The Antisocial One


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"But, but... Can't you do that on your way home?" Darlene asked in a huff. "Wouldn't you like to sit with me, hmm?" she asked running her hand down his chest foretelling what she was willing to do.

"No," Catherine said shaking her head, "Tate wants to sit beside me," she said sticking her tongue out at Darlene as she pressed Tate's arm in-between her breasts.

"Ladies!" Becky said sternly taking charge. "None of that is going to happen if you don't pack," she said pointing to their room. She tried to keep her smile from showing at their combined groans. "Tate," Becky said sweetly as Cindy shut the door once the last girl was inside, "be safe going down to the bus," she said walking up to him. Her arms reached up, wrapping themselves around his neck pulling Tate into her. Her fingers brushed along his hair as she pulled him close. Tate's eyes shot wide as Becky kissed him passionately. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time," Becky said softly as she pulled away, "now you just wait until we are alone," she whispered ominously into his ear before pushing Tate towards the door.

"Tate!" Susan and Dianna called out as Tate walked passed the Mess Hall to the gravel parking lot where all the busses where stored. "Wait up!" Tate rolled his eyes yet kept walking.

"What's the rush?" Dianna asked once they got to his side.

"I got things to do before I leave again," Tate said vaguely not wanting to give them any sort of details of his plans.

"We got time Tate," Susan said lustfully into his ear, "wouldn't you want to fuck me before you leave?"

"Nah, I'll pass," Tate smirked knowing how that would irk her.

"You know you enjoyed fucking me Tate," Susan said snuggling up to him.

"And me," Dianna chirped in, "you know we don't live that far from your hometown? I don't know about Susan here, but I'm more than willing to visit you," she said deviously snaking her hand into his pants. "You know you liked how my pussy fucked this cock," Dianna purred squeezing his tool.

"Dianna, I'm so not going to allow you to hog Tate all to yourself," Susan said wiggling her nose. "I'm more than willing to take care of Tate by myself," she said her lips tugging on his earlobe. "Here's my number," Susan said slipping the yellow sticky note into his pocket getting one last feel of his cock. "You better call me, you don't want me to come hunting for you. If you make me then I'm not leaving until you make me cum all weekend long."

"Oh yes! You better call us," Dianna said nodding in support slipping a torn piece of paper into his pocket. Licking the pre-cum that coated the pad of her finger getting one last taste.

"So not going to happen," Tate said as Susan and Dianna walked back to the Mess Hall where they would spend the week preparing the camp for their last group of the summer.

"Hiya!" Cindy said sliding in beside Tate as their group made their way onto the bus.

"What's up sis?" Tate said not looking up from his work.

"Nothing. I'm just glad I get to spend some time with my adorable brother," Cindy said scooting closer to him. "So, what are you working on?" she asked resting her head on his shoulder.

"The second to last chapter of the book," Tate said glancing up noticing how the rear of the bus was starting to get crowded.

"Hello," Catherine said shyly as she placed her bag on the rack overhead. Hoping Tate was eyeing her chest as her shirt rose.

"Seems we're going to be traveling buddies," Darlene said winking at Tate as she to placed her bags beside Catherine's before joining her on the seat in front of Tate. Peering out of the corner of his eye he could see Cindy narrowing her eyes as all the girls from the cabin crowded around them taking the seats around them.

"So," Darlene said leaning over the seat. Knowing how she saved her more loose fitting shirt just for this day, so Tate could view her the tops of her youthful breasts and the hints of her lacy sky blue bra. Shooting Catherine an annoyed glance as she mirrored her. "What's in LA?"

"His agent," Becky said answering for him as she sat across from Tate.

""Ladies? Don't you want to come sit with some real men?" Steven asked with Jake at his back.

"Men?" Janus asked confused. "The only man I see here is right here," she said leaning over Tate. "Now why don't you go sit down you might hurt yourself," Janus said smirking at Steven's befuddled gaze. Resting her chest on the top of Tate's head allowing him to feel that she wore no bra as her breasts rested on either side of his head, while her hands explored his chest. Not too overbearing knowing how he didn't like close contact just enough to prove a point, that men like Steven and Jake were not wanted.

"They must have lost their minds," Jake said a little to loudly.

"No," said a girl that sat beside Beck (who Tate had come to know as Millie). "We are just fed up with boys like you who only think us women are nothing but your toys. He," Millie said pointing to Tate, "is an actual man. A man that listens to a woman," she said shooting Tate a sinful look. Remembering how on the fourth night of their stay (when the camp held a dance in the Mess Hall), how she had come running up the pathway being chased by three boys from another church. After wrestling her way out of the space they had pinned her in, knowing how she nearly been accosted that night by unwanted hands. How she had to fend off prying hands that tried to get beneath her skirt and top. She knew it wasn't wise to rush to a cabin that would have been empty if Tate hadn't declined joining them. The way he moved on instinct when he heard her frantic pleas for help and their mad laugher. Even now she had no idea how he managed to fend off the three boys that night, nor why he comforted her when she broke down crying soon after. Yet after that night Tate made sure someone was always with her, regardless if he didn't enjoy the company of others.

"So why don't you go sit down like a good little boy," Bethany said causing a chorus of giggles to flood the rear of the bus from her newly found confidence.

"Whatever fat...," Steven begun to say only to have his words die in his throat as Becky and Cindy surged from their seats.

"Go on big man finish what you were about to say!" They said in unison which caused the other girls to add to Becky's and Cindy's strength. Never realizing how Millie had stolen Cindy's seat beside Tate.

"No fair!" Janus and Darlene pouted once Steven and Jake retreated like cowards back to their seats.

"You snooze, you lose," Millie said shrugging her shoulders. "This your phone?" Millie asked pointing to the phone that rested on top of his bag.

"Yeah, why?" Tate asked not liking the look in her green eyes.

"Can you unlock it for me?" Millie asked sweetly. Like her the girls that were of age chose to go without wearing any undergarments on their return trip. They had all agreed to give Tate a special present given his help in various things he had done for them during the week. Plus, to Millie she wanted to show Tate what those boys failed to get. At least to her mind he deserved to see what her pink, youthful, tight pussy looked like.

"Why?" Tate asked confused by her request.

"Because," Millie said leaning into him, "we want to give you something, that only you can see," she whispered wantonly into his ear.

"Okay, whatever," Tate said quickly unlocking his phone, so he could get back to work. However, as soon as Tate heard the sound of his camera shutter firing off he dared glance over. His breath was caught in his chest as Millie lifted up her skirt shooting a dozen of photos of her cunt open and closed, especially zooming in on her tight little hole when she held her lips open for him. Saving the pictures underneath a folder of her name before passing his phone behind her.

"I told you," Millie said smirking at his shocked face, "we all want to give you a present, for everything you have done for us this week," she purred.

"Millie, do you think we can do something more?" Janus asked once she was done showing off her body to his camera. Knowing how she had been hungering to have a cock stuffing her cunt, since the first day they arrived yet unable to find someone she wanted that kind of connection with.

"Mmm," Millie mused as her eyes ran down Tate's body.

"I think Tate would enjoy a hand job from all of us," Darlene said placing his phone in his lap with the picture of her pussy staring up at Tate. "Do you like my ginger hair? I think it frames my pretty pussy so well, don't you think," she said glancing at Becky waiting for her to say something.

"You should see mine, it's much prettier than Darlene's," Janus said running her hands down his chest. Closing out Darlene's picture and bring up her own file she had created. Enlarging it so Tate could see every detail of her labia. "Plus, I put my number in your contacts. So if you ever want to have some fun," she said her tongue licking up along his ear, "I'm more than willing to go for a little ride."

"Mmm, what to are you going to do Tate?" Millie asked slipping her hand beneath his keyboard. Her eyes lighting up as Tate jumped in his seat as she caressed his manhood.

Becky tried to ignore what was happening beside her, yet she couldn't keep her nails from dragging along her denim jeans as she fought to contain her jealousy. Cindy placed a reassuring hand on her forearm, Becky could feel her sister's frustration as they threw themselves at Tate.

"Soon," Cindy whispered. Becky nodded yet the three hour drive back to the church would be torture on her.

"Tate?" Darlene said drawing his gaze flashing her tits which Catherine mirrored her friend.

"Oh? What's this?" Millie cooed feeling Tate's cock surge in its hardness. "I think you like us," she purred before turning his chin.

Becky's cheeks burned as she watched as Millie shoved her tongue into Tate's mouth. It was taking all her will not to say something. Then again, that would cause far too many questions then she wanted to answer; and no one needed to know how she felt for her brother expect for Cindy and Tate of course. Their mother didn't need to know how far she had fallen for her half-brother. She didn't need to know the nights she laid in her bed dreaming of the life she and Tate could live if they were far away. How she would always cherish him, always be there for him never leaving him like their mother always done. Never forcing him to do things that she knew would be so out of character for him, like this trip for example. Although, Becky was pleased that Tate had been forced to come. She had finally got to touch the man she love, got to taste his seed that she knew belonged deep within her womb. To feel how her juices felt when she came on his fingers, how well they felt in her channel as she rode those appendages. Now it appeared she was going to have to do something about the girls from her youth club. Shaking her head, that would only irk Tate making him think that he can't handle his own life. She didn't want to be like their mother always dictating what and who Tate could and couldn't see.

"Millie," Janus whispered, "take it out." A wave of nods surrounded that small area as their eyes zeroed in on Tate's cock.

"Oh my," Darlene purred hungrily. Catherine hid behind her hands from embarrassment from seeing her first cock ever.

"So nice and hard," Janus cooed the pads of her fingers skimming up his shaft.

"Just think how nice it would look...," Millie said turning her body to face him, "stuffing my pussy," she said lifting up the hem of her dress showing Tate her bald cunt.

Tate felt like all life had been drained out of him as he sat in the back of his sister's car as Becky and Cindy said their goodbyes to the youth group. Tate had lost count of how many times they had made him cum. Not that he was complaining, he doubted any man in his position would pass up getting jacked off by giddy teenage girls. Now as his drained mind started to work again. The gears turning in his head mentally preparing for his trip to LA. Knowing how his mother would be arriving home sometime today. Tate needed a way to distract his mother long enough to slip out of his home five hours before his flight. He knew Cindy and Becky couldn't leave at the same time he did, that would only drew attention to what he had planned.

"Tate? You ready to go home?" Cindy asked slyly as she slid into the passenger seat.

"Yeah," Tate said aloofly his hands rubbing his pockets arching an eyebrow when he heard the crinkling of paper. Balling the two small pieces of paper, tossing them to the floor, he so wasn't going to bother with those two. He only did what he did to keep their dog on a leach. His eyes flicking over as he watched as his eldest sister approached her car. Taking a dry swallow as her ass filled his window as Becky turned her back to him. Perplexed as her hand played along her ass as she spoke to someone he cared not to know. Then the ringtone he knew all to well filled his ears.

"Hi Mom," Becky said opening the driver side door. "Yeah, we're back," she said sliding into the seat. Her hazel eyes filled the rear view mirror as she stared into the back. "Tate's fine Mom. No, he didn't do anything. No, you aren't going to have to pay anyone off," Becky said rolling her eyes. "I have you know Tate actually made some friends this week," she said coming to her brother's defense. She hated how her mother always put Tate down whenever she could. "I see," Becky said her mind racing once her mother told her she would be staying another week onboard. "Trying to find husband number six, huh?" Her heart fluttered seeing that smile of Tate's. "Whatever Mom, I'm not the one that abandoned your son, who didn't want to go to our camp in the first place, all so you could run off to get your rocks off. Here, she wants to talk to you," Becky said handing her phone to him.

"What?" Tate said coldly. Peering out the window watching how the other kids parents were overjoyed to see the return of their children. Listening as Becky's key slid into the ignition.

"I'm you mother! You don't talk to me like that!"

"Oh right, do I need to pay you first or do you take credit?" Tate snickered.

"Tate Darwin Miller!" Tate's skin crawled at the sound of his middle name. He hated it. Why his own mother named him that he would never know? In his mind he thought his mother just wanted him to suffer for all time. "Boy, you better be glad you are my son."

"Yeah, like that is such a benefit to me," Tate said growing tired of the phone call already. "You want to tell me what this is all about, mother dearest?"

"Don't you dare take that tone with me! You mind your sisters the rest of the week. If I hear that you stepped out of line one inch your ass will be back in that ward so fast your head will spin."

"One I'm eighteen, you can't do that anymore. You'll need a court order decreeing I'm a threat to me and everyone else, yet since I'm taking my pills that won't happen. Two I like to see you try, you old bat," Tate said cutting off his mother. Letting out a sigh of gratification as his head rested on the back of his seat. He's been waiting for years to say that. He knew somewhere on the ocean his mother was cursing up a storm. "Right on time," Tate said to the roof of the car.

"Hi Mom," Cindy said answering Becky's phone. "Don't think Tate wants to talk to you," she said protecting her little brother. "No Mom, I don't care..." Cindy stopped as Tate snapped his fingers gesturing for her to hand him the phone.

"What is it now?" Tate asked enjoying getting underneath his mother's skin.

"You are grounded! I don't care what you got planned, who you were going to see. The moment you are home you will not leave that damn room, you hear me?! So help me God if I hear that you do, I'll tan that hide like there is no tomorrow!"

"I wonder how you're going to do that on your back, or is it that you struck out?" Tate laughed manically as his mother cursed at him over the phone. "Hey, I don't care if you hate me, is it my fault you couldn't keep your legs closed when you were married to Henry?" he asked referencing Becky's and Cindy's father. "Then again, I doubt that was the first time you cheated on the man. You know what they say Mom," Tate said using the word loosely, "once a cheater always a cheater." He never could understand why she hated him so much. I wasn't even born yet when she cheated on her ex-husband. If she was so worried about getting caught his mother should have made whomever his father was wear a condom that night. Then he wouldn't have to deal with a whorish mother that treated him like crap for the only reason of being born. However, who likes to be constantly reminded that you got caught red handed?

"I should have had an abortion!" Amanda growled her mind racing with every punishment she could think of to enact once she got back.

"And you wonder why I'm like the way I am. Maybe if you were an actual mother to me maybe, just maybe I wouldn't treat you like the whore you are," Tate yelled back.

"God. I can't wait for the day you get the fuck out of my house."

"You and me both you old hag. Trust me once I'm gone you won't ever see me darken your doorstep ever again," Tate said, and he meant every word of it.

"Thank the fucking stars for that. Now put your sister on the phone."

"Here," Tate said tapping the phone against Cindy's shoulder. Pulling out his own phone doing a web search for apartments in the area. Ignoring his sister as she put the phone on speaker. Tate wasn't going to wait until he got back from LA to move out. It was more likely that his mother would be back before he would, and he was done dealing with that woman. His high school days were over, whether he went to college that was another matter altogether; however, that could wait once he moved far away from his mother. He so wasn't going to let his mother have any form of control over him if he went to the only college in town. It was bad enough living with her, Tate wasn't going to put up with it if he got her as a professor. One round of the third circle of Hell was enough for him.

"Tate!" His mother yelled over the speaker when he fail to answer her.

"What the fuck do you want now?!" Tate hissed.

"Boy! You're getting on my last goddamn nerve!"

"Then I'm not trying hard enough," Tate said sarcastically.

"No more allowance for you! No more late night video games. You can kiss that car you wanted goodbye," Amanda said taunting Tate with things that seemed so unimportant to him.

"Aww, so then I don't have to eat out that dried up old cunt anymore? Sweet!" Tate said firing back at his mother, "never like gummy blowjobs anyway." A cruel smirk graced his lips as his sisters gasped.

"That's it I'm done." Tate fell onto the seat laughing his heart out at his mother's abrupt end to their call.

"That was rude Tate, you might not like her, but she is our mother. As the commandment states we must honor our mother no matter how much she disappoints us," Becky said looking back at him in the mirror.

"Hey, she is the one that started it," Tate said coldly, "I'm just fighting back with what I'm given."

"Still Tate that was hurtful," Cindy said turning around in her seat.

"Don't care. She doesn't tell you at least once a day she wished you were never born, now does she?" Tate asked as Becky pulled into their driveway. Tate didn't see the glances that Becky and Cindy shared as he got out of the car. "Sis, do you mind if I use your car for a bit?"

"No, why?" Becky asked perplexed by his request.

"So I can go to the grocery store and get some boxes," Tate said as Becky popped the trunk with her keychain.
