The Babysitter Ch. 02


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"Oh, right!" She pushed up from Tori's body and hopped off the bed.

"Wh—..." Tori breathlessly looked up. Pant, pant. "Uh...Cammy?..." Pant, pant. "Where ya goin'?"

"Back in a flash, jiff and two shakes!" Cam called cheerfully. "Don't you go anywhere!"

Tori couldn't hear much over the sounds of the fan and heating, but this gave her a minute to reflect. She wasn't happy about being ensnared and terrorized in her own bed. But as she'd stated in her apology, now on the business end for once, she could see Cam's motivation. Now that she reviewed it all, Tori guessed she did play too rough with the little gal in her young years. Now she knew how it felt to be in Cammy's proverbial shoes, and to walk a ways in them as well. She felt pretty remorseful by the time Cam got back.

"Cammy? That you?" she asked, more or less as a reflex.

"No, it's the Easter bunny. Four days early."

Tori obligatorily chuckled at her joke. Then she started to address Cameron again.

"Okay, Cam, baby, I just wanna say something. I—..."

She stopped, looking up to see something dangling from the kiddo's hand.

"...Um...Cammy? What's that?"

"Oh, this?" Cameron held up the object she'd run off to the kitchen to fetch. "This, my darling, is what you might call a casualty of war. A particular belonging of yours that has made the ultimate slumber party sacrifice."

Tori raised her head as much as she could.

"...Is that my b—?!"

"Right you are," Cam nodded proudly. "Slumber party ritual clearly states: first girl who falls asleep...gets her bra frozen."

Tori stared blankly at her, not grasping the full magnitude of this turn of events yet.

"Well, that's-that's very amusing, Cammy. Ha ha, good prank. Joke's on me. Now, if I could just say something he—"

"You can say whatever you like later on," Cameron explained, climbing back onto the bed. "For right now, I want your nipples to get hard for me. I'm talking hard as fucking rocks."

Still holding the ice-cold bra, she stretched it before Tori's eyes. Realizing what was about to happen, Tori tensed up.

" no no, honey,, no," she shook her head. "Cam, that's...that's not funny. Not cool, Cammy! Not cool!"

"Oh, I beg to differ. It's very cool! It's downright frigid, in fact! Here we go, time to play dress-up!"

Tori went on squeaking and freaking as Cam forced the bra on her. She tried to twist and writhe her body to get her boobs away from their cold cups, but she'd far too little mobility. Cameron slapped it on her, to the transformation of her whimpers to full-out screeches.

"AAAAHH! Holy fuck! OhmyGodthat'ssofuckingcold!"

Cameron burst out laughing. "I know, right?? Okay, over we go, c'mon!"

She took Tori around the middle, causing her even more panic with her now cold paws, and pulled her over onto her side. She took both ends of the bra together to hook them, and Tori screamed even louder.

"Theeeeeere we go," announced Cameron, pushing Tori back down. "Now you just lie there and be comfy, and I'll be right back again."

"EEEE! EEEEEEE!! Cammy, please take this damn thing off!"

"Let those girls harden up for me!" She disappeared from the bedroom once more. This time she came back carrying something heavier.

"Eeeeeeee!" Tori repeated through clenched teeth as Cam reentered. "Cammy, please! This sucks so bad! It's freezing!"

"Oh, you haven't begun to feel freezing, my friend."


Cameron didn't want Tori to know what this was yet. She placed it on the floor in front of the bed where Tori couldn't see.

"Yes, you know, Tore, as I plotted this out in my mind, it occurred to me the sort of things people say about someone getting her comeuppance. Y'know, if you call it payback, then people say, 'Payback's a bitch.'

"On the other hand..." she continued, popping up the lid of the cooler. "...There's also a good saying about revenge, if you prefer. So now that you've already got the bra on, I'll tell you. They say that a dish..."

She quietly removed two cubes of ice, and waved them in the air to show Tori.

"'...Best served cold.'"

She climbed back up betwixt Tori's trembling gams.

"Revenge, my friend...she is a cold, heartless bitch."

She began sucking an end of one of the cubes, melting it. She couldn't begin to describe the look Tori was giving her.

"Oh my fucking God, you have gotta be shitting me."

"'Fraid not, sweetie cakes," Cam smiled, studying her progress on the melting cube. "But you might shit when you feel this."

"Oh God almighty, Cameron, please don't...whatever you're about to do, PLEASE, please don't."

"Aw, but it'll be fun," Cam insisted, putting on a fake sad puppy face. "Don't you wanna have fun?"

"No! N-O! Not this kinda fun! Hell to the no!"

"Oh, of course you do. Everyone knows what Cyndi Lauper taught us: girls just wanna have fun!"

"Cyndi Lauper never got tied up with ice on her naked body!"

"How do you know? We weren't there."

Out came the half-sucked cube, narrowed on the end in question. With that, Cameron inserted it in Tori's bellybutton.


"Now you be a good girl, hold still..." instructed Cam, hooking her fingers into Tori's bottoms. "...Aaaaaand lift your sweet-ass ass for me."

"Oh, God," Tori mock-prayed for the dozenth time. "Cammy, for fuck's sake..."

"Okay, fine, be stubborn. Lucky for me these jammies just sorta slide right down. Here we go! Hi there, Little Tori! How are you?"

"Sh-sh-she-she doesn't want any company right now," Tori insisted, ejecting the first cube from her stomach with a lurch. It glided down to her side. "She-she just wants to be left alone. Please put her back in her house."

"Aw, but I intend to differ," said Cam, teasing Little Tori with one finger, coaxing a whole new reaction out of her owner. "I bet I can make her a little more welcoming."

"Ohhh...oh, hell...oh, fuck..."

"Hmmm..." Cameron poked in between her pussy folds. "Gosh, it got warm in here with those p.j.s on. Might need to cool her down..."

Tori suddenly whipped her head up.

"Now where did I put that other...oh, of course! Ha! It was in my hand the whole time! Silly Cam!"

Her babysitter forgot about the icy bra and the ice cube she'd shaken off her tummy.

"Cameron DeVane..."

"...Tori Linton?"

"For the love of all that is cannot be about to do what...what-what you're about to do."

"And what am I about to do?"

"Cammy, I just tickled the crap outta you. I never put fucking ice in your cunt!"

"And your point is?"

"I...I-I never did anything mean enough to you to deserve this, Cam. Can you please take a little friggin' pity on me here??"

"Pity?...What's pity?"

Tori had no answer for that. But she did for the next sensation she felt: her pussy being pried wide open.

Another gasp. "NOOOO!!"

"YESSSS; in we go!"

Once she slid it in, Cameron pressed Tori's cunt lips back together with the other hand, keeping the ice inside her. Tori's voice shot directly up about four octaves. She shrilled to the ceiling. Her clit shrank, ran and hid under its hood. Her hands and feet curled into tight balls, all four paws lifting off the mattress, shaking wildly in the air and beating the bedspread in a collective tantrum. Her senses went haywire. Her profanity reached new creative limits. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. Cameron, imaginably, had a different view.

"What'sa matter, Tore? That's not uncomfy, is it?"

While this mayhem was going on, Cam found the other ice cube which had tumbled down into the comforter, picked it up and traced the narrow, pointier melted end of it over Tori's abs. Guffaws joined her screams. Her ice queen was pleased.

"That's what I like to hear!" Cameron exclaimed. "Doesn't ice just tickle so nice?"

She couldn't help but notice Tori's hands were still clenched into fists, nails digging into their cuffs. Her knuckles were snow-white. Her feet flexed straight out, shaking and kicking desperately for relief. Cameron had to admit, as much chilliness as she was forcing on her, Tori still looked hot as hell in those restraints. What a blast this twilight was turning out to be—at least for one of them.

A few frosty minutes later, Cam finally decreased the cold torment by pushing Tori to her side again, unhooking and taking off the bra.

"Oh!" Tori exhaled, feeling and appreciating this morsel of reprieve. "Fuck."

"A'right, naughty mouth, let's start warmin' ya back up." Cameron removed the exterior cube from Tori's body as the one in her pussy was already melting. She tossed the bra elsewhere, stretched herself out so she was lying over Tori, and took her left breast first.

"Good and stiff, just like I wanted." She took the nipple in her mouth, slicked it in her tongue and closed her teeth. Tori let her eyes close and just enjoyed this, hoping she'd survived the worst. As Cam gave her left girl some love first, she hugged Tori's left leg with both of her own. Tori moaned, feeling pleasure inevitably undulate her. Degree by degree, she slowly began heating up again.

"Oh, God, yeah..." she softly gushed as Cameron sucked her tits, working one with her hand as she orally worshiped the other. Tori continued flexing her limb muscles, trying to break out of the cuffs, but now it was getting much better. The cold sting of the ice was wearing off, and the cube in her pussy had completely melted. It felt a little as if Tori was peeing herself, as her coochie secreted its own arousal moisture. Her eyeballs rolled back under their lids as patches of her skin blotched pinkish-red. Her cunt's ice water was washed out with spurts of pre-cum. Cameron straightened her body, slid up from Tori's boobs to her flushed, sweating face, and kissed her. Tori gasped and vocalized through the kiss. It was so sudden, and felt so good. She jerked even harder on the handcuffs, willing so bad to obey the urge to throw her arms around Cam and mash their tits together. She was sure she'd be able to whenever Cam let her out of these, but...she wanted to hold her and make spectacular love to her right now!

Cameron next bent her left leg into Tori's cunt and started knee-humping her as they made out. She could see and hear just how much Tori was loving it. She walked her index and middle fingers upwards from her breasts, under her jammie top, until she could read in her face just how intense it was getting. Then she took her lips off Tori's...and dug her fingers back into her armpits.

Tori's eyes popped back open as she and Cam both burst out laughing. What a cruel trick. Through her cackling fits, Tori tried to force out the words, "You...little...fucking...bitch!" But Cameron wasn't fazed. This was just what Tori had done to her. She couldn't wipe the grin off her face for all the richest luxuries of the world. She felt officially vindicated and self-avenged. Everything—almost everything—Tori had done to her last May, Cameron was paying her back for. Almost. Cam went on messing with her, alternating the passion with the torture, until she at last wanted it as bad as Tori did. She pushed up with a determined, "Okay," and crept over to Tori's right side.

"All right, babe," she uttered seductively, narrowing her eyes to daringly sexy slits, piercing into Tori. "We're gonna take care of you now. I mean it. No more bullshit. Prepare to have your world rocked...the smithereens."

Tori arched her brows with wide, attentive eyes.

"...No more bullshit?"

"No more bullshit."

Now that she meant business, Cameron lunged in on Tori, assaulted her with a sizzling kiss of fire, seized her by the hair with one hand, and gripped her inner thigh with the other. Out wafted the next adoring moan Cam knew was coming. And now that Tori couldn't look but only feel, Cameron grabbed her cunt. The kiss was moaned and next also squealed through. Cam felt the autolube all over her fingers, confirming the awesome power she had over Tori right now. A 19-year-old girl lording such hot sexual potency over a 26-year-old woman who used to look after her so she didn't get into trouble. Delicious. Cameron answered her squeal with a wicked chuckle at her in the midst of their lip love. They broke and kissed again, one after another, tongues dancing merrily all the while.

"God...Cammy..." Tori exalted between warm, desperate breaths.

Cameron winked at her. "That's my name; ask me again, and I'll tell you the same."

"G—...please...fuck me..."

Cam chortled, gracing Tori's right cheek with butterfly and Eskimo kisses.

"Very well...since you asked so nicely."

Again, she coaxed Tori's gam with her own, lapped her tight and snug, let her fingers do the walking, and took access. She squeezed two digits inside, and thumbed her clit. Her index and middle rode the edges, massaging the fleshy ridges and igniting her throughout.

"AHHHHHFUCK!!" Tori gasped once more, burrowing the back of her head in the pillow, thrusting and clenching Cam's fingers. She had to admit to an added surge of lust being dominated and unable to move. She grimaced, yanked on the cuffs as hard as she could, and reveled in the satisfaction that they wouldn't give. She couldn't escape, she couldn't do anything about it, and she loved it.

Similarly to Cam's in her own bed, Tori's body began generating an outline of sweat in the shape of her frame. And now being lit up and paw-fucked by little Cameron DeVane, her beloved old kiddo and galpal, she felt the sweat pattern around her tracing with fire and blazing up. Now aware of how it all felt, being repaid for all she'd done to Cameron, she imagined the bed becoming a hot pool of passion, that swallowed her down and carried her under the surface. It was a suitable analogy, as she was starting to have trouble breathing. But if this was how she'd made Cameron feel, that made her proud. She adored Cam. She'd loved her since they were both kids. But now the nature of that love seemed to have changed. Dramatically.

It felt a bit funny that the precious young thing she used to babysit was right this moment pumping her pussy like a Super Soaker—a toy which her trembling, swollen, bubbling cunt would soon emulate. In another way, it seemed strangely kinky and hot. As if little Cameron had grown up into a menacing devil who had tonight captured Tori to do with her as she would. Not that she hadn't asked for it. If she hadn't done this to Cam first, Cam might've still pulled the same stunt on her, but somehow, Tori doubted it.

But all these thoughts were merely fleeting by her mind as the madness built. Cam went on ramming her till Tori was certain her wrist had to hurt. Tori was going categorically insane. She shrieked and cried till her throat was sore. Cameron's wrist and arm were starting to throb, but she wasn't about to stop until she'd sent Tori beyond bountiful. And she was sure she could've uncuffed Tori before this point, but keeping her captive to the end pleased her, and made her wet down there as well. She just looked in leather.

And then of course there was the other reason as well.

The yearning, desirous look on her face too pleased Cameron. The torridity in her expression and her outcries were masked as extreme agony. But unless Cam's fingers were made of third-degree fire alarm hot sauce (, anyone could tell her pleasure from pain. Another few seconds, and she'd blow like a volcano. She flexed every muscle she could find, holding the flex and her breath till the moment of climax arrived. Her legs and feet shook and rattled violently, poised in the air as high as they were allowed. Finally, her legs locked at straight 180° angles, as the planets and stars aligned for her, and everything synced inside. It was time.

Her screams built and built into one final banshee howl as Cameron felt the orgasmic proof spew out, caking her hand in warm, frothy love syrup. Everything exploded, as Tori indeed felt her world rocked to smithereens. Cameron laughed out loud at her one more time, feeling truly victorious, although they both won, so to speak. She planted a smooch on Tori's cheek as she began calming back down.

"'s it feel to have your sweet little Cammy force you to cum like a motherfucker, sweetie?"

It was rhetorical, as Cam illustrated by extracting her sticky fingers and feeding them to Tori. Tori obediently sucked her cum off.

"'Atta girl," Cameron praised. "Now you sit tight, and I'm just gonna go take a little rinse."

She rolled off and down to the floor, picking up the cooler on the way out.

Pant. "Uh..." Pant, pant. "...Uh...Cam...aren—..." Pant. "Ar-aren't you gon—..."

A while later, Cameron finally returned to the bedroom, with the cooler, which she again sat on the floor. Tori, now having had time to catch her breath and enjoy the afterglow, finished her question.

" you, Cammy, that...that was fucking incredible. So, gonna let me go now?"

Cam was waiting for that request. She grinned at her.

"MmmmmmIIII...don't think so."

Tori stared up at her for another few seconds.

"Remember last May, Tore?...Remember, you made me cum like crazy? And, uh...and then, afterwards...?"

Tori's mouth opened. She slowly let her head back down on the pillow. Her toes curled over each other, wrinkling the soles of her feet.


Cameron giggled at her.

"Tori, my friend, most sweet...when complete."

Tori began kicking herself—figuratively, of course—for this last dirty deed of hers, which was about to come back around on her.

"Allllll right...fine, Cammy...fucking fine...'s only fair." She took a deep breath, and forced her feet to uncurl.

"Okay, they're all yours. Go ahead, give it to me. Make me suffer the agony of de-feet."

"Why, thank you!" Cam exclaimed, clapping her hands once more. "How gracious of you, my friend! 'Kay, here we go..."

She kneeled on the floor, taking hold of Tori's big toes to tweak first: "market..."

She tweaked the next two: "...home..."

Then the next two: "...roast beef..."

The next two: "...none..."

And lastly the pinkies. "Aaaaand...we know what these last two did. Let's just get on with it."

Cameron gleefully ravaged Tori's soles, prompting the risible fireworks. Oh, what a beautiful, glorious sight and sound for her to behold. Tori thrashed all over the bed, lifting and whapping her head in the pillow, shaking her poor sensitive tootsies like mad. The leather cuffs and nylon received more of a strain in these epilogizing several minutes than they'd gotten the entire time. With little experience administering this sort of treatment on someone, Cam wasn't sure how long to go before stopping, or whether to pause and start again. But quite frankly, exciting as this whole escapade had been, it was closing in on 4:30 a.m., and she realized just how sleepy she was. She was still having a ton of fun, and Tori's laughter was sugary sweet music to her ears. And she knew she wasn't "supposed" to stop during Tori's outbursts and pleas. But she was noting more adamant cues to finally cease. As Tori began to wheeze till it sounded like she was about to hack up a lung, Cameron sensed they'd reached their fun limit. She cut it out.