Taking Charge Pt. 02


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"Rewards?" Jake grinned.

"Penalties?" Jody asked warily, making Jake chuckle.

Carole nodded and sat down with her legs crossed, briefly flashing her barely covered groin to the entire room. The rest of us girls had our legs extended and ankles crossed. We'd changed out of our bathing suits into shorts and tee shirts or tank tops (tee shirts for me and Jody, tanks for Susan and Carole). Carole's shorts barely qualified as such, they were cut so high. The legs of her shorts on her outer thighs were higher than her crotch, for God's sake!

I glanced at Jake and noticed that he was obviously appreciating the view our busty blonde friend was affording him.

"Okay, here's how this works." Carole began pouring champagne and handing out glasses. "It's kind of like Truth or Dare."

Jody blushed. Jake's eyebrows went up and he gave me a quick grin that nobody else noticed. I swallowed.

"We go around the room, starting with me, since this is my game," Carole giggled and rocked her shoulders, shaking her big boobs at us. "We can ask Jake any question we want, but you have to drink half of your glass -- consider it a question tax, or a toll, "she giggled. "If he doesn't answer, you have to finish your glass. If hedoes answer, he has one of three choices to make."

Jake leaned forward and grinned, listening intently. The rest of us leaned in too.

Carole told him, "Option one, you can ask us a question in return. If we answer,you have to drain your glass and then it's the next person's turn. If wedon't answer, we have to shed an article of clothing, of our choice."

Jody gasped, Susan laughed merrily, and I found myself grinning from her good mood.

Carole gestured with her hands for us to calm down, then she told Jake, "Option two, you can feed us a strawberry as a reward."

"Tequila shot style?" He said, bouncing his eyebrows.

"Any way you like, handsome," Carole smiled widely. "Option three,you can eat the strawberry, with your choice of condiments, and you get to choose which of us you use as your plate."

Jake grinned, wide, sexy, and evil.

Holy shit.

"You can't be fucking serious," Jody deadpanned.

Susan burst out laughing. "Oh, this is too crazynot to play!"

Jody held up her hand. "Wait. Let me get this straight." She looked over at Carole. "We're going to be getting drunk, taking off our clothes, letting Jake eat strawberries off our bodies, or eating strawberries off of his. Do I have that right?"

Jake chuckled and stood up. "I need to change clothes for this."

As he left the room, Carole shrugged a bare shoulder. "That's pretty much the gist of it."

Jody widened her eyes. "Carole...you're married!" she whisper-shouted the last.

Carole laughed and dismissed her with a flick of her hand. "I didn't say I was going to have his children, Jody. God!"

Jody looked at me. "You too, Becca!"

She was right. This was insane. I couldn't do this.

"It's not a big deal, guys," Susan said, and I had to do a double-take to be sure I'd heard her correctly. "What?" she shrugged at my wide-eyed look and smiled. "It's just a game, you two. Have fun."

Susan had been my silent rock during this, the one person who knew what I'd done with Jake (except for our interlude that afternoon). Whenever I was feeling a small pang of vulnerability or insecurity, I could glance at her and, knowing that she knew my secret and supported me, it helped a great deal. But now, Carole was proposing that we put ourselves in a compromising situation with Jake. Susan knew how much more compromising it would be for me, and she was actuallypushing me to do it!

What had changed?

I thought back to the four pitchers of sangria that we'd drank over the afternoon. Okay, maybethat's what changed. I did already have a slight buzz, so...

Jake came back, wearing loose gray cotton shorts and an old gray tank top. He was definitely dressed down, and his hair was a bit messy, but he lookedsooo good!

"Oh my," Carole purred, eying his muscular arms and legs.

Jake chuckled and shrugged. "Didn't want to get food on my other clothes." He sat on the floor and leaned back against the couch, his thick arms stretched out along the cushions and his long powerful legs out in front of him. "Okay, fire away."

Carole smiled, poured half of her flute of champagne down her throat, and asked, "How many women have you slept with?"

He smiled. "I'm honestly not sure. A lot."

Carole raised her eyebrow in challenge. "Okay, stud. Your turn."

His smile widened. "How many women haveyou slept with?"

"Two," she fired right back, grinning as he emptied his glass.

Jake growled approvingly, and Susan chuckled. Jody's mouth fell open.

"I didn't know that," I said quietly, leaning towards Carole, who shrugged.

"Now you do." She nudged Jody with her foot. "Your turn, Jodes."

Jody held up her glass. "I seriously have to drink half of this?" Carole nodded. "But what if it's a normal question?"

Carole grinned. "My recommendation? Don't waste the champagne on a normal question."

Susan giggled, and so did I. I couldn't help it. Carole was just so carefree, so comfortable with who she was. I caught Jake watching me, the corner of his mouth lifted and his gaze glittering fondly. I blushed and looked away.

"Fine," Jody huffed, drained half her glass, and asked, "How did you meet Ryan?"

"Oh God," Carole groaned. "That's such a boring question!"

Jake defended Jody. "But perfectly legitimate." He smiled at Jody. "We grew up two houses down from each other. I had a pool, but he didn't. I got the girls, and he couldn't. He had video games, and I didn't. Oh, and his mother was a much better cook than mine. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. Been friends ever since."

Jody flashed him a little smile, probably relieved that she was allowed to ask something that had nothing to do with sex.

But then Jake raised an eyebrow. "Ever had sex in a public place, Jody?"

She blushed, then whispered, "Yes."

Jake chuckled and drank.

"My turn!" Susan gushed, leaning forward and flashing her cleavage at Jake while she drank her champagne. "Who was the first person you had sex with?"

Jake smiled. "I can't say. I don't want to get her into trouble, and it really could."

Susan pouted playfully and drained the rest of her glass.

"I feel bad for not answering though." Jake plucked a strawberry off the platter and dipped it in chocolate. He held it out in front of Susan's mouth. "Here."

Susan smiled and leaned towards him, biting into the strawberry and taking it from him with her teeth. She leaned back and chewed, and Jake smiled at me. "Next?"

I gulped down more than half of my champagne out of nervousness, and the question I asked just fell out of my mouth. "How many married women have you slept with?"

He held my gaze. "Eight."

Holy shit. Eight? Had Jake really destroyedeight marriages?

"Did they get divorced?"

"Hey!" Carole protested, tickling my ribs with her toe, which also flashed her crotch again. "Just one question!"

"It's okay," Jake said, holding up his hand. "I think I should get to pick two options for that."

"Fine with me," Carole agreed, then gestured at my glass, "But you have to finish that."

She refilled my flute after I emptied it.

"No," he said to me, shaking his head. "None of them got divorced. I never set out to wreck marriages. I'll fuck a married woman, but I won't take her away from her husband." He dipped a strawberry into the chocolate and held it up, but not out. "Now, come get it," he smiled. "No hands."

Swallowing, I got up onto my hands and knees and crawled over to him. I had to crawl over his legs and plant my hands on the carpet beside his hips to reach the strawberry, which he was holding over his chest. I caught it with my teeth, then bit into it, my lips barely brushing his fingers. His lips parted just a bit. Chewing the strawberry, I began to back away.

"Uh-uh," he shook his head. "Finish it right there."

I narrowed my gaze but did as he told. Jake picked up another strawberry and dipped it in Cool Whip, then he held it up.

"Open," he said. I opened my mouth and he placed the wide end of the strawberry between my teeth. "Hold it for me."

Oh God. I swallowed and bit into it to keep it in place. Jake smiled, leaned in, tilted his head, then planted his lips over mine, biting into the strawberry. His lips were so soft and warm. He was kissing me, right in front ofeverybody, and it was wrong, but it felt so nice. But he wasn't kissing me, not really, because the strawberry was in the way. He took his time, cutting through the strawberry with his teeth, letting some of the sweet juice trickle into my mouth. A bit of it dripped down my chin. Jake bit the strawberry in half and took his part, leaning back, then he wiped up the bit of juice on my chin with his thumb and sucked it clean, smiling as he chewed.

He looked at Carole, and I did too. Her lips were parted and she was staring at his mouth. No doubt she'd watched him molesting my lips. She blinked and her eyes focused, then she drank half of her glass. Over the next hour, we went round and round with question after question. With every round, the questions became more salacious, largely because of Carole, but the champagne played a role in it too.

She started off with questions about what Jake's favorite sexual position was. Rear entry of any kind was his preferred, and if hair pulling was involved, even better. A couple of rounds later, she asked if he preferred deep throating over suckling on this tip. Jake told her neither. He preferred to put his girls on their backs so that he could fuck their throats good and proper.

And that's how it went, Carole asking a lewd question, followed by a round or two of more normal questions, then Carole escalating further. With all of the champagne we were drinking, everyone ended up asking rather intimate questions. Even the normally reserved Jody asked him if he liked fucking a girl in the ass, which he did, though he was more apt to play with a woman's ass than fuck it. My questions turned out to be the most subdued, despite the fact that I was all but rip-roaring drunk.

Jake's choices got more and more interesting too. He fed us strawberries with his hands and mouth, but he chose the most interesting ways to eat them himself. He put Cool Whip in Carole's navel and dipped a strawberry in it before eating it. He dabbed chocolate syrup on Susan's neck and licked it off. He even repeated the trick he'd done with me with Jody, eating a strawberry out of her mouth, practically kissing her too. With me, he put chocolate syrup on my lips, put a strawberry between my teeth, and licked the chocolate from around my mouth.

The strangest thing happened though. At some point during the game, whenever he would feed one of the girls, or feed himselffrom them, I'd get insanely jealous. He wasn't having an affair with them. He was having an affair withme. He was mine, not theirs.

I should have known that I was well and truly drunk at that point.

On Carole's next turn, she looked him right in the eye. "How big is your cock?"

Jody and Susan laughed. I blushed because I was much too familiar with how big his cock was. Jake merely raised an eyebrow. "Not sure. I've never measured it." Holding her gaze, he asked, "What's the biggest cock you've ever fucked?"

Carole narrowed her gaze in thought for a moment. "Ten inches, I think, and almost as thick as my wrist."

Jake raised an eyebrow and raised his glass in an air-toast. "Impressive."

"That's such bullshit," Susan laughed.

"It is not!" Carole gasped, pretending to be offended by the accusation that she'd lied.

Jody shook her head. "That only happens in porn. Real women -- women like us, that is -- can't really do that."

Carole opened her mouth to say something, but Jake cut her off. "Actually, Jody, though most people think it's an urban legend, most women can handle anything as wide as their own wrist."

Susan laughed out loud. "Oh, come on!"

"No, it's true," he grinned. "It may take some work, patience and determination, but it's absolutely true."

"How would you know?" Jody asked with an eyebrow raised.

Jake leaned forward and took her hand, then he wrapped his other hand around her wrist. He looked up at her and sighed. "Sorry, Jody. Unless you're particularly adaptable, we can never be together."

Jody looked at her wrist, looked up at him, and blinked. "No way," she said quietly.

Jake laughed and nodded.

"What about me!" Carole thrust her wrist at him.

He wrapped his hand around hers and smirked. "You could take me."

"Mmm," she murmured, giving him a more than obvious fuck-me look.

Susan thrust her hand out next. Jake thought her wrists were a little smaller than usual, but that they were still compatible. He looked at me and I froze.

"Oh, come on, Becca!" Carole giggled.

She grabbed my hand, yanking my wrist towards Jake. He wrapped his hand around my wrist, rubbing his thumb back and forth over the soft skin there. His hot gaze flicked up at me and he said softly, "It would take some work, but we could make it happen."

I'd seen his cock. I'd seen how frighteningly big it was. The mere notion of him cramming his giant rod inside me set fire to my loins. My insides tightened and a soft sigh escaped me. Jake chuckled and sat back.

On Susan's next turn, she drank her champagne. "Alright, Jake. Of the four of us girls here, if you had the chance, who would you have sex with?"

Without missing a beat, he replied, "All of you."

Carole squealed and clapped her hands.

Jody gaped at him. "Even Carole and Becca?"

He smiled and nodded.

"But they're married!"

He shrugged. "And they wouldstill be marriedafter I fucked them."

She shook her head. "It doesn't work like that!"

"I'd take their bodies, not their hearts."

Jody frowned. "That doesn't make it okay."

He smiled. "Doesn't make it wrong either." Jody opened her mouth to argue, but Jake asked Carole, "Carole, if you fucked another man, would you care for your husband any less?"

"Of course not," she scoffed. Jody snorted with doubt, but Carole told her, "He can be a bore, yes, but he's still my husband, and I still love him." She leaned back on her hands and shook her huge boobs from side to side. "Besides, it wouldn't be the first time, and I love him to this day."

Susan and Jody and I already knew that Carole had had affairs before. But Jake hadn't known. He raised an eyebrow at that and his gaze instantly changed when he looked at Carole. She caught his look and smiled, licking her lips.

"Whatever," Susan waved her hand and gave Jake a crooked grin. "Make your choice, Jake."

Grinning right back at her, Jake pulled off his tank top and threw it aside. Every one of us girls openly gaped at his muscular upper body. Grabbing a strawberry and dipping the tip in chocolate, Jake leaned back and pushed down one side of his shorts. The sharp V of his groin appeared, along with his very shortly trimmed pubic hair. If he'd pushed his shorts down a fraction of an inch further, the base of his shaft would have been visible.

Jake set the strawberry on his groin. "Come get it, Susan."

With an uncharacteristically wicked grin, Susan crawled over to him on all fours, her firm breasts swaying beneath her. She came at him kind of from the side and put one arm over his lap, leaned down, and with her mouth wide open, she pressed her lips against his groin and the entire strawberry disappeared.

We watched in stunned silence as Susan ate the strawberry from Jake's crotch, her lips never once leaving his skin. She swallowed and moaned with delight, and with her lips still pressed to his skin, she grabbed the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down another inch. The base of his very wide shaft appeared. Jody and Carole took a sharp breath. I was absolutely silent. Susan lifted her mouth just a little, then she extended her tongue and licked from the side of his shaft up his groin. Jake tensed and his lips parted. His cock lengthened down the leg of his shorts, thickened as it grew. Susan pulled his shorts down even further and licked him again, a third time, then a fourth, until all of the chocolate was gone. But that last lick was the most impressive. About three inches of his fat swelling cock was exposed and she licked all along it, even pursing her lips and slurping on his shaft before finally pulling his shorts back up and lifting her head.

Jake grinned at her. Susan giggled and returned to her place.

I guess Susan had simply had too much to drink, or all of us had, because things only got worse from there. The next thing I knew, we were playing an entirely different game.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
In the comments

of chapter 1 you said that you "despise" typical cuckold stories. I find that hard to believe considering the scenario you're setting up in this one. You've got the alpha male caricature with the foot long dick, the "wimpy" husband with feminine features who seems bizarrely averse to sex with his wife, and finally the wife who's only interest seems to be Jakes super cock. You must have something up your sleeve or you don't despise cuckold stories as much as you think.

Even if the hubby is the mastermind of the whole business for some reason that doesn't change the fact that his wife's friends are all assholes that don't have an ounce of respect for him or his marriage.

Still love the story though. Very hot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I would not do any of this, but . . .

I certainly find it sexy as hell. I don't like infidelity as I was cuckolled in my first marriage and it hurt, a lot, for a long time. That, for me, just stretches my "open-mindedness" in making believe I am part of (or at least observing) the story that Red Writinghood is creating. I have never seen a man this big, and I spent 10 years in school locker rooms and men's shared lilving quarters and three years in the army with no privacy whatsoever, but it makes a good story. I am not saying freaks of nature don't occur, just that I have never observed one. Lynn

Moonlighting1797Moonlighting1797almost 11 years ago
Great Read

Love this story so far. Can't pull myself away from the computer to stop reading it. So wrapped up in the characters.

redskyesredskyesalmost 11 years agoAuthor

"I'm a jealous one. Affair or not, I would still want him to myself. Can't really embrace the group sex scene in this case. Good writing, but difficult to enjoy myself."

I totally get that. I'm not good at sharing either, and I'm terrible at dividing my attention between two partners. I've tried it before, and the experiences were awkward at best, despite the happy endings. I have a really difficult time writing from the perspective a person that is trying to split their attention between two lovers. This scene was easier because Becca's participation in the scene strictly applied to Jake (from a physical standpoint). If I'd tried getting her to play with Jake and someone else, it wouldn't have worked well at all. I understand that scenes like this won't work for everyone, so I hope later scenes will still peak your interest.

Thank you for the feedback!

redskyesredskyesalmost 11 years agoAuthor

" it seems as if cheating and extra marital affairs and infidelity is OK by your characters."

Well, it certainly is okay for a lot of them, particularly those that came right out and said it was. :) I'm not saying it's okay at all, but I'm not my characters.

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