The Angel Across the Hall


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Even the cab ride home was fun as Maria just talked and talked and even occasionally sang while encouraging both Carrie and the cab driver to join her which Carrie did gladly while the cab driver just checked them both out in the mirror and declined with a tired grin. Normally Carrie would've been deeply offended by the obvious ogle, but at that moment she couldn't have cared less. She was far too busy laughing at the beautifully manic drunk girl sitting next to her singing along badly to Pat Benatar just for the hell of it. The laughter didn't stop until they were at their respective doors where Carrie made to unlock hers and go to bed.

After that their weekends at the club became a permanent fixture in both of their lives. A fairly expensive fixture for Carrie, but one that was well worth it. Maria may have been slightly bossy and extremely extroverted in a way that completely contrasted itself with Carrie's more introverted and relaxed way of being, but it worked. They were fast friends and they both seemed to love every minute of it even as they grew closer and learned more about the other.

Still, as they did get to know each other more Carrie couldn't help but wonder about her new friend. Mainly, the more she got to know Maria the more Carrie found it unusual that Maria had very few friends even though she, like Carrie, was relatively new to town. For some reason she expected a girl like Maria to have simply tons of friends. She even said so one night while they were hanging out in Maria's apartment sharing yet another bottle of wine while again pretending to watch a movie. Maria had just laughed it off and told her that she honestly didn't want a bunch of friends before changing the subject so she could bitch about her boss.

Of course, as they grew closer, Carrie was hardly the only one shocked by the emptiness of the others life. Maria herself was shocked when Carrie let it slip over another bottle of wine on another night that she hadn't had sex in almost a year. In fact, shocked wasn't even the right word. Appalled and aghast at the travesty of it all was a much more accurate description of her reaction. The mere idea of a girl as cute as Carrie going without for that long was apparently an injustice of cosmic proportions in Maria's world.

"How do you cope?" Maria said as the conversation wore on, "Do you at least masturbate? Dear god, tell me you at least masturbate. If you don't I don't think I can hang out with anymore. That's just inhuman."

"Of course I masturbate," Carrie replied with a slightly embarrassed chuckle thanks only managing a response thanks mainly to the wine, but also in part because some of Maria's openness was beginning to rub off onto her.

"Oh, thank god," Maria came back emphasizing her relief at hearing this with one of her many dramatic gestures. "I was almost convinced you were some kind of sexless monster disguised as a hot girl for a second there."

"Oh, shut up," Carrie had replied now laughing more out of true amusement than embarrassment even as she felt her heart warm up at Maria referring to her as hot. "It's not that bad. Besides, guys suck. Having sex with them is a waste of time."

"True, true," was Maria's reply to that before adding something that nearly blew Carrie's mind. "But whoever said you just had to have sex with guys?"

Carrie barely managed to sputter out a "What?" in response before Maria's cell phone rang and killed the most interesting conversation they'd had to date as Maria excused herself to talk to her boss leaving Carrie to her thoughts until fifteen minutes later when Maria came out of her bedroom and informed Carrie sadly that they'd have to call it a night because she had to go in to work much earlier then she'd originally thought and therefore needed to go to sleep. She then gave Carrie a friendly hug and told her to come by as soon as she got off work the next day before allowing Carrie to walk across the hall still in something of a daze.

The rest of that night was a blur of confused thoughts and wanton masturbation at the mere thought that Maria, beautiful, wonderful Maria, had really said what Carrie thought she'd said. Her poor vibrator got a major work out and actually ran out of juice before she was done with it as Carrie's drunken brain kept flashing with images of Maria making love to faceless woman over and over again until Carrie passed out from sheer exhaustion only to be woken again and again by dreams of a similar bent.

The next few days were once again a strange kind of living hell for Carrie. She kept waiting for Maria bring it up again, but it never happened and Carrie just couldn't bring it up herself. Oh, they still talked about sex. They were both fairly normal young women, but they never got back to the idea that it was okay for girls to have sex with girls. They never even got close. Even when, with some alcohol fueled bravery on her side, Carrie tried to subtly steer the conversation in that general direction Maria found a way out of it. By the time Saturday night came around that week with their standing plans to go to the club Carrie was beginning to think that it might somehow have been the opening to some odd, awkward joke all along or maybe something Maria hadn't meant to say.

Still, their plans stayed the same despite Carrie's frustration and confusion. When Saturday night came Carrie was at Maria's door to make sure she was wearing Maria approved clothing the usual half hour too soon just in time to catch Maria wrapped in a towel that wasn't quite big enough to cover everything as she answered the door with her usual smile dripping with water and looking absolutely stunning as she did so. So stunning, in fact, that Carrie actually had to concentrate to stop her eyes from taking in every square inch of visible flesh and make herself respond appropriately to the invitation to come on in being offered by this beautiful vision before her. The knowing smirk that flashed ever so briefly across Maria's before she turned away to head back to the bathroom as she politely offered Carrie free reign over her living room.

In the short time she'd been friends with her neighbor this was the closest Carrie had come to seeing Maria naked and after the thoughts that had been awakened in her sex starved mind following their abortive conversation from a few days back it was almost too much. Still, she tried to take a deep breath, clear her head and relax and had even succeeded before Maria popped back out of the bathroom a few minutes later no longer dressed only a towel, but still hardly what one would call dressed in tiny, black boy shorts and nothing else as she made idle conversation and dried her hair in a way that made her not insubstantial breasts bounce hypnotically before she turned back around the corner leaving Carrie stumbling for a response to a question she'd barely heard.

Apparently Carrie did a fairly good of a job of guessing at a good answer and after that nothing else of much interest happened until Maria, fully dressed, dried and smelling vaguely floral popped out of her bedroom, grabbed Carrie by the hand playfully and together they half walked, half skipped out to the parking lot to smoke a cigarette and wait for the cab which arrived only moments later. Carrie, with a good bit of effort, managed to maintain her cool as they waited even though naughty thoughts kept running through the back of her mind.

By the time they made it to the club and did their usual scan of the crowd on the way to the bar Carrie was almost completely back to normal, but there was just something about Maria that seemed a bit off. It was nothing obvious, really. It was mainly just an edge to her behavior that wasn't quite the standard fare. It was so subtle that after a couple of drinks and some more scanning as they waited for the music to really start pumping and the floor to fill with lovely young bodies Carrie had almost managed to convince herself that it was all in her head. Maria wasn't touching her any more than usual and those nonexistent touches weren't lingering any longer than normal. The twinkle in Maria's eye was just a trick of the lights and the wicked edge to Maria's usual smirk was all in Carrie's head. It was all just wishful thinking and nothing more.

After a few more drinks and some actual dancing Carrie was absolutely certain that it was all in her head. There was nothing different about Maria's behavior. She was just being her usual vivacious self. Dancing, laughing, and flirting randomly with anyone who crossed her path. There was nothing strange, no hidden messages or anything of the sort. Carrie was just seeing what she wanted to see. She was sure of it.

A few more drinks and some more dancing later, however, and Carrie's certainty had begun to abandon her once again. The DJ was, as usual, starting to get a bit merciless. The music seemed to be getting louder, the beat seemed to driving harder and faster and the floor seemed to be simply packed with young, sweaty bodies pressing against each other as the alcohol(among other things) clouded everyone's minds and Carrie found herself losing control of her senses.

Now, it was hardly unusual for Carrie and Maria to dance together. Neither girl minded the feel of the others body pressed against their own. In fact, Carrie loved it for obvious reasons, but until the other night she'd always assumed that for Maria it was nothing more than dancing and a bit of tease for the guys whose eyes always found their way towards them when they were dancing close and Carrie didn't blame them one little bit considering Maria's idea of dancing close was essentially grinding her various body parts against Carrie in a very close approximation of stand up sex. It was torture, but it was a form of torture she both loved and was willing to suffer.

As Carrie placed her hands on Maria's hips and felt Maria's hot, sweaty body pressing against her own while the beat filled her mind and body Carrie had no reason to expect that that night would be any different. She could already feel her arousal building to a point that if she'd been sober she would've been forced to blush with embarrassment and shame, but at the moment she simply did not care. Then, however, something absolutely wonderful happened that scare her half to death, something that went well beyond teasing or playful sensuality that Carrie was used to seeing from her friend. Maria kissed her and Carrie, without a second's hesitation kissed her back.

For several long seconds that seemed to last for a small eternity there they were alone in the middle of crowded dance floor locked in a loving embrace while several drunken, pervy men (and a fair share of women) cheered them on enthusiastically. Not that Carrie heard the cheers. Not right away, anyway. No, for the duration of that wonderful, steamy embrace she was lost in the feel of her lips playing gently against Maria's as their tongues reached out to each other and their hands began to paw wantonly at each other's bodies. They were no longer dancing. They were just two people lost in a wonderful moment until suddenly the moment was over in a flash of guilt and shame.

It was Carrie who broke the kiss once her brain returned to its normal, fearful state. Maria seemed perfectly content to keep it going for a good while longer, but Carrie, in her panic, completely failed to notice that all important fact. Even as Maria smiled at her before using her hand to pull Carrie back into another kiss Carrie could do nothing but apologize for no reason before turning and leaving the dance floor.

Carrie would've ran if it had been possible. If there weren't so many people about packed tightly together like sardines she would've been gone in a flash. She wouldn't have even thought twice about running the eight miles back to her apartment leaving her lovely neighbor to wonder what exactly had gone wrong with their perfect moment. As it was she only managed to get just outside of the club and onto the sidewalk before she felt a soft, sweaty hand grasping her own with gentle force that caused her to turn on her heals until she was once again staring into Maria's beautiful eyes. Carrie had just enough time to begin spitting out a tearful apology before she was once again locked in another sweet, lustful kiss that killed any attempt to continue speaking.

Once again there were whoops of approval from the small crowd hanging outside waiting for cabs and simply loitering about, but this time Carrie didn't even notice. The little voice of doubt in the back of her head was now silent. The only thing she was feeling or thinking was how wonderful it all felt. She was so lost in the sensation that she wasn't even brought back to reality when Maria pushed her up against the hard cement wall and pressed herself against Carrie's body. Carrie's head actually bounced off the wall a little, but it didn't matter. She no longer cared. Her mind was lost and all she knew was that this was the single greatest moment of her life.

Sadly, it couldn't last forever. They were far too drunk to control themselves. Hands were going places that were ill advised in such a public setting. It was inevitable that someone would put a stop it especially when Carrie's hands found their way past the waist of Maria's jeans to feel her soft panty clad ass. Still, that hardly stopped them from getting more than a little pissed when a bouncer from the club broke them apart as the throng of onlookers booed and hissed in the background.

How the large mountain of a man remained calm as Maria yelled at him and the drunken voyeurs called him a fag and other less than politically correct things was beyond Carrie, but he did. It took him and Carrie a full five minutes to calm Maria enough for them to get in a waiting cab where Carrie had just enough time to tell the driver where they lived before she was once again locked in another embrace with Maria that lasted until they seemingly magically appeared at their apartment in what seemed a record time. The driver had a very large grin on his face and obvious erection as Maria threw a couple twenties at him and pulled Carrie from the cab and made her run with her up the stairs to Maria's apartment while Carrie laughed both nervously and with a touch of pure amusement until they were finally alone in Maria's living room.

"What are we doing?" Carrie said in a breathless voice as she leaned against the door both to catch her breath from the run up the stairs and to keep her balance. They were the first real words she'd spoken directly to Maria since trying to apologize for the kiss she didn't initiate. She was answered by another kiss, but that wasn't enough. It was a serious question that required an answer, so reluctantly she broke the kiss and repeated the question.

"I know you want this," was the somewhat terse response that Carrie received from Maria who was obviously a bit perturbed that Carrie wanted to talk.

"How?" Carrie said in a quieter voice actually curious if she'd been so transparent in her more than just friendly interest in her neighbor.

"Please don't question it," Maria responded looking somewhat pained, her voice pleading for this conversation to be over. "I know you want this. I want it too. I've wanted you ever since I first saw you moving boxes into your apartment. Do you have any idea how long ago that was?"

"But..." Carrie began only to be interrupted.

"There's no but. Haven't you ever noticed that I never have any guys over? Haven't you ever noticed that I never really dance with anyone else but you? We both want this Carrie. I know we do. Stop wasting time questioning shit. I've wanted to kiss you for so long, I've wanted to taste you, to kiss you're body, to make you come, to fuck you for so long and I know you have, too. I can see it in your eyes, Carrie. I see it every time you look at me. Don't over analyze it. Just let it happen. If you're worried about regrets, don't. Just let it happen. Please, just let me make love to you."

There was nothing Carrie to say to any of that. It was all so absolutely true, as reasonable and right as anything as unreasonable as lust and love could be. Maria wanted Carrie and Carrie wanted Maria. What else was there to say? Carrie couldn't think of a thing. Instead she simply decided to just do as Maria said and give in to her desires and for the first time she brought her lips to Maria's and once again they were locked together in a kiss.

This time there was no doubt, no hesitation and nothing to interrupt them as they kissed and fondled each other. Once again Maria pushed Carrie back against the wall as they remained near the door. Neither girl wanted to be the one to break up the embrace almost afraid that to do so would be invite more pointless questioning, but they needn't have worried. As hands began to feel for bare flesh and make their way down the back of Maria's pants and up the front of Carrie's shirt there were no more questions to be asked.

When Maria's gentle hands found their way to Carrie's small, soft breasts Carrie could only sigh and bury her hands down the back of Maria's jeans to squeeze and knead Maria's silky smooth cheeks and pull Maria tighter to her. The kiss deepened and Maria's soft caress became more aggressive until the sigh became a groan.

Still, they just stood there by the door unable to pull away from each other even as their mouths separated and their kisses began to migrate. Their hands migrated as well. Maria's soft touch found its way to Carrie's back and then downward while Carrie was drawn to Maria's soft bosom and on and on as they tried to taste and touch every square inch of each other that they could as they stood there pressed together.

T-shirts were pushed upward and jeans unbuttoned. Soon they were an absolute tangled mess, but still they did not move from where they stood. Not even when Maria's hand found its way down the front of Carrie's panties nor when Carrie, after a moment of pause brought on by an involuntary shiver, returned the favor. Fingers began to explore the soft, wet folds of both girls aroused pussies and hips began to gyrate in response as their mouths returned to each other.

It didn't take long however for both Maria and Carrie to cease their exploration and begin to finger each other in earnest. They continued to try kiss to each other, but they met with limited success. They were both simply too aroused, too keyed up to even think about restraint and they didn't. After only a few moments of vigorous digital stimulation both Maria and Carrie were almost panting into each others mouth as their knees threatened to buckle and their pussies quivered and clenched around the other's probing fingers almost in unison and then their knees turned to rubber and they collapsed on the floor.

Maybe it was the alcohol that was still coursing through their bloodstreams, maybe it was because they just spent the night dancing and their legs finally decided they'd had enough or maybe it was just the fact that orgasms they'd just given each other were simply too intense for their young bodies to handle. The reason was unimportant. It was the result that counted and the result was just too much for the two drunk girls to handle and soon they were laughing loudly at themselves as Carrie rested on top of Maria's shoes with Maria more or less on top of her.

They laughed for a good minute or more. They weren't sure and they were hardly keeping track. All they knew was that by the time they stopped both Maria and Carrie were actually in pain from it all. Not enough pain to stop them from wanting to kiss each other one more time nor enough to stop them from chuckling into each other's mouth as they did so.

"That was fucking awesome," Carrie in a quiet, happy voice after the kiss broke, "But I don't think your shoes like my back too much."
