The Babysitter Ch. 02


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They downed more of their respective beverages, devotion growing just a bit deeper with each stroke of the clock. Cam had to be honest with herself, in that as much as she'd like some champagne, she knew she wasn't allowed. But she was also fine with Tori putting away all the booze she wanted. If it weakened her defenses at all, who was Cameron to stand in her way?

Once they'd eaten as much pizza as they were able, they laid down to let their bellies settle before digging into dessert. It was almost 10:00 p.m., but they still weren't very tired. It was the first night they'd be spending together as adults, and the excitement had yet to totally wear off. The Netflix queue had gone on for the several hours, playing related movies in succession, and the upcoming film was the '80s college vehicle Revenge Of The Nerds. The girls had made a small mess in Tori's living room, but were hardly inclined to clean up just now. They found far more intrigue in cozying up and cuddling.

"Oh my gosh, this movie's so silly and dumb," said Cam.

"Yeah, but there's something weirdly kinda dynamic about it at the same time," Tori chimed. "Like, there's gotta be a reason people still remember it after thirty years. Almost kinda made nerds cool. Not quite like The Big Bang Theory does,"

She was beginning to slur her speech. Cameron found this only way too adorable.

"I think you're a sheet or two to the wind, Tore; you're making less sense."

Tori rolled over on her side to face Cameron. "Kiss me, kiddo."

That same overjoyed feeling of eagerness gripped Cam inside.

"...I take it back; you're making much more sense now."

So the lasses went on snuggling, making out as if both still teenagers, and Cameron tasted the champagne on Tori's lips and tongue. It was so elegantly good. At only 19, Cam wasn't a drinker, and didn't know if she liked alcohol, but this finessing infusion truly captivated her senses. She breathed through her nose, exploring Tori's mouth inside and out, again rubbing her back and toying with her hair.

God, I so fucking love this so fucking much. She was about to wrap her legs around Tori's, when Tori abruptly detached the kiss.

"Omigod!" she exclaimed. "I totally forgot!"

The disconcerted Cameron blinked. She was...highly liking that.

"Totally forgot what?" she wished to know.

"'Totally forgot what?'?! Only the single most essential detail in the history of slumber parties!"

Cam stared blankly a few moments, waiting for the revelation. Finally, Tori bestowed it upon her.

"The pillow fight, dummy!"

Cameron's brows arched. She nodded slowly.

"...Oh. Okay...I, uh, I might've gone with ghost stories myself, but, okay, yeah, I can see that. So, we're gonna have a pillow fight?"

Tori grabbed her rear end. "Assolutely!" she slurred.

Cameron gasped as her libido skipped a beat. Well, that was startling. Such behavior would be obnoxious if it wasn't so arousing. Tori went on, climbing to her feet, clutching anything nearby for balance.

"But we're not gonna use these wimpy dinky little living room pillows. C'mon, you. You're coming to my room. No arguments."

"No problem!" Cam hopped up behind her and followed her around the corner. Tori was staggering a bit, but kept her footing. She guided herself along by the furniture and turned on her lava lamp.

"Oooh," cooed Cameron, treated by the ambience. She'd been privileged to see Tori's room once or twice, but never at night, and never just faintly illuminated by glowing, floating purple globules of wax. The light was limited, but there was still enough to navigate Tori's bed, and to drink in the expressions on each other's faces as they declared bolster war. They climbed on.

"Aw-right!" the tipsy Tori announced. "Rules of the game is there's no damn rules! Except extreme ones!"

"You're on!" Cam leered, grabbing a pillow nearby. "And you're mine, dirty blondie."

"That's pretty big trash talk for a little girl."

"You're goin' down in feathers!"

Tori seized her own pillow and leered back. "Don't tempt me, junior.

"Okay!" she instructed, holding up her free hand to count on her fingers. "On three!...


"THREE!!" shouted Cameron, lunging at her with a swing of her pillow. Tori's pitch skyrocketed as she reflexively flinched, emitting a shrill cry. That was dirty pool, but so was the way she used to play with Cam when they were younger. Tori'd taught her well.

So much for the count-off. Tori leapt into the fray, whipping her pillow all about her head before winging it Cameron's way. It took no time for the pillow fight to go full-tilt. The girls screamed and squealed just like they were little again, blocking their best for defense, and trying to get around one another's blocks on the offensive. Endless giggles bridged their shrieks. It was far too much fun to stop laughing for a second. They bounced in the mattress on their knees, sending waves through, producing the challenge of staying up. Putting each other's hair in a ponytail beforehand advantaged them, at least keeping it from flying in their eyes.

As the battle raged on for the poor pillows, sweat began to pour from many a pore. Minute after delightful minute kept them charged, but gradually drained their energy. Panting alternated with their laughing and yelling as they wore each other down. Finally, sobriety began to prevail. The champagne having gone to Tori's head dizzied her, together with the whaps from Cam's pillow. It had become quite a heated match. Both bodies were pretty warm now, fully clad in the jammies. It was at last time to bring the fight to a close. Tori swung high. Cameron ducked, and bolted back up with her own swing at eye level. She packed a wallop, knocking Tori's pillow out of her grip and her body flat on the mattress. When she didn't get back up, Cam let hers fly and pumped her fists in triumph.

"GOTcha! Hee hee hee!" she huffingly chortled. "Finally! The kiddo dethrones the babysitter!"

Barely any stamina left herself, she flopped on her side beside Tori, lapped her leg and hugged her middle. They let themselves wind down, lying motionless together as infinite seconds ticked by. Tori's eyes had already fluttered shut. Cam was physically exhausted, but still too excited to sleep. And the corners of her mouth couldn't go down. This was the best night of her young life.

She nuzzled and kissed Tori's cheek. Tori didn't react. Cam computed she was out like a light. Even if she hadn't fallen officially asleep, it looked like there'd be no more affection or playtime tonight. Maybe Cam didn't know her own strength, or the alcohol already started putting Tori down. Cameron wanted to taste that heavenly cool champagne again, but Tori was so peaceful and serene just lying there. Cam didn't want to tongue-rape her mouth. But she could just lie here like this forever, were it up to her. She never wanted to let go.

But she knew inevitably, sooner or later, she'd have to. And golly-gosh-darn her nagging bladder, she was right.


I've Got Your Slumber, Girl

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015, 1:02 a.m.

Cam had no idea what time it was, but very much needed to pee. She rolled away from Tori, got off the bed as quietly as possible, and staggered her way out. A few minutes later, she emerged from the lav and took a step back towards Tori's room.

She then halted in her tracks as something flashed in her mind. She couldn't French-kiss Tori anymore tonight, but...

She about-faced and retreated to the living room. The TV had shut off on its own, but Cam had some guidance from the moon and streetlights outside. She let herself down on all fours and felt about until she found it.

This made her unsure. She was 19, and legally shouldn't be doing this...but she wasn't pregnant, was going nowhere near a car, and there were no law enforcement officers here. She liked to think her Mom and Dad wouldn't have a giant problem with it, if she just took...a sip...

She closed her eyes and inhaled. It wasn't fizzing anymore, and there were no bubbles to tease her nose, but the flavors were still there. Cameron kept her eyes shut, licked her lips, brought the bottle to them, and reminded herself, Remember, Cam, just a sip. That's it.

So she took a sip.

MmmMMMmmm...goddammit, is that's so frigging good, in fact, I...I need another sip.

But we decided just one s

Fuck it. We're taking another sip, and there's nothing we can do to stop us. And that's final.

She took another sip, letting it tantalize her taste buds over and under. Then...she took another. And then...another.

She had another. And yet another. Then still another. Subsequently, another. And after that, another. And then...she took one more.

Her sips gradually turned into gulps as she went on. The bottle grew emptier and emptier in her little paw. And as it grew lighter, little by little, so did her head. She started feeling buzzy...a bit silly...sort of strangely happy...

Oh, well, it wasn't so strange, really. While Cameron was no barmaid or mixologist, she could process the quirky effects alcohol would have on her. Gol-LY, she giddily thought. No wonder Tori and so many other people like this stuff.

She thought it best not to get too attached to it, at least until December 1st '16. And she hoped Tori didn't mind her putting away a good portion of her champers. But this thought was overshadowed by a more frightening one. When Tori found out she'd been drinking, would she be angry, or punish her for it? She wasn't sure she'd enjoy this sort of punishment so much. She could try to fill it back up with water, but was pretty sure Tori'd notice. Her eyes dropped to the floor.

Well... she thought, making out the Clue board sitting in the dark room, Maybe she won't be that mad. My parents probably won't be either. I am drinking "responsibly" enough. Again, I'm not driving or hurting anybody.

She looked up at the TV, remembering the last movie they'd watched. She recalled Tori winning the Clue game, and her oh so familiar consequence for losing thereafter. She both tittered and shivered briefly reliving it. After all these years, now as a practically grown woman, she still feared lying helplessly under those evil fingers. She absolutely adored Tori, and yet felt still traumatized by her. Maybe she wouldn't be thinking about this had she not come back in here for some champagne, and maybe it had loosened her up some, but...

She picked up her phone from the coffee table.


Cold Bitch

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015, 1:35 a.m.

Cameron was nervous, and feeling guilty for what she was about to do, but just buzzed enough to find the moxie. Adjusting her phone's settings to the maximum brightness, she returned to Tori's bedroom, and slipped first inside the closet. Using her phone for a flashlight, she poked around. She wasn't positive what exactly she was hoping to find, but had a basic idea. The closet yielded little of interest or use, but that was all right. If she knew Tori, there'd be something around here...

The next place she looked was the chest of drawers. These contained mostly clothes not housed in the closet. Still not exactly what she had in mind, but she was in an imaginative mood, and thought of something else to do. She removed an article, adjourned back out of the bedroom, and placed it elsewhere. She then returned, trying not to giggle too loudly. She tried to think of where else to look. Then she noticed a chest in the far corner behind the bed. It was wedged a bit tightly, but if Cam lowered to her belly and army-crawled back there, she could get to it. When she came close enough, she gently lifted the lid. It made a faint creaking sound. Cameron reflexively whipped her head around. Tori shifted and muttered a bit, but stayed asleep. Cam slid up the lid further, causing another creak or two. She gave a wince, checked again, and turned back. Finally, she looked inside with her phone.

Bingo. Yahtzee! There they were. Getting them out with little noise would be a challenge with all that other stuff in there, but if there was anything Cameron had right now, it was time. Lots of it. She went as easy as possible taking out all the necessities, looking back every few moments to check on Tori. Finally, she managed to succeed.

Whew! She retreated. Back in the middle of the room, she rose to her knees. This would be the next challenge. The roll-up cuffs were made of leather, and lined on the insides with soft fuzz to cushion a bondage victim's joints. Cameron took the first one, lifted Tori's right ankle to slide it underneath, fastened it, and threaded the length of nylon through its ring. She then ever so gently tugged Tori's ankle towards her, until her leg was stretched straight out. She took the nylon down from there and slacklessly lassoed it around the bed's leg.

There we go...nice and tight...and, double-knot. Awesome.

She giggled again, looking back up. So far, so good. She took Tori's left gam, cuffed her other ankle, brought it to the opposite corner, took the nylon around the side and threaded it. Down it came, tethered to the other leg, and just like that, Tori's feet were both secured. Now into play came the two cuffs connected in between. These Cameron slipped around a post in the middle of the headboard. Now she needed Tori's (front) paws. Again, she did the right first, taking her wrist as gingerly as possible and bringing it up. In it went, leaving only the left hand. Cam took it as well, kissed it, and bound it in the remaining cuff.

Omigosh omigosh omigosh, she chuckled to herself. I can't believe I'm doing this, but it is gonna be so much fun!

She climbed back in beside Tori, slipped her fingers inside the hem of her top, and slid it up, bit by bit, inch by inch. She was about to expose her babysitter's lovely boobies, awaken her, and proceed from there. She leaned down, and kissed her, lips to lips.

Tori's eyes blinked open. Cameron smiled, pushed herself back up, waited for just the right moment as Tori came to, and greeted her.


The babysitter began to open her eyes wider, but Cam lost no further time. She vigorously dug her digits into Tori's sides and ribs.


Tori, foreseeably, freaked. Her reflexes did her no favors, as she panickingly realized she was cuffed into submission. Cameron relented just for a second to let her look herself up and down, and take it all in. Her eyes went terrified, and shot back up to Cam. The enormous grin on her kiddo's face told her all she needed to know. Suddenly, she was stone cold sober. She squeezed her eyes shut and screamed. Cameron conversely threw her head back and laughed it off.


The immobile Tori did her best to thrash and flail, struggling about as much as Cam predicted.

"Omigod, what the fuck!"

Cam opted to show rather than tell. For her next trick, she nosedove into Tori's belly and gave it a hearty raspberry.


Cameron felt Tori's tummy draw in, trying to escape. She burrowed in deeper, re-inhaled, and repeated.

"EEEEEEEE!! CAMmy, what the hell are you doing??!"

Cam rose her face just enough to look Tori in the eyes, and sneer.

"Isn't it obvious, Tore?...You may've won the Clue game, but I won the pillow fight. And anytime you ever beat me at anything in my entire fucking life...I don't have to remind you what happened."

Tori's eyes abruptly teemed with so much fright Cam saw them glisten. She nodded at her.

"Indeed. You were sleeping, and I found your handcuffs. And after all the Tori-ment and Tori-ture you've put me through, beloved babysitter..." She caressed Tori's cheek. "...All those ticklish trials and tribulations..."

The sinister smile again spread ear to ear.

"...I am now gonna get you back.


Tori began to weep.

"C—...Cammy...kiddo," she whimpered, making a motion for appeal, " is...really not necessary."

"Oh, it's very very necessary...kiddo."

Tori could see she was in precarious peril. The tables—or mattresses—had turned. It was time for some plea bargaining.

"Ok-okay, okay, Cammy...Cammy? Sweetie? I see where you're coming from now. A'right, I-I know I used to go overboard all those times I made you lose and humiliated you. I'm-I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I was mean. Albeit playfully so, but mean nonetheless. You've-you've got all my sincerest apologies and respect. And-and that's the honest truth. So...uh...what do you say?"

Cameron sat patiently, nodding understandingly through Tori's contrite speech. She let a few silent moments pass, and spoke.

"Y'know something, Tore, I'm really really glad to hear you say those things."

Tori's eyebrows arched in unanticipated hope. "Y— are?"

"I am. Because you see, now that I've convinced you to amend things with me, and to hand over your respect..."

Her face slowly, ominously turned sadistic again. Tori's face clouded as a chill took hold of her spine and froze her blood.

"...I'm still gonna tickle the fuck outta you and get my sweet, well-deserved Revenge anyway. Even though I'm not quite as much of a Nerd."

Tori's face fell. She began mock-crying. It was in good humor, and she knew this was going to be..."fun", was going to be way too much "fun" for her. She let her head drop into the pillow, shedding crocodile tears.

"Fu-u-u-uck me-e-e-e-eeee..." she whined.

"Not yet," Cam chided, wagging a finger. "I think you'll enjoy that too much right now."

"Oh, God," her former babysitter and present victim groaned. "A'right...a'right, I'll take it like a woman. Where'm I gonna get it?"

"Hmmm," Cameron tapped her chin in thought, drawing out the looming agony. "How 'bout...under the arms?"

Tori pulled on her handcuffs behind her head. Yep, they were firm.

"Oh, hell," Tori groused, perfectly matching the inflection of her previous groan. "Fine...let's just get it over with already."

"Well, that's not a very positive attitude," Cam informed her. "You're acting like this is gonna be some sort of awful ordeal. C'mon, it's not gonna be all torture. You oughta know that after last May!"

Tori skeptically raised her head. "Whaddaya mea—"

Cameron gave her no time to finish the question. She cut her off, rapidly snaking her hands under Tori's top, finding her armpits and going straight to town. Tori again reacted as planned. Cam loved it. She was absolutely reveling in her long-awaited victory. She was triumphant this time, nothing could take that away from her, and was she ever going to rub Tori's perfect little nose in it. Oh, how she relished that forced hysteria all over her captive hostess' face. She'd already pinned Tori's thighs down with her knees. She could climb up further to give her even less wiggle room, but she was loving watching Tori squirm.

After a few minutes, she let up on the armpits and migrated, up to her neck, down to her belly, to her thighs, her calves and her crotch. She was impressed how ticklish her pussy was even through an entire layer of sleepwear. Tori gasped and heaved for breath, giving Cameron another treat by gelatinously jiggling her tits. Cam gave her an "Ooh!" of admiration, toying with her nipples. This didn't tickle so much, but still managed to steal some of her breath away. Suddenly, Cameron remembered something.