Sometimes the Good Guy Wins Ch. 05


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I opened the door and started to get out of the truck. Andrea asked, "Where are you going?"

"It's getting too crowded in here for me. I need to go for a walk."

Kelly asked, 'Want to be alone or could a wife walk with you?'

"I'd really like it quiet in my head for a while." 'Megan, I love you and we'll let you know where to find us tomorrow, Ok?'

'I need a little time to think, too.' Megan said. The inside of my head got quiet. I got out of the truck and Kelly got out with me.

We walked. She held my hand and once in a while lifted our hands so she could look at the rings on our fingers. Each time she did we stopped walking and kissed.

The weather was perfect. The skies were clear, the temperature was almost eighty and there was a breeze off the gulf. We walked. I thought.

'Being a husband is a job. A blessing and a job. Making the happiness of someone else essential to my own is a thoughtful and constant process. When I looked down out my window and saw Donna standing there something opened me up. I'd been dead, in a coma since Annie died and I actually saw Donna standing there. She needed to be loved. She was in her mid-thirties and had never really been loved. She'd been used and abused. I knew it wasn't me, personally, she needed. I looked down at her and heard Dad in my head. "Love her, protect her, teach her." For the first time I understood he wasn't talking about only LeeAnn. By the time Donna climbed into the truck I accepted her into the family. When the lights and power went out and Linda joined us it was easy to love her too. The thing Dad taught me has served me all my life. Love her, protect her, teach her. I was opening up to Donna and then Linda like opening up was my job, my calling, my purpose in life.'

Kelly stopped us again and we kissed. I thought, 'God, I am blessed! I'd loved LeeAnn all her life and wouldn't just love her. I ran away to college then into the military because the rules said I couldn't love her. She married and put up with all his abuse because she loved Dad and I so much she was protecting us.' I looked at Kelly and knew I had loved her even when Annie was alive.

Kelly turned us back towards the trucks and I thought, 'Tomorrow night Megan will stop calling me Daddy. She has wanted to be mine since she was twelve or thirteen. She knew LeeAnn loved me and she loved me, too. Danni loves us. Donna and Linda love us. Andrea bought nine sets. Sammi, Kelly, Andrea, Megan, Donna, Linda and Danni. That's seven, if Danni, Donna and Linda are included. What about Kathy? Some female magic had Andrea buy nine rings. Right now, the company would be 8 pussies & 2 dicks trucking! Peterson Family Trucking is a better name.'

We were back at the white Freightliner. I opened the door and Kelly climbed in. I rubbed her butt as she climbed. I followed her in. Supper was almost ready. Sammi had found a place that delivered and she ordered three Cajun dinners, jambalaya, coconut shrimp and Cajun BBQ chicken. It was ready when we opened the paper containers and dug in. We shared by taking a couple bites and passing the containers. Everything was spicy. Everything was perfectly cooked and fresh.

When we were almost finished eating Sammi asked, "Before you and Kelly went for your walk, you asked that we let your mind be quiet. After you were walking I wanted to ask if that meant we couldn't listen."

"Did you?"

All three nodded.

I said, "I don't think I said anything I wouldn't say to you. Did I offend anyone?"

Kelly said, "What you did was clarify for me how a man can love like you do. None of us has ever been loved like this. I've never even been best girl-friends with someone before. When you included Danni it was the most normal and natural thing you could do... and it blew my mind. Now I get it. You said you were blessed. I wanted to stop you, hold on to you and say you had it wrong! We're the ones who are blessed!"

Andrea said, "What she said!"

"Is it Ok that I need to have some quiet alone time sometimes?" I asked. They nodded and Sammi said, "As long as we can listen." I smiled and nodded.

What I need is the quiet.

We talked and decided that since the drive from Biloxi to Disney world is almost exactly five hundred seventy miles we ought to make it in nine hours. We wanted to arrive at eleven in the morning. That gets us unloaded and paperwork done by one. We need to scope out the training school for Sammi and Andrea and find a place for us to live for three weeks. Sammi called the school and they told us that if they could use one of our Freightliners for five days we could park both trucks on-property for the length of the school and leave with full fuel tanks. They told her that there was a nice motel less than a quarter mile from the school. We rented two big rooms.

Andrea calculated and to be at Disney be eleven we needed to be on the road at two in the morning. We did our inspections and clean up in twenty minutes and I was in bed with Andrea five minutes after that. Sammi slept in the pink with Kelly. Their choices.

When the alarm went off at one-thirty the first thing I noticed was the sound of rain. It had been so nice when we went to bed we forgot to check the weather report. I shut off the alarm and told Andrea to stay in bed. I got up and dressed. I did a quick walk-around and started the truck.


"I'm up.'

'Stay inside and dry. I'll do the walk-around for you.'

'I love you. Thanks.' She said. I did her walk around and everything was fine. She fired up the pink. At one-fifty we put our company in gear and headed east. I munched on a granola bar or two and drank a diet Coke in the first road hour. A hot cup of coffee would have been my first choice, but letting Andrea sleep was my gift to her.

It was four-forty-five when Andrea asked, "Hungry?"


I heard her get out of bed and start making breakfast. I smelled coffee brewing. She handed me a breakfast pita bread sandwich. It had a little jambalaya, a couple shrimp and a couple pieces of chicken in it. She perched near me and traded so she held the sandwich and I had the coffee. We traded until the pita was gone and so was the coffee.

I was going fifty to fifty-five most of the time. The rain was coming down at an angle from behind us. It felt like the truck was being pushed and it was too dangerous to go faster than fifty-five, so I didn't. Andrea asked if she could ask questions about driving in rain.

"Go ahead, ask. Then crawl inside my head and listen. I talk to myself in all kinds of bad weather."

She never asked a single question. I made the transition on to I-75 south and within half an hour we were out of the rain. The thermometer on my wing mirror read seventy-eight degrees and it was eight-thirty in the morning.

My speed went up to seventy-five until we got close to the FL-91 toll road and I needed to stop there. We paid our toll and made the turn for Disney. Sammi called Disney and got detailed directions to where they wanted our delivery. She told Andrea and Andrea told me. I love living in the world of magic!

I even started seeing signs that said we were headed for the Magic Kingdom.

We began the day aimed at delivery by eleven. It was twelve-thirty when the back doors of my truck opened. We watched Disney's dock apes unload and we did paperwork. Sammi talked to Danni on the phone, then talked to Momma. Kelly and I watched the apes to make sure they did a good job and didn't break or take any of our equipment. Andrea attempted to watch and learn everything.

The big boss from Animatronics watched the unloading and was so pleased that the complex and delicate equipment had traveled well he took us onto Disney World and to one of the hotels for lunch. While we ate I asked, "How much is a nice room for one night. Tonight is a special night for my wife and I and I'm wondering."

Out came his cell phone and we were comped us into a two bedroom suite and a single for the weekend! Then he realized we were driving two big semis and he arranged a rental van for us, too. The van was delivered to us at the restaurant. He shook all our hands and left us.

I said, 'Megan!'

'On my way!' She replied. 'There's a storm coming and I want to miss it.'

'Have you been to Disney World?'


'Can you find the Wilderness Lodge?'

'It's my favorite! Sure, I can find it.'

'We have a two bedroom suite and a single for the weekend.'

I hadn't known someone could squeal in mind-speak. She could, did and I knew covering my ears wouldn't help.

We went back to the trucks, re-parked and took the van and our stuff to the Lodge. When we checked in they gave each of us a pass to all the Disney parks for the weekend. I planned to spend a lot of time one-on-one with Megan and had wondered what Sammi, Kelly and Andrea would find to do. I had an answer.

The two bedroom suite had windows facing out over a huge pool. The single was across the hall and faced the same pool. Both were on the forth floor.

Sammi took a closet. Kelly took a closet. Andrea took a closet and I got one of the two closets in the single. Sammi made dinner reservations at the Whispering Canyon Café and was told how much fun the restaurant was.

We relaxed in the two-bedroom suite and waited for Megan. Sammi sat up and said, "Megan's here!" As we went to the lobby I realized I'd completely stopped asking, "How do you know?" She knew, that's all.

I smiled when I saw Megan. She had on a denim vest and skirt, athletic shoes and carried a daypack. She wasn't coming to Disney World to be a tourist and ride the rides. She wasn't coming to wear white and do all the "normal" bride things. Well, one of the normal bride things was scheduled.

The first hug belonged to me. Then she made the rounds. She was up-to-date with everything we knew. We walked around the hotel and the hotel grounds, acting like tourists. It was fun and included lots of laughter and touching. Sammi had made an early dinner reservation for us and we laughed and ate our way through wonderful BBQ for two hours!

We walked one exercise lap around the hotel after dinner and went to our two-bedroom suite. Andrea got the ring box out and opened it as we all stood in a circle. I lifted an engagement ring from the box and asked, "Megan, this ring is a symbol of your willingness to make a commitment to each of us for the future. If you wear this ring you are saying you are committed to all our lives being filled with love, nurturing each of us and essential to your own happiness. Are you willing to wear this ring?"

Tears fell from her eyes and she held out her hand. I slipped the ring on and it fit. I kissed her finger and the ring and Sammi followed my lead. Each of us kissed her finger and the ring.

I picked up the wedding band and said, "This ring is different. The ring you have on is a promise for the future. Every day and night you wear this ring you are making the commitments, the promises, not for the future but for today and tonight. This is a right-now statement." I showed her the ring on my finger. "I am my commitment today, tonight and forever. I don't wear two rings. In my mind and heart I have no future without each of you in my today. We all are family from the moment you put the ring on. I won't put it on you. That would be me forcing the commitment on you. It needs to be you saying it to us."

Megan took the ring from my hand and pushed it onto her finger, next to the engagement ring. She looked up at each of us and said, "I love each of you. I commit to living my life as a member of this family and doing everything I can to have life be incredible for all of us." She kissed me and after a few seconds she kissed Sammi... then each person in our family circle. When she was back to me she said, "My commitment includes whoever wears the other rings, whenever that happens."

We toasted with some Martinelli's and Momma spoke to us, letting us know she included Dad in the ceremony.

By nine Megan and I were in the single. Megan went into the bathroom and started the shower. Sammi said, 'Nick, can I have a minute?'


'There are lots of newlyweds here in the hotel and lots of lovers getting ready to jump each other's bones. I don't know it is even possible, but can Kelly, Andrea and I link up and send all our loving energy to all the people we can reach in the hotel while you and Megan join?'

'I love the idea of it! I'm Ok, ask Megan.'

Megan led me into the shower and said, "I wonder how many screamers are here tonight?"

I said, "I always scream!"

"No, you make us scream!" Megan said. We stepped into the water and I had a thought that this was a ceremony where we became "water brothers". We kissed and I felt powerful energy in the shower with us. I realized it was a ritual I had done with all the women in Peterson Family Trucking except Momma.

A few seconds passed and I heard Momma's voice, 'Next time you're home.'

We got clean and we reinforced our emotional link. When Megan shut off the water we dried each other and we moved the connection to the bed. I heard Megan, 'I want you to take hours loving me and I want to cum right now!'

I said, "Good thing you can have both, huh?"

I pushed her back and she sat on the bed. My hand on her chest pushed her onto her back and I quickly spread her legs and dove between her legs and into her pussy. I by-passed foreplay, slow anticipation and gentle and went directly to her clit. I believed she'd been thinking about this for hours, if not days, and she was ready.

Her clit was swollen and waiting for my attention. I sucked it into my mouth and ran the tip of my tongue against it. My hands found and held her breasts. I remembered that she loved having her breasts squeezed and pulled... so that's what I did. I felt her arch and I tasted the increase in the flow of her juices.

"Oh, Nick!" She shuddered and then shuddered harder. I pulled back, sucking her clit harder until she popped out of my mouth! Instantly I reapplied the suck and pulled back again. It was enough! Megan arched her back, her legs stiffened and her thighs gripped my head. She shook for a long time as I held her clit between my lips.

When I let go Megan pulled me up until we were face to face. We tenderly kissed and I heard, 'Thank you. Now, tease me for hours and be inside me often... please.'

We kissed slowly and tenderly for a while. I moved my kisses to her ears, neck, shoulders and the space between her breasts before I kissed either breast. I kissed my way around her right breast and when I was at the edge of her breast next to her arm pit I took a side trip onto the sensitive area there.

"You're kissing my pit!" She said, amazed.

I kissed it again and thought, 'I love all of you.' She shuddered. My kisses moved around her torso and moved down across her midsection.

My hands helped her legs move and open so my body fit between her knees. I folded her and my cock touched her swollen lips. She moved her knees farther apart, inviting me inside. My cock touched her swollen lips at the edge of her opening.

As slowly as I could manage I pushed inside her. She lifted her hips, begging me in deeper. I stopped moving until she relaxed and then I pushed in deeper. Over and over I pushed in deep and she tightened her muscles to hold me tight inside her body. I noticed sweat dripping from me onto her.

She lifted her face towards my body and kissed the beads of sweat from my chest. Her hands encouraged me in every way they could.

When I felt the muscles in my lower back starting to cramp I rolled us and gave her control. She sat above my hips and could go at whatever pace or depth she wanted. She rose until we barely touched and then she fell against my hip bone. Slowly up and slamming down on me. "I'm going to cum!" She grunted.

"Cum on me, my wife!" I said, out loud. I lifted my hips as she came down and she screamed! Her body shook and I sat up enough to hold her. I realized that I came when she did. I did not wilt.

We joined again and again, side by side, her on top, me on top, standing with her hands on the sliding glass doors to the balcony and on the balcony. When we finally came apart and lay next to each other on moist sheets Megan said, 'I'm wiped out. I've got nothing left.'

I slowly leaned to her, kissed her and said, 'Sleep.' We did.


[As always your comments are welcomed unless you want to attack me personally. I have ex-wives and other relatives to tell me what a perverse, ignorant asshole I am. Please don't waste time repeating their beliefs. If you comments will possibly assist in me becoming a better writer, please, leave a comment.]

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Strangers crossed with Time Enough for Love - nice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why does it feel almost like a post biblical romance fantasy? Not exactly from the Book of Mormon, scientology and Sheherazade. I've heard of sailors with a girl in every port, adapted to spaceman with a girl on every world, and even pro sportsmen with families in different cities, but sorry to the recluse and loners who can't find or buy a spouse...

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 12 years ago
It just keeps building and growing -

LOL like a life form of it's own -

The concept eliminates the opportunity for widespread deceit or dissembling - wouldn't it be nice heh.

I still love the style and the way you use it -

Rusalka28Rusalka28over 12 years ago
Science Fiction/Fantasy

That's your category. Not because of the poly family but because of the mind melding.

eodomeodomalmost 13 years ago
Water Brothers

Loved the reference to Water Brothers, the loss of Robert was a great loss to the world. This has been a very interesting read. I can't wait to get to the next two chapters.

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