to tell you!" she said.

"No! I think that would probably feel amazing right as I was starting to cum!" he said.

"Really? You don't think that's sick?"

"Not really," he said. "And if we're being honest, baby, I guess I might have tried tickling my own butt-hole while I jerked off once or twice. But what made you think of doing that to me?"

"Charlotte told me about it," she answered. "She said if you stick your finger way up a guy's butt and poke it into his prostate, it's like a magic button and they cum like twice as much."

"Really?' he said having never gone to those depths, so to speak. "So, um, have you ever tried that with yourself? Sticking your finger in your butt while you fingered your pussy?"

Tina and Bryce had never engaged in such intimate sex talk before, but she was beginning to enjoy it. It was somehow liberating to be able to talk to her boyfriend about things that she felt might be seen by others--except Charlotte--as dirty or even a bit weird. She was, however, glad that she was not facing him. Even though he was holding her, kissing her neck, and teasing her breasts, her lewd confessions were still somehow a bit abstract by not looking at him.

"Not way in," she answered. "Just like to the first knuckle."

"So, did you try the finger thing with Jack?" he asked.

"No!" she definitively. "His butt is all hairy and it just seemed to gross to me out with him."

Bryce was glad to hear that, but he pressed on. "Okay," he said, giving her a gentle squeeze and a nibble on her ear, "so tell me what you did do with Jack. I promise not to get mad or jealous. In fact, you'll probably get me even hornier than I am now!" He punctuated the statement by shifting his body a bit to make sure she could feel his rock-hard boner pressed into her back.

With the talk of butt-fingering and jerking off having broken through the layer of good-girl ice that hid the deep, perverse waters below, Tina began her narrative in a manner that might even have surprised Charlotte.

"So, Jack had texted me about a month ago, wanting to know if I wanted to go to a party with him," she began. "I don't know where he got my number, but I texted back that I was in a relationship, and I never heard back from him.