Special Inducements


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"B-But I didn't think they were loans," he protested.

"Do I look rich -- I work as a Lot Boy!" I scolded him.

I then offered him a job at my dad's dealership as a Lot Boy so he could begin making payments to me.

The coup de grace however, are the unique cookies I bake that make the boys light-headed and horny as hell. One cookie and a boy loses all his inhibitions.

It is so much easier training a boy when they are either indebted to you, or anticipate having climax-after-climax-after climax.


A couple days before Winter Break was to commence, I announced to Kent, "We're going to my parents lake cabin!"

His beautiful blue eyes opened wide with surprise.

"Huh? What do you mean? My folks are expecting me home for Christmas!" he said.

"Christmas is two weeks away," I replied.

"How long are we going to be there?" he asked.

"For as long as it takes," I answered.

"As long as WHAT takes?" he asked.

I smiled and placed a finger to my lips and said, "Shhhhhh, it's okay...everything is going to be fine."

"How about our jobs at the car lot?" he said in a high-pitched squeal.

"I already told my father we wouldn't be working over Winter Break...business is slow this time of year anyway," I said.


I cut him off and firmly asked, Sweetie, do you really want another spanking?"

"Noooooo...." he softly whined.

I stood from the desk and pushed the boxers down my legs exposing my erection to him.

"I want some lovin' now, sweetie!" I said as I walked to my bed.

I laid on my back and spread my legs wide.

The boy remained seated. I began the count.


As always, he sprang into action before I could say 'three.'

I sighed with frustration, but thought how after a week at the cabin, the boy would no longer hesitate when I give him a command.

He bolted from the chair, pushed his undies to the floor and came to my bed. I watched his cute little hard dickey standing straight out from his crotch. He knelt between my legs on the bed. He wasted no time lowering his face to my pulsating prick.

I laid back and closed my eyes and finalized my plans for him at the cabin as his lips and tongue worked on my throbbing cock.

In a few short weeks he had become a so-so cocksucker but by the time we leave the cabin he would be a fully trained expert.

Not only that but I would take his virginity, as well. I couldn't wait to hear him squealing as I broke-in his boycunt.

I knew he would protest but I was looking forward to using 'The Spanker' on his little bubble butt. A wooden paddle with a narrow handle and a thin, flared, hard-wood base.

In fact, I had bought two of them and knew exactly where I'd hang them: one on the wall in the living room directly across from the sofa where he would see it whenever he was next to me. The other would go on the wall in the bedroom. They would serve as constant reminders to him his obedience to me was of the utmost importance.

I had used it once on him in our room, but found his shrieks and cries too loud for the thin dormitory walls. I didn't want to totally humiliate him by drawing attention to our relationship, at least not yet.

At the cabin, however, the nearest neighbors are so far away, no one would hear his cries of discomfort or see the tears streaming down his face.

Once I had 'Cunt' fully trained (that was my nickname for Kent), he became a wonderful cocksucker. Not only that, I would make him beg me to fuck his tight little pussy. The boy was an absolute delight!

Unfortunately, three-months later my parents were killed in an auto accident and I had to quit school and take over the car dealership.

Ironically, my parents were on their way to the cabin when the accident occurred.

Cunt was the first boy of many I trained at the cabin. Some took less than seven-days to realize they were gay...others took up to two weeks.

Like I said, I would always keep them at the cabin "For as long as it takes."

I truly believe I have made all my boys lives better -- they no longer suffer from sexual confusion or delusions they are real men...and of course, heh-heh-heh...the orgasms my fully-trained boys have given me through the years have all been spectacular!


The morning I was expecting Bradley, I baked a new batch of cookies. My boys find the cookies delicious and they serve a useful purpose for me.

Over the years I developed the perfect recipe: lightly laced with marijuana with a heavy concentrate of anti-erectile dysfunction powder.

One cookie and the boys are happy and euphoric for hours. More importantly, their dicks remain so hard they are open to any and all sexual suggestions.

I ate a cookie myself one time. Sure, my prick was hard for hours and the orgasms were fantastic, but to be honest with you, it scared me how I lost all self-control. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for a man.

I wore my navy-blue, nylon gym shorts and nothing else as I waited for the cute little fucker to arrive. I had Sammy and Jimmy in crisp, white jockstraps.

I know what you're thinking...when Bradley saw the three of us in such skimpy attire what would stop him from running out the front door never to return?

Intuition. I have a very strong feeling about Bradley. He wants to go to college so badly he can taste it.

Also, the two orgasms I gave him yesterday were fresh in his mind. The poor boy had never felt someone's hand on his prick let alone a mouth.

After the boy eats a cookie, he will become pliant and agreeable, and quite honestly, eager and excited when I give Jimmy the order to suck Bradley's cock. The boy will then become putty in my hands.

Before I allow him to orgasm, I will have him play with not only Sammy's dick, but mine, too. He will bring us both to climax before he is allowed to shoot in Jimmy's mouth.

He will be out of his mind with lust and will masturbate us so frantically, any thoughts he may have of NOT being queer will be erased from his mind for quite awhile.

After an appropriate amount of time, I will insist he reciprocate with Jimmy. He may find the idea of sucking cock abhorrent and repulsive, but by then he will have no inhibitions for several hours and everything I make him do the rest of the day will be on video.

Okay, I admit it...the strongest 'special inducement' I offer the more reluctant boys, I guess, can be considered blackmail.

Over the years I found that supposed straight boys do not want photos or videos of them sucking cock circulating on the internet, and they suddenly become quite submissive and obedient when they are faced with that threat.


I had mixed feelings as we celebrated Bradley's graduation.

I was proud of him for graduating in just three-years, but he also celebrated another milestone: his twenty-first birthday, and that caused me to begin to question our relationship.

He had matured so much in three-years I almost didn't know who he was any more. Even physically he wasn't the same boy I had become smitten with.

The summer he had moved in with me, he went through an unbelievable growth spurt.

He went from being two-inches shorter than me to three-inches taller. He lost his baby-fat and worked hard on developing muscle. He outweighed me now by forty pounds.

More importantly, his penis grew proportionately. It was now over six-inches. He could no longer be called 'needledick.'

I am not very well endowed myself and have always favored boys smaller than me. Now however, Bradley's dick was a full two-and-a-half inches longer than mine.

If that wasn't bad enough, my interest in him had waned to the point I wanted a younger boy to take his place. Old habits die hard, I guess, I can't help it if older boys don't get me as excited as younger ones.

Sure, the other Lot Boys are old now, but for some reason I feel protective of them. They understand my needs and regularly bring eighteen-year-old boys home to me.

As a graduation present I told Bradley I'd take him on a trip to anywhere he wanted to go. I was beginning to regret that offer but decided to suck it up and do one more nice thing for him before I replaced him.

Who knows? Maybe at one of those exotic resorts I would find a pretty, young-thing to occupy my time.

It surprised me when he said we'd be taking the car and he'd be driving. The resort he had in mind was only a hundred-miles away.

That pleased me. I would be close to home when I told him he'd have to move out of the house and find another job.

Whenever I tire of a boy, I find it most effective to cut-off all contact with him. Out of sight -- out of mind, I guess.

I'm not a total asshole: I'd make sure he would receive compensation for his years of devotion to me and my cock.


We traveled north on the interstate in silence until he exited to highway 51. I turned to say something but he spoke first.

"Surprise!" he said with a smile. "We're going to the cabin!"

"You remembered, how nice!" I said.

"Yes, how could I ever forget?" he replied.

I had taken him to the cabin that first summer. He had already become so submissive and obedient we spent just four-days there. It took only three sessions using 'The Spanker' for him to become my ideal boyfriend.

I could feel my heart racing. Perhaps I was a little premature in getting rid of him.

He was a valuable asset at the dealership. He was assertive and had learned all aspects of the business. If I kept him around I could take more time off work to explore, uh, more pleasurable pursuits...heh-heh-heh....

Also, he and I always had an 'open relationship.' He never objected whenever I brought a cute little fucker to bed with us. Besides, he had become as good a cocksucker as Jimmy.

Maybe I should keep him around longer. When I find a cute eighteen year-old, I'll have Bradley move to another bedroom but he can still join me and my new boyfriend in bed as long as he brings us both pleasure.

We'll see what the next few days brings us then I'll make a decision.


I hadn't been to the cabin in months so was quite surprised when I saw how clean it was. Not only that but the kitchen was stocked with food.

"I had some people working up here last week," he casually said.

That was a bit puzzling but I admired his foresight in planning.

We unpacked our bags then Bradley began to set-up his laptop.

"That won't work here, there's no signal," I said.

"That's been taken care of, too," he said. "The 'hot spot' works very well now."

He opened his brief case and brought out a thick manilla folder and laid it on the coffee table. I was getting slightly annoyed.

Did we come up here so he could work on business? It was time to take control of the situation.

"Bradley, you can do whatever you need to do later..." I said. "...right now I'm horny as hell - my dick is getting hard - get over here and open my pants and take out my cock!"

"That won't be happening any time soon," he said.

His insolence shocked me. I glared at him and forcefully said, "Little boy, you're playing with fire!"

"Yes, but I won't be the one who gets burned," he replied.

I pointed to 'The Spanker' hanging on the wall opposite the sofa and said, "I've been too easy on you the past couple years...looks like you need a refresher course in obedience...strip to your jockstrap then bring me the paddle...it'll be like the old days, I'm going spank your butt until you are crying like a schoolgirl!"

A strange smile spread across his handsome face. Frankly, it unnerved me.

"Open the folder on the table, old man...there is interesting reading in there," he said with a sneer.

Old man? What the hell?

I remained still. That little faggot-cocksucker wasn't going to order me around.

I watched him remove a baggy from the briefcase.

"I baked some brownies for you, old man," he said then took one out and laid it in front of me. "Eat it - it'll make you feel r-e-a-l good!"

What the hell is going on here? I was about to explode. None of my boys talks to me like that without suffering the consequences.

"I'll save you some time, old man. The folder has all the proof I need to get you arrested and convicted and sent to federal prison!" he said bluntly.

The blood drained from my face.

"I don't like your attitude, boy!" I said as I leaped from the sofa and retrieved the paddle from the wall and returned to the sofa. "Take those pants down and get across my lap!"

"Oh, that won't be happening anymore, old man," he sneered at me."In fact, within a half-hour YOU will be laying across MY lap and YOU will be the one crying like a schoolgirl once I'm finished spanking you!"

My blood began to boil. I was shaking with anger.

"You better have a damn good excuse for talking to me like this, boy!" I shouted at him.

"Calm down and hear me out, old man," he said with an annoying smile on his face.

I took deep gulps of air to help lower my blood pressure.

He said, "The best I can tell, you've been 'cooking the books' at the dealership for ten-years: tax evasion, financial fraud and money laundering!"

It felt like a slap across the face. "How the hell would you know anything?" I shot back at him.

"You never asked me a single question while I was going to school...you showed no interest in my studies whatsoever...well, old man, my degree is in forensic accounting! What do you think that means?" he said.

A cold shiver raced up and down my spine. Oh yes, I knew what forensic accounting meant.

He continued, "I studied the statutes, you're going to get at the very least ten-years in federal prison...if you're a good boy, they might let you out in seven!"

He gave me the strangest smile and said, "Eat the brownie, old man..."

I exploded, "I made you who you are today -- if I hadn't turned you out and paid your tuition and gave you a place to live AND a job, you'd be a fruit hustler hanging out in queer bars and Loring Park giving ten-dollar blowjobs, you ungrateful piece of shit!"

His calmness frightened me.

"You know, Johnny," he said, knowing full well I hate being called that. "Once the feds release you, the state is going to lock you up for another twenty-years."

I lost control and shouted: "REALLY? FOR WHAT YOU UNGRATEFUL PRICK?"

"Sexual blackmail, rape, and providing mind-altering drugs to unsuspecting boys," he said.

I said contemptuously. "I did all you boys the biggest favor of your lives...you don't have anything on me!"

"Except your ego is sooo big, you just HAD to video not only the sex acts, but your threats of blackmail, too...the jury will be so disgusted with what they see, there's a good chance you'll spend the rest of your life in state prison!"

"That's ridiculous -- it was all in good fun -- I was helping you boys!" I protested.

He sneered at me and said, "Yeah, sure," then added: "You know what convicts do to guys like you in prison...I wonder how many men over the years will make you their bitch?"

Another violent shiver coursed through my body. I could see he was dead serious.

"Eat the brownie, Johnny," he said.

I stalled for time and asked him, "What did you do to them? What did you put in the brownies?"

He smiled and said, "Oh, it's a variation of your cookie recipe...I guarantee you'll love the brownies as much as all the boys loved your cookies!"

"Look, Bradley---"

"My name is BRAD and I am offering you the deal of your life -- not like you deserve it though...if you eat the brownie, I won't have you sent to prison!"

"THAT'S BLACKMAIL!!" I screamed.

His laughter was long and loud.

"Yes, it is -- you know all about that don't you, Johnny?"

"Bradley, I mean Brad -- c'mon, we can work something out here...how would you like to be my Assistant General Manager? You've been working hard -- you deserve it!"

"No, that's not what I have in mind..." he replied.

I was at a loss for words. I had never felt so helpless and vulnerable in my life.

"It's a simple decision, Johnny...eat the brownie or go to prison!"

I stared at the brownie. My hands were shaking and my mind was enveloped with fear and a panic so strong I couldn't think straight.

I knew I was guilty of all the accusations. I was sure he had the evidence against me to send me to prison. I am small of stature, and I shuddered when I pictured myself being repeatedly raped by the convicts.

He was right. I didn't want to go to prison and become some guys bitch. What choice did I have? And, who knows? My employees adore me -- they might come to my rescue!

Still, I couldn't help the tears that welled in my eyes as I picked up the brownie and began eating.


Fifteen-minutes later, I was sitting on the sofa wearing nothing but a fresh, white jockstrap. My mind was slowly filling with fog.

I felt good -- the fear had subsided. Not quite euphoric but better and better with each passing minute. Brad was beside me.

"Give me your hand," he said. "No, the other one."

I saw a ring in his hand. A diamond ring. He worked it onto my finger. It was a very tight fit.

"Sweetie," he said with a smile. "We are now engaged...when we leave here we're going to be married."

I was speechless. Huh? What? Married to one of my bitch boys?

"From now until the wedding ceremony, you will address me as 'My darling fiance'...do you understand me, sweetie?"

The fog in my head was growing thicker and heavier. I tried to fight it but heard myself say, "Uhhh, yes...my, uh, darling fiance."

I sprung a boner in the pouch of the jockstrap. My balls were rapidly swelling. A wave of pleasurable euphoria washed over my mind. I wondered how much longer it would be before my hard penis took over my brain and did all the thinking for me.

He continued: "I'll be busy at the dealership after the wedding and won't be able to take you on a honeymoon...we will think of our stay here as our honeymoon...we're going to have a wonderful honeymoon, won't we sweetie?"

"Ohhhhh, yes, my darling fiance, a wonderful honeymoon..." I agreed with him wholeheartedly.

"While we're here, I'm going to teach you how to be the perfect wife for me...you want to be the perfect wife, don't you sweetie?"

"Oooooooo, yes, my darling fiance...I want to be the perfect wife for you," I mindlessly answered.

"Oh sweetie, I know you will do your best to make me a very happy man...look at the paddle on the wall, sweetie."

"Yes, my darling fiance," I answered and immediately stared at 'The Spanker.'

"I promise you as long as you obey me at all times, you will be a very happy wife...but if you make me unhappy -- I will use the paddle on you and make you very unhappy...but that won't happen will it? You are going to serve and obey me and do your very best to keep me happy, won't you sweetie?"

"Oooooooo, my darling fiance -- I will obey you at all times -- I will make you a very happy man -- I promise, my darling fiance!"

"Sweetie, open my pants and take out my cock!"

"Ooooooo, yes my darling fiance -- yes!"

I was staring at the most beautiful erection I have ever seen. I couldn't wait to obey his next command.

"Suck my cock, sweetie!" I heard him say.

"Ooooooo, yes my darling fiance -- thank you my darling fiance," I moaned.

And when my lips brushed his purple, bulbous cockhead, I paused one last time and what was possibly my last cogent thought, I asked him, "How long are we going to be here, my darling fiance?"

He gently stroked my hair and said in a soft and soothing voice, "For as long as it takes, sweetie...for as long as it takes."


I cannot describe the pure joy I felt in my heart when I heard the minister say, "Brad and Sissy -- I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

He then turned to Brad and said, "You may kiss your bride!"

When Brad kissed me my head swooned and my tiny clitty immediately hardened inside my pink lace panties and pink satin short-shorts.