The Babysitter Ch. 02


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She flipped through the envelopes from top to bottom. Only of course when she got to the very last one did she find it.

"AAAAHH!!" she repeated, hopping in the air. "This is it! Bevvie, this is my letter from Denmore University! Can you believe just a few minutes ago you were holding my entire future in your hands?"

Bevvie nodded. "And, now you are."

"Omigod, omigod, wish me luck!" Cameron tucked the other mail under her arm and ripped the Denmore envelope open. Out came the letter, but Cam was too nervous to read it.

"Oh, God, I...Bevvie, I'm too nervous to read it! I can't do it! You do it! Here, tell me what it says!"

She held it back out to her. Bevvie extended her arm. Suddenly, Cameron retracted it.

"No! No! I've gotta do it myself. I can't be a chicken about it."

Bevvie withdrew. Cam began, but again stopped midfold.

"Oh, but I can't! I'm too anxious! Do it for me, Bevvie, please, would ya? PLEASE!"

The mail lady hesitated a moment, but again reached for it. Once more, Cameron changed her mind.

"No no no! I have to do this! I gotta be brave about it. I can't ask you to do my dirty work."

She took a deep breath, mustered her courage, and forced herself this time to read. Out loud. Rapidly.

"'To Miss Cameron DeVane. Dear ma'am: We would like to personally thank you for your interest in Denmore University. Upon review of your application and credentials, we are pleased to hereby ofFER YOU ACCEPTAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!"

Realizing she'd made it in, Cam's voice grew to an exhilarated shout. She leapt into the air all over again.

"I DID IT! I MADE IT!" she screamed, throwing a hearty hug on the startled Bevvie. "I'M IN! I GOT INTO DENMORE!!"

"Well, congra—oh. Oh, my. Ok-okay...congratulations, Cam."

"Omigod, I can't frigging believe this!" Cameron shrieked. "Oh, thanks, Bevvie! I owe ya one."

"Oh, it's no biggie," Bevvie insisted as an overly enthused Cameron sprinted back to the front door. "I was just doing my..."



Cam reentered the house, snapped up the phone, more than once almost dropping it to the floor, and dialed her Mom's cell.

"...Mom? Mom! I DID IT! I got accepted into Denmore!"

Her mother's delighted squeal came through the phone, which Cam matched simultaneously.

"I can't believe it!" Jean exclaimed.

"I know, I know, me neither!"

She thought she heard her father Mitch ask what happened.

"Oh—baby, hang on, I'm gonna put your Dad on the phone." Jean did so, and Cameron repeated the news for him.

"Cameron, that's incredible!" Mitch replied. "I am so proud of you. I know you're gonna do awesome."

"Thanks, Dad! Hey, can you put it on speaker so I can talk to you both? I gotta ask you something."

"Just a sec, princess, we'll get a little privacy." He took Jean outside so they could hear. Beep. "A'right, go ahead; we're both here."

"Okay, so here's the thing," their daughter's voice crackled. "I haven't told Tori or anyone else yet; I wanted you guys to be the first to know. Well, besides me. And Bevvie. So, I'm gonna tell Tori next. And...I was...thinking of maybe going to see her today, if everyone's okay with that. And I was sorta wondering how you guys might feel about maybe...letting me off my curfew? It-it wouldn't have to be an every time thing, just tonight. 'Cause, y'know, it's kind of a special occasion."

She waited anxiously for her answer. There were a few seconds of silence as her parents mulled it over.

"Hm, well...I dunno," said Jean. "What time did you have in mind?"

"Well, uh...I-I wasn't totally sure," Cam answered. "I, eh...guess I was sorta kinda wondering how you'd feel if I hypothetically asked to maybe...well, let's say...spend the...night, possibly. Not-not that I'm saying I wanna, y'know, do anything with her, or anything," she quickly added. Not that I'm saying I don't, either, but... "Just, y'know, if-if I maybe wanted to just stay over at her place. And not, like, even necessarily in the same room. Just, like...y'know, a-a normal sleepover. And I haven't even asked her about this yet either. For all I know, she might say no. But if she says yes, I just wanted to ask you guys first."

"Hmmm," said Mitch. "Well...I appreciate you respecting our feelings about it, sweetheart. Jean? Whaddaya think?"

"I'm not sure," her Mom said to her Dad. "I mean, on one hand, we put the curfew in place as a way to teach her responsibility."

"Yeah, but on the other hand, that was four years ago," her father said. "She is 19 now. And she doesn't have any obligations tomorrow. If she was working or going to school, that might be different, but she's not."

Oh, good one, Dad! You tell her! Cameron thought with a smile.

"That is a pretty good point," her Mom had to concede. "And I suppose I have to start cutting the strings at some point. Although I'm still not sure how I feel about letting her sleep that far away."

Cam stepped back in. "It's...guys, it's Tori. C'mon, you love her! She's my babysitter. We all totally trust her, we know she's cool. And, I'll...listen, how's this sound. If she says yes, then I'll call you when I get there. And I'll have her say hi, just to prove that's where I am. And we won't go out to any place I could get in trouble, like a club or whatever. I couldn't get into one anyway. We'll probably just end up watching TV and...y'know, just hanging out. C'mon, that sounds fair, doesn't it?"

"I have to say, I do like that she was your old babysitter," added Mitch. Turning back to address his wife again, he said, "We know she'd be in good hands. We have known Tori forever."

"That's true! And, Mom, keep in mind that when it comes time to go to college, I am gonna be living in my own dorm. We already talked about that, that's the plan. I've officially been accepted. I'd better start getting used to being on my own."

"...I guess you're both right," Jean admitted to her daughter's joy. "Okay, baby, tell you what. If you keep your phone charged, and you fill up the Monte Carlo on the way, and do like you said, let us say hi to Tori...yes. You have our permission to sleep over."

Yay!! "Thanks, guys! I'll call and ask her right now. So listen, Mom. I know you and Dad're still gonna be away a while, so if I call you back later, it'll be 'cause I'm at Tori's, and I'll put her on the phone. And if I don't call, then it's 'cause she said no, and I'll just be here."

"A'right, babe, sounds good," said Mitch. "We'll talk to ya later."

"Bye, Dad! Bye, Mom!" Click. She hung up and immediately called Tori next. It almost went to voicemail, but Tori managed to grab it.


Gosh, hearing that voice excited her. "TORI! Tori! Guess what? You are never gonna believe this!"

"Oh, wow, Cam, what?"

"I got into Denmore!"

The screech that followed was almost identical to her Mom's, and again, Cam echoed it. Her lungs were frankly growing a bit annoyed.

"No shit!"

Cam laughed. She and Tori'd exchanged snippets—and sometimes more—of profanity before, actually as sort of a way to bond, because it was one of their secrets. Tori taught her some naughty words when she was little, but also forced Cameron to promise never to say any of these words in front of anyone but her. Otherwise, of course, her tickle spots were really gonna get it. The threat worked.

"No shit. I've got the letter right here. So, uh...I thought maybe we could celebrate. Have you, any plans tonight?"

"Oh. Well...funnily enough...I actually don't. If you'd asked me any other Tuesday, I'd have my book club. But tonight, as it turns out, it's canceled. So...nope! I'm free as a bird!"

"Oh, yay! And, tomorrow's your day off, right?"

"That's right; half-day on Tuesdays, and I don't work Wednesdays or Sundays. Did you wanna go out, or meet me somewhere?"

"Well, uh...actually, I was kinda hoping maybe I could come over. I already called and checked with my Mom and Dad, and they're cool with it. In fact, if it's okay with you, they even said I could sleep over at your place. If-if you want. I-I don't mean to sound presumptuous, though, it was just an idea. 'S totally your call."

"I see...well, now, then, under the circumstances, if it's all good with your folks, then I...suppose a sleepover's good with me."

Cam lit up like the 4th of July. "Awesome!" she cried. "Oh my gosh, this is gonna be so much fun! Can I bring anything?"

"Oh, babe, why don't you just leave that to me."


Girls' Day In

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015, 3:43 p.m.

Knock-kn-kn-knock-knock...knock-knock. Tori scampered to her door and opened it.

Two beautiful big smiles met in the doorway. The one on the inside opened to say, "Heeeeeeeyyyy, college! C'mon, get in here!"

Tori held her arms out to embrace her. Cam stepped in and hugged back. Tori laid kindly smooches on her ear, cheek and temple.

"Mm! Mm! Mm!" she vocalized the kisses, following them with a tender whisper in Cam's ear.

"Babe, I am so proud of you."

The gestures were cordial, as if from a big sister to her kid sis, but Cameron's mind and body enjoyed them as more. She'd taken some extra pre-departure time to pretty herself up, hoping to escalate any romantic feelings Tori might be harboring. As for Tori, she couldn't really tell. The babysitter was so damn bewitching by nature, Cam questioned just how much her beauty could be enhanced. She lived a fair distance away, in closer proximity to the Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa border, so Cameron didn't get to see her all the time, but this made the times when they did meet up all the more special. And they could of course Internet chat all they wanted.

She'd only been to Tori's once or twice before, but Cam wasn't one to easily forget a destination. She had a keen sense of direction, was helped along by her car's GPS and compass, and could find her way just about anywhere. Tori, who'd moved with her folks to Chicago seven years ago, had earned her business degree and now worked as a junior executive. She dwelled in a one-story on Jefferson Street, where the baby girl she looked after all those years back had now come to call. Tori ended the hug, but kept hold on her shoulders.

"Okay, baby doll! Ready to party?"

Cameron's smile stayed, although her eyebrows curiously rose.

"...Now, when you say 'party'...y-you don't mean anything particularly, um..."

She waved her hand to try to gesticulate, but Tori knew what she was asking. She laughed.

"Not for you, sweetie. You may not be my age yet, but I'll try to make you feel like it. Show ya what I mean."

She let go of Cam's shoulders and dashed around the corner, returning moments later with a cooler.

"Ta-daaaa!" she announced, popping it open. "For me...beautiful sparklin' champers. And for you...beautiful sparklin' cider."

Ah, so this was what Tori meant by saying leave it to her.

"Ooooh, nice," Cameron remarked. "Guess I'm not getting any champers, though, huh?"

"You got ID?"

"Ha! Not a fake one."

"Well, come back in a year and a half and we can really celebrate. It is December 1st, right?"

"Yup. December 1st, '95."

"Whoo-hoo, go me. Yeah, I remember coming to your birthday parties with your folks and it was pretty cold outside."

"Oh! That reminds me. I promised I'd call Mom and Dad back and let you say hi so they'd know I'm here." She pulled out her phone, dialed, handed it to Tori, and that was done and out of the way. Now they were free to party hearty.

"A'right, so!" Tori clapped. "I also got us soda, popcorn, pizza, candy, ice cream, all the funnest junk a couple gals need to take the slumber right outta slumber party!"

Cam gave her own paws a single clap as well. "Fucking-A!" she chortled. "Do we have any scary movies to watch?"

"Well, I think you're old enough now." Tori picked up the TV remote and turned it on. She then deposited a different remote in Cam's hand. "There ya go. We're already signed into my Netflix. Go ahead, watch whatever you want. It's your day. I'll get the popcorn going."

She headed to the kitchen. Cameron started flipping through the selections. Then something occurred to her.

"'re not gonna put any Melatonins in it, are you, Tore?"

"HA!!" Cameron heard her laugh from around the corner. "Not this time."

So Cam settled on a flick, and Tori broke out the kernels. While she was at it, she ran off to get some pajamas and board games. And with that, the sleepover was underway. They let one movie play after another, sitting in the jammies, stuffing their faces and bellies, playing board games one by one—Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Trouble, Uncle Wiggily—and spent the rest of the time gazing lovingly into one another's eyes. During some of Tori's turns, Cameron even caught herself mouthing the words, "I think I love you."

She couldn't help it. She couldn't believe how happy she felt right now. There was a breathtakingly gorgeous lady sitting across from her, literally playing with her just as when she was a child. Tori had seven years on her, which only played in her favor, as Cam didn't mind admitting she had a thing for older women. Even when Tori came over to visit last year and ended up having her way with her, Cameron felt there was something deliciously kinky about thinking of herself as a kid, and being taken advantage of by a sexy grown-up. To date, when Tori threw a sensual, sneaky or downright malicious smile at her, Cam tingled. In several places.

"A'right, here we go," Tori announced, rubbing her paws together over the Clue board. "Mrs. Peacock...conservatory...knife."

Cameron picked up the packet and turned over the murder cards inside. "Yup, Peacock...knife...yup. You win again, Tore. Like always."

Tori threw her hands in the air with a "Yay!" Cam impulsively seized this opportunity and tickled her under the arms.

"AAAAHH!...He-ey!" Tori laughed. "You little devil! I won; you're the one who gets tickled!"

With that, she practically lunged over the board and grabbed Cameron around the middle. Cam all but instantly surrendered, letting Tori wrestle her to the floor, cackling down at her, giving it to her just as feistily and vigorously as ever. Cam guffawed helplessly, rolling on her back, slapping and swatting Tori's hands...though the tickle treatment now carried an additional effect on her.

A number of moments later, Tori decided she was done putting the kiddo through the wringer this time, and let up. She was not, however, prepared for what happened next. Cameron felt a hell of an urge coming on. She leaned up just enough to seize Tori in a bear hug, pulled her straight down to the floor with her, and locked their lips.

Tori's eyes popped ajar as a surprise sizzle went through her. Had she time to anticipate it at all, she might've underestimated Cam's passion for her. Once she'd tugged Tori down with her and they were horizontal and parallel, Cameron extended her arms around her back, and toyed with Tori's dirty blonde mane. How silky soft...full and thick...just luxurious. Still more luxurious was the following moment, in which Tori's arms found their ways around Cam and huggled back. Cameron moaned in devotion. Her heart swelled with happiness, her soul with love, and her genitals with lust. She couldn't help wondering if Tori felt any of the same. But Tori was kissing her back, and Cam definitely wasn't about to stop making out to ask questions. But what she did next amazed even herself.

She opened Tori's mouth with her own, tasted her tongue, and groaned out, "Ah luff iu, Tohwy."

She felt Tori run a hand through her hair, and affectionately brush a few strands behind her ear.

"Awwwah luff iu too, kih-o."

"Kiddo," Cam deciphered. She felt breath running short. She finally brought the magnificent kiss to a halt, and gasped.

"Just...just to be clear..." she rasped, "...I mean...romantically...I love you, Tore."

Tori nodded, flashing Cameron her devastating leery grin.

"I know, baby doll."

For a few minutes they lay in silence, just gazing. Tori caressed Cam's cheek and dabbed her nose, but Cam still felt there was sort of something...missing. She knew Tori'd already told her she loved her, but she'd also called her "kiddo." Somehow, this struck Cameron a bit more like the familial love she and Tori shared with her parents, rather than the romance and smoky sexual love she now craved. She didn't really want to pry for clarification, and risk compromising the moment, but she had to wonder.


"Yeah, hon?"

Cam blinked her eyes, feeling them indeed moistening up.

"...I'm so happy right now I feel like crying."

Tori's goofy, silly smile turned tender.

"Go ahead."

Cam's eyes glistened and she gave a few sniffles, but shed no official tears just yet. It was getting later in the evening, and life felt just so wonderful. Any troubles outside the door caused her no worry. Nothing could disturb her. She was in love. She likened it to something she'd seen in middle school. One of her classrooms in eighth grade had a small poster of Donald and Daisy Duck sitting in an ice cream parlor, sharing a sundae milkshake. It was clearly an illustration, but Cameron could read the mutual adoration in their cartoon anatine eyes. They looked too happy for description. Cam wanted to be that happy. There were so many reasons she'd love to be in that scenario: the privilege of keeping company with a cute girl, not having to be in school, treated to a delicious dairy delight...

The sleepover continued. The girls cooked the pizza, let the movies play, brushed and ponytailed each other's hair, played with their makeup on one another, painted each other's nails, exchanged some of their deepest personal secrets, and even came close to making a prank phone call before chickening out. Sometime between 8:00 and 9:00, they finally broke out the fancy libations. Tori grabbed them a couple wine glasses, and poured Cam some cider first.

"Mmm, tasty," Cameron remarked, licking her lips.

"A'right, now be super careful if you ever open this stuff, babe," instructed Tori. "The foil's harmless, but when you twist the cork and give it a little shake, it shoots outta there like a fucking bullet."

She held the bottle close to the floor, aimed up and away from them, and demonstrated. POP!!

"Whoa!" Cam admired, watching the cork fly as the foam began seeping out. "You weren't kidding!"

Tori giggled, pouring her own glass. "Sometimes I think these oughta be sold with safety goggles."

They toasted with a clink. They then shared a knowing glance, took advantage of being of the same mind, and linked arms to sip.

Tori chuckled again. "I love these bubbles teasing my nose. Bottoms up, doll."

Cam blushed. The phrase "bottoms up" charmingly amused her. She couldn't believe she found the nerve to say what she said next.

"You got it; I like to be spanked."

Tori, in the middle of a sip, almost choked laughing.

"You naughty little thing!"

Cameron shrugged innocently. "Hey, you started it; 'bottoms up.'"

Her companion and hostess upped her ante. "Well, we'll have to keep that in mind if we ever wanna be kinky together."

Cam's cunt leaked. She stared at Tori with widened eyes, as Tori inscrutably smirked back, taking another sip.

You pussy-tease.