The Antisocial One


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"Let's keep that to yourself, okay?" Tate said in a yawn.

"Of course, I'll take it to my grave," Cindy said smiling into the darkness. Her body stilled as her knee brushed against Tate's hard-on. "Tate?"

"Hmm?" Tate mumble on the verge of sleep.

"I can take care of that for you, that is if you want me to like we did at the lake," Cindy said as her hand slowing inched closer to her brother's groin.

"Sure, knock yourself out," Tate said not really understanding what his sister was asking.

A devious smile graced her face as a wicked thought darted across her mind. She knew Tate was nearly back to sleep otherwise she doubted he would have agreed. Yet Cindy wasn't content with just giving Tate a hand job, no, she wanted to know how her brother's cock tasted like. It was going to happen sooner or later. Why not now? The sleeping bag slid down her back as she straddled her brother's body. Ever so slowly Cindy gently pushed down Tate's underwear. She didn't want Tate to awaken at least not yet. Knowing how he had avoided them for the past three days. It was her hope that he wouldn't wake up just to leaving her longing for his presence all over again, and this time she doubted Tate would simply ignore them.

Her breath was caught in her chest as the lightning highlighted Tate's cock. Her mouth watered as she became hypnotized by its pulsations. Her heart raced, her nerves were on edge at the sight of the very first cock she was going to suck. Licking her lips as she drew closer to it. Listening to her brother's slight movements as her breath flowed over that hot appendage. Her eyes glanced up to ensure that Tate hadn't awoken. Watching for any sign that he was playing possum as she flicked out her tongue.

"You got this Cindy," she said to herself before her lips touched that bulbous crown. Her hands were planted on either side of Tate's hips as she sank down on her brother's cock. Her eyes fluttered as she held it firmly within her mouth. Slowly she started to rock her neck mimicking all those porn actresses she had watched to prepare herself for this moment. Adding her hand into the mix feeling her saliva coating her hand as she increased her pace, although not so much to wake her brother. Savoring the taste of Tate's cock as the minutes ticked by, yet she yearned to feel his cum exploding across her tongue. To have that hot seed filling her mouth to the brim. Arching an eyebrow as she felt the sudden swelling of his cock as her tongue teased it. Her eyes flew wide as felt something striking the back of her throat. Quickly easing back so she wouldn't waste this chance of his cum going straight down her throat. Squeezing her eyes tightly as she tilted her head back at the odd taste of it. It was one thing to have a small taste, however, this was a huge load that was sitting on her tongue. In three swallows her brother's cum sat within her stomach. Rolling her tongue at the aftertaste it left as she peered down at her brother's sleeping body. A loving smile spread across her lips as she listening to his steady breathing. Hoping for the time when she could properly show him just what she looked like with his root firmly planted in her mouth,

"Cindy!" Becky hissed as she stood over her younger brother and sister. Her arms crossed, her hazel eyes burned in her fury that Cindy had slept in Tate's bed; and a little annoyed that Cindy hadn't took her along with. "Get out of that sleeping bag right this second before the girls wake up. How would it look...," her words died in her throat as she tossed Tate's sleeping bag open. Her anger boiled over at the sight of her near naked sister as she had wrapped herself around Tate during the night. She could feel her cheeks burning hot at how Cindy had her hand firmly attached to Tate's cock.

"Morning sis," Cindy said with a sleepy triumphant smile. "You won't believe what I did last night," she whispered as she stretched.

"You can tell me later," Becky said trying to keep her voice below a whisper so not to wake Tate. "Now get out of his bed and go get in your bed before anyone wakes."

"Mmmkay," Cindy said her hand cupping her yawn. "I sucked off our brother," she whispered into Becky's ear, "and I swallowed it all," her ass swayed as she exited Tate's side of the cabin.

Becky's eyes glanced towards the door, then to the clock, and back down at the empty space beside her brother. Chewing on her lip wondering if she could get away with it. There was still three hours until breakfast, and she knew Cindy could take care of the girls first thing in the morning. It wasn't fair that Cindy got to spend the night laying next to Tate when she too wanted the same thing. Not that she was sleepy far from it. Her night was quite restful, so it wouldn't hurt if she stayed for two hours and sneaking out of his room just before seven. Nodding to herself knowing if Cindy could do it than so could she. Cindy wasn't special. Easing herself down onto the mattress, watching to see if Tate stirred in his slumber as she slid her legs into his sleeping bag. Inch by inch she nudged her body closer to his. Instantly she felt her nipples harden once her braless breasts pressed against Tate's bare chest.

Sighing in content as she felt his warmth soaking into her as her left leg brushed gently against his. Her eyes darted to his lips. Remembering how Cindy was the only one that got a kiss yesterday. She was not going to be left out! While it was only a simple peck on the lips, yet that one brief contact at least to her it seem to finally set the last link in place. An hour had passed since she had lain there snuggling against her brother. Her eyes shot wide as she felt his hand slip into her panties cupping her ass in his sleep. Biting her lip to keep whatever may inadvertently escape her lips enjoying the touch of the one she had secretly fallen for years ago. While they weren't fully blood related to one another given how she and Cindy had the same father and Tate was born from a drunken one night stand or that was what her mother told her when she was pregnant with Tate. That was the reason what she and Cindy didn't share in those gorgeous eyes that Tate had. Yet that didn't mean anything to her, Tate was her brother nothing was ever going to change that not if she had anything to say about it.

Her breathing quickened as she felt moisture gathering in her honey pot. She so wasn't going to lose to Cindy. Cindy might have gotten the first blowjob there were plenty of other first that they had yet to hurdle. Slowly reaching over plucking Tate's right hand off the bed, watching for any sign of awareness. Her muscles trembled as she fought to keep her excitement from ruining everything. Oxytocin flooded her mind as his hand slipped into the front of her panties. His fingers dancing along her waxed danced floor. The tips of her fingers guiding his as they brushed along her dew laden labia.

"Please Tate, don't wake up," Becky pleaded with her sleeping brother as she parted her lips with his index and middle finger. Maneuvering the tip of his middle finger slowly around her entrance. A soft moan managed to slip through her clench teeth as she sank that finger into her hot snatch. Gently Becky began to rock her hips on that one lucky appendage, yet it wasn't enough she need to feel more of her brother inside of her canal. Letting out a huff as she added another, her cunt inhaled his fingers as Becky gave into the lust she had hidden for so long. "Yes Tate," she whispered low as she felt her orgasm nearing. She knew how much this would irk Cindy to no end. Which was fine given how she had given Tate a blowjob. However, Cindy hasn't experienced the feeling of having their brother give her an orgasm. "Yes Tate, make me cum," Becky whispered in want, "make your sister cum for you. My pussy is only for you baby. It will always be eager and welcoming to you," she said low rubbing her clit against the palm of his hand. "F...k," Becky bite down on her tongue to keep herself from yelling out as her body convulse from the sheer bliss of the climax that was flooding her body. "Yes Tate, feel how wet you make my pussy," she said as she rode out her orgasm.

All through the day Tate caught glimpses of his sisters acting oddly around him when they weren't at whatever activities or when Becky wasn't busy taking care of her charges. It perplexed him greatly. He vaguely remembered Cindy coming into his side of the cabin last night but nothing else. However, when he did wake up his fingers had a weird smell to them. If he had to guess it smelled like dried pussy. Tate pondered on just who came into his part of the cabin once Cindy left? He had no idea when she left or when his fingers were used as a masturbation aid. All he knew was he was alone when he woke up and his fingers smelled like dried pussy juice, which wasn't hard for him to recognize the scent given his encounters with escorts. He just prayed it wasn't Susan. Four days he had fended off her advances and still she was still after him. Not that Tate didn't find her attractive, nevertheless, he didn't have to make the chase all that easy for her either.

"Hey Mute Boy!" Jake called out as Tate left the rear of the Mess Hall after his time doing dishes to keep the director happy.

"Oh, if it isn't the would-be gigolo," Tate said sarcastically causing Dianna to snicker behind Jake's back. "You do realize I don't have money to pay your hourly rate or is this a pro bono?" he asked with an amused smirk. Again Dianna giggled as did a two of the guys with Jake. Given his time in the kitchen Tate had heard quite a bit about Jake. "So are you like going after guys now since obviously word has spread around camp about you?"

"I'm not gay!" Jake growled taking Tate by the collar of his t-shirt. Only to be sent to a knee as Tate bent his thumb back to the breaking point. Jake struggled for breath as Tate's fingers dug into his throat cutting off his air supply.

"I warned you not to fuck with me and yet here we are. You on the ground and me about to choke you out. So let this be a lesson to you once you wake up," Tate said darkly as Jake pawed at his hand. "I do wonder how you're going to play college ball with a broken thumb," he said cruelly.

"Tate!" Susan cried out rushing down the steps of the porch. "Just don't stand there help me you idiots!" she shouted out at the two guys that tagged along who appeared to be getting a kick out of seeing their friend laid low by someone smaller than Jake. Yet it took all her strength to keep Tate from doing any bodily harm while they pocketed their phones.

"Y-you fucking psycho!" Jake said his voice horse from the grip Tate had on him. Trying to stand up yet quickly sunk back to a knee when he became light head.

"What?! I warned you, is it my damn fault you failed to heed that warning you fuck nut!" Tate said bucking trying to kick Jake in the head.

"Just you wait I'll...," Jake's voice died in his throat as those cold cobalt eyes turn murderous.

"If you even think of touching either one of them. I wonder how you will disappear!" Tate growled.

"Get that idiot out of here before Tate actually does it," Susan ordered holding Tate in a full nelson hold.

"My, oh my," Dianna cooed once Jake and the others were gone. Giving Susan a glance who nodded shooting Dianna a smirk as she did. This was what they had planned on that Tate would become aggressive once Jake opened his mouth. "It's a wonderful thing to see a brother so protective of his sisters," she said seductively walking up to Tate.

"Let me the fuck go," Tate huffed.

"Only if you promise not to go after Jake," Susan said pressing her breasts against his back.

"Yes, why would you want to deal with that arrogant man? When we're more than willing to entertain you," Dianna purred. She had worn her tank top that hung loosely to her chest. Allowing most of her 32C cup breasts to be viewed by the naked eye.

"Right," Tate said rolling his eyes, "how do I trust that you didn't set this all up?" he asked trying to wiggle his way out of her hold.

"Please," Dianna said waving off his statement, "like you are that interesting or cute enough to go through that much trouble."

"We simply want to welcome you here, to make you feel at home here at camp," Susan said, her hands trailed down his neck releasing her hold on him. Pressing him closer into to her chest so that Tate could feel every inch of the roundness of her breasts. "And who knows you might enjoy being with us," she whispered salaciously into his ear.

"Mmm, yes, we all know what Jake is about," Dianna cooed, "you on the other hand are a mystery that I think we need to get to the bottom of," she said her tongue flicking against her teeth. "It's okay to be protective of your sisters especially from that man. He only ever wants one thing - Sex. But you aren't like that are you, Tate?" Dianna asked sandwiching Tate between the two of them. Her eyes flared as she felt his growing bulge pressing against her clit through the thin material of her boy shorts she wore over her bathing suit bottoms.

"I think we best take this somewhere more...private," Susan said shooting Dianna a coy smile. "We wouldn't want to broadcast this to the whole camp, now would we?"

"You honestly think I'm going anywhere with you?" Tate asked biting down his anxiety as the two women hemmed him in.

"I think you will Tate," Dianna said reaching down stroking his cock through Tate's shorts. "I doubt you would want to walk around the camp with a hard-on, especially since it was awaken by us," she purred.

"Mmm, yes, now your mind might not like us, this," Susan said reaching down batting Dianna's hand away, so she could get her own feel of his cock that she has been working so hard to get. "You did start this you know? Did you not enjoy touching my hot, wet pussy before, hmm?" she asked nibbling on his earlobe. "Did you not blatantly rub my clit telling me to get on my knees and suck you off? I do believe you did," Susan whispered her breath hot in his ear. "Now here I am willing to do just that, don't you want to know how well I can suck this cock of yours? Don't you want to know how well my pussy can take care of this hard tool? How tight it is? Milking this cock as my folds wrap around it?"

"Yes, and you wouldn't want your sisters to find out about that, nor would you want the director to know he does tend to kick people off the camp grounds for such things. Now how would you protect you adorable sisters from Jake when you aren't here to keep an eye on him, hmm?" Dianna asked wondering if that was the motivation Tate needed.

"Fine, lets just get this over with then," Tate said coldly eager for the last few days to fly by.

"Trust me Tate you won't regret fucking me," Susan purred before taking hold of his right wrist. "Come. I know the perfect place where we won't be interrupted," she said leading Tate back into the Mess Hall.

"I can't wait to show you my body," Dianna said pressing her body against his. Allowing Tate to feel her breasts without the hinderance of a bra. Her bathing suit top didn't truly count since it didn't actually offer any kind of support for her heavenly orbs.

"Since you have had sex before then the sight of a woman's body shouldn't leave you flustered like all the virgins that populate this place," Susan said over her shoulder. Pulling out the key for the pad lock that barred the door that led to the closed down portion of the Mess Hall that the land owners wanted to keep private. "This way," she said with a coy smile waving for them to enter. The wooden floor boards creaked and groaned from their old age and lack of general use as Susan tugged Tate up the stairs to the loft that overlooked the dinning hall.

"You're so not going to regret this," Dianna giggled as she helped push the relucted Tate up that flight of stairs.

"So you say," Tate said rolling his eyes.

"Trust me Tate," Susan said wiggling her ass for him in her tight denim shorts. "Once you have seen me naked nothing is ever going to replace my image," she said in bold confidence.

This Tate doubted. The image of his sisters breasts flashed to the forefront of his mind as neared the top of the stairs. His checks flushed with heat remembering how they felt as Becky and Cindy pressed and dragged those glorious mounds of heavenly flesh along his stomach. The way their hands felt caressing his hard member as they worked to milk his cock. Tate doubted that anything they had instore would be anywhere near what his sisters had done. If he had to guess the sight of his own sisters jacking him off would stay with him far longer than whatever happened this day. Stepping onto the top floor of the Mess Hall, Tate's eyes scanned the dusty loft noting how a futon mattress had been placed in the middle of the floor. Candles dotted the area awaiting the time when that flicking spark of fire would bring them back to life. He had already had a suspicion that this was all a setup just to get him up there, this setup only reinforced that nagging feeling.

"Tate," Dianna said dropping her tank top to the floor as Susan lit the candles to set the mood, "I'm going to make you feel good," she said before plunging her tongue into Tate's mouth. Her hand reached down softly stroking Tate's growing rod.

"Look at me Tate," Susan said as her bra kissed the floor. The candle light flickered across her naked chest, its orange light danced across her low range B cup breasts.

"Now I expect you to keep your dog away from my sisters," Tate said pushing the metal prong of his buckle through the corresponding hole as the two cum covered women quivered on the mattress. "If you don't well... I wonder how this camp would enjoy knowing how much you moan," he said evilly before leaving Dianna and Susan on that soaked futon mattress.

"What the hell?!" Susan said as her body rocked from the aftershocks.

"Who would think that boy knew how to...," Dianna shuddered as a wave of pleasure flooded up from her womb.

"Fuck," Susan bit down on the mattress as Tate's cum gushed out of her cunt, "there's so much of it."

"I'm so going to fuck that boy again," Dianna said dreamily, "of course, that is after my legs stop shaking," she said with a satisfied smile.

"Mmmhmm," Susan nodded.

The days flew by since that day, whether or not Susan and Dianna had another turn at Tate no one could say expect for Tate himself. As for Tate himself he was eager to be gone and home, however, short his stay would be. He could hear the girls rushing around the cabin in a rush to pack before the bus left them behind. He had already packed and was ready to go once breakfast was over. His head turned as his phone vibrated on his bag. Arching an eyebrow seeing a text from Cindy and Becky. His heart raced as his screen was flooded with sensuous pictures of his sisters in various poses. While they were still clothed his mind had no problem picturing them topless. Then came a single word text from Becky.

"I can't wait for our trip and the time we will spend alone together."

"Tate? Once we are gone from home, your sweet caring sister is going to show you things you would never dream of." Cindy sent shortly after Becky.

"Hey! I'm going to head to the bus, okay?" Tate called out once he left his side of the cabin. Using his bag for cover as he reposition himself.

"Okay, we're going to need a tad bit more time here," Becky said leaving the chaotic scene that was taking place behind her.

"Tate!" A chorus of female voices rang out pushing Becky aside as they surrounded Tate.

"You got to sit with us!"

"Yes, you must!"

""Please!" They looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Umm..." Tate felt like a cornered beast.

"Sorry ladies," Cindy said leaning against the doorframe shooting her brother a sly smile. "But Tate will be sitting with his sisters, so we can go over his plans for his trip to LA," she said blowing Tate a kiss.
