Special Inducements


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It would have been heartbreaking if my raging hard-on hadn't been distracting me.

There was something about this boy. Simply sitting near him feeling the heat coming from his ripe young flesh made my head swoon, and my dick hard as a rock. Listening to him I realized he wasn't asking for pity but simply stating the facts of his life.

He was smart, and even funny at times. He was an excellent speaker. He used words and phrases I'd never heard from any eighteen year old. He seemed wiser and more mature than anyone else his age.

My heart went out to him. He had been screwed-over by his friends. The very people he thought he could trust. Then worst of all, his own father betrayed him by gambling away the boy's college money.

Through it all though, the boy didn't sound bitter or even angry. He was logical, and has a common sense approach to life that I admire.

From time-to-time I put my arm around his shoulder and gently pulled him against me. It startled him at first but he didn't say anything.

I said to him, "I guess you can say I'm one of those touchy-feely kind of guys when I'm talking with someone -- I'm sorry if it offends you."

He quickly said, "No-no, that's okay, Mister Evans, I understand. I know other people like that, too."

My touches became more frequent and personal. I began squeezing his leg just above the knee.

I was glad I chose to wear a jockstrap. If I hadn't, my erection would have been obscenely stretching the fabric of my swim trunks.

"Bradley, I can't help but notice you have very little body hair," I said to him at one point.

To emphasize my point, I boldly placed my hand on his bare chest and gently stroked it. When I playfully pinched his nipples they hardened and he began coughing.

"Mister Evans, um, you know, um, I'm not gay -- I am positively straight!" he said.

"No-no-no, I know..." I said. "I'm sorry, your skin is so soft and smooth I can't help myself."

I could tell by the tone of his voice it was time he smoked more dope. I lit the joint, took a hit then gave it to him. He looked at it and I could see he was unsure if he should have more.

"So what do you think of this stuff?" I asked him.

"It's pretty mellow," he said.

"Yeah, it's a very pleasant buzz, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes, it is..." he said then brought the joint to his lips.

I declined when he passed it back to me. He shrugged and took two more hits.

"You might as well finish it," I said.

Another two hits and I heard him groan, "Ohhhhh" and his eyes glazed over.

I was advised when I bought the stuff that three hits would be more than enough. Bradley had five.

His body began swaying next to me. I placed my arm around him and pulled him close and held him steady.

My hand on his leg went higher and higher. I fondled and caressed the soft flesh of his inner thighs. He tried to close his legs but I prevented that from happening. I was now openly caressing his thighs; squeezing the smooth, girl-like flesh.

I had to look close to see his erection. It barely made an outline in the swim trunks.

He whispered, "Mister Evans, please...I am positively straight!"

"Friends with benefits," I whispered back at him. "You have been through so much I want to make you feel good...have you ever had an orgasm while you are high?"

"Oh my God...." he moaned.

"Bradley, I know you are positively straight...you don't have to do anything at all for me and no one will ever know about this, okay?"

My fingertips began tracing the outline of his boner through the trunks. His moans grew louder.

It was time. His body was trembling. He was beginning an imperceptible grinding of his crotch into my hand.

I grasped his hardness and squeezed. He almost leaped off the bench.

"No one will ever know about this, okay?"

His restraint and will power melted away.

"Okay," he hissed through clenched teeth.

I immediately worked my hands inside his trunks and tugged them downward.

"Lift up!" I said to him.

He instantly obeyed and I worked the trunks to his knees and took his boner between my thumb and two fingers. I stared at his cute little dick the whole time I masturbated him.

It wasn't even four-inches and it wasn't thick either. It was obvious why that bitch had called him 'Needledick.'

He was beginning to make louder noises so I whispered "Shhhhh...we don't want the others to see us."

I stroked him faster and harder. I guessed correctly he wouldn't last two-minutes. He didn't. When he came he clamped his own hand over his mouth stifling his cries of pleasure.

I whispered, "Good boy...good boy...good boy" as I watched thin ropes of sperm and semen spurting from his cock-slit while my hand milked his tiny hamster-balls dry.

When his body came to rest, I whispered, "That was the greatest orgasm of your life, wasn't it?"

In a barely audible voice while gasping for air, he whispered, "Oh-God-oh-God-oh-God-oh-God-oh-God...."


An hour later we were sitting in the dark inside my car laughing and smoking another joint. He excitedly relived our 'victory' in 'The Great Graduation Pool Party Chicken Fight.'

"Did you see that, Mister Evans? Did you see what I did to that cunt?" he said with pride and satisfaction.

After I had masturbated him to the best climax he'd ever had, he rested for a minute or so until he found the strength to clean the pools of jizz off his belly and thighs and fix his trunks back up into place.

My cock was so hard inside my jockstrap and swim trunks it took every ounce of will-power I could muster to not talk the boy into returning the favor by bringing me off too.

Calm down, John, I'd told myself. It won't be long until the boy will happily perform whatever act you tell him...have patience, my man.

I didn't want to give the boy time to think about what had happened so I led him to the food. I had another cheeseburger as did he. He also wolfed down a hot dog.

We were eating and watching the party guests become livelier and more daring in the pool. The sound of drunken teenage boasting made me smile.

Even though darkness was beginning to set in, everyone could clearly see some of the boys saving themselves a long walk to the bathroom by simply standing before the bushes ten-feet from the pool, whipping-out their dicks and pissing right there.

Some of the girls smiled and laughed, while others craned their necks to get the best view of the boys dicks they could.

"Bradley, which one is Mandy?" I asked the boy.

"The brunette over there...the one with the big boobs," he said.

I was mildly surprised to see him pointing at the girl who had been in front of me earlier at the keg.

Out of curiosity, I asked him, "Which of the guys is Nicky?"

"The one she's talking to now," he said.

I decided to have a little fun with Bradley.

"I was standing behind Mandy and a blonde girl at the keg and I could hear what they were saying...Bradley, is it true Nicky has the biggest cock of any guy in your class?" I asked carefully watching his reaction.

The boy coughed and turned beet-red.

"Well, I, um, really Mister Evans -- I wouldn't know -- like I said, I'm positively straight!" he mumbled and stammered.

"No-no, I understand that. Don't take this the wrong way, Bradley, but when I was showering with all the guys in high school, I used to 'check them out'...you know, whenever they couldn't see me looking...I wanted to know how I measured-up compared to them...c'mon, I KNOW you've done it too -- it's the most natural thing in the world."

"No, really Mister Evans, I didn't look!" he frantically insisted.

"I'm disappointed in you, Bradley," I said making sure he could see the frown on my face. "After what we did together we now share a huge secret...I told you before and I'll say it again: I promise, I will NEVER tell ANYONE what you and I do together, or talk about...okay?"

"Mister Evans...I, uh---"

I persisted, "Okay, Bradley?"

"Okay," he sighed.

"You can say anything to me and I won't tell anyone...c'mon Bradley, there must have been at least a couple times you looked at other guys in the shower, right?"

His shoulders slumped as he softly said, "Well, yeah, a couple times...but really Mister Evans, I mostly didn't look -- I always kept my back to everyone -- I didn't want them to see, uh...."

"You didn't want them to look at yours, isn't that right, Bradley?"

"Yes, sir," he admitted in such a small and pitiful voice it broke my heart.


Bradley and I both flinched in surprise at the loudness of Nicky's proclamation.

We listened to the boys arguing over teammates then watched the game unfold.

In neck-high water, the bigger of the two boys submerged themselves while their partners climbed onto their shoulders. The boys standing in the water stood up and held onto the legs of their teammates who were now above the water and free to use their hands and arms.

The object of the game was simple: the boy in the water would position himself where the partner on his shoulders fought with the opposing boy to try and push him into the water.

Some of the matches were over in seconds, but a few lasted a couple minutes.

It was very entertaining to watch the firm and glistening hard bodies struggling with each other. My dick became stiff during the first match.

When it was over, Nicky and his partner were the victors.

"HEY, the girls wanna play, too," announced Mandy.

Again, we watched as the boys and girls paired off. I smiled when I saw Mandy climb aboard Nicky's shoulders. The little slut was well on her way of getting what I'd heard her say she wanted earlier: Nicky's big dick inside her!

There were fewer teams for this contest. During the final match, I said to Bradley, "Get ready -- we're going to take on the winners!" which we both knew would be Mandy and Nicky.

The fear on his face and in his voice was unmistakable.

"No-no-no, I can't do this -- no, please Mister Evans, I don't want to lose to a girl!"

"Bradley, this is your moment. I want you to unleash the anger you have felt for a long time. This is your chance for revenge -- if you don't do this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life!"

"Mister Evans, please...."

"Bradley, I am King of Chicken Fights -- I've never lost a match!" I lied. "All I ask is for you to trust me -- do you trust me, Bradley?"

"I'd simply die if I lost to her, Mister Evans."

"Trust me -- we are NOT going to lose...do you trust me, Bradley?"

"Well, uh..."

"Do you trust me, Bradley?"

"...yes...I trust you, Mister Evans!"


"That was fantastic, Mister Evans...it was the greatest moment of my life!"

I placed my arm around the boy and gently pulled him next to me. I gave him the rest of the joint to finish and sat back and let him bask in the sweet glory of victory.

To be honest, I didn't think we had stood a chance. Nicky is bigger and stronger than me, and quite frankly, Mandy is bigger and stronger than Bradley.

When I led Bradley to the pool and announced we'd take on the winners there was a stunned silence. Then, unfortunately, the laughter began. I could feel the humiliation Bradley had to endure.

But when we jumped in the water and everyone saw we were serious it became so quiet it was almost deafening.

Bradley climbed onto my shoulders and when I stood I grabbed him by the ankles to steady him. I squared-off with Nicky and carefully danced in and out keeping Bradley out of Mandy's reach. I soon discovered I could maneuver better if I held Bradley's thighs.

Well, and I swear it was totally by accident, my hands squeezed and gripped his thighs in such a manner I soon felt his little boner pressing against the back of my neck. His arousal gave me a hard-on, too.

It was then I feinted in and out closer so Bradley could get his hands on the girl. They gave each other small pushes and shoves. A couple of times I felt Bradley about to fall in the water but was able to keep him on my shoulders.

It was Mandy who made the fatal mistake.

"Hey little boy, you got nothing!" she sneered at Bradley. "You're afraid of me aren't you? You're scared of a girl, aren't you little boy!!"

I felt Bradley's legs tighten around my neck for better balance.


I took a sudden step forward, stopped, and leaned over. Bradley was propelled toward the girl. I had to hold his thighs tightly to keep him from falling.

His momentum carried him into the girl and Bradley gave the bitch a mighty shove. She fell off Nicky's shoulders and made a loud splash in the water.

The girl instantly started shrieking at the top of her lungs.


I couldn't see anything and wondered what in hell she was talking about. And then I heard the laughter and catcalls.


As soon as Bradley climbed off my shoulders into the water I saw what the commotion was all about: when Bradley gave her the winning shove, the bra of her bikini had come off exposing her massive titties.

Everyone was standing and clapping and cheering Bradley. The bitch was screaming and tried unsuccessfully to hide her 38-D's.

I wondered why the girl was making such a huge fuss about her condition. As far as I understood, she had already allowed most of the boys in her class to suck on her big titties at one time or another anyway.

When we emerged from the pool the guys were still congratulating Bradley. Even the girls, Mandy's supposed friends, were all smiles and laughter and slapping Bradley on the back.

Apparently, Mandy's popularity was all in her head.


We had changed into dry shorts and tee shirts behind the gazebo and after saying his 'Good-byes' I drove Bradley down the street and parked in front of his house.

I was happy for the boy. After suffering through two-years of humiliation he finally found revenge. He was still floating in the clouds.

"Mister Evans, wasn't that something? Thank you so much for making me do that..."

"I didn't make you do anything, Bradley. It was all you -- it was your choice -- it was your fight -- and it was your victory!"

I knew what I was going to do next with him, but debated how to go about it. I decided to go as far as I could without offering 'special inducements' if it wasn't necessary. I would play that card later.

I boldly massaged his thighs. I even snaked my hand underneath his tee shirt and caressed his breasts and nipples.

He weakly said, "Oh-noooo, Mister Evans" but made no effort to stop me.

He offered no resistance as I opened his shorts and tugged them down to his knees.

I pushed his legs wider so my hand could fondle his balls while I gently stroked his boner.

Again he murmured, "Noooooo, Mister Evans...." without trying to stop me.

I lowered my head to his crotch and inhaled deeply through my nose.

Oh-my-hell - there is nothing more intoxicating than the fresh and natural aroma of an eighteen year-old boy's genitals.

I wet my lips, slid them over his glans and lowered my head until my mouth came in contact with his wiry pubic hairs. I don't suck cock much anymore, but when I do, I love small dicks I can take entirely inside my mouth.

I sucked his prick in earnest drawing cries from him of "Oh-my-God-oh-my-God-oh-my-God..."

It was time to experiment. I had a hunch about the boy. Even if he wasn't queer, and I was beginning to have my doubts, I was sure he would feel a strong sense of fairness and the need to reciprocate.

I silently opened my shorts and extricated my throbbing erection then slightly rearranged our positions so his hand could reach my cock.

I sucked him hard and fast for a few seconds, his cries of pleasure filling the car. I then found his hand and placed it on my hard cock and waited for his reaction.

He groaned, "Mister Evans...Mister Evans..." and tried to pull his hand away from my flesh but I held it firmly in place.

I removed my mouth from his dick and whispered, "Bradley, I'll use my mouth if you use your hand..."

"Ohhhhhhhhh...he moaned.

I was sure the boy had never received a blowjob in his life and knew a battle was raging inside his head.

I licked all around beneath the crown of his glans and up and down the ultra-sensitive underside of his teenage hard-on then abruptly stopped and pulled my mouth away.

"Ohhhh, Mister Evans -- please don't stop..." he groaned.

This time he allowed me to wrap his fingers around my cock. He began to violently tug on it. I slowed his hand to show him how I liked it.

When he established the proper pressure and stroke, I resumed sucking his hard little dick.

He was soon following my rhythm. When my head began to furiously bob up-and-down, his hand stroked me faster and harder.

I needed to cum. My balls had gotten so swollen looking at all the nearly naked boys they were quite painful.

I reasoned that once I get the little cutie in my bed I would take my time with him. I looked forward to training him, but for now I needed to shoot my load, and quickly.

My timing was as good as ever. When I brought him to the very brink of orgasm, I briefly lifted my head from his dick and said, "FASTER" and he obeyed me without question.

The moment his first spurt of cum struck the back of my throat, my own cock erupted. We both had stored up an impressive amount of sperm and semen.

Unintelligible grunts and groans filled the air as stream-after-stream of hot jizz shot from our cockslits.

Oh my hell, his boycream was absolutely delicious and I swallowed everything he gave me down to the feeble last squirt.


When I finally raised my head from his crotch I decided to experiment again.

I pressed my cum-slick lips to his and gave him a kiss. I could tell it surprised him, but he let me kiss him longer than I had thought he would before he pulled away.

"Bradley, did you like that? Do you like having your dick sucked?" I softly asked him.

"Ohhhhh, Mister Evans...wow..." was all he could manage to say.

Now it was time to mention the 'special inducements.'

"Bradley, Michael told me what happened to your dad...how he lost all of your college money...I feel so bad for you...here you are number one in your class and you won't be able to go to the university..." I said.

"Oh, uh, my d-dad meant well," he replied but his voice choked up. I wondered if he was crying.

"You know Bradley, I have a grant program at my dealership. I've sent many boys like you who can't afford it on their own through school - it's my way of giving back to the community...not only will I pay for your school, but I'll give you a part-time job at my dealership as a Lot Boy so you can earn spending money. It won't interfere with your school-hours or study time..."

"Mister Evans, that is so generous - I don't know what to say..."

"Best of all, you'll be living rent-free at my house...you'll have your own big bedroom for privacy, complete with a nice desk and even a 62" television...how does that sound to you?"

"It sounds great!" he eagerly replied.

He suddenly became quiet. I could tell the wheels in his head were turning.

"Bradley, what are you thinking?" I asked the boy.

"Uh, well...what do you expect in return, Mister Evans? My dad's favorite saying is 'If it seems too good to be true -- it usually is!'"

I chuckled and said, "Smart man, your dad...I honestly do not expect anything in return...however, my boys DO show me their gratitude."

"You mean like, uh, what we just did?" he asked skeptically. "Mister Evans, I'm positively straight...I mean, yeah, okay, maybe I did just, uh, you know...."

"Take my cock in your hand and masturbate me?" I asked.

"Well, uh, yeah, I don't know what made me do that..." he sheepishly replied.