The Antisocial One


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"Very well, lead on," Tate said gesturing for Susan to take the lead.

"So I noticed you don't like being touched," Susan said matter-of-fact as they took the back way towards the groundkeeper's shed. Knowing how that man wouldn't be returning until Wednesday, and only counselors knew of this back path that cut through the thick woods.

"What of it?" Tate asked wishing he had his glasses to fight off the glare of the sun.

"Is like with everyone or just women?" Susan asked peering over her shoulder.

"Exactly why is that any of your concern?"

"I thought maybe it was me you just don't like," Susan said being a little flirtatious.

"I don't like anyone, you aren't that special," Tate said rolling his eyes.

"See. That attitude right there won't get you far in life, namely with women," Susan said turning around to face him once they reached the thickest part of the woods. Knowing that the foliage would dampen their words and moans if she was that lucky.

"Again I ask what concern is it of yours? Just so you know I get a long fine with women," Tate said standing toe to toe with her. He didn't want her to think she could boss him around or snoop into his life unhindered.

"I hardly believe that," Susan said a little taken back by the sinful smirk on his lips. The way the light was filtering through the branches, the way the breeze tugged at his short raven hair, how his cobalt eyes lustered with the fires of sin that lingers within every man. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought the Dark Prince was standing before her.

"Believe what you want," Tate said shrugging his shoulders, "how about you drop to your knees and I'll show you, since that is what you are after, is it not?" Tate's tongue probed the right corner of his mouth after he recoiled from Susan's slap. He hoped that would keep her from nipping at his heels while he was there. What he had said was true. He wasn't a virgin by any means even if he had to pay for it, then again, that was how he liked it. He didn't have to deal with the nuances that went into a relationship, nor did he have to deal with all the touching that came after it. To Tate sex was just that sex he equated no emotion to the act, and the high class call girls he used knew that which is the way he likes it. They get paid, he gets sex quite simple at least to his mind.

"You think I'm just going to fall to my knees and suck you off?! Please like I would ever do that," Susan growled her nose barely touching his. Only to gasp in shock as Tate's hand cupped her womanhood.

"Then tell me why you are this wet that I can feel it through your jeans?" Tate asked running the pad of his finger along her slit. Feeling her tremble as he softly rolled his thumb along her clitoris.

"T-that's none of your business!" Susan said quickly batting off his hand and distancing herself from him.

"If you say so," Tate said shrugging his shoulders, "though it would appear to me you don't like being touched," he said with a cruel smirk. "How about we just get this over with, hmm?" Tate said his fingers taking hold of the brass tab of his zipper daring her to make the next move. His laughter echoed through the forest as Susan hurriedly walked off.

"Did you understand all that?" Susan asked after she had finished going over his duties as assistant groundskeeper. Still a little shaken by Tate's behavior just a few minutes ago. She hadn't calculated that he would be that sure of himself. She would have thought given his evasiveness about his phobia of people he would have been a push over for her. She wasn't prepared for his bold acts. Peering out the corner of her eye while her words said she didn't enjoy the feel of his hand on her cunt, yet deep within her she wished she hadn't brushed him off.

"Yeah," Tate said as he sat in the driver seat of the Gator they had stored in the shed.

"Good. Then I expect you to see you patrolling the grounds after breakfast every morning. Tomorrow I'll be joining you, so I'll know you understand the tasks that have been outlined for you," Susan said looking over at Tate as he turned the wheel of the utility vehicle. Pondering if she could worm her way through that tough exterior of his.

"Oh?" Tate said arching an eyebrow as he leaned forward crossing his arms over the steering wheel. "Are you thinking that constantly being near me will get you what you seek?" he asked with at coy smirk.

"Hmpf! Like I'd ever lay with you," Susan huffed turning her nose up at his, yet all the while peering at him through her eyelashes.

"Aww," Tate teased puffing out his lower lip, "and here I thought who knows you might win me over," he said pestering her mercilessly.

"I see," Susan said narrowing her eyes. She wasn't one to be made a fool out of, and Tate was going to learn that one way or another. "So," she said placing her hands behind her as she slyly stepped in front of the Gator. Smirking as Tate moved back in his seat as she leaned over the steering wheel. Knowing how her t-shirt was hanging open allowing Tate to peer down it if he so chose to. Her hands gripped his forearms tightly, so he wouldn't flee from her. A devilish smirk formed on her lips as she felt his muscles tense underneath her touch. "Are you actually flirting with me, hmm? It seems to me that you are," Susan purred loving how she had put Tate on the defensive. "I would think seeing me naked would be a highlight for you, no? After all I am stunning in the nude," she said her eyes flashed in a mischievous light.

"I am a guy after all," Tate said shrugging his shoulders, "what guy doesn't think about seeing a woman in the nude?"

"True," Susan said, "yet you aren't like normal people."

"Define normal?" Tate said tilting his head to the side. Wondering if he had overplayed his hand. This wasn't how he thought it would be going. Tate would have thought she would've lost interest in him due to his behavior, however, it would seem to him that it aroused her. "To me I'm the normal one, and you're the crazy one. Jane Fulton did once say 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.' So tell me who's the insane one here?" Tate asked bringing his nose an inch away from hers.

"That would still be you," Susan said with a smirk.

"Probably," Tate said with a shrug of his shoulders. A little put off when Susan wasn't making use of the opening she had just created. In his experience everyone took advantage of said opening. Yet he just couldn't figure out why she didn't. Tate knew she most be up to something, and he prayed it wouldn't interfere with his plans.

"Well, since you know what you need to do," Susan said over her shoulder as she walked towards the shed's doorway, "I think we can end this for today. I do think you and I will grow to like one another, especially in the mornings," she said with a devilish smirk before heading back to the Mess Hall.

The afternoon sun filtered through the screen that enclosed porch as Tate typed away. He ignored the chirping of the birds, the chatter of the squirrels that ran from branch to branch, the warm breeze that drummed on his back as his eyes scanned down the screen of his Surface. His ears perked as he heard the gravel crunch under foot.

"Tate!" Becky said throwing her arms around him.

"I thought Susan would have hugged you all day long," Cindy said joining her sister in her embrace of their younger brother. "I was so worried," she whispered sweetly into his ear.

"Why?" Tate asked from the depths of the warmth of their bodies as their breasts pressed against each side of his face.

"Because I know her," Cindy said nuzzling his neck, "I don't want to lose to that woman," she said ominously.

"What now?!" Tate asked confused by her words.

"Shhh," Becky whispered as she stroked his hair. Her eyes glanced over at the screen as she buried her brother face in her bosom. Sneakily closing his Surface she was going to ensure that her brother's mind was solely on them. "Forget all about that," she said her lips brushing along Tate's ear. "Now, I think it's time for you to indulge your sisters," Becky said tucking his Surface underneath her arm.

"Yes," Cindy nodded in support, "and I know the perfect place too," she said running Tate's head in-between her breasts as she rose.

"Then we best get change, that includes you too, little brother," Becky said with a mischievous smirk. "A little swim sounds lovely, doesn't it?"

"Mmmhmm," Cindy purred, "now why don't you go and change," she said pushing Tate out of his seat.

"But...," Tate's words died in his throat once he noticed the looks his sister's were giving him. "Fine," he said in a loud sigh as he headed towards his side of the cabin.

"Sis?" Cindy said as her shirt slid down her chest enveloping her 36D breasts.

"Yeah," Becky said unclasping her bra freeing her 38DD breasts.

"Don't you think it's time we made sure Tate stays ours?" Cindy asked as her low waist, high cut with side straps slid up her thighs concealing her red thong bottoms. Allowing the bottom quarter of her ass cheeks to hang out something she hoped Tate would enjoy.

"But it's against his teachings," Becky said, yet she did long for that very thing.

"I don't know, I would think God would be happy for us, don't you think?" Cindy asked as she walked towards her sister as her own sky blue bikini bottoms rose along her legs. "Did he not allow it when Adam and Eve were cast out from paradise? Did God not allow it when Noah was tasked with repopulating the world after the flood?"

"Yes, he did allow it," Becky nodded following along with her sister's logic.

"Then would God not be happy for us if Tate is the one that brings us calmness, contentment, longing like no one before him?" Cindy asked as her hands ran up her sister's stomach. Cradling Becky's orbs in her hands, giving her nipples a light pinch as she leaned forward placing a sweet lingering kiss on Becky's lips. "Is it any different from what you and I do?"

"N-no," Becky stammered releasing a soft moan the longer her sister played with her breasts.

"Then should we not show our brother what we have to offer him?" Cindy asked lustfully as her tongue curled teasing Becky's upper lip as she pulled away. "Unless of course, you're happy with allowing that woman to use Tate?"

"Never!" Becky growled. "Tate only needs us!" she said with determination.

"Then let's show our brother these gorgeous bodies of ours," Cindy purred.


"Tate? How do we look?" Becky asked shyly doing a little spin to display her body to him. She wasn't one that showed off her goods per say, yet this was her brother to her mind he was the only deserving one to view her womanly body.

"Umm...," Tate took a dry swallow as he noticed how their breasts bounced with every movement. The way their shorts rode up as they slightly bent over nearly allowing their ass cheeks to spill out from the confines of their shorts, nor could he peel his eyes away as that denim hugged their mounds.

"We'll take your silence as you approve," Cindy said with a devious smile, "although you should wait until we get to my secret spot to really give us your opinion."

"Come, we have only three hours until the dinner bell rings," Becky said looping her arm around Tate's leading him out the door.

"Would you look at that!" Jake hollered out as Cindy, Becky, and Tate neared the Mess Hall on their way towards the lake.

"Ignore him Tate," Becky whispered into his ear, tightening her hold on his arm so Tate wouldn't do anything rash.

"Yes, he's just a loud mouth who doesn't know any better," Cindy said rolling her eyes as Jake and a few others cat called to them.

"You would think this being a Christian camp they would know how to act," Tate said as his sisters directed him towards the path that led to the lake.

"Who would think," Becky sighed.

"Hey! Shake that ass for us!" Their grip tightened deathly on Tate's arms as he fought to turn back and face those rude men.

"Forget about them Tate we already have," Cindy said flipping her hair over her shoulder slyly shooting those rude men the bird.

"And here we are!" Cindy announced as they entered the secluded meadow. The lapping of the gentle waves on the loose sand shore was the only sound filling that quiet clearing.

"Now we can listen and read without interruptions," Becky said bumping her hip against Tate's.

"Maybe you'll enjoy a dip with your sweet sisters," Cindy whispered into Tate's ear.

Tate's heart raced as noted how their bikini tops strained to contain their breasts. His tongue rolled in his mouth to relieve the dryness of it as Becky and Cindy bent over before him. Showing off the roundness of their asses, the detail their mounds that their bottoms allowed to show. His hands darted out before him when he caught a flash of Becky's pink lips as her bottoms became a skewed as she straightened out her towel.

"Well? Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to join us?" Cindy asked playing with her top making it appear that she was straightening out the straps of her top. Yet all the while making sure he watched how her breasts moved.

"Yes," Becky said patting his towel that laid in-between theirs, "please do," she said sweetly.

"I think these puppies need some sun," Cindy said offhandedly as she sat upright untying the knot of her top.

"Hmm, yes, I think you have a point Cindy," Becky said as she too undid the knot that held her top taut. Tate quickly covered his eyes as their breasts bounced freely. "Tate, it's okay to look," Becky said pulling his right hand away watching how Cindy mirrored her movements.

"Here," Cindy said overlaying her hands over his as she held his hand against her left breast. "How does it feel brother?" Cindy asked in a sensuous voice.

"Hey now, you can't forget about me Tate," Becky pouted not wanting to be outplaced by her sister. Her eyes darted to Cindy wondering if she saw the slight movement within his shorts. "It's okay Tate, there's nothing wrong with this," she said her fingers traced down the right side of his face. "To us you are the only one worthy to feel us," Becky said softly tilting her head back enjoying her brother's hand on her body.

"That's right little brother," Cindy said leaning over him, "only you are worthy," she cooed taking Tate by surprise. Her tongue explored his mouth as their kiss lingered. Her hand moved down his chest before stroking Tate's hard cock through his swim trunks. "Do you like that Tate?"

"What the hell?!" Tate muttered.

"Shhh," Cindy whispered, "let your sisters take care of you," she said dragging her breasts down his chest. Hoping that Tate enjoyed the feel of them against his skin.

"Yes, you know we are the only ones that know you so well, little brother," Becky cooed as her hand joined Cindy's. "A young man such as yourself needs a little relief every now and again. I know you can't do such in a cabin full of girls," she said in lubricious purr taking matters further than her younger sister. Slipping her hand into her brother's swim trunks, with the back of her hand exposing Tate's hard member to the world as the waistband of his swim shorts slid down below his ball sack. Her hard nipples dancing along Tate's naked chest as her hand encased his rod. The softness of her skin melted into the heat of his erection. Her thumb kneaded the crown of his tool, loving the feel of his precum coating the pad of her finger.

"You know you are the only one we think that is worthy of this," Cindy cooed as she cradled Tate's balls before adding her own touch to that hard pole. She and Becky never gone this far with a man before at least that is what Becky had once told her. They were far from virgins. That ship had set sail years ago when they each took turns fucking each other. "So just relax and enjoy what we are willing to give you...," Cindy whispered sweetly before her cheek brushed along his, "my valiant protector," her breath hot in his ear.

"Now don't you worry about anything, Tate. Cum for your sisters," Becky said increasing the pace of her hand.

"Yes, let us see it," Cindy said before sucking on Tate's lower lip.

"Fuck sis, I'm going to...," Tate panted, his back arched, the back of his head pressed into the ground as rope after rope of his hot white seed painted his chest and stomach.

"I didn't think it would smell so..."

"Strong," Becky said finishing her sister's sentence. "I always wondered how it would taste like," she said aloofly as she gathered a glob of his semen on the tip of her finger. Bring it up to her nose inhaling the scent of the man she had loved secretly. She knew from that day forward she was always going to taste the man that had commandeered her heart.

"No fair," Cindy pouted as she watched Becky sucking her finger clean. "I wanted to be the first one," she said quickly gathering up her own tasty treat.

"Now you go, have a dip and get cleaned up," Becky giggled as she patted Tate's thigh noting Tate's bright red cheeks.

"Now to our listening pleasure," Cindy said holding up Tate's phone in triumph.

"And to get a sneak peak at the fifth book," Becky nodded setting up Tate's Surface at the head of his towel, so she and Cindy could read while listening to what audio files Tate had stored on his phone. After a few hours of sunbathing and enjoy their brother's presence the three of them walked arm and arm back to their cabin.

Thunder shook the cabin as the storm raged on the third night of their stay. The blue light of the lightning flashed through the windows of cabin 22. Cindy curled into a ball in her sleeping bag, her hands covering her ears as the rain pounded the roof of their dwelling. Her body flinched as another thunderclap drummed down on that asphalt tiled roof. Cindy hated thunderstorms. Becky never had that problem who was sleeping soundly in her bunk. Yet Cindy wasn't that lucky as she whimpered into her pillow to keep from waking the other girls within the room. She couldn't take it anymore. There was always that one person that made her feel safe during these types of storms. Throwing open her sleeping bag, shivering as Cindy wrapped her arms around herself as she tiptoed towards the door. It might be two a.m. in the morning, but she knew Tate wouldn't kick her out. Tate would never say a word or grumble if she woke him up during such times. Now, however, given how Tate had been avoiding them since their time at the lake. Cindy wondered if Tate would keep her safe. She knew how illogical it was to be scared of a simple storm, yet fear was never rational. Nevertheless, Cindy needed the strength of her brother at the moment. Softly closing the door, praying no one saw her leave.

Her light pink t-shirt detailed her voluptuous breasts as the lightning flashed. Her black delicate panties did little to hide the shape of her womanhood when the hem of her shirt rose. Her ass giggled as she raced to Tate's door. Silently slipping into his room, noticing how Tate had fallen asleep working in his bed. Gently lifting his Surface off his lap, placing it in his bag before softly brushing his check.

"Tate?" Cindy whispered.

"Hmm?" Tate mumbled in his sleep.

"Tate, can I sleep with you?" Cindy asked jumping as bright flash of light lit up the night sky.

"Why...," Tate began to say only to have his bed shaken by the concussive force of the boom of the blast of thunder that followed after the lightning strike less then a mile away. "Sure," he said sleepily holding open his sleeping bag. Scooting to the far edge of the bed to give his sister room on the twin mattress.

"Thank you," Cindy said crawling into his sleeping bag. Wrapping her arms around Tate's chest pulling him close to her. Rubbing her cheek against his chest, her smooth leg rubbed against his thigh feeling Tate rubbing her back. That was his way of clamming her down during such a storm, not that she was complaining Cindy drew comfort from it. "You're a good brother, so sweet to me," Cindy whispered placing a lingering kiss on his cheek.
