Spencer Cove Ch. 04


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Holding up an extra key fob he grinned, "It's all yours babe!"

I squealed loudly and leaped up throwing my arms and legs around him, smothering him with kisses I told him much I loved him.

Ed was chuckling when Bill finally sat me down, "Congrats," he laughed as he shook Bill's hand. " I hear you got the contract with the public schools. That's quite an accomplishment."

"Thanks Ed," he grinned and got himself a beer. "I'm just glad we were to get this cute thing in a newer car," he said as he hugged me again.

"God I wish David was here, he hasn't even seen our new home except some pictures I sent him, and he'll go ape shit when he learns his old mom is driving a Mustang GT," I sighed heavily as I picked at the paper label on my beer bottle.

"I expect our son will be happy for you," Bill smiled at me, "and you're not old."

"Yeah" Ed chuckled, "the body of a 30 year old and the attitude of a teenager," he laughed.

"Will you stay for dinner," I asked Ed.

"No thanks, I just saw you outside in a new car and came over to say hi, I have to be somewhere," looking at his watch, "in about 30 minutes."

"Same lady," I teased him.

"No this is a new one, she's single and I met her last week. She's the sister of the lady I've been seeing. Her husband died 3 years ago and I'm taking her out to dinner," he smiled his eyes lighting up.

"Oh my.....you have gone and found yourself a girlfriend," I teased him while squeezing his hand.

Ed laughed, "I wouldn't say that, we have not even kissed," he chuckled.

"Does she know about you and her sister?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.

"I'm sure she does, from the looks she was giving me when I was invited over to eat with them. She's here visiting her sister and brother-in-law. As a matter of fact," he chuckled again, "the lady I've been seeing kind of put me on the spot and said I should take her sister out while she's visiting.. right in front of her. What could I say, so I set up a date with her."

"Oh my gawd, she set you up, but still I know you well enough you would not have agreed unless you were interested," I grinned.

"Well, she's pretty, so what have I got to lose, plus she was interesting to talk too before I was blindsided," he smiled.

"Good for you, go have a good time.....and if you like her maybe you can bring her over one day for us to meet her," I was excited for him.

After Ed left Bill and I decided to go out and eat and let me drive the new car and get accustomed to all the new features. We were cruising around town then hit the interstate. I was having a ball listening to country music and laughing with Bill. Until I heard the siren and blue lights flashing behind me.

"Oh shit," I gasped and looked down at the odometer. I was doing 90 in a 70 mile and hour speed zone. Pulling over on the side of the road, it was a dusky evening and we waited for the officer to approach. I powered my window down as he walked up next to the car.

"In a hurry to get somewhere young lady," growled the officer. "Let me see your drivers license and registration."

"Sorry officer," as I handed him my license, "it's a new car and I have the paperwork right here. We just bought it this afternoon," I blabbed nervously.

"Stay put and turn the car off," he growled again.

He walked back to his car and got inside the patrol vehicle. Bill was laughing making me angry. "What's so funny," I hissed at him.

"You heard him say young lady," he giggled, "you do look like a teenager dressed the way you are and your hair in a pony tail."

The officer returned to my side of the vehicle and smiled, "Mrs. Hunter I didn't recognize you when you sped past me back there or when I walked up to your car.

I see you have a clean driving record and everything seems to be in order, but you were certainly speeding."

"Sorry officer," I murmured, as I took a closer look at him, he was tall about mid to late 30's, devastatingly handsome, "I was listening to music and didn't even notice how fast I was going." He looked familiar but I couldn't place him

He chuckled, "From the look on your face you don't remember me do you," he grinned, his teeth perfect, like everything else about him, his dark brown eyes to his broad shoulders and narrow hips. He would look good on a poster recruiting young men to join the Marines!

"Sorry but you do look familiar," my face puzzled trying to remember him.

"I've been to your school several times to talk with students in Drivers Ed Class," he smiled again, making my panties wet. I bet the female students didn't hear a word he said they were probably drooling over him.

"Oh yeah," I grinned while finally remembering him, "I think I remember seeing you talk to Mr. Manning in the hallway." I didn't say he made my toes curl just looking at him in his uniform.

"Well next year you'll be having my daughter Misty in your classroom, she will be a freshman. I'm Officer Shane Glover," as he handed me back my drivers license.

Leaning down he tipped his hat at Bill, then said, "I'm going to let you off with a warning this time, but slow it down...we need good teachers and can't afford to lose one due an accident." Patting the top of the car he said, "Drive safely," and turned back to his patrol car.

Bill was laughing again, "What are you laughing about," I hissed at him, "I almost peed my pants."

"I think he thought he had caught a young teenager speeding even when he first got a look at you, probably thought that until he looked closely at your license."

My panties were wet, but not from peeing my pants! With his looks he should be a male model. His filled out his uniform very well, broad shoulders, narrow waist, I had gotten a whiff of his aftershave/cologne and he smelled all male full of testosterone.

I took the warning ticket he gave me and stuffed it in my purse, then started the car and drove off. Back town it was now dark about 8 o'clock when we passed a place we had never been before and pulled into the parking lot. The sign said 'Tamale Shack' it was a rustic building and several cars and trucks were in the parking lot. Bill and I both loved tamales and were anxious to try it out. As we approached the door a motorcycle came roaring into the parking lot and parked next to our car.

A large man climbed off his bike and removed his helmet and placed it on the bike. He had shaggy black hair, sleeveless black t-shirt, tight fitting jeans low on his narrow hips, tattoos covered his muscular arms. He walked over and was looking at our car.

Bill and I entered the 'Tamale Shack' and pleased, it was clean, hardwood floors, dimly lit, several tables were filled with men and women, all dressed casual as we were, jeans, shorts, etc. The tables were all full but at the bar were 8 stools and only three were taken with 3 men sitting next to each other. On the far left side of the building was a small dance floor, a juke box playing country music.

The bartender nodded greeting us as we entered and Bill nudged me toward the open stools. Taking two stools, one down from the three men we sat down.

The bartender smiled and laid napkins down in front of us, "What can I get ya," he asked with a friendly smile.

"Two Coors beers," Bill replied looking around the room, as the bartender quickly slapped down two ice cold beer bottles in front of us. "Anything else," he grinned his eyes on my cleavage, before he looked me in the eye and smiled.

"We would like to try a dozen of your hot tamales," I smiled back at him.

"Yes ma'am," he grinned and then shouted through an opening behind the bar into I guess it was the kitchen, "Need a dozen Samson."

About that time the biker came in and sat down next to me, and never bothered to look in my direction, just straight ahead. When the bartender turned around he walked over to him, "What'll you have Snake?"

"The usual," he growled as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out his phone.

The bartender wasted no time getting a large mug of beer that was on tap, then filled a shot glass with whiskey and dropped it down inside the beer mug, then sitting it down in front of the biker.

I was watching out of the corner of my eye when the biker laid his phone down and chugged the beer and whiskey down until it was all gone, then slammed the mug down on the bar, "Another," he grunted. His eyes straight ahead like he was in deep thought.

The bartender quickly put another round just like the last one in front of him. Again the biker chugged it until it was empty again, then sit the mug down without slamming it. Then he belched.

I couldn't help it I giggled softly, my face turning red when I saw him turn his head and stare at me. A faint smile played at the corners of his mouth, "Sorry," was all he said then told the bartender holding up two fingers, "Whiskey neat...and the good stuff this time he growled.

The bartender nodded, and stuttered, "Su..sure Snake, my mistake." Reaching under the bar he pulled out a bottle of Single Barrell whiskey and poured it in a glass and set in front of the biker. "No..no charge on the beer." Then he saw our order in the window and quickly served the large platter in front of me and Bill, and went to the far end of the bar.

Everything else seemed normal, but it was obvious the biker made the bartender nervous. Bill and I just grinned at each other and enjoyed the tamales. I thought they were some of the best I'd ever had. As I took a bite, the juke box started playing 'Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On' one of my favorite songs.

I automatically started mumbling the words and twisting and turning on the bar stool to beat with music. This caused the plug up my backside to move around sending tingles through my body. Bill looked at me and grinned and said let's dance.

On the dance floor we were dancing, I was throwing my arms up and shaking my booty and Bill moved up behind me and held my hips, then gripped my hand and spun me around. Several people started clapping and finally two other couples joined us on the dance floor. When the song ended there was a round of applause as we made our way back to our bar stools.

The mysterious biker glanced my way when I sat down, "Your good," he smirked, then turned back to his drink downed it, then stood and made his way toward a hallway that had a sign 'Restrooms' over the entry to the hall.

The bartender came over and seemed relieved the biker had vacated his seat. "You folks need another beer or anything," he grinned for the first time since the biker had come in and sat down.

"Sure," I purred, "I think I want to try what the gentleman next to me had earlier," indicating the biker's empty seat, "like him I want the good stuff," and winked at him.

"Yes ma'am coming right up," he beamed brightly and got to work. Instead of getting whiskey off the back shelf, he retrieved the Single Barrell, filled the shot glass and dropped into the large mug of beer and placed it on a fresh napkin in front of me.

Bill looked at me like I was crazy, "Are you sure you want to try that?"

I picked the large mug up and turned it up and chugged, but could only drink about a 1/4 of it before I had to set it back down. With beer foam on my mouth, "I giggled at Bill, "hell that tastes pretty damn good."

"Your first," I heard a growl beside me, the biker slid back on his stool and smirked looking me in the eye. His blue eyes staring daggers in me and I noticed a scar on the left side of his face I had not seen before. The scar ran from the corner of his left eye toward his left ear.

"Ye..yes...first time.." I mumbled, "I like it, what do you call it," I returned his stare and grinned.

He chuckled, "Boilermaker," then crooked his finger at the bartender and called him over. "Put that on my tab...and you better have used the good stuff," he grunted.

"Oh he did...use the good stuff," I quickly said, the bartender looked relieved that I had spoken up.

"Snake..earlier I wasn't thinking...it'll never happen again," he murmured.

"Make sure you do, and put their tab on mine...all of it and anything else they want..got it?" He sternly looked at the bartender.

"You don't..have.." I tried to say and he cut me off.

"Your Mrs.Hunter from Stonewall Academy right?" he glared at me.

"Ye...yes I am," I murmured.

"Didn't recognize you at first, you take care, nice car your driving," he smiled for the first time.

Turning back to the bartender, "I'll be back...this weekend and pay my tab," then turned and walked out leaving me flabbergasted.

Hearing his motorcycle fire up and roaring out of the parking lot, I turned and looked at Bill. "You don't know him do you?" He was puzzled as I was.

"No of course not, but he obviously knows me," I frowned trying like hell to figure out how he knew me. He was too old to have been a student of mine since I started teaching at Stonewall.

"Can I get you folks anything else?" the bartender asked.

"I'm not going to let you put anything on his tab. but I'll have another Coors beer," I told him firmly.

"Ma'am it's not a good idea to piss Snake off, please don't cause any problem and at least have a few more beers, hell even take a dozen tamales home with you when you leave. You'll be doing me a favor," he pleaded.

Bill spoke up, "Fine let us have another beer, but tell me what's his real name."

"Sir I only know him as Snake, he's been coming here for a long time, he's never caused any real problem, but some mean assholes come in here from time to time, and as soon as they see him they turn and leave. And they don't come back!"

Bill asked him, "Do you own this place?"

"No sir," he mumbled, "the owner is a Mr. Hazel and he's not available, he might know more about Snake, but he's laid up at home and has been for the last 14 months."

"Sorry to hear that, did he have an accident or something?" Bill asked as I listened, a concerned look on my face.

About that time a woman that had been on the dance floor with us earlier nudged me, "Darling Mr. Hazel was robbed as he was closing one night and almost beat to death, shortly after the biker dude started coming by regularly," she grinned, "strange timing but I think the two must be tied together," her brow furrowed as she looked me in the eye.

Bill spoke up, "You think the biker had something to do with the owner being robbed and beaten?"

"Oh no," the middle aged woman said quickly, "since he has been coming in regularly business has picked up, plus we seldom have any rough necks come in anymore. Those that do leave if they see Snake here." she giggled.

Looking at her closely I noticed a rose tattoo at the top of her cleavage and stared at it. When I glanced up at her I blushed, she had caught me staring at it.

"You like," she grinned, "my name is Rose and that's my man sitting over there," she pointed to a middle aged man sitting at a table, "he owns a Tattoo Shop and did this for me."

"Nice to meet you Rose, I'm Valerie and this is my husband Bill. Snake seemed to know me and I don't remember ever meeting him, do you or anyone know Mr. Hazel's phone number, maybe he could help me," I asked her and the bartender.

The bartender nodded and wrote a phone number down on a napkin and handed it to me and said, "Let me get you a dozen tamales to go, just don't say where you got the phone number."

Bill and I left and started home. Finally Bill spoke up, "You okay," he asked, "you're biting your lower lip like you're thinking about something."

"It's been a crazy day," I sighed, then giggled, "get a new car, a warning ticket for speeding, a dude named Snake knows me and pays our tab."

"Yeah I agree," he laughed, "are you going to call Mr. Hazel?"

"I don't know....maybe, I want to know how he knows me," I sighed heavily again.

At home we put the bag of tamales in the fridge and went to bed.

The next morning Bill went to work and I picked up around the house trying to stay busy and get my mind off the biker. Mid morning I got a text from Melvin:

Melvin: Wish you were here. Fishing was good this morning.

Me: Me too. emoji sad face.

Melvin: Invites open anytime.

Me: smiley face emoji 'Good to know. Looking forward to cumming.

Melvin: So am I #attachment

I clicked on the attachment it was a dick pic. His cock and balls only.

I clenched down on the butt plug and giggled, my panties were soaked.

Me: Cumming soon. I promise. Gotta go. Bye.

Rushing into the bedroom, I stripped and jumped on the bed, head down and ass up and went to masturbating while pulling on the plug. I was moaning and looking at the dick pic laying beside me, I squealed loudly as the wide part of the plug stretched my tiny asshole and came like a rocket blasting off into space, "Oh God yes....fuck me, fuck me Melvin..." My toes curled and I groaned as the plug popped out and my orgasm pulsed from my clit to the top of my head like a bolt of lightning hit me. Collapsing I mumbled, "fuck..oh fuck.." as core muscles clenched and unclenched. The bed was soaked with my juices, I was panting like I had run a marathon.

Getting up I giggled to myself, "Good thing I ordered more sheets."

When Bill got home that evening the bedroom was back in order. I had prepared soft shell tacos and hot cheese dip to go with the dozen tamales. The pug was back up my ass and I was horny as hell, thinking about Melvin's big cock, the handsome Patrol officer and Snake.

"Something smells good," Bill smiled and came up behind me as I fixed the hot cheese dip and hugged me.

Wiggling my ass against him I teased him, "Play your cards right Cucky and you might get lucky," I giggled.

He groaned as he rubbed his cock into my ass and ran his hands up under my tank top and fondled my tits, "I'm the luckiest man in the world already," he growled.

"Down big boy, let's eat while everything is hot," I told him as I elbowed him away from me.

While eating he asked me if I had called Mr. Hazel about the biker. I told him no I hadn't made up my mind about it. Then he told me Coach Wilson had called and said he needed to see him about their order.

"Oh, are you meeting him and Mr. Manning?" I quizzed him.

"No just Coach, Mr. Manning is taking some time off and has gone fishing," he replied as he took a bite of tamale. Good to know I thought to myself wondering if I could work out away to go visit him at the cabin overnight.

As I took a drink of beer, I casually commented, "I might have a date lined up in a day or two, and it might require me to spend the night, maybe even two nights."

He nearly choked on the food in his mouth, "Wh...what..." he stuttered, "really."

"Would that be a problem," I asked as I took a bite of tamale, "it would give me some interesting stories to tell you when I got back," I smiled and winked at him.

"The only thing that could make it better was you had your date come here," he smiled, "then we could record it."

"Sorry Cucky," I grinned, "I asked him and he said no, he wants me to come to him."

"Where did you meet him?" he asked.

"Remember when I told you about getting split-roasted, it's one of those guys," I giggled, "he didn't get to fuck me that night, he's the one with the long dick I was telling you about."

"Oh that was the first time, after Ed of course, hell yes I remember your telling me about it," his voice was raspy as he stared at me and smiled.

"So that wouldn't be a problem would it, after all we did agree I pick who, where and when remember," I smiled reaching over and grasping his dick that hard and throbbing.

He gasped loudly then I felt him cum in his pants, "I take that as a yes," I giggled, "you're okay with it."

"Yeah...just be safe....I'll go crazy worrying about you," he groaned.

"I promise I'll even stay in touch while I'm gone...but you do not contact me, I'll call or text you often. If anyone asked about me just tell them I'm visiting an old college friend."