Take Me, Tom Pt. 13-14


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All cleaned up and fresh clothes on, we went next door and brought the kids home. They were excited all over again.

"Uncle Tom? Have you seen my room?" Chloe asked.

"Not yet, why don't you show me, okay?" I said as she grabbed my hand and walked me down the hallway. Chloe showed me all her books and dolls and toys and...It was wonderful to reconnect with her.

"Can I show you my room now, Uncle Tom?" David said as he popped his head around the doorway.

"C'mon. Show me! I'll bet it's better than Chloe's," I whispered to him. David just looked up and smiled. "It is, Uncle Tom," and laughed.

Chrissie gave us time to reconnect. She was on the phone. I was hoping it was with mom or dad but judging from her tone, I didn't think so.

After a while, Chrissie asked, "Dinner anyone? Eat in or should we go out?" she asked.

Both kids said at once, "Out! Can we go out?"

"Well, okay. This is a special day, okay? Tom? Out?"

"You betcha! We'll let mom pick, okay?" I said to the two of them.

"She picks the best places!" David smiled. "Can we go to that turkey place, mom?"

"Turkish, David. I think you mean Turkish?" she laughed.

"Are you sure?" David asked, although I knew he knew, he was wrong. He was one to watch.

We had a lovely meal. I was impressed by the way the kids embraced more than pizza and burgers. Chrissie had done a wonderful job with their palates.

On getting home, Chrissie turned into 'mom'. Showers, clothes unpacked, put away and books ready for tomorrow. Chrissie would be doing the school run. I had a lot to take in, and learn. I stayed out of their way, not wanting to impede her routine. I stayed on the sidelines and offered a bit of help but it was all down to Chrissie.

The kids were safely tucked in by eight so we had the evening to collect our thoughts.

"So," Chrissie sighed as she sat down next to me, "you ready to leave yet?" she laughed.

"It's full-on, isn't it? I'm on a steep learning curve here but don't worry, I've handled worse!"

"Worse?" she asked.

"God yes, both staff and clients!" I laughed. "We'll be fine, Chrissie. This is all part of it. I get that, okay?"

We put on some music and just relaxed. Jack did come up in conversation, but only briefly. We'd take everything a day at a time and sort things out as they popped up.

"I may give Grace Russell a call this week. I'm intrigued by her. She seemed to know something or, at the very least, wanted me to meet up with her. I'll try and get out for a while at work. Are you going to call Martin?"

"Yes. I'll check my schedule. I won't be until the end of the week but yes, he's someone I want to talk with. I'm intrigued as well. And Emily?"

"I've talked with her already. I called her when you were with the kids. It was just a chat, nothing too important," Chrissie smiled.

"C'mon. There's more to it than that! I can tell. Spill!" I said.

"Well, David and her are so very distant right now. Even after the auction and dancing and champagne, he didn't, well, touch her. Somethings going on there. I need to help her. I may, well, have her over soon...some evening?"

"What about the kids?"

"I didn't necessarily say we were going to jump each other, Tom! God! Men!" she said, exasperated. "That would be your dream evening, eh, Tom? Two horny women and you!" she laughed. " And no, you don't have to answer that!" she giggled.

"Well, as and when, I'll stay out of the way, okay?" I said helpfully.

"Hmmm. Maybe. I may just be cruel and let her flirt with you, knowing nothing would happen. Or maybe I'll just flirt and seduce you whilst she's here. Now that would be fun!"

"You can be such a cruel kitten. It would be your responsibility as a friend to, well, help her out?"

"I don't think I'd be too much of a kitten, Tom," she giggled.

"Fuck, Chrissie," I moaned as I leant over and tweaked one of Chrissie's breasts. "You're such a little bitch at times."

"I certainly hope so, Tom," she mewed.

"Okay...I need to get some things ready for tomorrow. How's the school run and all working tomorrow? What help do you need from me?"

"Nothing tomorrow, Tom. Thanks, but I have my routine down pretty well by now. I may ask for your help as the morning goes on, but nothing now, okay?"

"Just ask, okay? So...bed?" I said cheerlessly.

"Sounds good. Maybe I can sneak into your bedroom? The kids will be asleep." she asked.

"Not tonight, Chrissie. They may wake up as they haven't been here for a week. Let's not push things, okay?"

Chrissie gave me a forlorn look, all puppy-dogs eyes and all.

"C'mon. You know it's for the best. Don't you?" I asked.

"I know but, I've so used to you next to me..."

"Welcome to our reality, Chrissie," I half-smiled.

"Humph..." she sighed.

"C'mon. Bed," I said as I helped her out and gave her a long kiss goodnight. " See you in the morning, darling."

"If not before," Chrissie said with a devilish grin.

I spanked her bottom as we parted at my bedroom doorway.

Chrissie turned to me and smiled...whilst pulling down her trousers, showing off her ass to me.

Fuck, I thought...

Chapter 14 Monday

I remembered to set my alarm just a bit earlier. I foresaw a bit of morning chaos I so reckoned to be ready before it all kicked off.

Chrissie crept into my room as I was waking, and slipped beneath the covers with me. It felt marvellous to feel her, if even for a touch and cuddle. We sleepily rose from beneath the sheets and, with Chrissie peering out the doorway, we made our way to our respective bathrooms.

One by one, the kids made their way to the breakfast table. Yes, That Table. The table where I had eagerly fucked their mother less than a week ago. Chrissie had laid out their cereal and fruit and yoghurt for me. She threw in a few slices of sourdough toast, too. What a gal, eh?

I offered to clear up so she could ready herself for work. The kids were chatty about their day ahead. They had missed their routine.

Chrissie returned, looking stunning in a loose wrap-around dress and fitted blouse. I would never tire of looking at her. She sat with us and her fruit whilst we talked about the day ahead. No mention of Jack, though.

I hugged and kissed the kids 'goodbye' and started for the door.

The kids were hanging around to see me out. Chrissie called me over.

"Tom, can I have a quick word before you go?" she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Of course, Chrissie."

I followed her down the hallway to her room. As I entered, she closed the door. Looking at me, she drew her arms around me and we kissed. She felt so good in my arms, as if she had always meant to be here.

"Have a wonderful day, darling. See you later, at some point, okay?"

"And you, Chrissie. If you hear from Jack, let me know? I need to know you're okay. And remember, you were going to call Grace."

I kissed her again, one hand on her petite ass, the other flowing through her hair. Her hair still had a bit of the kink in it, which made her look even more adorable.

Another kiss for the kids, and I was gone.

There weren't enough hours in the day to finish everything so we all stayed a bit later. By eight, our productivity was waning so we called it a day. We had our presentation tomorrow and we felt we were ready. I hadn't gotten around to calling Martin. He was definitely on my To-Do List though.

I pulled in around nine. The house was quiet when I walked in. Chrissie greeted me with a single malt and her arms.

"Mmmm," she moaned. "We all missed you. The kids wanted to stay up to see you but I told them no. It's a school night and they need their routines.

"I'll just pop in real quick and give them a quick kiss goodnight. I won't wake them!"

I returned to the front room in a few minutes. And no, I hadn't woken the kids.

"So. Everything ready for tomorrow?"Chrissie asked.

"Yeah. I'm prepared, the team is all set so, we're good. It has all come together so it's time to sign this thing."

"I'm so happy for you, Tom. I'm certain they'll all be impressed."

"I love your optimism, Chrissie but yes, I can't see any pitfalls so..."

I caught up with her about the exhibition. Emily and her had made great progress and were actually ahead of schedule. Of course, Emily being Emily, she wanted all the details of Sunday. And I mean details.

"You didn't tell her, uh, everything?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Everything, Tom. She was in such a state afterwards," she laughed. "I actually loved telling her ALL the, uh, juicy details. I think she went and frigged herself, although she told me she had to go talk to the director. I was actually getting wet telling her! Whew, eh?" she laughed. "If we weren't at work, I would have gone down on her to relieve her frustration but..." she sighed. "Did you know that on Saturday night, after we were on the roof, and she pulled me aside, she actually went down on me in the Ladies? You knew, didn't you?"

"Uhh, no. I didn't know! Jeez, Chrissie! What ARE you like? So, uh, did she get off on it, you know, sucking my cum out of you?"

Chrissie laughed. "She was so wet afterwards. Normally I'd have returned the, uh, favour but I thought I would tease her. I'm a bad girl, aren't I, Tom?"

"The absolute worst. And the best."

"We LOVE teasing each other. Switching roles, so to speak. I can, uh, see from your trousers that you enjoyed my story, too," she giggled.

"She asked if she could, well, watch us some time. Would you be okay with that, Tom? If not, I understand, okay? It's just that, well, she asked," Chrissie asked breathlessly.

"I can only assume, since you're asking, that you would be okay with that? I've...I've never been in a position to say yes or no before. If it would help her...and you, then yes, I'd love to share that with her," I said, hoping I hadn't answered too quickly.

"Mmmm, okay. Not sure when but, as and when, okay?"

"I think we should go to bed, don't you? I'll turn off all the lights. You can go and get ready, okay? I'll come and give you a kiss goodnight. It's getting late anyway and you have an important day tomorrow."

Chrissie leant in and we kissed. "See you in a bit," she whispered.

Fuck, I was hard. I wanted her. Now! I thought. My big sister and her gorgeous workmate. Lovers or?

I slipped quietly into the bathroom and readied myself, slipping on my pyjamas and brushing my teeth. I crept out into the hallway and into my room, trying not to disturb the kids.

I slid between the sheets and thought of tomorrow...and of Emily and Chrissie. What the fuck, I thought to myself. I did smile though.

In about fifteen minutes, I saw a shaft of light from the hallway.

Chrissie? Of course, it was. She walked over to my bed and looked at me.

"Is Tom still hard? Hmmm?" she grinned.

I pulled down the covers to reveal my urgent, hard cock, stiff and proud.

"Mmmm...so, tell you what," she said, as she shimmied her hips.

"You use these...and I'll watch," she said, and threw her panties at me.

Chrissie had me move over and she sat on the bed, facing me, on my left. Casually she lifted her left leg and placed it over mine, exposing her bare, puffy labia. She leant back on her elbows and looked at me. Chrissie looked so lewd, and desirable. I could smell her desire.

I took the panties and brought them to my nose, inhaling deep. Chrissie moaned. I slowly wrapped them around my cock, the exceptionally-soft material felt like a glove. I took a slow, long stroke whilst looking at my sister.

Chrissie's hands went below her nightie and she slowly stroked her lips, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Do it, Tom. Cum in my panties for me."

I stroked myself again, my wet head peeking out of the fabric. Pre-cum began to leak out, glistening in the faint light. Chrissie caught her breath again. I lifted my hips with each stroke, gently bringing myself off. I could both hear and smell Chrissie's excitement.

Every so often she'd pull her hands from underneath and seductively raise them to her mouth, coyly sucking them before bringing them back to her soaking labia.

Fuck, I thought...which of us is going to cum first?

Chrissie was teasing me as much as I was her. I could see her little hips moving, her fingers hidden from view.

"Cum for me, baby," I groaned.

"You...you first, sweetheart," she moaned.

I stroked my meaty cock, all wet and stiff, my vein sticking out and pulsing. "You...you look so beautiful, Chrissie. So...so beautiful," I gasped. "Shove those fingers in there, darling. I want to hear you fuck yourself," I teased.

"Ohhh, Tom. Cum on me. Please, darling. Cum on your sister," she groaned.

I was so close. I held off time and time again, waiting for Chrissie's glorious relief. I watched her face, eyes closed by now, little breaths coming quick and sure. Chrissie's little mouth was contorted in a delicious 'OO'.

"I'm...I'm close, Chrissie. Cum with me, darling. Cum with..." and the first jet of cum rose out of my cock and landed on her nightie. I let loose another long gush of my cum and it splattered across her covered tits.

On seeing this, Chrissie convulsed and came, her thick juices oozing out onto the bed. "Fuck...Tommm," she moaned.

I held my cock firm and shot another load of potent cum at her. I aimed at her cunt, and my aim was true. Chrissie saw this and shrieked. She quickly brought it to her mouth and licked it off. Her hand delved into her cunt again, and she took it out and wiped my face with her cum. I came again. Chrissie continued to babble almost incoherently as she continued to gush. She leant back and, aiming her pussy at me, she squirted a strong stream of viscous fluid all over my stomach and cock. She had to bite her hand to keep from screaming and waking the kids.

One short, last spurt of cum oozed out of my cockhead, onto my stomach. I was entranced by Chrissie, my sister, masturbating and cumming in front of me.

I have never seen anything so beautiful, erotic or sensual.

I wiped my cock with her panties and threw them at her face.

Chrissie fell backwards, her legs still splayed open to me. I gingerly touched her labia. She pushed my hands away with a, "Too sensitive," moan. Her hand was playing with her soaked panties.

I was soaked with my sister's syrup. I rubbed the liquid onto my wasted cock and empty balls. I sat up and moved to Chrissie and slowly engulfed her little kisses.

"Fuck, Tom," she groaned.

"Fuck, Chrissie is more like it," I laughed. "Do you want me to, uh, clean you up?" I asked with hesitation.

"Such a kind offer, Tom but no, just let me catch my breath. You are...are such a sexy fuck, Tom," she gasped.

"As are you, kitten," I whispered.

We slowly made our way, quietly, to the shower room to clear off our exertions. I could only hold our wasted bodies close. I bathed in our intimacy, hoping it could always be like this.

I kissed her gently 'goodnight' and we crept to our separate rooms.


Six-thirty came around too quick. I dragged my butt out of the warm bed and headed to the bathroom before the kids woke.

Today was the big day in the office. My whole raison d'être would pan out, one way or another, with what we proposed. I felt confident, not only in our ability, but in what we had managed to put forward. It was a stunning deal for both sides.

After another shower, I brushed down my suit jacket and readied myself. Chrissie crept in and helped me choose a tie for today.

As she adjusted it around my neck, she whispered, "You're good. You'll be wonderful today, Tom. Now, go and get this contract signed. You're The Guy today. Let me know as soon as possible? I'll sort the kids out, okay? I have Janet collecting the kids from school so you don't have to concentrate on anything, okay?"

I had a quick breakfast with Chrissie as we heard the kids rumbling around in the background. Sleepy-eyed, they walked into the kitchen with unintelligible, "Morning" from them both. I silently laughed to myself. I gave them both hugs and kisses and told them I would see them later. Chrissie had laid out breakfast for them so they tucked in.

"C'mon. I'll walk you to the door," she smiled.

Chrissie put her arm around my waist, knowing the kids were watching, but she didn't care.

I pulled her around a blind corner and kissed her, my hands gliding over her divine body.

"See you later, darling," I whispered.

I was in the office early, as was everyone else. It was given that we would all be in to go over the day. Arthur, the MD, let me talk first.

I thanked everyone for their dedication, perseverance and help over the last week. "We have this," I said confidently.

Arthur thanked everyone and reiterated how much this meant for the company going forward. The mood was so upbeat. We all felt nothing could go wrong.

I had a long talk with Arthur after we broke into our separate groups, the next acquisition ready to be reviewed.

He thanked me profusely for my help and insight. He wanted another meeting with me after the signing. I was hoping I knew what it was all about.

At half-ten, the other party came in and, after the formalities we sat down and I laid out our proposal, which their board had seen and hopefully, approved. They were obviously impressed with what we had put together and eagerly signed, over vintage champagne. We had done it! We all breathed a bit better now.

Arthur and a few of us would meet them later for lunch but, for now, we all shook hands with the obligatory, "So pleased we'll be working together." Arthur called me into his office.

Here goes, I thought.

"So. Tom. I cannot tell you how impressed we all are with how you've dealt with this project. The board has asked me to ask you, what do you want? You can return to London, but we're hoping you'll come back here and help us through this new transition. We'd really like you back here, though. We all understand the relationships you've developed in London but we could use your expertise here. Our investment in you has paid dividends already. Your future is secure in either place, okay? Do you need to give this any thought or..." he asked.

"Actually, Arthur, I have. I have given it a lot of thought. I love London. I like being at the centre of what we are developing there. I see a wonderful future there, but...I miss Chicago and my family, too. I'd like to go back to London and finalize a transition back here. It would only take a few weeks at most. When I return, I'm more than happy to train someone up on our European operations if that will help. I'd also be happy to split my time between Chicago and London. I want this to work for both of us, okay?"

"Interesting, Tom. I wasn't quite expecting that," he smiled. "If this is important to you, Tom, then I'll make certain the board knows, okay? We'd love to have you back here permanently but I can see how much this means so, let me see what I can work out."

"I have a meeting set with Martin Russell for tomorrow. Do you know him? He's huge in commercial property. I haven't seen his portfolio yet, but I'm anxious to see what holdings he may have in Europe- if any."

"Martin? Yes, I've heard the name, of course, but have no dealings with him. I like what you're thinking, Tom."

We shook hands and I went back to my office. I went to my desk and called Chrissie to tell her the good news.

"Chrissie," I said somewhat cryptically. "I coming home!" and she squealed. "Everything went so well. The company gave me a choice, here or London. I chose you. Now, it's a bit more complicated than that, but please, with whatever happens, I'm thinking of us, okay? I'll fill you in on the details later. Catch up soon, darling. Love you. Bye for now."

Chrissie was ecstatic. I could even hear Emily in the background shrieking with Chrissie. I smiled.